Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #80

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I have a few questions and if anyone could answer them, I'd appreciate it very much!

1) Was Jodi charged extra for not returning the rental car with mats?
a) Who picked her up after dropping off the car 90 miles away from home?
b) When was the next time she reported back to work?

2) Who if anyone, fixed the back license plate and/or affixed the front one? If no one, was she charged a fine by Budget for that?
a) Was she charged for the "Kool Aid" stains on the seats?

3) What is the implication of 'taking' Daryls remote control by 'accident'?

4) Has anyone asked Jodi about her hair color and when it was dyed to brunette (even though we know it was between June 2 and June 4th)

5) Has Matt McCarthney (sp?) ever given any written statements?

6) Why was Darryl Brewer (sp?) allowed to be incognito in court?

7) What has Jodi said, if anything, about the two magazine encryptions?

8) Did Jodi buy and/or 'total' Travis' BMW? Was she making payments to him?

9) Did Jodi have anyone under her at PPL? Was she drawing in money?

10) Where did the money come from (the deposits in southern California on June 3rd) that Jodi made? And why three different deposits?

11) In her last story of murdering Travis in self-defense, is she NOW alleging she went on this trip primarily to see Travis? Or is she still saying, it was a last minute decision?
Thanks, I'm not familar with the person who uploads the trial every day. I can't believe all the evidence photos aren't compiled somewhere, not just the shower scenes.

IIRC when I first saw that knife block photo, there was knifes missing.

It's hard to tell from a knife block whether knives are missing. Instead of buying a complete set of knives that came with a block, we bought a block and have been slowly filling it with good quality knives as we can afford them so there are several empty spaces. If a knife was removed it would be impossible for anyone else to know that by looking at the block.
I have a few questions and if anyone could answer them, I'd appreciate it very much!

1) Was Jodi charged extra for not returning the rental car with mats?
a) Who picked her up after dropping off the car 90 miles away from home?
b) When was the next time she reported back to work?

2) Who if anyone, fixed the back license plate and/or affixed the front one? If no one, was she charged a fine by Budget for that?
a) Was she charged for the "Kool Aid" stains on the seats?

3) What is the implication of 'taking' Daryls remote control by 'accident'?

4) Has anyone asked Jodi about her hair color and when it was dyed to brunette (even though we know it was between June 2 and June 4th)

5) Has Matt McCarthney (sp?) ever given any written statements?

6) Why was Darryl Brewer (sp?) allowed to be incognito in court?

7) What has Jodi said, if anything, about the two magazine encryptions?

8) Did Jodi buy and/or 'total' Travis' BMW? Was she making payments to him?

9) Did Jodi have anyone under her at PPL? Was she drawing in money?

10) Where did the money come from (the deposits in southern California on June 3rd) that Jodi made? And why three different deposits?

11) In her last story of murdering Travis in self-defense, is she NOW alleging she went on this trip primarily to see Travis? Or is she still saying, it was a last minute decision?

Sounds like you should be on the jury.
JA. Sunday 8-26-07: If I could just stop existing and have my consciousness dissolved into nothingness, and my energy recycled into something else useful, for I am of little use to the world right now, through no fault of my own.

Mama Mia si bien loca ! Who sys that!
Oh and those hands are scary looking, she will go down in his history next to lizzie Borden! Who gave her father twenty wacks and when she realized what she had done she gave her stepmother mother 21"
Well JA beat her by 8. Wacks.

Well this desribes the walls to a T...

I have only had to clean up arterial spatter in the OR for procedures involving the
carotid artery. I have seen it shoot several feet onto the wall and every other surface that seemed impossible to clean. It did dry fairly quickly. Within 30 min time.

There were so many different patterns of blood deposited at that scene it must have been difficult to evaluate! The investigators had their hands full no doubt!
I have a few questions and if anyone could answer them, I'd appreciate it very much!

6) Why was Darryl Brewer (sp?) allowed to be incognito in court?

9) Did Jodi have anyone under her at PPL? Was she drawing in money?

These are the only ones I can speak to. (1) My understanding is that in a televised trial any witness may request of the judge that his/her face not be shown on camera and it is then up to the judge's discretion. (2) I heard somewhere, not sure where, that Jodi had made about $1,500 in 2007 with PPL.
One of our sleuths asked earlier what Arias was doing between 6/2/ 8:04 am when she picked up the rental car in Redding CA and 6/2 7:30 PM where she ordered from McDonalds in Lodi CA. I think the answer is quite simple if you look at the fact she was awake the entire night before based on her phone records ....

