Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #81

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I also think she thought she needed to get those pesky little fibers into the hallway in some JA-logic fashion so they stretched it out along the hall and he cut it for her hand nooses. Nooses? That about cracked me up.

Sorry for just jumping in on my very first post (thanks for admitting me!), I have been practically consumed by this case - and I didn't even know anything about it until she was on the stand a day away from JM's cross examination. I caught up on YouTube and studied the pics pretty carefully and have some thougths about them, but I'll try to catch up on the rest of the thread before going into my thoughts.
WELCOME to the WS sight. Jump in whenever you can. It's so good to hear everyone's opinion - many times something that's never crossed my mind.
I agree with you that the messages and whatever JA did that caused Travis to send them to her are what caused his murder, not Cancun. Whatever she did caused him to figure out what she really is and she couldn't accept that he wouldn't take her back, so she charmed her way back to him in a plan to kill him. I would love to know what she did that caused him to send her those messages.

From the content I infer that "someone" told Jodi something about TA (pedophelia?) and she wouldn't tell him who. ) of course there was no "someone" ).......that's only part of it for sure but I think that element is there
What the hell did she do to elicit this response?????

That is the million dollar question, because whatever it was is tied directly to her motive to kill him.

This is something worth trying to figure out or piece together. Travis told one of his friends- Taylor Searl I think, about this email to her, I wonder if HE knows what preceded this. Jodi must have gotten rid of the evidence for her side of this conversation or I think we would have heard about it. Maybe it's still coming from Juan?
Let's just go back for a minute, Let me ask you this ( remind you of somebody? ) . Seriously JA testiftied to a journal entry of 8/07 where she writes about the darker side, being miserable, Ummmmm pedophilia, blaah blaah. Didn't the pedo pics float in front of her in 1/08?
Does not seem like nurmi is watching the jury for reaction. He rambles on and on in his slowwwwwwwww monotone voice! Repeating the same sex questions over and over! Talking heads were saying!
He lost the jury long ago. Even the gallery began to hate him. Can you imagine the jury.

The two other defense women spend their time smiling! When JM was questioning Arias about the gas cans at one point the woman next to Nurmi actually smiled! She looked at Arias and smiled like ' ahhh my client won't ever be topped by JM'. Nurmi looks worried. The others do not.
Heads up anyone in the LA area..I have one extra ticket for the Ricki Lake taping tomorrow at 11:15 til 2 ish. If anyone wants it just pm me your email address and name which is what they need to get you in and info re parking etc. getting ready to board the plane after this delicious skinny margarita so will check again when I arrive. First come first serve.
Interesting. Dr. Seth Myers was just on HLN and said that he has worked on a lot of psych wards and that JA appears to him to be more personality disordered than anyone he has ever seen. On a scale of one to ten, he rated her a ten. Said she displays symptoms of the following personality disorders: Dependent , Borderline , Narcissistic and Sociopathic .
I have a hunch, and it's just a hunch, that it's over her telling someone that he was a sexual deviant and had harmed her over it. He wanted to know who that was, and was going to bring all that into the sunshine and expose her lies. Confront her and the other person about it and put it to rest forever. She plans the killing at that time. She spends time at his house because she can't muster the courage to DO it while he's buying her story (paying attention to her) about having cleared up the accusation, and they have sexytime under the guise of her last goodbye-closure-memorializing-whoopiedo. She's moving on to this new guy in SLC, afterall. Then, while he's showering, she musters the courage and in goes the knife.
If he's not posing then he can only be taking a regular old shower, right? Where is the soap? The shampoo? Why are there no photos of him looking goofy while scrubbing behind his ears? She ain't that great a photographer.

