Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #82

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Minor4th is thee go to person to ask to repost the gas calculations again tomorrow as she had a couple of updates from her original one.


Here's my previous post about the gas cans:

Well she filled up in Pasadena and filled up the gas cans. Her car had a 12-13 gallon capacity.
From Pasadena to Desert Center, it's 171 miles and takes 5 gallons of gas in a 2008 Ford Focus. On cross-exam, Jodi says she was running low on gas and filled up approx 12 gallons - that's not possible, but she could have topped off.

From Desert Center, CA to Buckeye, AZ, it's 170 miles and takes 5 gallons of gas. She said she filled up again in Buckeye and conceded on cross that she was running low on gas, so another 12 gallons of gas in Buckeye - this is not possible, and I do not believe she would have stopped at a gas station this close to Travis' home.

From Buckeye, AZ to Mesa, AZ is 56 miles and takes 1.7 gallons of gas.
If you assume Desert Center and Buckeye are fabrications because we don't have receipts and the appearance is Jodi is trying to be a ghost on her way to Travis' -- from Pasadena to Mesa is 386 miles and would take 11 gallons of gas. Jodi could make it to Mesa without stopping for gas, and have about 1 gallon to spare.

From Mesa to Hoover Dam is 293 miles and takes 8.6 gallons of gas.

From Hoover Dam to Mesquite, AZ it's 114.5 miles and takes 3.5 gallons of gas. In Mesquite, AZ she purchased $46.11 worth of gasoline --at least 10 gallons. There is no receipt for this gas purchase, and Jodi has not testified about getting gas here - we see this only on the bank statement that Juan entered yesterday.

So from Mesa to Mesquite, AZ, via Hoover Dam, Jodi would have used a little over 12 gallons at a minimum. That is a little more gas than she could have had left over in her tank plus 2, 5-gallon cans. Either she did stop between Mesa and Pasadena, or she had 3 gas cans. If she did stop for gas between Pasadena and Mesa, however, she would not have had to use the gas in the extra cans, so they would have remained full -- and she could not have filled them in SLC, which we know she did. Ergo, she had to have had 3 gas cans.

From Mesquite, AZ to West Jordan, UT, it's 331 miles, and takes 10 gallons of gas

From West Jordan to SLC, it's 13 miles and takes .5 gallons of gas.

In SLC she purchased 20.25 gallons of gas (not counting the possible purchase for the 3rd gas can). Presumably she filled up her car and the two cans, since this is way more gas than her car can hold.

From SLC to Winnemuca, NV, it's 354 miles and takes 10.4 gallons of gas. She said she was almost on empty when she filled up her car in Winnemuca. She purchased 12 gallons of gas.

From Winnemuca, NV to Sparks, NV it's 163 miles and takes 4.8 gallons of gas. In Sparks, she bought 5 gallons of gas. So she would have a full tank of gas and an extra 10 gallons in the trunk.

From Sparks, NV to Yreka, CA , it's 255 miles and takes 7.7 gallons of gas

From Yreka, CA to Redding, CA, it's 98 miles and takes 3 gallons of gas. In Redding she purchased 9.47 gallons of gas, presumably filling the tank.

At the end of her trip, she should have also still had 10 gallons of gas in the extra cans if she did not go anywhere else.


1. She could not have made it from Pasadena to Mesquite on a tank of gas and 2, 5-gallon cans.

2. She could make it to Mesquite, NV if she had three extra 5-gallon cans OR if she filled up in Buckeye.

3. If she got filled up in Buckeye, then she would not have needed to use the extra gas cans at any time before she filled up again in Mesquite. And after filling up in Mesquite, she had enough gas to get her to West Jordan and then to SLC, and she still would not have needed the extra cans. But in SLC she filled up the extra 5-gallon cans, so she had to have used them. That means she did not fill up in Buckeye.

4. Since she didn't fill up in Buckeye, she must have used the extra tanks -- but since she couldn't make it all the way to Mesquite with 2 extra cans, she had to have had 3 extra gas cans.