Sleeping at a rest stop most likely or at a friend/relative's house ...

I find it so creepy that JA spends half her life "on the road" or "hanging out" with boyfriends (old and new)..sleeping in cars or U-Hauls behind convenience stores....Has she ever led a stable life? Can't remember how long she lived with Darryl in Palm Desert, but she left that little oasis in the desert with a foreclosure on her record and an empty savings acct. the minute she met poor Travis. ' Grifter' is the only word that comes to mind.
I guess that is my reason for not putting much thought on the bullet in the blood, ain't no way it dried in a two minute span so I can not see how it aids shot first vs knife first.

So... if ya walk up to the grill where your buds are making burgers... and ya see some blood on the side with a fork plopped in it... did someone open up the burger meat and drip the blood before the fork was placed there or after?

I know probably a bad analogy... :blushing:

Which came first the chicken? or the egg?

MOO THE ROOSTER!!!! :floorlaugh:

I am just kiddin ya manzana... no offense intended!
Jodi needs to be on death row away from other prison population, where she run her cons. She would be a model prisoner, imho, if left in general population. She would probably have many at her beck and call.
The attention will eventually dry up for her and knowing she has a date with the needle, make no mistake--this chick does not want to die. Lack of attention and drama will probably do her in first though.

Oops! I forgot about the solitary confinement aspect of the DP sentence. Like I said, we don't have the DP in Michigan, so I'm not familiar with the process. Isn't it something like 23.5 hours of solitary daily? I agree that Jodi should not have the companionship of other inmates: She should have to be alone with her conscience until she's put to death.
I have a few questions and if anyone could answer them, I'd appreciate it very much!

1) Was Jodi charged extra for not returning the rental car with mats?
a) Who picked her up after dropping off the car 90 miles away from home?
b) When was the next time she reported back to work?

2) Who if anyone, fixed the back license plate and/or affixed the front one? If no one, was she charged a fine by Budget for that?
a) Was she charged for the "Kool Aid" stains on the seats?

3) What is the implication of 'taking' Daryls remote control by 'accident'?

4) Has anyone asked Jodi about her hair color and when it was dyed to brunette (even though we know it was between June 2 and June 4th)

5) Has Matt McCarthney (sp?) ever given any written statements?

6) Why was Darryl Brewer (sp?) allowed to be incognito in court?

7) What has Jodi said, if anything, about the two magazine encryptions?

8) Did Jodi buy and/or 'total' Travis' BMW? Was she making payments to him?

9) Did Jodi have anyone under her at PPL? Was she drawing in money?

10) Where did the money come from (the deposits in southern California on June 3rd) that Jodi made? And why three different deposits?

11) In her last story of murdering Travis in self-defense, is she NOW alleging she went on this trip primarily to see Travis? Or is she still saying, it was a last minute decision?

Absolutely great questions! I do know that with regarding question no.10, it was 2 different accounts. I know one is her checking account because I saw pics of the checks, and it had one of the account numbers on it. What is even odder to me is she made 2 more deposits to the same account within minutes of each other. It makes no sense. Why not just make one deposit?
So on June 3, where was Jodi from 7-10am-the time between times Darryl sees her

She is at WAMU at 10:15 in Monterey

Where is she from 10:15 to 3:22 when she checks out at Salinas Walmart?

Then from 3:22 to 8:16 when we know she is in Padadena. What are the travel times between these cities?

My understanding, from DarrylB's testimony, is that JA arrived at his house at ~7am, so time between when JA left and returned may be less than you are thinking.

* * *

Here's what I've made note of for that time period:

6/3; ~7am Pacific Grove CA JA visited/breakfast with ex-bf, DarrylB and son; borrowed 2 gas cans (5 gal each); JA used DB's computer to check email; JA told DB she was going to visit his sister in Pasadena CA.

6/3; btw 9am-10am JA called DB

6/3; ~10am Pacific Grove CA JA returned back to DarrylB's house; According to DB, JA gave DB "a remote control"; JA said she does not remember.