no suds - maybe he hadn't started soaping or was already done soaping?...weird....but could it be that the shower stuff was out of frame & she removed it before placing him in the shower? Is there shampoo & soap & stuff elsewhere in the bathroom*? *visible in the crime scene photos
I think the reason so many folks are convinced that the photos were taken without Travis's knowledge or his consent is the same reason many refuse to believe that Travis let her come visit and had sex with her. It is a form of black and white thought- Travis (white) was too GOOD to want to have anything to do with the EVIL (black) Jodi, and therefore, he either had to have been caught unaware, or forced.
Instead, there are shades if grey (maybe even 50 of them lol). And the way I see it, they had a tumultuous relationship, and like times in the past, Travis was able to get past whatever he complained about in the May 26th text, and did go on to have and probably enjoy, sex with Jodi. I never thought of him as saintly, and I did think he used her for all she put out. They both had issues, his were typical run of the mill guy thinking with his penis type. Unfortunately, he had no idea just how out of the ordinary her issues were, and what that would cost him in the end.
I truly think this problem as seeing Travis as super-human perfect and saintly and Jodi as completely undesirable and disgusting to him and all men way, way oversimplifies the picture and is making many people try and come up with outlandish theories to explain the circumstances that seem rather straight forward to me.

I totally agree with all of this. Travis was no saint. He was a typical flirtatious good looking guy that would take what was offered. He liked having sex with Jodi though he probably didn't like her as a person at least toward the end. I think he was also a bit afraid of her with her stalking and violent behaviors like slashing his tires but couldn't figure out how to get rid of her for good without that becoming a problem for him.

Having had a stalker for several years myself a long time ago, they are VERY hard to get rid of, very scary, and it's mostly just easier to allow them to keep coming back then risk what they might do to you if you don't even though you really want nothing to do with them. Stalkers are relentless. The only way I could finally get rid of mine was to quit my job so he couldn't find me through work, move in the middle of the night to a new apartment in a new town, and basically hid there for a year. I couldn't tell anyone anything because of having mutual friends none of whom I could trust to not reveal anything to him even by accident. That was the only thing that finally got rid of him. Once he figured out there was no way to find me he latched on to someone else and likely stalked them as well when their relationship tanked.

I think that Travis figured it was just easier to give in to her those few times that she would put herself in his face (it's not like he had to run into her every day since they lived so far from each other), give her the sex she wanted (and being a guy he probably was up for, too), and let her go away satisfied afterward until the next time she came around. He probably had no idea how to get rid of her for good without her creating a scene and getting more stalkerish and was hoping as I had for so long with my stalker that eventually she would tire of what her place in his life had become and move on on her own.

It took me YEARS to finally figure out that the only way to get rid of a stalker is to run and hide until they get stymied in trying to find you and turn their attention to someone else. Though it was easier to keep letting them come back and hoping that they would finally tire of it and move on, it was the one thing that gave them hope and continued their stalking behavior. The only way to get rid of them is to remove that hope by removing yourself completely so they can't find you while protecting yourself from them.
If he's not posing then he can only be taking a regular old shower, right? Where is the soap? The shampoo? Why are there no photos of him looking goofy while scrubbing behind his ears? She ain't that great a photographer.

My DH can soak in the shower a half an hour before he starts scrubbing anything.
Interesting. Dr. Seth Myers was just on HLN and said that he has worked on a lot of psych wards and that JA appears to him to be more personality disordered than anyone he has ever seen. On a scale of one to ten, he rated her a ten. Said she displays symptoms of the following personality disorders: Dependent , Borderline , Narcissistic and Sociopathic .

Does anyone know, is psychopathy considered a personality disorder, in the clinical sense, or is that something different?
Someone put this together, which is even more telling than merely the one pic (thanks to the poster who put it together):

Thank you so much Allyne Smithe! I was beginning to feel like the step child here too.
Hi everyone,

Just joined recently after first hearing about the case in the last couple of weeks. Many thanks for providing such thought-provoking discussion.

I was wondering if the pictures from June 4th, 2008 represent everything from the memory card or simply those that they were able to recover.

