Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #80

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I wanted to ask peoples opinion of travis and his 12 year old girl comment ?
I keep going to different forums and videos and some people have now turned against him because of it. I personally took it as him saying it sounding like a girl having a 1st orgasm which sounded hot and adding the 12 year old girl was an unfortunate choice of words but i'm wondering what other people think.
I believe the ME stated that the stab to the chest where the heart is located would have had the affect where he couldn't feel his legs. He also would have been spitting out blood which we can see from the sink area. It's possible she handed him the camera because he told her he wanted to deleted them and she dropped it causing him to bend over to pick the camera up and she stabbed he while he was focusing on the camera. Or she stabbed him while he was deleting the pictures and he dropped the camera. In the next two minutes she continued to stab him repeatedly as he tried to get away from her. Jodi did say Travis was crawling at one point and I believe that is true and that he crawled all the way down the hall.

The shot coming last would mean Jodi wanted him dead not self defense. This is why defense has to have the shot first. Either way the throat cutting is a sign she wanted him dead whether she remembers or not. Too late to say she does not remember because in closing I'm sure the jury will again hear her taped statement to Flores or Juan will go through it where she describes what happened in part with the ninjas. She remembers. She remembers it all. jmo

Yes, I think you are right. I do think he was at the sink with the heart wound which caused the splatter/spray pattern, coughing up blood and she started stabbing in the back. Then he did crawl down the hallway, where she cut the throat.

I, too, think the gunshot was last...but only because I have a hard time figuring out in the scenario of him lunging/tackling (JA's words) and her shooting him after running through the closet. I still don't think he knew she was there, taking the pictures and when he realized she was kinda freaked out a little. I would. But we still have the shot where he is sitting in the shower on the floor. Was it because he was stunned? She had stabbed him in the heart and he sat down immediately in a stunned fashion, she runs to get the gun and when she comes back he has crawled out and to the sink?

Its a mystery for sure to figure it out. But what she is saying doesn't hold much truth to me!


[JA]' hometown of Yreka mostly silent as her Arizona murder trial continues
The slip was when NURMI asked her. She tried to repeat herself, but it was an EPIC FAIL.

4.5 years in planning and waiting for this case - one of the VERY first things they thought about and rehearsed was the very question "Why should we believe you now?" That question could've been seen from a million miles away and...THAT was their best answer? Pathetic. :jail:

It's true! Frankly, I was quite shocked she didn't just say, "Travis was well-loved by his friends and family and successful professionally, and he did a good job concealing the darker side he showed me. I didn't tell the truth because I was afraid nobody would believe me."

It still would have been a lie, imo, but I might have bought it as at least partially true. And isn't that one of the reasons battered women keep silent?
I wanted to ask peoples opinion of travis and his 12 year old girl comment ?
I keep going to different forums and videos and some people have now turned against him because of it. I personally took it as him saying it sounding like a girl having a 1st orgasm which sounded hot and adding the 12 year old girl was an unfortunate choice of words but i'm wondering what other people think.

I think Jodi liked to baby talk and pretend she WAS a 12 year old.
TA just went along with it. If it wasn't her MO I think she would have piped up and taken him to task...
I wanted to ask peoples opinion of travis and his 12 year old girl comment ?
I keep going to different forums and videos and some people have now turned against him because of it. I personally took it as him saying it sounding like a girl having a 1st orgasm which sounded hot and adding the 12 year old girl was an unfortunate choice of words but i'm wondering what other people think.

I think there are a lot of people who say a lot of kinky stuff. Especially over the phone during phone sex.

Do I think it is unforrtunate that he said those? Not sure. It is,however, unfortunate that JA felt compelled to record it. I bet if we knew what some people do in their personal time with another, it would curl our hair. People do say/do things during consensual sex play that is not for others.

So, I don't think it paints a picture at all. Especially since there is no other evidence at all. Not even *advertiser censored* on his computer.

I wanted to ask peoples opinion of travis and his 12 year old girl comment ?
I keep going to different forums and videos and some people have now turned against him because of it. I personally took it as him saying it sounding like a girl having a 1st orgasm which sounded hot and adding the 12 year old girl was an unfortunate choice of words but i'm wondering what other people think.

Good question. The thing we aren't allowed to talk about any more is that most men are hardwired to desire 16-year-old girls. It makes evolutionary sense but conflicts with our modern need to maintain "childhood" longer so that our offspring get more education.

So, no, I don't make much out of the 12-year-old girl comment. I doubt Travis knew a lot about 12-year-olds; not many women I know claim to have had orgasms at that age. I think he just meant her squeal was particularly enthusiastic and he used an unfortunate metaphor.

If he had compared her to a prepubescent child, I would have found it much odder.
I think Jodi liked to baby talk and pretend she WAS a 12 year old.
TA just went along with it. If it wasn't her MO I think she would have piped up and taken him to task...

I really think because she sounded like a young giddy schoolgirl on purpose, this is why he made the comment. It does sound very inappropriate but I think that is the kind of response she was hoping for.
On that phone call. There is something curious about how she says she lost the phone a week after that call. Turns out that she had the phone all along with her or her family's possessions. I think she got a new one only because she was still planning on seeing Travis at that time and didn't want him or anyone else to be able to find it on her phone. She was paranoid because she projects her sneakiness onto everyone else. She wanted to use the phone but it had nothing to do with murder. It would be way too convoluted for her to think that it would be helpful in murdering Travis.

