Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #82

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Their corporate offices may require an order to release records.

Well, both Walmart in Salinas and Tesoro in Utah would be beyond the reach of the prosecutor's subpoena power, so even if he sent them a subpoena they would not have to comply.

Also, in some states, attorneys cannot just issue a subpoena to a non-party without a court order, so this may also just be the normal procedural way to go about getting business records from a non-party.
I seriously doubt female sociopaths are rare. I know what you meant here: It's rare that they are so fully exposed.

I suspect female sociopaths fly under the radar more. Perhaps it has to do with the different strategies women use, ability to engage proxies more, or generally better talent at manipulation that doesn't often come out in overt violent or antisocial acts.

It's not that women sociopaths are rare, but, pure speculation here, women make more effective sociopaths and better escape detection.

Societal expectations play into it. I'm chronically annoyed by the assumptions of programs like ID's "Snapped". They do portray women who "snap" but some of the "snappers" are female serial poisoners that kill a string of husbands for insurance money. That's a weird idea of "snapping".

The other side of the coin of sexism is to put women, as a whole, on a pedestal, which often treats women are less than complete human beings, without agency and often as mental and moral children. You make excuses for children you never would for adults and that seems to be what's happening even here in this case when talking heads continue to women what it is Travis Alexander did to set her off, as if he's the only one with agency (and in a sense, responsibility) in the relationship.

I get a sense of that with the insistance that Travis Alexander was "using her for sex" or "thinking with his little head".

You know what Travis Alexander was? He was a nice, somewhat pudgy, sexually inexperienced guy who met a predator in a pretty shell, who he first thought was just the nicest girl in the world and that first impression persisted long after someone with the omniscience of hindsight would tell him to run like his life depended on it. The only thing I would fault him for was being basically a pitchman for a Multi-Level Marketing scheme. He was the guy who convinced you to sell for AmWay and was a "motivational speaker" in the same way Arias is described as a "photographer" rather than what she was, which was a waitress.

But that's the point: The preferred narrative trumps reality. Seriously, if I hear some talking head call Arias a photographer, like she ever got paid for it from someone who wasn't a friend or family, I will scream.

The Jodi Arias act is no different than Ted Bundy with a cast on his arm. Which sounds cunning and clumsy when Bundy did it, but it's own own societal attitudes and expectations that let Arias get away with her "poor little helpless me" predatory act.

It's as if we peer too hard at it, the whole apple pie facade will come apart.

Maybe we need a t-shirt made that reads "Women: Just as Evil as Men, Only in Nicer Pastel Colors".

Couldn't agree more!

I think the reason that sociopathic men stand out more than women is because female sociopathy is interpersonal which is not something you can get arrested for. Like a woman will ruin another females reputation with a smear campaign, or do a little character assassination, tell malicious lies, sleep with all her friends husbands, hook up with a guy and take him down to the point where he's a shell of his former self, that kind of thing.

You hear about things like that in the workplace or in a small town, but it's not illegal activity, no authority is going to get involved, it's not recognised as sociopathy the same way fraud or embezzlement is for instance.

Just as damaging, not as illegal.
Thanks for the insult, A$$#@j*ck. <--- just a typo. Some of my keyboard keys must be acting up. :D

I have seen truly awful artwork presented and sold as professional works.

I never referred to Jodi's work as "true works of art", but just as work that is actually good.

If she had further training at an accredited art school, she would learn to see more contrast in her lights and darks, and would evolve as a better artist.

I don't know what world you are living in, but you must be surrounded by stellar talent of all ages. I am not aware of such a community of geniuses.

At one point, I had opined that I thought JA's artwork was quite good. I was criticized for having such an opinion.

But I would like to suggest that if this artwork was TA's, the opinion would be that it is remarkable and JA cut short the life of a talented artist. Our judgment of the work is colored by our opinion of the artist. We hate JA, therefore her artwork is amateur-like.

I do not like JA and abhor her actions...before, during, and after June 4. But, I am honest with myself when I say I THINK her work is really quite good.

Bash me if you must...but I thought all opinions and views were welcome here.
It actually looks like they are trying to get a court order compelling Walmart and Tesoro to produce their business records -- looks like the prosecution does not yet have the records. Maybe Walmart and Tesoro are not responding quickly enough.