Oh no. Not the de-edify bit. :floorlaugh:

LOL!! Seriously though. In my boredom, I've been watching the defense case. The girl is a lousy actress and every witness the DT calls, leaves looking like a complete liar. I didn't notice until now how truly lame the lack of defense don't worry.
→This is something I copied from another person's post to WS.
These are all FROM Travis TO JA
April 2008 (I think - if not, its close)
(illegible) you have that
information. its 15 minutes it
would take to gt the info.
But you won't take 15
minutes. Why because it is
an Fing lie. So either text
me you that you are ready
to tell the truth or give me
your imaginary friend with
the worst BS story you have
ever told or leave me alone.
Its a lie like no other. It is
freaking foolish. There is no
way out of it, you have
screwed up your story so
bad you can't mend it. You
are caught. When will you
realize that. I do not know.
You have til tomorrow. to
have me this persons
information before I tell all
of the hughes' leslie udy,
the freemans, your parents
and anyone else that
matters about all the crazy
things you have done. So
either fess up or feel the
wrath. No matter how bad
the truth is I promise you
the punishment will be
better than the lie. This is
worse than your magical
email that a mysterious man
you've never seen before
wrote for you. You insult me
by thinking ill believe such
crap. nothing else from you
til the truth. I already know
your lying so why continue.
After tomorrow, its gonna
get real bad for you. Time to
spit it out.
These 3 are all part of one long text,
no replies from JA in between:
05/26/08 at 07:59:15am
I sent you a response to
your dire conversation, that
I hope youread because
you need to read it. Maybe
it will spark human emotion
in you, something that only
seems to exist when it
comes to your own
problems. But everyone
else is just a part of your
sick agenda. By the way,
your pic comment to Danny
Jones makes you look like a
pure *advertiser censored*, even more to
the people who know you.
You should be embarrassed
by it. If he knew what I knew
about you he'd spit in ur
face. Sow ould everyone
else. I have never never in
my life been hurt so bad by
someone. But why do I
even say it because you
don't care. It doesn't serve
your evilness.
05/26/08 at 08:35:02am
You couldn't get off your
lazy butt to to read it could
you. That's the sociopath (I)
know so well. it freakin
05/26/08 at 09:11:11am
I don't want your apology I
want you to understand
what I think of you. I want
you to understand how evil I
think you are. You are the
worst thing that ever
happened to me.

The amazing thing to me is that the Defense had the chutzpah to bring these texts into evidence to go to her claim that she feared for her life and that Travis was threatening and abusive!!! I hope JM hits them hard in closing or rebuttal! IMO, Travis's own words are more damning that any silly broken finger, fake sexual bondage acts, or name-calling (*advertiser censored*, three hole wonder), etc.

It's clear that Travis never laid a hand on her. His only 'weapon' was the written word. He threatened to expose her for what she really is - an evil, sociopathic liar. He stood up to her and it cost him his life! We need to know what this evil witch did to Travis to cause him to go into such a rant! It had to be horrific! Probably so horrific that Travis was too embarrassed to tell even his closest friends about it.

She deserves the DP 10x over!
Interesting. Dr. Seth Myers was just on HLN and said that he has worked on a lot of psych wards and that JA appears to him to be more personality disordered than anyone he has ever seen. On a scale of one to ten, he rated her a ten. Said she displays symptoms of the following personality disorders: Dependent , Borderline , Narcissistic and Sociopathic .

Dr. Drew's expert (and even another one on Vinnie's show) said the same exact thing!
BBM ^ Unless I am missing something, I have seen no "proof" Travis was "entertaining" her on June 4th. The nude pics on the bed are not proof that any sexual encounter had occured. Look at both his and her faces in the nude ones... do they appear as if sex had just happened (or was about to happen?) The shower pics were more than likely done at gunpoint. That boy was not a willing participant, and appears to be praying in some, and terrified in another. MOO

I soooo totally concur!!!!!!!!!!!!! Travis did NOT expect or EVER wanted Jodi frickin Arias to ever be back in his life. We will never know the truth. She knows we only have her word because Travis cannot speak for himself. Travis was not interacting with her in a sexual way that day ... NEVER .. not a chance ...

We hear ya Travis .... keep showing us the signs!! :please:
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