Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #81

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January 15, Sandy Arias (Jodi's mother) reported "she was informed" about jury misconduct. Was this a tact by Jodi to get a mistrial? Anybody know what Sandy Arias reported?


Court documents page 3

I have no idea but the court acted on the heresay. I'm very sceptical but it would be my guess that a friend of JA's tried something fishy and it didn't work.
Taking the $400 back out of #8006 to transfer it to #7148 would leave her with

#8006 148.65
#7148 340.43

so $489.08 total.

For those that are very well versed in the receipts thread I have a question. was the rental car paid with a debit card or credit card? The reason being, if she paid by a debit card, they take the charges immediately and do a little bit more. That is what they do with a debit card. This may be unexpected for her, and therefore she had to cover it with cash deposit to that account. It is done immediately as a whole. They take the money out right away so she would need to cover her eventual potential charges in my opinion.

so, does anyone know if she pay by credit card for the rental or debit card?

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Ha. I don't think caffeine alone would keep a person going and awake enough to drive as much as JA did on as little sleep as she did... Maybe caffeine and a few Adderall XR's or something.

I know! and she goes on and on when answering questions....almost like she's Bi-Polar on the high side. I've never seen anybody so HYPER all the time! I wonder if she is on Adderall?
The "lost and found" cell phone charger is the premed clincher for me. She said she felt more secure with gas cans driving through the desert at night, but no cell phone??? Single woman alone at night with combustable material smelling in tha back of the car, but no concern @ cell phone. Filled up at two gas stations and did not buy another charger?
Those pesky cell phone chargers always hide under the seat when ya need 'um!

One of the 3 Starbucks skaters probably hid it. They planned it all: one on the front license plate, one on the back, one on the phone charger. Sounds like JA logic to me!
I didn't catch that but Daryl must be really pissed or feels foolish seeing she cut him off from all sex because she 'was saving herself for marriage'.

Hmm, does that mean she planned (in her warped mind) to marry Travis?

That was indeed a shocker on stand, for everyone, and I bet the defense folks too, when she said Travis asked her to marry him on the phone!

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I hear ya but then, why bother bringing water then? A case?? Surely a gallon would've sufficed in case of an emergency especially if she was counting pennies as she has us believing?

She was only going to Utah....not trekking across Death Valley!
There is no proof there was a case of water in her trunk anyway.

I think Jodi made up integral nonsensical details just for the sake of embellishing her story being the egotistical raconteur she is!

Anyone else can't stand when she says "And um...." ??
She irritates me greatly and I give props to Flores for not hauling off and schmacking her across her lying face during those two interviews. Shows a great amount of restraint!
That is exactly why I said "if it ever existed". I can see getting a case of water if one is driving a SUV where there is storage room inside the passenger compartment, and/or a family is travelling together. She had little room to spare inside that car and the trunk had at least three gas cans in it. I do believe JA embellishes the truth when it isn't necessary or important as many sociopaths do.

Another thing, slightly off topic, however important is that it is unsafe to drink out of those plastic bottles if they have been stored inside a hot car/trunk.


I hope i make it until Wed. I have watched JM 's last cross of JA at least 5 times. I have now resorted to re-watching early testimony to note some glaring inconsistencies from JA in response to the jury questions. I need to shower at some point today...and see the outdoors. Obssess much?

I think JA stole some money on the day ofthe murder. At one point she did say the "ninja" took some of his cash. Ninja = Jodi.

I've been doing the same thing!! I didn't notice what a lousy actress she was on direct until now. Worst acting ever!! I hope the jury caught it first time. They were forced to watch, I only listened.
What we here at websleuths do is much different. We want to know and get the facts . But when it comes down to it, for those on the defense team and their minions maybe reading here, it. Does. Not. Matter!

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Unless I am mis-reading your post but;
Why wouldn't you think the jurors want the facts too?

This is so complicated and intense that I get one of those Jodi-migraines after reading these sorted details, opinions, facts and theories.
Because the water in the trunk was boiling hot and tasted like gasoline?


Seriously, the water should have been in an ice chest in the passenger compartment, if it ever existed.

Exactly! That water was not for drinking, that was for cleaning herself up if need be.
I know! and she goes on and on when answering questions....almost like she's Bi-Polar on the high side. I've never seen anybody so HYPER all the time! I wonder if she is on Adderall?

