Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #81

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It's sort of amazing that over 2,800 miles and 5 days she didn't ever stop at a motel.

She spent June 2 at Matt's. June 3 she drove all night. Slept some at Travis's on June 4 then slept on Ryan for a coupe of hours then is up and filling gas cans at 4am June 6 on her way home...

Slept in her car, couldn't afford to be seen at a motel. Must have cleaned up at side of car with bottled water, bathroom in the desert or behind a bush! That is sick!
One other thing that has somewhat stuck out to me and made me go HMMM. She purchased a gas can at Walmart. 2 bottles of sunscreen and some facial cleaners. I just have to wonder why the sunscreen? Did she think a trip to kill Travis would result in long walks in the desert?? Or did she think she might get a last minute invite to Cancun and wanted to make sure she had sunscreen? Any thoughts on that one? Most folks who buy sunscreen are planning time outside and usually only need one bottle.

Sunscreen WITH....bronzer! Perfect thinking for someone going on a tropical vacation and who doesn't want to look like an albino tourist.

I would like to know if she ever obtained or sent away for a passport in 2008.
You do need one to visit Cancun, right?
it is creepy how she smiles talking about sex with Travis and almost glows, she gets giddy at times when she spars with Juan. Also creepy, visiting all her exes along the route to kill Travis...might she have been picking up blackmail money along with gas cans and stuff? Getting her "allies" in place.
Jodi seems to the type to always have the "goods" to blackmail people, taking notes and pictures--hiding behind that camera, watching every move of everyone. ..taping calls without their permission. Stalking. Darryl probably feared losing his son.
It's sort of amazing that over 2,800 miles and 5 days she didn't ever stop at a motel.

She spent June 2 at Matt's. June 3 she drove all night. Slept some at Travis's on June 4 then slept on Ryan for a coupe of hours then is up and filling gas cans at 4am June 6 on her way home...

I think I recall her saying she would sleep in the car sometimes on these road trips. That alone makes me think she wasn't some abused, scared, fearful woman, as I don't think that a woman who has been battered and traumatized like JA claims to have been would allow herself to be so vulnerable. I sure wouldn't.
I'm trying to remember the Arias answer to juror question #91, "Why did you move from Big Sur to Mesa?" I believe her answer was less than, shall we say, candid and that she took some time composing it. Was it something like wanting to be with her AZ friends and the good wards in Mesa? Of course, this is the same month she claimed Travis was courting her, in other questioning.
One other thing that has somewhat stuck out to me and made me go HMMM. She purchased a gas can at Walmart. 2 bottles of sunscreen and some facial cleaners. I just have to wonder why the sunscreen? Did she think a trip to kill Travis would result in long walks in the desert?? Or did she think she might get a last minute invite to Cancun and wanted to make sure she had sunscreen? Any thoughts on that one? Most folks who buy sunscreen are planning time outside and usually only need one bottle.

I've been wondering why was she buying TWO bottles of facial cleanser and TWO bottles of sunscreen while she's on a road trip and while being on a low budget.

I wonder if she used sunscreen on a daily basis or only if she were planning to go to somewhere like oh...Cancun.
I also think he might've been with her part of the trip because she referred TWICE to someone else in her car when she said: 'we drove' ......when going over her road trip in southern California to Flores.

I've wondered about that as well. Because if she really did plan to kill travis as the primary goal of her trip, then staying at his house for hours while his roommates could be in and out seems problematic. But if someone was in her car, as a lookout, she could be comfortable knowing if anyone was coming or not. A companion could also help her move the body back to the shower, and share all that driving. I don't know what was found in the way of footprints, but maybe that's what jodi was trying to do by wiping the floor--erase tracks.

An unrelated fact that troubles me is if she was there all day, how did she know travis wouldn't call or text someone at some point saying "guess who's here?"
Buzz much Jodi?

Ha. I don't think caffeine alone would keep a person going and awake enough to drive as much as JA did on as little sleep as she did... Maybe caffeine and a few Adderall XR's or something.
Sunscreen WITH....bronzer! Perfect thinking for someone going on a tropical vacation and who doesn't want to look like an albino tourist.

