Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #82

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A juror did ask whether Travis was tied up on June 4th.

I believe Travis was tied up because you can see duct tape on his arm in the sex photo. I posted some time ago that the duct tape goes around the back, sticky side to the sheet, then looped around the other upper arm.

This is a popular thing in the SM community, apparently (I'm a grandmother, I wouldn't know, never been into that).

BUT I did see the exact same thing done this week on a SNAPPED episode. It was the one where the middle aged older guy went into the desert with the new Wiccan female friend he met in the casino. Apparently she tied him up that way and stabbed him in the chest.

This way of tying someone up immobilizes them from defending the chest, for the purpose of unimpeded torture stabbing.

I think that he was tied up and molested, tortured and given a "broken heart". Her anger was uncontrollable and escalating, so I imagine he did not go down without at least a verbal fight.

Regarding those who say she had no past. The evidence of her refusing to be thrown out of the Hughes home shows her disrespect for others and her arrogance. Something about her confrontational attitude actually scared Mrs. Hughes. And who leaves their job and drives in person to confront your long distance boyfriend's new person? Don't you just call your boyfriend and ask him if he has someone else, you need to know? This is aggressive, I-Love-A-Fight behavior. And it did not come from nowhere.

I hid my son's horrific behavior. I didn't want anyone to know what was going on behind closed doors. Her childhood was not "unremarkable," it's just not talked because it's a family and personal shame to have a fire-starting, thief, rapist, property-destroying, animal-torturing child.
I am always struck by how beautiful his family is--they are always impeccably dressed & groomed; they are always appropriate in the courtroom--even when it gets hard to keep your composure & you can see they are deriving their collective strength from their love for Travis.

I've wondered if the jury notices the huge differences between those there to support the victim and those supporting the defendant.
I have seriously moved a sleeper sofa from the main floor to an upstairs bedroom by myself. I had to take the door off of the room, but I did it - alone. And I was not even highly motivated. JA, in an adrenaline state, could have done anything.

This is what I woke up to this morning when I got on the computer!!! My daughter put this as my screen saver :giggle:

I give up. Well take it from me it was funny

Yay!!! It finally worked!!! lol
Hey, I'm just taking a break! Catching my breath! You know! Plus, there's that long lunch break, so I'll get it done, don't you worry!:groucho:

Understand, we got 30 more minutes, just enough time to find the vaccuum cleaner, run to computer and check posts, pull out long arse vaccuum cleaner, run to computer and check posts, plug in vaccuum cleaner, run to computer and check posts, then forget what we were doing and run to turn on an empty dryer, then run back here to check posts, and ba-bing, it'll be 1:00 :rocker:
Remember when JM was questioning JA about how fast she got the gun that was way back in the corner of the closet? I think she thought long and hard about it that night. I think that's where the "HOLSTER" came from. Because it would be easier to grab/get to, and pull down the gun in the HOLSTER. What she FORGOT in this again made up story is -it would actually take more time to get the gun and take it out of the holster. So then the lie becomes ...well MAYBE ir wasn't in the holster, BUT it was at one time.
Have taken a 4 day break from all things JA. Almost. Can't seem to stop thoughts about the trial popping up when I least expect them to.

I'm sure this is no revelation and has been discussed many times in many ways. Lat night, though, my mind shifted the kalidescope of testimony/evidence ever so slightly, and the pieces fell into a point of view I think it's possible JA held.

JA's past relationships demonstrate that she never acknowledged much less respected other's boundaries or privacy. JA has a 100% track record of being controlling, possessive, and utterly self-absorbed. As well,she has proven incapable of fashioning any life of her own for herself. She is like a formless ball of clay, requiring a mold-- a man- to wrap herself around in order to have any identity at all.

Given all that is true- and IMO, it is, then what was so different about her relationship with Travis Alexander that led to his murder?

IMO the Fatal Attraction--"if I can't have him nobody can"-- interpretation is way too simplistic and misses the mark. JA never loved Travis- she is incapable of genuine attachment of any kind. She had/has no friends of her own, male or female. Subtract Travis's friends and his church/ business circles she relentlessly inserted herself into and what is left is her small handful of ex-boyfriends. Travis as possession, perhaps, but love? Nah.

Come mid to late May 2008, she still wanted TA, whatever that meant to her. Travis was clearly trying to distance himself. Her endless manipulations and "drama," the tools she had always used, successfully, to keep her talons in him were failing her. Travis was going to move on, and without her. IMO Cancun with Mimi made her extremely angry, yes, but that was only half the story.

JA knew that Travis kept the end months of their "relationship" secret, and she knew that he did so because his friends didn't like her/were creeped out by her. The benefit to JA of that secrecy, though, was that Travis was telling only a very few of his closest friends about JA's increasing hostility and bizarre behavior.

If only a few of T's Arizona buddies knew who and what she really was, she could in theory move on herself and latch onto another innocent Mormon guy, her preferred class of victim.

But Travis wasn't just calling it quits with her. He called her a sociopath and a *advertiser censored*. He told her his friends would spit in her face if they knew the truth about her, and he threatened to expose the truth about her- both her sexual and crazy behavior- to her family and to his friends.

I think the threat of having her normality mask removed by Travis absolutely panicked JA. HE would be able to move on and get married, but SHE would a pariah, denied her victim pool of Mormons and PPL folk. Poof would go the easy access to the life TA showed her that she immediately saw as her right and due-- the traveling, the nice house and car, the income she'd never earn as a part time waitress at Denny's.

I think she killed him to silence him. I think she snuck into his house and tried to plant incriminating "evidence" on his computer while he still slept. I think she had sex with him to demonstrate that she still held power over him, and I think that she screamed about HER destroying HIM as she stabbed him and slit his throat.

I think that this trial, from JA's warped sociopathic view, is providing her with the satisfaction of doing to HIM what he threatened to do to HER. He would tell the world about HER whoredom? She trumps him by lying about affairs with married women, spins woe is me tales of tootsie pops and raunchy fantasies (taped for the express purpose of exposing him), and from the darkest recesses of her sick mind, accuses him of pedophilia. Take THAT, Travis.

HE would tell the world about HER viciousness and psycho behavior? She trumps him again by manufacturing her accusations of physical abuse. Take THAT, Travis.

Every accusation she makes outright and slips in under her breath or under the radar is a gigantic FU to Travis. She's gleeful and triumphant and cocky because she is getting the opportunity of a lifetime to obliterate Travis the way she felt he was poised to do to her.

Personally I'm glad in one way that she's so wrapped up in her pursuit for revenge that she's single-handedly destroying any possibility the jury will want to spare her life. Poetic justice at its finest.
GREAT POST.......thanks - exactly what i think.... AMEN
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