Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #81

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Oh no. I did a really dumb thing. I watched the Casey Anthony verdict all over again. Panic ensues. All sorts of doubts come crashing down on me like what if Arias is found not guilty or there is a hung jury? Why do these jurors who know that Arias is a liar keep asking her questions unrelated to the murder? etc.

Why do I do this to myself!? I've been so confident all along. This jury will convict her right?!

All it takes is 1 out of 12 and we go through this again...more tragic, TA's family will go through this again!
The biggest differences with CA and JA is that CA NEVER admitted anything where JA did and JA took the stand and very obviously lied her fool head off where CA very wisely didn't.

The ONLY way JA can walk is if she convinced anyone that Travis actually was going to kill her that day. Self-defense has nothing to do with a possible broken finger from months before.

That's true. I think JA sealed her fate with her nasty mouth.
Oh no. I did a really dumb thing. I watched the Casey Anthony verdict all over again. Panic ensues. All sorts of doubts come crashing down on me like what if Arias is found not guilty or there is a hung jury? Why do these jurors who know that Arias is a liar keep asking her questions unrelated to the murder? etc.

Why do I do this to myself!? I've been so confident all along. This jury will convict her right?!

OH NO!!! :what:Don't do that to yourself! I can still recall throwing a magazine as hard as I could at the TV ... lunging towards it shouting "WWWWTTTTFFFFF just happened!!"

Jumping off your post to mention the 3 things I am obsessed with today... and hoping someone will ease my mind.

1. The text messages where TA was ranting about JA being evil etc... What was that about? Jealous of "mystery man" ??? Or the fact that he had busted her for snooping? sneaking into his house?

2. Napoleon... I never heard from the roommates other than a brief interview with Flores ... they "smelled something" TA left his ring and watch (very unusual) Did they feed the dog? didn't they find the dog having been left unattended strange?

3. JA locked the bedroom door on her way out...and apparently secured the dog downstairs? Why didn't JM hit that hard?

PS. My movie, also titled Mortal Fear will open contemporaniously with the book release.

O/T Speaking of books BLOOD MONEY by James Grippando is a recount of the "other case" with a tangent off in a different direction.
Only a few chapters in, but so far a good read - right down to the color of blouse the defendant was wearing when acquitted.
I heard 75, but that may be from HLN. I don't remember.

It will probably be at least double that when they come back on Wednesday because they will have had five days to think things over and will definitely ask for more clarification.
The support jodi arias website is taking donations to be deposited into her comissary.
Will she be able to shop the comissary from death row. Anyways the website has their own rendition and pictures to support his innocence.
The support jodi arias website is taking donations to be deposited into her comissary.
Will she be able to shop the comissary from death row. Anyways the website has their own rendition and pictures to support his innocence.


Must be great to make up your own facts.
The support jodi arias website is taking donations to be deposited into her comissary.
Will she be able to shop the comissary from death row. Anyways the website has their own rendition and pictures to support his innocence.

I hope the commissary does NOT carry Herpes simplex meds.
The support jodi arias website is taking donations to be deposited into her comissary.
Will she be able to shop the comissary from death row. Anyways the website has their own rendition and pictures to support his innocence.

Someone earlier posted she can order from Perryville Commissary from Death Row. Here is commissary list FYI no Pop Rocks :jail:
I know. The whole banana thing was priceless! If you want a bit of levity through all this, go to 56:45 here and listen to JM's "before or after the banana":


Thanks for the laugh. I've haven't had the luxury of catching up on all the testimony. So obvious. Before every response to JM's questions you can see her reaching reeeeaching for the most nebulous non-answer. Because fog.
i would love to know what was on JA's damaged hard drive. maybe some *advertiser censored* sites, researching how to commit murder, some kind of untraceable drug. IIRC it's not easy to damage it. she had to have done it on purpose to cover her tracks about something. I'll harp on it one more time, i think she put something in his oatmeal (date rape drug or something else)) then he went to shower, the drug hit him in the shower and his legs gave out and he sat on the drain of the shower, his face looks like he realized something was wrong in the last picture. she attacked him after he weakened. i wish there was someway to know what was on her pc. :banghead:
I didn't see all of the CSE person's testimony (Heather Conner). But based upon the crime scene photos that are out there, I don't recall seeing any photos os the ceiling or upper walls. Does anyone know if any were taken? With the furious stabbing she must have done, I would think there would be castoff which could tell us where he was stabbed.

I'm surprised we didn't hear from a blood spatter expert from the prosecution...unless I missed him/her. I wonder if we'll see one from the defense or if we'll see any forensic experts from them.

i think i remember hearing that not all the deleted photos were retrievable from the card..they did the best they could and those are the photos we have seen

Someone earlier posted she can order from Perryville Commissary from Death Row. Here is commissary list FYI no Pop Rocks :jail:
Not on this particular list, but I'd like to read the prison rules regarding razors. I find it hard to believe they allow prisoners to keep them in their cells.
It always surprises me when she lies about something she KNOWS can be proven a lie.
luvtenniss said:
[Respectfully snipped]I just can't see how Travis would be threatened into sitting and obeying with only a knife. I think he could wrestle it away if he was not impaired first.