A lot of companies need a warrant to divulge their records. I assume this is what it is all about. That's not to say investigators have not spoken to both Walmart and Tesoro :)
The gas can/car fills up in California still do not add up in Jodi's favor. She purchased 8.301 gallons, 9.59 gallons and 2.74 gallons. She mentions in her testimony that she believes the hose to the car turned off automatically and that is why it stopped. That being said 8.3 gallons plus 2.74 gallons equals 11.04 gallons which is more than 10 gallons. Add 9.59 gallons and 2.74 gallons and it is 12.33 gallons way more than 10 gallons for the two containers. If her car automatically shut off why would she try to put more gas in after she has already paid for a full tank inside. Ford Focus has 13 to 14 gallon tank. She had to have some gas already in the car.

What could make sense is she put 8.3 gallons in the cans, 9.59 gallons in her car and the 2.74 gallons went into the extra can. I think she put kerosene in the last can, myself. If she wanted to fill it with regular gas why not just fill it up, too????? jmo
Looks like there was a hearing today to admit the business records from Tesoro and Walmart!!!

Go Juan!!!


ETA: the hearing is to get the records not admit them. . . .I still agree with Adam. . .YAY!!!
All the calls I made to Tesoro in Salt Lake City LOL. You would think they would start getting the stuff together ... He was so confused.. then i said do you know what your house were in 2006? he said "Huh?" I said "Ok never mind, thanks!"

(ha ha.. i called around for hours) They probably have no idea what's going on.. Is that a desolate area?

It's not even close to "desolate". I do think it's a bit unreasonable to expect a convenience store clerk to know what their hours were 5 years ago.
(My bolding) Can you help me then? I could have sworn the first time I heard JA say Travis said 'F-ing kill you B---' was when he body slammed her and she got scared and ran for the gun. In all the latest testimony it seems she's saying he said that right after she shot him. Do you have this annotated?

to quote arias: it was "both"

(she has said both)

hahaha... bet the jury won't buy her "both" answers however

I was wrong about the motion to admit the docs. Minor4th pointed out that the motion was to Compel Walmart and Tesoro for the business records. I have edited my original post as to not spread incorrect information. Sorry :please:
The fact of the matter is 90% of violent crimes/murders ARE committed by men.
Women only make up 2% of inmates on death row.
Statistically speaking, if you are unfortunate enough to be a victim of a violent crime the perp will most likely be male.

In every way JA falls outside the norm, she is the improbable, the bolt of lightning striking repeatedly in the same place.
Well after the 10 mins it took me to find what I was looking for....

Well done Juan. She is cooked. It is going to show 3rd gas can was never returned and that she could only have bought gas at that gas station..

Somehow I think she is going to try and change her story.. But she is cooked..

I can't wait for this tomorrow. !!!!!

wonder if the have security video footage for the sale....parking lot....and her leaving , never to return.

What If There Is Abuse Or
Violence In My Relationship?
There is a continuum of behaviors within a relationship that can be called abusive. They range from being slightly disrespectful to your partner, such as raising your voice in an argument; increasing to using physical violence to control the partner. Most disrespectful and violent behavior is about controlling the partner. There is a common understanding that these men and women do not change. This is only true when the person is not getting treatment. Research shows that about 5% of violent relationships are where females are doing the intimidation. I often hear from men that the women they are with are violent with them, and that they should be in treatment. Of course, this statement usually precedes that man's full change in his behavior. But, more important than this is a fact that most of us who peruse newspaper headlines can confirm just with our anecdotal experience.

When a woman is violent with a man,
it might be embarrassing & maybe painful for the man.

When a man gets violent with a woman
It can mean life and death!


This is from LaViolettes DV Website. Frightening, imo, the way she dismisses violence from women.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whaaaaaaat?

That's her website!!

Man they really scraped the bottom of the barrel for that one. And don't ya love all these so called experts who the minute you look them up are openly flogging books / audio etc. She is a long way away from what anyone would consider a serious intellectual expert type.

More like a snake oil saleswoman.
I think that even with the socks over the shoes there still would have been a TON of blood that soaked thru the socks onto the shoes. I think she stripped down showered and threw all the blood stuff in a garbage bag to burn in the middle of nowhere. Otherwise there would have been blood all over the house.