A caller on NG said Arias' own brother posted on facebook that Jodi recorded the sex call to keep other girls away from Travis.
She couldn't very well let Travis or anyone come across those calls, could she? I wonder if she played them for certain siblings of hers, eww. How convenient that suddenly the Aunt just finds this phone so Jodi can spin a web of lies for her desperate defense for slaughter.
Wonder how many times Jodi has committed theft or insurance fraud in her life? How many times she has hacked or "used" things that didn't belong to her---such as bank accounts, gmail or facebook accounts?
Just wanted to add that when I watched at one point when pictures ( Travis' body) were being shown and she dropped her head and threw up her hand as if to shield her view then turn her hand to view the screen on the desk where she sits. She loves to look at the pictures. I find her doing this very disturbing to say the least. It tells me that she is not sorry or remorseful for what she did. She knew it was over. She showed up in as a brunette in braids in a car that's not hers with a gun and vengeance. They knew each other for less then 6 months, yeah yeah according to jodi it was forever. I think she saw Travis as her meal ticket. This up coming trip to cancun was the tipping point for her as far as I see it. She knew that it was never going to be her that Travis wanted to spend his life with and she could not accept that. I don't care what they did while together there, they are adults. There is no way I believe what she has said about Travis to diminish him after she murders him. There was no abuse. jmo
Evening fellow WSr's :seeya:

I read a few timeline's TY to those who supplied them... first time reading the police investigation report tonite and something struck me as odd and/or possibly a typo?

Page 10 & 11 (last sentence to 1st on next page )

Travis cellular phone was located in the downstairs office of the home.
The last outgoing or incoming call was made at 1213 hours on 6-4-08.
There were other incoming calls and text messages into the phone after that, but none were never answered

Next paragraph continued stating that Travis laptop usage was 1619 hours on 6-4-08.

I think we all assumed it was 12:13 (Noon) on 6-4-08 but wouldn't that time be listed as 13:13 since police used military time with laptop time at 16:19??

IF was actually 12:13 AM asking Why the Other timeline lists out there as Travis calling JA between 3-4AM before her alleged arrival?? :waitasec:

The 12:13PM (its military time in Flores report) contact was to a friend, I think from testimony. Still earlier than when she says they woke up.

The 2 calls after 3am from Travis to Jodi were fom June 2 the day before her trip.

There were two calls around 8:15pm from Jodi to Travis on June 3.
Thirty minutes after those calls she filled up the gas cans.
I think Jodi liked to baby talk and pretend she WAS a 12 year old.
TA just went along with it. If it wasn't her MO I think she would have piped up and taken him to task...

And remember the discussion regarding JA dressing up like a school girl. It was her idea - and all of the sex tape discussion we heard was her leading the conversation and drawing him in.

And many men have fantasies of the school girl thing (hence Britney Spears dressing up like on in a video), mainstream Halloween stores having these costumes for adult women. It doesn't mean a grown man is going to rape a child. But that is what she wants the jury to believe. Which I don't think they do.
And remember the discussion regarding JA dressing up like a school girl. It was her idea - and all of the sex tape discussion we heard was her leading the conversation and drawing him in.

And many men have fantasies of the school girl thing (hence Britney Spears dressing up like on in a video), mainstream Halloween stores having these costumes for adult women. It doesn't mean a grown man is going to rape a child. But that is what she wants the jury to believe. Which I don't think they do.

She needs to pick one!
A 5 year old boy?
or a 12 year old girl?

oh I know! A 28 yr old nut case!!! throw her a tolberone!
I wanted to ask peoples opinion of travis and his 12 year old girl comment ?
I keep going to different forums and videos and some people have now turned against him because of it. I personally took it as him saying it sounding like a girl having a 1st orgasm which sounded hot and adding the 12 year old girl was an unfortunate choice of words but i'm wondering what other people think.

I think it's because she was using a "baby voice" during the sex tape. Listen to it (if you can bear to), I noticed that right off the bat. Part of her sex talk game. I agree, it was a poor choice of words for him, but with her voice change I think he was using those words as hypothetically speaking. MOO
Good morning everyone!!! . . . lost an hour sleep (DST) and am disoriented, is it Wednesday yet??!!!:D
I think Jodi liked to baby talk and pretend she WAS a 12 year old.
TA just went along with it. If it wasn't her MO I think she would have piped up and taken him to task...

OOPS.. I didn't see this gngr~snap, so I kind of repeated the same thought. I am not a very fast typer ~ sorry
OOPS.. I didn't see this gngr~snap, so I kind of repeated the same thought. I am not a very fast typer ~ sorry

:seeya:No problem! It affirms I am not the only person thinking this!

(I always tease my husband... he can rebuild a 302 engine faster than he can return a text! lol)
I wanted to ask peoples opinion of travis and his 12 year old girl comment ?
I keep going to different forums and videos and some people have now turned against him because of it. I personally took it as him saying it sounding like a girl having a 1st orgasm which sounded hot and adding the 12 year old girl was an unfortunate choice of words but i'm wondering what other people think.

for sure i don't think he had a sexual attraction to underage girls or boys. i think the comment of sounding like a 12 yr old girl having her 1st orgasm was made in context of their relationship with role playing. ja on the tape was making herself sound younger. a text message to travis from ja " i want to ---- you like a horny schoolgirl" tells they role played with her being the underage girl. :twocents:
She openly admitted in court TA sent her to the "adult" store to buy him a **** ring.

They were out of those (or didn't have any) *I doubt it!!!!

So she went and bought candy...
her fantasy NOT his!
I truly believe she liked to play "little girl"
how many years older was DB than jodi? 18-20???

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