I would like to know if she ever obtained or sent away for a passport in 2008.
You do need one to visit Cancun, right?

I found this. Yes for sure now you need a passport for Cancun.

"Jul 03, 2008, 4:00 PM
Destination Expert
for Tucson, Arizona, Northern Mexico
Passports are only required to enter and leave Mexico or Canada, when flying. Land crossings at the border require a government-issued photo id such as a drivers license plus proof of citizenship such as a birth certificate or voters registration.

Passports will not be required at land border crossings until at least June 2009, which may be extended again, and the State Dept may implement a different type of identity card by then for land crossings.

Passports are required for travel to/from all other countries."
I think that is why a juror asked JA whether she had the shakes during JM's cross. The juror knows there was none of that! We didn't see any shaking or quivering. She was arrogant beyond belief.

Hope so too, and that they remember she said she sat on her hands so State would not see when he was getting to her...bah!:waitasec:
Slept in her car, couldn't afford to be seen at a motel. Must have cleaned up at side of car with bottled water, bathroom in the desert or behind a bush! That is sick!

If she had this case of water in the trunk why the need to purchase bottle water at her pit stops like...McDonalds? She bought water again according to another receipt only I forget where that was.
I don't remember where I've posted anything at this point but a couple of quick updates:

1. I'm on Tricia's radio show again tonite as a guest...please call in with any questions. This was a BIG WEEK so will be reviewing it I think.

2. Janine Driver IS coming to court this week and will be sitting with yours truly for the main purpose of reading the jury. This was her FB post to me (she put it on my wall so I feel ok sharing it):


I'm thinking of flying into Phoenix tomorrow night so I can be in the courtroom on Monday and Tuesday. I must see this jury. My life's mission is to stop bad people from doing bad things and I need to get a feel for how this jury feels about Jodi. How do you get inside the courtroom and could you get me in? We could go together and I can share my analysis with you!!! ;)

(I told her court was dark mon/tues so she's flying out Tues to attend Wed and hopefully Thurs)

I've rearranged my schedule to go all day on Wednesday to be there with her. And hoping I can convince her for Happy Hour after court. Pinching myself as I've been following her since before this trial. I need to go out and buy her book "You Can't Lie to Me" today. :great:
3. Jodi Arias will be convicted by this jury and sentenced to death (imo of course). Just thought I'd throw this in here as long as I'm making a list. ;)

GAH!!!!!! OMG, I'm sooooooo excited! I have both of her most recent books. I think she has mad skills at reading people. I know that she has been the only guest (as opposed to a TH), that I care to listen to regarding JA.s body language and her BS crying. Janine is so thorough, analytic, and her observations are so spot on!

Dangit, this keeps getting more and more interesting by the day. KatieCoolady ...I just want to keep hugging you. I almost want to book a ticket just so I can join the verdict celebration with you! Thank goodness im not that far away in So. Cal. ;-)
I think he is saving some of these for later. Some he started launching last week, but was just getting started and some things will be better left for other witnesses. My thoughts in red by yours above, great list!

To this, I would add:

19- her statement during testimony that surveillance probably existed but long gone by now
20- that darn left ring finger (listed above 2 times, but so good it deserves 3 mentions in a list this size
21 - her bank statements - we have only seen a small portion of 1 page, I suspect there is much more evidentiary value in those.
22 - her cameras - one was talked about as recording video that day
23 - we were shown a CVS receipt, States Exhibit #237.009, CVS Pasadena CA, 6/03/08 8:31pm, Health Care Eligible $6.37, but it does not show us what was purchased...YET. A quick scan of items near that price point that are health care eligible (qualify as FSA expenses) include condoms and contact lens solution, remember the I never had glasses till tried someone's on for fun in 2010 and was shocked at how much sharper everything was, hmmm....
24 - The Valero receipt: States Exhibit #237.004, Valero, 6/02/08 8:41pm, MC 2015. We have not been told if it was for fuel, how much, or where it was, nor can we see any of those items (yet) on the exhibits, it was folded over.


