Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #81

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I feel bad for Travis' family, friends and the jurors that this is taking so long.
Family and friends b/c not only did she take Travis away from them but with all the BS that is coming from her mouth about him on stand.
You have got to imagine that these jurors personal lives are being screwed with. At least when we hear something that bugs us we can vent these poor people can not. We can type out how annoying she is being, how slow Nurmi talks (honestly whenever I see him I get the Its the Way of the Sloth song from Its a Big Big World, PBS show stuck in my head.) and we can clap, laugh and give Martinez virtual pats on the back when he drives in a point.
I personally would not be able to talk to anyone in my life besides my kids and hubby. Couldn't talk about the trial to the kids and hubby would know how to keep me off that conversation and more then likely would not care to hear about it anyway. I would have to alienate myself from the rest of my family and friends not b/c they would pick at me to get me to speak but b/c I would need to get things off my chest and things just come out my mouth when talking to them. The evil in this case is a lot to deal with.
I couldn't agree more. Whether it took convincing or not, he was a willing participant in the posing in the shower. How could he not notice the shower door open, JA standing there, and a flash going off in some of the photos? And I don't get the theory that he was wounded and fell into the seated position "because nobody sits in a shower" either. How would he fall into such a tight crossed leg position? It was just another pose directed by JA. JA just used this as a method to get him into a vulnerable position before she attacked.

Voice of Reason. Thank you.

(ETA not cross-legged though. That was debunked a while ago. His knee is not in picture hence the illusion.)
Agree with all of the above. Adding to your list is the scenario that Travis might have had plans that night with one of his girlfriends. He thought Jodi was gone, he jumped in the shower, and in a couple of minutes the psycho killer appears from out of nowhere wielding a gun.

I thought it was kinda strange that nothing was mentioned about breakfast, lunch or dinner during the 15 hour siege. Jodi mentioned a banana, but that was all. I would have been starving by that time. Did Travis invite Jodi to stay for dinner or go out for a bite? Surely, she would have cancelled Ryan Burns for a chance to have dinner and spend another nite with Travis. I suppose we will never know what plans, if any, Travis had that night. Unless, that is, Juan has a surprise comiing.

Agreed. It is strange that they didn't really eat. Interesting that JM asked. Was there any mention of food in the stomach in the autopsy or would TA's body have been too decomposed for that kind of testing?
Not to be gross, but have you ever seen the infamous R. Budd Dwyer suicide footage? Dwyer was treasurer of the State of Pennsylvania in the late 80s caught up in a corruption scandal over procurement contracts. He held a press conference, rambled on a bit, then reached into a manila envelope, pulled out a .357 magnum revolver and, before anyone could stop him, put the gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger.

The effect was instantaneous. He dropped like someone kicked out his knees. The bullet went through the roof of his mouth, through his sinuses and exited out the top of his head just behind his frontal lobes.

Not only did he drop immediately, but the amount of blood that came from not his mouth, or the top of his head, but out his nose was so copious that, quite frankly, it looked fake.

Although he used a larger, more powerful bullet, the track of the bullet is very similar to that of Travis Alexander, just with entrance and exit reversed, both transversed the brain and sinuses.

Even with a smaller round the cavitation through the entire brain would have been like being hit with a baseball bat. The amount of hemorrhaging through the nose and mouth would be massive and not the "coughed up blood" seen in the sink, which seems to be a result of the knife strike to the inferior vena cava that probably nicked lung structure, the esophagus, or both.

I just can't see anyone being shot in the head, get up from a squatting position in a shower stall, fight their way out of the stall and pause at the mirror for a look.

Since the "shot first" argument doesn't agree with the Medical Examiner's findings, precedents in gunshot wounds, the timeline of the murder and a whole bunch of stuff, can someone explain to me the significance (or agenda) of insisting the head shot came first?

Apples and oranges.....have you fired .357? comparing those 2 calibers is like comparing a bicycle to a Lamborgheni .
I've got a 'feeeeeling' that she stole from Travis and that's what he was going to expose her for, I've also got a 'feeeeeling' she stole from her parents while she was working at their restaurants. She obviously had no issue stealing from her grandparents, so I think stealing had been one of her ongoing behaviours for a long time.

Exposure for that was a threat. It was her secondary means of support. He'd already told people about the tire slashing so that was a non-issue. Once someone is exposed as a thief they have to find a whole new set of targets, she would have been flung out of her 'gold mine' in the Mormon community, and PPL.


I was also thinking that stealing would be one thing that could really set off her parents. It would have to be some serious theft though, not a couple of twenties from the cash drawer.

I also keep thinking about her propensity for lying. She might have cost someone their job, broken up someone's marriage, called Child Services maliciously -- any of those things sound like things she would have done. Started some chain of events that had dire consequences for someone totally through her lies.
I am one of those people with a differing opinion; however, I am open to change and have changed my mind several times on several issues by reading posts by other websleuths.

The suggestion that one scenario is being chosen over another "for the titillation factor" is offensive. We are brainstorming here with thousands of participants. Hopefully the combined imagination and willingness to think outside of the box offers possibilities to investigators and other websleuths that they otherwise wouldn't think of.

This is what gives me and other victim's families the feeling that something good comes from involvement in finding the missing and trying to help solve murders--promoting justice where we ourselves may not have received it.

I am not here for the "titillation" because I think the photos were taken without Travis' knowledge, or if I believed the sex scenes were staged, or if I believe the shot was first or last, or any other aspect of this brutal murder. Nor do I believe other posters are. Your criticism mights make someone hesitate to post a differing idea for fear of being attacked.


