Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #81

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Oh lord, that'll be another 18 page note! Can they ask a prisoner to have their last say in 25 words or less?

And could they please strap down her arms first so she won't be talking with her hands??:please:
Oh no. I did a really dumb thing. I watched the Casey Anthony verdict all over again. Panic ensues. All sorts of doubts come crashing down on me like what if Arias is found not guilty or there is a hung jury? Why do these jurors who know that Arias is a liar keep asking her questions unrelated to the murder? etc.

Why do I do this to myself!? I've been so confident all along. This jury will convict her right?!
It seems the gun was firing as it should and ejecting as it should.

I think the only reason she shot him in the head was she still heard some agonal breathing when she was dragging him back to the bathroom. Imo, I agree with the ME and it is a very good possibilty that he was already dead or taking his last breath when shot.

She probably checked after she shot him and he was no longer making agonal sounds.


I still believe she shot him to make it look like 2 killers. Which screams of pre-mediatation.
Agreed. It is strange that they didn't really eat. Interesting that JM asked. Was there any mention of food in the stomach in the autopsy or would TA's body have been too decomposed for that kind of testing?

:yes: The autopsy report said that there was some food in his stomach. I don't think a lot, and I don't believe they could tell what it was, as it was digesting.
Is anyone positive that JM knows about the back of the t-shirt? If only the pictures were seen by all attorneys and the expert witnesses, this might be a logical conclusion (possessve, controlling). If JM has not seen (or heard of) the actual, physical t-shirt, we might have a serious glitch in rebuttal.

Well, that is problematic, because as much as I have searched, I have found no photo of the back of the shirt, and no one who absolutely claims to have had or to have seen one of the shirts.
I know. The whole banana thing was priceless! If you want a bit of levity through all this, go to 56:45 here and listen to JM's "before or after the banana":


I have no idea how he was able to not fly at her and choke her. I wonder if he ever needed a stiff drink or banged his head on a wall after hours of duelling with her

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At one point in her testimony she said she didn't remember some point that DB had testified to. That got my attention as you can see by this video that she was enthralled-hanging on every word he said.

I noticed the exact same thing!
If I remember correctly....there are OTHER cases being heard by Judge Stephens, during the JA trial. We had tweets and posts even confirming this. Court watchers getting there early and seeing Judge S presiding over other cases....

Not to mention JM has at least one other case he's prosecuting right now as well.

We are all focused on this trial--but remember this is their job, and as much as she wishes it were true, the world really doesn't revolve around JA

I just wanted to point this out before we hear more judge/court bashing.

Moo. Imo. :cow: and :grouphug:
Here is someone who has portayed Jodi writing in her diary I thought it was funny.
It was good for a chuckle.Borrowed this from another site.This is not Jodi writing this.

Dear Diary,

Well, I must say that these jurors are starting to get on my nerves. I tried to be my usual peppy, happy go lucky self and look on the bright side, but I have just about had it. I'm starting to feel like I want to get stabby again. I wanted to say that today, but Nurmi felt it would be in poor taste. Considering Travis "passed away" from me getting stabby. Whatev.

I mean, really, I don't know why they keep asking me if I have memory problems. Um, I think I proved that my memory is awesome. Don't they remember all the details I gave before? So what if I have memory problems about things that make me look guilty? That is to be expected. It's part of the post traumatic stress I went under when I murdered Travis. It was no ordinary murder. Have they seen the pictures? That was very traumatic for me. I'm the real victim here. I know the domestic violence experts will testify and set them straight. I just have to put up with Fartinez until then. I really wish I could kill him. No, really. I think about it every single night.

Also, do they forget the abuse I suffered while Travis was still alive? That **** in my eyes really stung. And, being woken up to oral sex was very irritating. I was having a very good dream and Travis completely interrupted it. The straw that broke the camels back was when he was giving me oral sex and he hadn't even shaved yet! He felt like sandpaper on my thighs. Sandpaper!!!! That is abuse NO woman should ever have to be subjected to. Is it any wonder to them that I finally fought back?

I am grateful for the long weekend. I have a lot of work to do on the autobiography I am writing. I think I am going to call it "Mortal Fear." It will be a best seller no doubt. I've only written a little bit so far. Just 2,000 pages. I've only made it to my elementary school years. I better get busy. I'd like to have it done by the time I am set free. I know the jurors will want autographed copies.

Till next time,

PS. My movie, also titled Mortal Fear will open contemporaniously with the book release.
Oh no. I did a really dumb thing. I watched the Casey Anthony verdict all over again. Panic ensues. All sorts of doubts come crashing down on me like what if Arias is found not guilty or there is a hung jury? Why do these jurors who know that Arias is a liar keep asking her questions unrelated to the murder? etc.