5. Unless she went somewhere else after Sparks, NV, she should have ended her trip with 2 full 5-gallon gas cans.
ty!! they are assuming it is state because the report says party 001 - but if you look at the entire report, every party on every process from day 1 on jodis court travelings is party 001 - they don't know who or where untill they have the minutes or the actual papers from court - they need to be more responsible - like posting the arrest record b4 they checked to see if it was true or not

I noticed that the entire docket number has an "001" after it. You can't even search the minute entries if you use "001" after the docket number so I don't know why it's there. But I do think it may be that "001" that's appearing on all the minute entries. Maybe they're anticipating an "002"? lol
I felt a pang in my heart when I read this. I think she was recalling the murder when she said to Det. Flores, "He screamed and screamed, but not like a girl."

I think that is a very odd thing to say and as I've rolled it over in my mind (when I should be sleeping) I wonder if she didn't slash his throat to shut him up because he was dying way too noisy? Why judge his death cries???? For God's sake!!!

He died in agony and I have thought of him crying with her rating him as masculine death throes yes or no. More likely he cried out, "Why? Why? Help me, Jodi, please get the neighbors--I don't want to die." And maybe he prayed, asked God to forgive him (which I am sure made her even more furious)

The image of her doing more and more violence to someone who was just trying to get away from her--and then she claims he's mean, violent and a pedophile just bends the mind. If this creature does not get the death penalty, then I don't know why we have it.

I have shopped and cooked all day, made sandwiches, did laundry and I am ready for tomorrow!

You go girl, I agree (and am also heartbroken) for your words about his death that are so true!!!!

I'm also ready for tomorrow. My DH and my MOST DARLING SON, (even though he has his own life,) always ask me about this case, and what do I think the outcome will be, even if they don't follow it.

I hope Juan will soooo slaughter her ugly, dumb a// tomorrow. She is a liar, Travis never broke her friggin' finger, she couldn't even keep it crooked during the entire (bad actress.) trial.

I 100% believe she went to Travis' house to give him one last chance. When he told her he was still taking Mimi to Cancun - that was it. If he was just dating Mimi, it wouldn't have been too bad. But taking her to Cancun would have humilitaed her in front of their Mormen friends and their PPL friends.

At that point everyone would have known it was over. Jodi could not have put up with that embarrassment!! Not only would she lose her lover, but the "good life" she expected to glome onto!!!!

We love you Travis, and we sooo want this bitoch to pay for the pain she caused you and taking your life, because you were going to soar even further in your life then you ever expected <3
ty!! they are assuming it is state because the report says party 001 - but if you look at the entire report, every party on every process from day 1 on jodis court travelings is party 001 - they don't know who or where untill they have the minutes or the actual papers from court - they need to be more responsible - like posting the arrest record b4 they checked to see if it was true or not

Respectfully BBM: Who is they? :waitasec: Here at WS or the "other" site?
the fb for state vs JA - they are pro TA, but still do these breaking news - publish all these things w/ out checking :waitasec:
Thank you! That explains it. I don't visit those "other" sites very often. When I do, I usually regret it. Especially the one "suggested" tonight. OMG...unbelievable. They are collecting $ for JA and she is "innocent"? Yikes. Unfortunately (like the nekkid pics), some things can't be undone/unseen. :floorlaugh:
Haven't been on this board for a few years but this case really has me going.

Do y'all remember Jodi saying that Travis "counseled" her on several occasions? I just wonder.

The kicking in the ribs event - Do y'all remember Jodi saying that Travis "treated" her "wounded finger" with a dam popsicle stick and wrapped it?! (I really wanted JM to go on with the popsicle stick but he didn't). What did he wrap the sticks with?" Just another JA embellishment. Is this some kind of presumption that Travis and his roommates collected popsicle sticks to cure crooked fingers that are actually double-jointed...(Note the same looking knuckle in forefinger while slamming finger when fake crying)...