And we had seen a charge for airfare, which we all as soon as to the memorial service. It was said in court that she was also going to the funeral. But she had a problem with the car on the way there. If she did have reservations to make that flight, where are the charges for the flight for the funeral?

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ITA. I sort of got the impression that she lived a Peter-robbing-Paul type of lifestyle. She was always borrowing from one to pay the other. I think she had a large network of people she used like that. Only other explanation I have is sex for money.

States Exhibit #237.005, WaMu Monterey CA, 6/03/08 10:10, Deposit $400.00 Acct Bal $548.65 Avail Bal $548.65, ACCT #8006
States Exhibit #237.006, WaMu Monterey CA, 6/03/08 10:11, Deposit $300.00 Acct Bal $240.43 Avail Bal $207.43, ACCT #7148
States Exhibit #237.007, WaMu Monterey CA, 6/03/08 10:15, Deposit $100.00, ACCT #7148

So on June 3 at 10:15 she had $548.65

Plus about $200 cash according to her testimony
so about $950 to her name.
I suppose the rental car money went through on June 2
I've been wondering why was she buying TWO bottles of facial cleanser and TWO bottles of sunscreen while she's on a road trip and while being on a low budget.

I wonder if she used sunscreen on a daily basis or only if she were planning to go to somewhere like oh...Cancun.

but she had already taken a week off for her road trip. the murder was on june 4, a wednesday, and travis wasn't scheduled to leave for cancun until june 10, the following tuesday. could she blow off work (or quit)? did she have a passport? I think there was some discussion of this during the jury's questions but I missed it.
It's ridiculous for JA to say that she lent Travis money! I was so glad that a juror asked her how she is able to remember the exact amounts she lent the poor boy. I think Travis lent/gave her a lot more money than she would care to tell. I'm sure she also borrowed from family and guys who were blinded by her good looks (now she looks like a witch). She lived with her grandparents so maybe she stole from them too just the way KC did from her grandma.

JA doesn't battle an eyelid about the fact that she butchered a man. What's stealing compared to that? Bet she did it all the time.
My # 11 comment should have said Jan 24 not June! Sorry

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That is okay that you mix it up. Even she did that on the stand for June and January!

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If she had this case of water in the trunk why the need to purchase bottle water at her pit stops like...McDonalds? She bought water again according to another receipt only I forget where that was.

Because the water in the trunk was boiling hot and tasted like gasoline?


Seriously, the water should have been in an ice chest in the passenger compartment, if it ever existed.
I don't remember where I've posted anything at this point but a couple of quick updates:

1. I'm on Tricia's radio show again tonite as a guest...please call in with any questions. This was a BIG WEEK so will be reviewing it I think.

2. Janine Driver IS coming to court this week and will be sitting with yours truly for the main purpose of reading the jury. This was her FB post to me (she put it on my wall so I feel ok sharing it):


I'm thinking of flying into Phoenix tomorrow night so I can be in the courtroom on Monday and Tuesday. I must see this jury. My life's mission is to stop bad people from doing bad things and I need to get a feel for how this jury feels about Jodi. How do you get inside the courtroom and could you get me in? We could go together and I can share my analysis with you!!! ;)

(I told her court was dark mon/tues so she's flying out Tues to attend Wed and hopefully Thurs)

I've rearranged my schedule to go all day on Wednesday to be there with her. And hoping I can convince her for Happy Hour after court. Pinching myself as I've been following her since before this trial. I need to go out and buy her book "You Can't Lie to Me" today. :great:
3. Jodi Arias will be convicted by this jury and sentenced to death (imo of course). Just thought I'd throw this in here as long as I'm making a list. ;)

Tricia and Websleuths promote books to the right side on their feed on the threads. Perhaps you should send a note to Tricia or Kim ster to have this put on there to her book through Amazon so they can get proceeds from it?

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