As to whether he would voluntarily agree to a 'photo shoot' in the shower, didn't JA tell Det. Flores, "You're right, he wasn't very comfortable at first"? And am I misremembering or did she say earlier, "I doubt he'd agree?"

I think she likely had a gun pointed at him up to and including the last photo of him alive, then switched to a knife in the 44 seconds between that photo and the photo the camera took of the ceiling, which Det. Melendez said the camera was at least 2 or 3 feet off the ground. Imo she had just stabbed him and he was attempting to fight her off when that photo was snapped at 5:31:14. The camera was still right side up. In the last two photos, the camera was on the ground and the images were taken upside down, according to Det. Melendez. Likely by accident, triggered by a foot or other body part.

Who knows what, if anything, she said to him during that 8 minutes she had him in the shower, but in her ninja story she said the woman who was killing him spoke softly to him. I believe elements of her ninja story were true, such as TA being on 'all four of his knees' [sic] and holding his head in pain. He did have a painful slash below his right ear that the ME described as having cut through muscle and nicked the bone. In my opinion Det. Flores deserves a lot of credit for skillfully guiding her to essentially cook her own goose. All the details in the ninja story prove she did not black out and forget how she killed Travis.

In her own words she said Travis had his tires slashed just before Christmas, showing her violent tendency was apparent almost 6 months earlier.

In his last blog just 17 days before he was murdered, he wrote of "Desperately trying to find out if my date has an axe murderer penned up inside of her..." On some level, he knew. Perhaps that was why he tried to appease her by engaging in whatever the photos from 1:44:00 to 1:47:15 show when she showed up on June 4, whether with advance notice or not.
i would love to know what was on JA's damaged hard drive. maybe some *advertiser censored* sites, researching how to commit murder, some kind of untraceable drug. IIRC it's not easy to damage it. she had to have done it on purpose to cover her tracks about something. I'll harp on it one more time, i think she put something in his oatmeal (date rape drug or something else)) then he went to shower, the drug hit him in the shower and his legs gave out and he sat on the drain of the shower, his face looks like he realized something was wrong in the last picture. she attacked him after he weakened. i wish there was someway to know what was on her pc. :banghead:
The contents of her computer were sealed. I don't know if they're talking about what they were able to get off the "broken" one, or if she had a new one or both.
i would love to know what was on JA's damaged hard drive. maybe some *advertiser censored* sites, researching how to commit murder, some kind of untraceable drug. IIRC it's not easy to damage it. she had to have done it on purpose to cover her tracks about something. I'll harp on it one more time, i think she put something in his oatmeal (date rape drug or something else)) then he went to shower, the drug hit him in the shower and his legs gave out and he sat on the drain of the shower, his face looks like he realized something was wrong in the last picture. she attacked him after he weakened. i wish there was someway to know what was on her pc. :banghead:

That's a great theory, but the toxicology report didn't show it.
I have more sympathy for the tigers. At least they kill to eat. They advertise themselves as predators, and don't pretend to be your best friend to lull you into submission.

That is awesome, and so true. I was going to say, not fair to tigers in response to the original post, but you did it so much better:rocker:
OH NO!!! :what:Don't do that to yourself! I can still recall throwing a magazine as hard as I could at the TV ... lunging towards it shouting "WWWWTTTTFFFFF just happened!!"

Jumping off your post to mention the 3 things I am obsessed with today... and hoping someone will ease my mind.

1. The text messages where TA was ranting about JA being evil etc... What was that about? Jealous of "mystery man" ??? Or the fact that he had busted her for snooping? sneaking into his house?

2. Napoleon... I never heard from the roommates other than a brief interview with Flores ... they "smelled something" TA left his ring and watch (very unusual) Did they feed the dog? didn't they find the dog having been left unattended strange?

3. JA locked the bedroom door on her way out...and apparently secured the dog downstairs? Why didn't JM hit that hard?


I don't know the answer to your first question. Regarding Napolean the roommate's girlfriend fed him. They didn't find anything suspicious at all is what I heard.

The juror did ask Arias whether she locked the bedroom door before leaving. She said she wasn't sure. I'm sure JM will point that out during closing arguments. How cruel she was! :furious:
Maybe littering for tossing the gun in the desert.

Then again that wasn't in AZ so they shouldn't have charged her for it there.

But if she took Travis' gun, couldn't that be considered a burglary (i.e. component for felony murder)?

Seems like she's put herself in a catch-22 situation... How cool would it be if JM actually has that gun? My unrealistic side is hoping he does...
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