6/3; 10:10am Monterey CA JA made deposits in Washington Mutual (Alvarado St) accounts.
#1 deposit account#8006 $400 6/3 10:10
#2 deposit account#7148 $300 6/3 10:11
#3 deposit account#7148 $100 6/3 10:15

6/3 Salinas CA JA said she had a manicure. (?Hair dyed brown? ?Brazilian wax? ~2.5 - ~4 hrs depending on svcs)

6/3; 3:22pm Salinas CA Walmart (facial cleanser x2, sunblock x2, 5 gal kerosene container); JA said she returned kerosene container and didn't get a receipt, received cash. JM said Walmart-Salinas has NO RECORD of return of any 5 gal kerosene container that day.
respectfully snipped,

Like others have expressed here, I believe she also flipped the back license plate in UT so as to intentionally be stopped by LE to establish a record of her whereabouts (ie not in Mesa AZ).

If she actually went through a check point at the Hoover Dam, kinda scary to think they would not have noticed an upside down plate on a vehicle. The only place it would seem important to have an unreadble plate would have been, IMO, in Arizona, specifically while parked at Travis' house. I don't see any advantage to changing it to get stopped on purpose in Utah - there were enough people there that could provide her an alibi... but heck I actually hope I never understand how her scrambled brain works.
Sounds like you should be on the jury.

In an article or somewhere I heard she's being reported as being extonpanuer like travis.
For gods sake she was a waitress! Never verified she made any real money with her camera and I'm curious about her ppl too!
I think she had her claws set on travis because he was young good looking charismatic and at his young age he was already buying a nice home ! with nice furniture! A BMW None Of her other boyfriends seemed to be as successful! I think she went to that ppl meeting with the intent of landing a naive virginal Mormon man ! who could give her. everything she felt she was entitled to. And Not long after their meeting and onset of relationship! Her real persona popped out! Kinda like the Incredible Hulk!
Her jealousy and control ! Stalking issues started manifesting themselves. !!
JA can't control arguing with jm!! The real evil persona! Manifested ! I think at first travis was smitten by her chameleon self! She was everything he wanted or so he thought! She thought that good hot sex! Would do the job! She's an empty shell! Of a human! Sex is the only thing she can bring to a relationship! She's got nothing else to give worth ! Anything! Not wife material. Travis knew it!
So... if ya walk up to the grill where your buds are making burgers... and ya see some blood on the side with a fork plopped in it... did someone open up the burger meat and drip the blood before the fork was placed there or after?

I know probably a bad analogy... :blushing:

Which came first the chicken? or the egg?

MOO THE ROOSTER!!!! :floorlaugh:

I am just kiddin ya manzana... no offense intended!

After 54 years on this earth, that is the first time I've heard that! Too funny!

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I have to wonder if some of the abuse accusations she has made about Travis aren't all part and parcel of the murder. Did Travis kick her in the ribs in the bathroom as he tried to defend himself from the knife attacks thus explaining her broken finger and the cuts and scrapes to his feet and lower legs? The reason I say this is even the worst of liars weave some truth into their stories so they can reflect back to known events, but change the setting or misplace the blame.

Many of her stories I could easily see as happening during her attack on him. I also think there may be some truth in what she told Det. Flores in her ninja story, narrowing that down to what is fact and what is fiction and tossing out all the fodder she added is a bit too challenging for this time of night.

I tried to say the same thing but I couldn't do it as well as you. I do believe in Jodi's mind it was self defense because Travis put up a good fight. I am sure he was angrier then she had ever seen before and may have even said something "F'ing kill you, b****." In her mind she had to kill him to save her life. She just conveniently leaves out the part of her instigating the attack.
So... if ya walk up to the grill where your buds are making burgers... and ya see some blood on the side with a fork plopped in it... did someone open up the burger meat and drip the blood before the fork was placed there or after?

I know probably a bad analogy... :blushing:

Which came first the chicken? or the egg?

MOO THE ROOSTER!!!! :floorlaugh:

I am just kiddin ya manzana... no offense intended!

I think it is a great analogy. Whichever way it happened does not even matter at this point. TA died a slow horrible brutal death and JA should be given an eye for an eye.
Ok I am going to ask. I had pondered whether or not jodi was in all black and masked when she killed Travis. I have wondered if it was a way for her to have the upper hand so to speak by Travis not knowing it's her much less a female. I seriously have second thoughts as to whether they had sex. idk just a thought I had.
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