Man, it is good to be back ! We need justice for Travis - We didn't get it for Caylee.
Haven't been on this board for a few years but this case really has me going.

Do y'all remember Jodi saying that Travis "counseled" her on several occasions? I just wonder.

The kicking in the ribs event - Do y'all remember Jodi saying that Travis "treated" her "wounded finger" with a dam popsicle stick and wrapped it?! (I really wanted JM to go on with the popsicle stick but he didn't). What did he wrap the sticks with?" Just another JA embellishment. Is this some kind of presumption that Travis and his roommates collected popsicle sticks to cure crooked fingers that are actually double-jointed...(Note the same looking knuckle in forefinger while slamming finger when fake crying)...

Man, it is good to be back ! We need justice for Travis - We didn't get it for Caylee.
Glad to have you back! A lot of people got burned out and haven't returned...but many have returned, like you.
Ah, I see. So why would she decide to then return the can? It makes no sense. So maybe she didn't. Of course it makes no sense to drive all the way to DB's from Yreka and borrow two gas cans either. Regardless of what her excuses were for going there, and they are all BS anyway. Then to fill up the cans with the expensive gas that she was claiming to be trying to avoid.

She lies, then lies to cover her lies. It's a perpetual lie fest with her. No wonder she's so awkward and wooden. She has no sense of reality anymore. She's like a mannequin. She's no longer real.

Maybe in Jodi's world that was a thought. Should I go through with this or not. I won't need the extra gas can if I don't go to AZ and kill Travis? It looks like the plot was on.

Only guessing as this woman is one of the most obvious twisted liars I've ever witnessed this long. Just blows your mind when you think about her lies that have been proven or she has confessed to 1/2 way, if that.
Glad to have you back! A lot of people got burned out and haven't returned...but many have returned, like you.

Thank You but it was not easy - Couldn't remember password, etc. I feel I have some important things to say because as we all know, JM team has ears out everywhere and if there is anything we can input, the better...
Thank you all you Sleuthers for figuring out the GAS CANS !!! I am beginning to think that maybe we (the Prosecution) have SURVEILLANCE from WalMart proving that Jodi both bought the gas can and never walked back into the store. Wouldn't that be awesome?! :please:
Thank you! That explains it. I don't visit those "other" sites very often. When I do, I usually regret it. Especially the one "suggested" tonight. OMG...unbelievable. They are collecting $ for JA and she is "innocent"? Yikes. Unfortunately (like the nekkid pics), some things can't be undone/unseen. :floorlaugh:

Collecting $ for Jodi? Her defense is paid for by the State of Arizona. She doesn't need many $ for her prison misc account. Those $ they are collecting are for themselves.
respectfully snipped

but it could be the defense's motion for an order compelling the records from Walmart and Tesoro. If Jodi is telling the truth about the gas can, then I could see her lawyers wanting to compel those records to prove it in light of Juan's implications.

We shall see ...

*ATL shakes minor screaming wake up from your dream wake up from your nightmare*

This is Jodi we are talking about. Do you really think jodi is telling the truth after all these days! This can only be the state doing the compelling in my opinion. the prosecutor threatened her last Thursday. He said would it surprise you.... and is Mormon attorney said previously, he will not let her get away with a lie and will use that choke chain to pull her into line. logic defies any other reason then the prosecutor is following through, and getting the records to show all of her lies. moo

Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapatalk 2
Collecting $ for Jodi? Her defense is paid for by the State of Arizona. She doesn't need many $ for her prison misc account. Those $ they are collecting are for themselves.

Yes. They have a donation button for JA. It's the "innocent" site. People like them, should be stopped. It's sickening!!!! :furious:
*ATL shakes minor screaming wake up from your dream wake up from your nightmare*

This is Jodi we are talking about. Do you really think jodi is telling the truth after all these days! This can only be the state doing the compelling in my opinion. the prosecutor threatened her last Thursday. He said would it surprise you.... and is Mormon attorney said previously, he will not let her get away with a lie and will use that choke chain to pull her into line. logic defies any other reason then the prosecutor is following through, and getting the records to show all of her lies. moo

Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapatalk 2

I think Jodi has obviously lied about a lot of things and has completely fabricated things to make Travis look bad, but I don't think she has lied about EVERYTHING. So I'm not sure.

