Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #82

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I am sitting up in the middle of the night because we had to put our beloved Golden Retriever down today,had her since a pup.Just can't sleep,the house is not the same without her,miss her dearly.

Im so sorry for your loss. My fur baby is also in my avatar..had her for 11 years now so I can just imagine what you are going through. (((Hugs)))
So, I usually watch JVM and Dr. Drew (I never watch NG).

Anyway, last night Dr. Drew had Mark Eiglarsh on (as usual~YUM!), and he said something that seriously made me Laugh Out Loud, so much so, that my husband thought I was watching a "funny" show.

Here's what he said, and I am still chuckling about it this morning and wanted to share:

From CNN transcripts:

PINSKY: Now, that is going to be the prosecution.

Mark, you say, you simply wanted to address something specifically. You have said to one of my producers, I guess, that you believe the defense`s performance is laughable. Now my panel is going to sit here and listen to you and give you one minute to tell us why that`s so.

MARK EIGLARSH, SPEAKTOMARK.COM: Well, listen. It`s not one single thing. And the entire performance has been laughable -- not only her story itself, but the conflicts in the fact that it doesn`t agree with the other evidence in the case. The only thing she hasn`t done yet and we might see it tomorrow is her blaming George Anthony.


And this:
EIGLARHS: The worst part is those experts if they come in here, that will be worse -- Jodi doing it is one thing but to come in here with their rainbow wigs and their red noses and their flowers from their lapel that shoot water, that maybe the biggest thing because only clowns can come up with those theories.

Eiglarsh made another funny last week...think it was on Dr. Drew....was talking about Jodi's memory loss and that when asked a question she doesn't want to answer her reply is "Um, I'm gonna go with Fog on that"
Well, I sure am posting a lot this morning! I just looked to see who else is on this morning, and saw there are quite a few guests. It made me wonder if some of those are for the defense and/or JA's support site. If so, I hope they will finally realize that JA is an evil person who brutally, and without remorse, took the life of an innocent man who had so much more to give to the world. Why would you want to defend that?!?!

If you are a guest who loves seeing justice like the members here, please join!! We would love to hear your input and thoughts!!!
Yes, JA's "truth". I honestly do not know how someone can lie that easily and that quickly. I have to admit, I can think up a lie pretty quickly :blushing:, but nowhere near as well or as fast as JA. I was watching some of the interrogation tapes and could not believe how fast she could make up the facts about the two people supposedly killing Travis. Such detail and it was all bs.

I think she's done it for years, about everything and probably to just about everyone. My ex is like that, even lying about things that there is absolutely no reason to lie about - stupid, insignificant things. I think JA (and my ex) does it because it's just become second nature. She's lied so much, I doubt if she even remembers the truth anymore. I think her lies have grains of truth in them though. I think when she says he spit, that it was blood (like the blood on the sink) and she said something about how he just kept coming at her, I think he just kept fighting her and wouldn't give up. He fought hard.
I think she's done it for years, about everything and probably to just about everyone. My ex is like that, even lying about things that there is absolutely no reason to lie about - stupid, insignificant things. I think JA (and my ex) does it because it's just become second nature. She's lied so much, I doubt if she even remembers the truth anymore. I think her lies have grains of truth in them though. I think when she says he spit, that it was blood (like the blood on the sink) and she said something about how he just kept coming at her, I think he just kept fighting her and wouldn't give up. He fought hard.

I used to think FCA was anamoly with how she lied...a one of a I see that JA has got her beat...:what: Actually the 2 are very similar in the lying department..they do with such ease!
I think she's done it for years, about everything and probably to just about everyone. My ex is like that, even lying about things that there is absolutely no reason to lie about - stupid, insignificant things. I think JA (and my ex) does it because it's just become second nature. She's lied so much, I doubt if she even remembers the truth anymore. I think her lies have grains of truth in them though. I think when she says he spit, that it was blood (like the blood on the sink) and she said something about how he just kept coming at her, I think he just kept fighting her and wouldn't give up. He fought hard.

Yes, and the grabbing at her clothes. Makes me sad....
Thanks everyone for your well wishes,gonna make an attempt to go to sleep,DH just gave me one of his sleeping pills.Much love to you all.

I'm so sorry for your loss. It's extremely heartbreaking to lose a 4 legged family member.
I am sitting up in the middle of the night because we had to put our beloved Golden Retriever down today,had her since a pup.Just can't sleep,the house is not the same without her,miss her dearly.

I am so very sorry for your loss...please remember that she knew how much you loved her and was grateful to you for the good life you provided. If you will please tell me her name, I will make a donation to my local shelter on her behalf - I hope you will find some peace in knowing that another animal is being helped in her honor. )))))HUG((((((
Yes, and the grabbing at her clothes. Makes me sad....

This makes me sad too. And angry actually, it's clear she remembers enough to give his family what they want to know about his last moments, yet she won't divulge that.
I sincerely hope we are going to get some more Perry Mason moments today.
(with less objections from Nurmi)
Lucy, you have my sympathy. I've been there and know it's a heartbreaking time to get through. I hope you get some rest and find some peace today.
Yes, JA's "truth". I honestly do not know how someone can lie that easily and that quickly. I have to admit, I can think up a lie pretty quickly :blushing:, but nowhere near as well or as fast as JA. I was watching some of the interrogation tapes and could not believe how fast she could make up the facts about the two people supposedly killing Travis. Such detail and it was all bs.

It amazes me too. I am, officially, THE worst liar in the world. Even my kids know when I'm lying, it's written all over my face.

My 12y son: "Did you get me an XBox for Christmas, I know you did!"
Me: "Noooo, and I wouldn't tell you even if I did!"
Son: "YES!!!!!! I knew it!"

Repeating my post from yesterday. Did anyone else notice her two different answers?

Regarding the gun JA bought legally I have a question. At the beginning(?) of trial she said she bought it for safety because she was taking YET ANOTHER road trip with 3 guys that she didn't know ALL that well but trusted them (being the only woman) < her words. Now all of the sudden she has changed her testiphony to she bought it to commit suicide? PLEASE...How can times can she keep changing her stories :confused: And IIRC it was when Nurmi was questiong her. BOTH TIMES !! Once in direct and once again after juror's questions.
Have you noticed that JA is always saying "that was one of the reasons", "there were two reasons", "that wasn't the main reason", "for multiple reasons", etc.?(rhetorical question because WS'rs notice everything. But this got me thinking about the jury question about the other reason for the KY wasn't a serious question, it was just that juror showing annoyance with her 'other reasons' mantra and maybe a bit of mocking.

You just can't make this stuff up!

OMG! That's a scream! :floorlaugh:

Hey, we should have a drinking game where every time Nurmi puts his finger in his nose we all have to take a drink... on second thought, maybe not since we all might end up totally blotto on the floor before the morning court session is half over, and I might end up at the back of the line for the ladies room!
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