She has testified she has not had any mental health treatment, while answering a Jury question, and any treatment or prescriptions now would be administered at the jail.

Maybe since she thought she was going to Cancun, she anticipated a lot of generous facials while she was there. That hotel soap can really dry out your skin!

Yes, if there is one thing cleared up by her testimony it is the need for the two bottles of face cleaner she bought at Walmart.

I hope they wash her mouth out with soap before they euthanize her
Respectfully snipped and BBM ...

Rumor has it that Arias borrowed money from Paul Stern in Big Sur ... that would have had to occur somewhere after 11 PM on 6/2 as Arias was still in Lodi at 8:41 PM. Not hard to believe that she did borrow this money and then head back to Monterey to hook up with MM ...

In my notes, MattM (possibly his roommate too) and JA went out in Santa Cruz CA. No confirmation but ... I wonder if MattM's "The Red Room" or "karaoke bar" is PaulS' "bar/grill/restaurant"?:

6/2; evening Santa Cruz CA Visit w/MattMcC; went out to The Red Room then to karaoke bar; spent night at Matt's

6/2 PaulS, friend from bar/grill/restaurant, said he loaned JA money; said she was frantic, had to go back and see TA; he said she paid him back at a later date; "Well, the day before she left, she was pretty frantic that she had to go back and see Travis, and she talked about how he was seeing other people and she asked to borrow money and I gave her money."
Exactly! That water was not for drinking, that was for cleaning herself up if need be.

Yea most likely, and possibly for if the car overheated in the desert.
For those that are very well versed in the receipts thread I have a question. was the rental car paid with a debit card or credit card? The reason being, if she paid by a debit card, they take the charges immediately and do a little bit more. That is what they do with a debit card. This may be unexpected for her, and therefore she had to cover it with cash deposit to that account. It is done immediately as a whole. They take the money out right away so she would need to cover her eventual potential charges in my opinion.

so, does anyone know if she pay by credit card for the rental or debit card?

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According to Daryl, didn't they both filed bankruptcy after they let the house go into foreclosure? I don't think she had any credit. She certainly doesn't in any of her stories!!
Really? When was it obtained? Did she ever leave the country? Where the heck is she getting all this spending money to travel if she was a waitress and made less than 2000.00 from Prepaid Legal?

Was she a client of her own company I wonder?
I bet she wished she had one of those-there prepaid attorney's after she met court-appointed sex defender Nurmi!!
Oh the irony!

All that was said was "do you even have a passport", and she said yes. Nurmi QUICKLY changed the subject
One of the 3 Starbucks skaters probably hid it. They planned it all: one on the front license plate, one on the back, one on the phone charger. Sounds like JA logic to me!

That had to be one of her most stupid lies yet. Who is going to remove and rearrange license plates @ Starbuck's just to be "messing" with her? I still believe she was in such a hurry to leave Travis' house she messed them up herself and lucky for her she didn't get pulled over until she reached Utah.

Really? When was it obtained? Did she ever leave the country? Where the heck is she getting all this spending money to travel if she was a waitress and made less than 2000.00 from Prepaid Legal?

Was she a client of her own company I wonder?
I bet she wished she had one of those-there prepaid attorney's after she met court-appointed sex defender Nurmi!!
Oh the irony!

Remember she had visited her boyfriend and his family before on an exchange program in Costa Rica. Therefore the passport.

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I know! and she goes on and on when answering questions....almost like she's Bi-Polar on the high side. I've never seen anybody so HYPER all the time! I wonder if she is on Adderall?

It's anybody's guess, I suppose. I'm not trying to start a rumor or state anything as fact, just my opinion. She HAS lost a lot of weight, but that could be due to life in jail? I don't know. I obviously have no proof but speculated that that is one of the ways she could have stayed thin while dating Travis, despite seeming to eat out frequently and drink calorie filled Starbucks drinks all the time... Even w/o a Rx, I know many girls who get it from friends, and it is very easy to purchase. I do know that caffeine alone wouldn't keep me awake and coherent enough to go on such a long drive and sleep very little for days on end. Maybe it was the adrenaline rush from killing Travis... who knows. She's just so different and scary.
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