Why do I do this to myself!? I've been so confident all along. This jury will convict her right?!

The biggest differences with CA and JA is that CA NEVER admitted anything where JA did and JA took the stand and very obviously lied her fool head off where CA very wisely didn't.

The ONLY way JA can walk is if she convinced anyone that Travis actually was going to kill her that day. Self-defense has nothing to do with a possible broken finger from months before.
The reason she fought Juan so hard on the whole whose idea was it to take pics in the shower is precisely because she KNOWS if she says its her idea then it shows premed. That she lured him into the shower naked and vulnerable to kill him. She went round and round with Martinez and said she and Travis discussed Calvin Klein type ads in JANUARY and in JUNE he was ready to do them because his body was "cut" (oops bad word Jodi).
This is her defense; he was ready to do this photo shoot because he was "more toned" by June and had this new camera. He asked her to take the pics, she drops camera and he attacks her and she kills in self defense.
But the opposite is true. She convinced him (like she said in Flores interview) to take shower pics. He is naked and vulnerable and she kills him. This is where on second Flores interview the ninjas arrive...
Oh no. I did a really dumb thing. I watched the Casey Anthony verdict all over again. Panic ensues. All sorts of doubts come crashing down on me like what if Arias is found not guilty or there is a hung jury? Why do these jurors who know that Arias is a liar keep asking her questions unrelated to the murder? etc.

Why do I do this to myself!? I've been so confident all along. This jury will convict her right?!

:therethere: Don't do that to yourself! :gavel:

Walk away from it for a while. Relax. Go for a walk, or a massage. :)

She won't get out of jail. EVER! :gavel:
Where dis she find this word! For h.s dropout she sure uses big words.
I'm watching JM again to give me back my confidence. Sorry if this has been mentioned before. I'm watching JM question Arias about why she went to Salt Lake City with three gas cans. She says she doesn't even remember going to Salt Lake City. So JM again questions her about whether she remembers going to Salt Lake City on June 6th. Her reply is so weird. She says "I don't recall where the city limits end and begin but to answer your gas can question I went to Mesa with TWO gas cans."

He wasn't talking about Mesa there. He was talking about Salt Lake City. Of course I know that's the implication but her talking about Mesa when questioned about Salt Lake City screams of guilt and cover-up mode.
Oh no. I did a really dumb thing. I watched the Casey Anthony verdict all over again. Panic ensues. All sorts of doubts come crashing down on me like what if Arias is found not guilty or there is a hung jury? Why do these jurors who know that Arias is a liar keep asking her questions unrelated to the murder? etc.

Why do I do this to myself!? I've been so confident all along. This jury will convict her right?!

I played jury member today, because my brain is scrambled from trying to sleuth the unknown, and there is still one more day of court blackout to go. Maybe this will help you?

Abuse by parents - unsubstantiated; irrelevant to plea of self defence
Previous boyfriends - unsubstantiated; irrelevant to plea of self defence
Accusation of pedophilia - unsubstantiated; irrelevant to plea of self defence
Sexual activities - irrelevant to plea of self defence
Victim of Domestic Violence - unsubstantiated
Previous Fear for Life: unsubstantiated
Motive - Betrayal (defendant's terminology for rejection)
Premeditation - proven by circumstantial evidence
Consciousness of Guilt - proven by defendant's admission and circumstantial evidence
1st Degree Murder - proven by forensics and circumstantial evidence
Death Penalty warranted - heinous killing; no remorse; lies under oath; self-serving and unsubstantiated accusations against victim; deliberately causing additional pain and suffering to victim's family by said unsubstantiated accusations against victim
I played jury member today, because my brain is scrambled from trying to sleuth the unknown, and there is still one more day of court blackout to go. Maybe this will help you?

Abuse by parents - unsubstantiated; irrelevant to plea of self defence
Previous boyfriends - unsubstantiated; irrelevant to plea of self defence
Accusation of pedophilia - unsubstantiated; irrevelant to plea of self defence
Sexual activities - irrelevant to plea of self defence
Victim of Domestic Violence - unsubstantiated
Previous Fear for Life: unsubstantiated
Motive - Betrayal (defendant's terminology for rejection)
Premeditation - proven by circumstantial evidence
Consciousness of Guilt - proven by defendant's admission and circumstantial evidence
1st Degree Murder - proven by forensics and circumstantial evidence
Death Penalty warranted - heinous killing; no remorse; lies under oath; self-serving and unsubstantiated accusations against victim; deliberately causing additional pain and suffering to victim's family by said unsubstantiated accusations against victim

Great list. Thank you!
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