Sorry I offended you. your post about raising a sociopath was both enlightening and heartbreaking. Sending you warm wishes!
I've got a 'feeeeeling' that she stole from Travis and that's what he was going to expose her for, I've also got a 'feeeeeling' she stole from her parents while she was working at their restaurants. She obviously had no issue stealing from her grandparents, so I think stealing had been one of her ongoing behaviours for a long time.

Exposure for that was a threat. It was her secondary means of support. He'd already told people about the tire slashing so that was a non-issue. Once someone is exposed as a thief they have to find a whole new set of targets, she would have been flung out of her 'gold mine' in the Mormon community, and PPL.


I was also thinking that stealing would be one thing that could really set off her parents. It would have to be some serious theft though, not a couple of twenties from the cash drawer.

I also keep thinking about her propensity for lying. She might have cost someone their job, broken up someone's marriage, called Child Services maliciously -- any of those things sound like things she would have done. Started some chain of events that had dire consequences for someone totally through her lies.

Or some combination of all of these. Our problem is we just can't think of what she might have done because we're just not as evil as she is. (I think people throw the word "evil" around too much, but Jodi has definitely earned it.)
I posted this last night. Here is his testimony. He is the first witness. You should watch JA's reaction when he is walking in, very interesting. JMO

Jodi Arias Trial - Day 10 - Part 2 - YouTube

At one point in her testimony she said she didn't remember some point that DB had testified to. That got my attention as you can see by this video that she was enthralled-hanging on every word he said.
Agreed. It is strange that they didn't really eat. Interesting that JM asked. Was there any mention of food in the stomach in the autopsy or would TA's body have been too decomposed for that kind of testing?

on the stand ja said she ate a banana and travis ate oatmeal she qualified the statement with "i think"
In a post that Chris Hughes, Travis Alexander's Mentor and Best Friend; that he made on his facebook page, he states emphatically that the MAIN reason why "IT" killed Travis was that if you remember, Travis and her were doing that "1000" Places To See Before You Die" book, Arias could NOT handle the fact that Travis was taking Mimi Hall instead of her and Arias could NOT foresee Travis being at those places with anyone other than her. Chris Hughes also states that Travis had turned a new page in his life and was looking forward to meeting a good Mormon girl and was thrilled that Arias had finally moved away from him. I REALLY believe based on what Chris Hughes posted that Travis did NOT know she was going to show up there. He NEVER wanted her there and NEVER invited her to come there based on what Chris Hughes posted. Also that the TRIP was indeed the Catalyst for Arias to plan killing him. Just saying...

Which is also why I do not believe he would shower with her there. Photo shoot my a$$.
I was unsure about my opinion on the sequence of the attack until I went and watch the ME on the stand. Anyone who missed it should take the opportunity to see it. He is VERY clear. The gunshot went through the right frontal lobe of the brain and was last.
Also the fact that the DT argued with him on and on and on about it - it was hilarious!!
Oh lord, that'll be another 18 page note! Can they ask a prisoner to have their last say in 25 words or less?

Oh come on, they are her very last words, contemporaneous with her death! Don't de-edify them!

:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
So why did he keep having sex with her? Honestly? <modsnip> I really believe he thought she was no threat and he could keep her around for party times. He had plenty of warning and should have cut all ties to her-but yet, he didn't. Yeah, Jodi's a freakasaurus. But there is something not so angelic about Travis. He should have steered clear of her. Instead, we find him still entertaining her up to the moment of his death. I don't think we have the whole picture.

BBM ^ Unless I am missing something, I have seen no "proof" Travis was "entertaining" her on June 4th. The nude pics on the bed are not proof that any sexual encounter had occured. Look at both his and her faces in the nude ones... do they appear as if sex had just happened (or was about to happen?) The shower pics were more than likely done at gunpoint. That boy was not a willing participant, and appears to be praying in some, and terrified in another. MOO
I was also thinking that stealing would be one thing that could really set off her parents. It would have to be some serious theft though, not a couple of twenties from the cash drawer.

I also keep thinking about her propensity for lying. She might have cost someone their job, broken up someone's marriage, called Child Services maliciously -- any of those things sound like things she would have done. Started some chain of events that had dire consequences for someone totally through her lies.

Or some combination of all of these. Our problem is we just can't think of what she might have done because we're just not as evil as she is. (I think people throw the word "evil" around too much, but Jodi has definitely earned it.)

What if her parents had been plagued by malicious misdeeds for a long time - stolen money, unidentified staff theft, vandalism, IRS investigations based on information from an anonymous source, etc etc over years .. like a black blight, a run of bad luck, a mysterious 'person out to get them' ... I would so love to know more about the family history. I know her mom has tried to cover for her, but I don't get the same vibe from the males in the family AT ALL. I think look at what we know she did to Travis, and what she's doing now, it didn't start with Travis, that's HER. It started at home with her own family.
Apples and oranges.....have you fired .357? comparing those 2 calibers is like comparing a bicycle to a Lamborgheni .

Yes, I owned a Ruger Security Six .357 Magnum carried in a drop holster when I lived in AZ. Which means exactly nothing to this analysis.

Apples and Oranges? Did you actually read what I wrote? The difference between getting shot in the head with a .25 and shot in the head with a .357 is the difference between falling 100 feet and falling 1000 feet. The velocity of a standard .357 is about 1500 fps. A .25 is 750 fps. In other words, 100 feet and a sudden stop will still kill you.

Just because a .357 is so awesomely powerful doesn't mean getting shot in the head with a .25 is like being lightly tickled in the frontal lobes.
Normally that is true. However, I have had shells jam in many different ways. True that most of the time it is the new shell not being successful in getting in chamber but I have had empty casings get hung up as well.

Called a Stove pipe.
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