On the gas issue, what I do know is that it's not possible for her to have purchased as much gas as she said she purchased in Desert Center and Buckeye and then end up with empty gas cans in SLC. Whether she had the third gas can, I don't know for sure -- but it has always sounded suspicious to me when she said she returned it right after she bought it. I don't know why she would do that.
Let's think about this:

Day 28 - March 6, 2013

One juror wanted to know why it had taken Arias two years to admit to killing 28-year-old Alexander at his Mesa home.

She responded: 'I was deeply ashamed, I was horrified with myself. A lot of people believed in my stupid story, I felt fraudulent.
'It started off as a secret that I wanted to take to my grave with me... but it became a really yucky feeling inside.'

Jury: "Would you decide to tell the truth if you never got arrested?"
Arias: "I honestly don't know the answer to that question."
I think Jodi has obviously lied about a lot of things and has completely fabricated things to make Travis look bad, but I don't think she has lied about EVERYTHING. So I'm not sure.

On the gas issue, what I do know is that it's not possible for her to have purchased as much gas as she said she purchased in Desert Center and Buckeye and then end up with empty gas cans in SLC. Whether she had the third gas can, I don't know for sure -- but it has always sounded suspicious to me when she said she returned it right after she bought it. I don't know why she would do that.

I right now I'm smiling and am going to have good dreams tonight. Just visualizing how the prosecutor in a few days is going to have representatives from those companies to come in and testify and introduce evidence. At that time he will ask them what day did I contact you. And it will be shown to the jury that he contacted them 3 days or 4 days after she testified to the fact. I am going to laugh my rear off! I'm going to have very good dreams tonight. a girl can dream can't she!

Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapatalk 2
I think Jodi has obviously lied about a lot of things and has completely fabricated things to make Travis look bad, but I don't think she has lied about EVERYTHING. So I'm not sure.

On the gas issue, what I do know is that it's not possible for her to have purchased as much gas as she said she purchased in Desert Center and Buckeye and then end up with empty gas cans in SLC. Whether she had the third gas can, I don't know for sure -- but it has always sounded suspicious to me when she said she returned it right after she bought it. I don't know why she would do that.

i just don't understand all the unnecessary lies?? like her fingers being cut at work and not in the struggle - she could have just stayed w/ the fog and not go into the whole cut myself at work story - if she did, her fingers would have been bandaged in the pics at the house
Yes. They have a donation button for JA. It's the "innocent" site. People like them, should be stopped. It's sickening!!!! :furious:

What do they get out of it I wonder? There must be money to be made. The paypal option is sus, I wonder if they take a cut off the top or similar.

ETA: on the KC is innocent site they call for the arrest of George. On the banner header for the KC one they originally had a *advertiser censored* picture which was not even confirmed to be her (with the offending section cropped out), so they can't be genuine in their support of either of these women. It is truly truly strange.
Haven't been on this board for a few years but this case really has me going.

Do y'all remember Jodi saying that Travis "counseled" her on several occasions? I just wonder.

The kicking in the ribs event - Do y'all remember Jodi saying that Travis "treated" her "wounded finger" with a dam popsicle stick and wrapped it?! (I really wanted JM to go on with the popsicle stick but he didn't). What did he wrap the sticks with?" Just another JA embellishment. Is this some kind of presumption that Travis and his roommates collected popsicle sticks to cure crooked fingers that are actually double-jointed...(Note the same looking knuckle in forefinger while slamming finger when fake crying)...

Man, it is good to be back ! We need justice for Travis - We didn't get it for Caylee.

i'm new, but welcome back! the 'counseled' thing, by then i knew i had enough of her story.
o/t but your schnowwzz is a looker. i love them dogs, had two myself, years ago.
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