Remember her saying when she came to in the car her hands were covered in blood? How come no blood on his bedroom door, bedroom door handle, front door, dishwasher (if she really did use his knife), rental car and so on. I believe she drug him to the shower shot him to make sure he was really dead. Then she showered off all of the blood from the struggle. In no frickin way do I believe she just magically walked out of that house covered in his blood in the middle of daylight and managed to not get a single drop of blood anywhere in that house or the rental car. Believe me if I saw some broad driving down the street covered in blood I would call the police. Even more so if the license plate was upside down. I think she did the whole license plate thing after she dumped off the gun, knife and clothes in the desert. :twocents:

Jodi will always claim the opposite of what happened. She's a psychopath. She loves to play games and loves to 'top' everyone. You can see this even in court when JM is questioning her. She smiles when she thinks she has won an argument against JM even if it means looking bad in front of the jury. Games. Games. Games. No way is she going to intentionally provide even parts of the truth away. I don't believe that there are elements of truth in her Ninja claim.

So if Arias claims she shot Travis first then it means she stabbed him first. If she says she had blood on her hands while driving after the murder then it means she washed up before leaving Travis' house. She's not ordinary crazy. She's Crazy with a capital C.
Hi ya'll :seeya:

hehe you're not rambling..
your theory is not that far fetched, however, you would have to believe
JA :jail: story over ME Dr Kevin's report ?

I tend to believe the ME and not because Whoa handsome he is; although.. any way we could convince Dr Kevin to do a shower shoot for a Calvin ad?? :please:

:blowkiss: to the poster for that eye candy earlier.. yowza!!

I agree with you, on both points:floorlaugh:
Several illnesses make it difficult, if not impossible, to consistently control one's behavior. Here is a list of illnesses and the percentage of people in the population that have that illness.

Depression- Ranging from 3%-5%.
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder- Ranging from 3% to 14%
Anxiety Disorders- Ranging from 2% to 5%.
Personality Disorders ie. Narcisism, Borderline, Dependent ?????????
Poorly developed social and emotional intelligence. ?% ?????????
Bipolar Disorder (Manic Depressive) 2%
Alcoholism/Drug Dependence 12%
Other Addictions ie. Sex, Gambling, ?????????

How come the ones Jodi has don't get a percentage?

From this tripe I don't care now if this 'professional' has no career post trial, she's off her head. Can't wait to see her testify, my bet: Juan will make her testimony sound pro-prosecution.
I can't wait for this tomorrow. !!!!!

wonder if the have security video footage for the sale....parking lot....and her leaving , never to return.


We wish. Highly doubtful since it has been so long and most security recording devices are constantly written over.
I was wrong about the motion to admit the docs. Minor4th pointed out that the motion was to Compel Walmart and Tesoro for the business records. I have edited my original post as to not spread incorrect information. Sorry :please:

No problem! I edited my post, too!
because they linked the pedophilia to the abuse and said the abuse intensified or manifested itself because she discovered he was a pedophile which angered him and sparked the abuse?

Another ?-it sounds like there is a different standard in AZ at least for reaction in self defense cases for "battered women" so that the standard is not what a "reasonable person" would do but what a battered woman" who had experienced x,y,z would do.

Does this also mean that evidence regarding abuse is allowed in even if it would violate other rules of evidence like hearsay, relevance etc? Is there some kind of "battered woman" exception or something?

Even the two years I worked in litigation way back when, I did appellate work just arguing in front of judges on civil matters so my grasp of evidentiary rules is pretty poor.

I just have questions because I was fairly astounded by the scope and amount of, seemingly to me, irrelevant and inadmissible evidence allowed in regarding her whole life story and allegations regarding Travis but since I hardly ever see trials I don't know if it is actually as odd as it seemed.
I can almostvbetvthe pedophilia was created not by JA but by nurmi. The tshirt and undies she claims that TA made them for her ! A lie! Those were made after his death. Nurmi works with sex crimes! It's only fair to assume he would know how to give birth to that lie.
Because of the gravity /heinous of the crime! They needed to add that! That is why nurmi does all the leading with the pedophilia! Notice how he leads her!

ETA: the hearing is to get the records not admit them. . . .I still agree with Adam. . .YAY!!!
Awesome the records to prove her wrong! She can't lie if there's documentation! That's it the jury will not believe another thing she spews.
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