Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #80

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Does anyone know what the time stamp was on the very first picture taken (or at least what police recovered) on June 4th? I, like some others on WS, don't think Jodi was at TA's house for nearly as long as she claims.
Can anyone kindly provide the NG link of the roadtrip timeline map? :)


So what does everyone think: By Wednesday, will that sore on her lip be HUGE or will it have disappeared?
Does anyone know what the time stamp was on the very first picture taken (or at least what police recovered) on June 4th? I, like some others on WS, don't think Jodi was at TA house for nearly as long as she claims.

Around 1:00-1:45 I believe, when they supposedly woke up.
The slip was when NURMI asked her. She tried to repeat herself, but it was an EPIC FAIL.

4.5 years in planning and waiting for this case - one of the VERY first things they thought about and rehearsed was the very question "Why should we believe you now?" That question could've been seen from a million miles away and...THAT was their best answer? Pathetic. :jail:

So we can call it a Nurmian slip instead? :floorlaugh: :great:
I read this somewhere on WS, and everytime I think of it, it makes me chuckle.
So here goes:

MR. NURMI: Objection, Your Honor.
JUDGE: What is your objection?
MR. NURMI: It makes my client look bad.
I saw ME (Dr. Horn?) testify. Though I respect his experience and medical background there is some doubt in my mind and I don't know why.

Based on how he described the entry and exit wound (within the cranium before it ended up in the cheek), I thought he was pretty convincing about the fact that the bullet passed through the brain.

I was on the fence until I heard his testimony the other day. I thought he was very convincing. :moo: :)
I have to wonder if some of the abuse accusations she has made about Travis aren't all part and parcel of the murder. Did Travis kick her in the ribs in the bathroom as he tried to defend himself from the knife attacks thus explaining her broken finger and the cuts and scrapes to his feet and lower legs? The reason I say this is even the worst of liars weave some truth into their stories so they can reflect back to known events, but change the setting or misplace the blame.

Many of her stories I could easily see as happening during her attack on him. I also think there may be some truth in what she told Det. Flores in her ninja story, narrowing that down to what is fact and what is fiction and tossing out all the fodder she added is a bit too challenging for this time of night.

Her "ninjas" story came from when Travis was held at gunpoint prior to meeting her.
I feel like some statements were true. Like "I can't feel my legs"

Shot first? I just don't see him continuing to fight her with a bullet in his head. *stunned *pleading but no longer cursing or fighting her. IMO
I see her stabbing him in the heart first. As he towel Dried his head just outside the shower.
Him leaning over the sink when she stabbed him again and the arterial spattered at the sink.
The back stabs were after he went down on his stomach and the throat slash after his body relaxed...

I imagine it as if there was no gun...
I really think if she had pointed a .25 at him first, things would have turned out differently being he had been held at gunpoint once before. I want to believe she'd be dead....

At any rate... She had it all planned out. So much so that she had two hours until sunset to get out of dodge.

And I say this because if she really is far sighted driving during daylight must be easier...

I don't know. I have an eye condition in my right eye.
I am more likely to hit something or SOMEONE at night unless I am REALLY paying attention.
All speculation... And MOO

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Around 1:00-1:45 I believe, when they supposedly woke up.

Ok, here's the thing...(that would be a Monk quote =) the link it says that there were some explicit photos of the two of them but then it says in the article that "other photos" were time-stamped June 4th. Are we sure the not-so-clad photos were taken on the 4th? If not she could have been there just as he was showering, threatened him, then murdered him.
And I certainly don't mind watching him :heartbeat: :heartbeat:

Gonna watch it before bed I think.

Based on how he described the entry and exit wound (within the cranium before it ended up in the cheek), I thought he was pretty convincing about the fact that the bullet passed through the brain.

I was on the fence until I heard his testimony the other day. I thought he was very convincing. :moo: :)
Ok, here's the thing...(that would be a Monk quote =) the link it says that there were some explicit photos of the two of them but then it says in the article that "other photos" were time-stamped June 4th. Are we sure the not-so-clad photos were taken on the 4th? If not she could have been there just as he was showering, threatened him, then murdered him.

The nude photos were time stamped June 4th. It's how they were able to place her at the scene of the crime so close to his murder and determine she was the last person with him when he was alive.
I'm quite certain they had sex that day. That's was the only thing that kept them connected. :furious:

Ok, here's the thing...(that would be a Monk quote =) the link it says that there were some explicit photos of the two of them but then it says in the article that "other photos" were time-stamped June 4th. Are we sure the not-so-clad photos were taken on the 4th? If not she could have been there just as he was showering, threatened him, then murdered him.
Wow. That's the first time I realized he was sitting in this pic. I think I've seen it cropped so often I did not realize.

This poor man. With in seconds he was being stabbed. How awful for him.
Just breaks my heart.

A good guy sucked in by a snake.

And can you even imagine someone committing such profoundly brutal attacks on someone, especially on Travis sitting there so vulnerable and obviously at her mercy ? His soulful eyes just break my heart. That evil b**** killed him in cold blood. She orchestrated it all so that she knew he would be totally defenseless against her. I have no doubt, otherwise, she would never have taken the chance. How I don't know, maybe she had a direct line to hell's high priest.

This woman doesn't even qualify to be a human being, imo. What she is, I have no idea, maybe one of those shapeshifters, some evil alien from Mars maybe, just definitely not a warm blooded human. She's cold. Cold as ice.
Her "ninjas" story came from when Travis was held at gunpoint prior to meeting her.
I feel like some statements were true. Like "I can't feel my legs"

Shot first? I just don't see him continuing to fight her with a bullet in his head. *stunned *pleading but no longer cursing or fighting her. IMO
I see her stabbing him in the heart first. As he towel Dried his head just outside the shower.
Him leaning over the sink when she stabbed him again and the arterial spattered at the sink.
The back stabs were after he went down on his stomach and the throat slash after his body relaxed...

I imagine it as if there was no gun...
I really think if she had pointed a .25 at him first, things would have turned out differently being he had been held at gunpoint once before. I want to believe she'd be dead....

At any rate... She had it all planned out. So much so that she had two hours until sunset to get out of dodge.

And I say this because if she really is far sighted driving during daylight must be easier...

I don't know. I have an eye condition in my right eye.
I am more likely to hit something or SOMEONE at night unless I am REALLY paying attention.
All speculation... And MOO

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I agree with practically all you stated here. To be more precise, like you, I believe some of the conversation came from that story Travis told his friends while JA pretended to be asleep on his lap. I think the part about the ninja's gun jamming means she tried to shoot him more than once but only got a click. Again, she was piecing in truth with the lies. Sorry I wasn't more clear in my previous post, but it seems we are on the same wave length as to what occured. It's been a long week for me on little sleep. :rocker:
Agree she set him up
Darryl said under oath that she. Took pictures of him in the shower and shaving
I can bet that she's done that with every man she's bedded,
What comes to my mind! She went to Costa Rica slept with a guy she met! Than after they broke up she went back there to visit his family. This girl has many patterns of odd behaviour.

She sure does have odd behavior patterns. But then she's a Parasite. And parasites are known for sucking their hosts dry, then they just move on to the next one.
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