Internet *advertiser censored*'s influence


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Aug 31, 2010
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What percentage of sex crimes do you think are at least partially instigated due to internet *advertiser censored*?
So another heartbreaking crime has been solved that involves a girl being killed. Nobody else sees the elephant in the room? Weird.
I wouldn't know what the percentage is, but I would speculate that internet *advertiser censored* is increasing child-sex crimes, rape, kidnapping, sex trafficking, domestic abuse, and is associated with way too many divorces, and even impotence.

I personally think that this countries morals, on numerous levels, are being completely dissolved by *advertiser censored*.
I totally agree that internet *advertiser censored* is causing more sex crimes! I know of a case where a 14 year old boy with raging hormones was viewing a lot of internet *advertiser censored*. He was left alone with a 4 year old girl and asked her to put his penis in her mouth. When questioned by a therapist later, he said he "just wanted to know what it felt like".

And he stated he had been viewing *advertiser censored* on the internet just prior to the crime.
Psychologist Edward Donnerstein (University of Wisconsin) found that brief exposure to violent forms of *advertiser censored* can lead to anti-social attitudes and behavior. Male viewers tend to be more aggressive towards women, less responsive to pain and suffering of rape victims, and more willing to accept various myths about rape.1

Dr. Dolf Zimmerman and Dr. Jennings Bryant showed that continued exposure to *advertiser censored* had serious adverse effects on beliefs about sexuality in general and on attitudes toward women in particular. They also found that *advertiser censored* desensitizes people to rape as a criminal offense.2

These researchers also found that massive exposure to *advertiser censored* encourages a desire for increasingly deviant materials which involve violence, like sadomasochism and rape.3

Feminist author Diana Russell notes in her book Rape and Marriage the correlation between deviant behavior (including abuse) and *advertiser censored*. She also found that *advertiser censored* leads men and women to experience conflict, suffering, and sexual dissatisfaction.4

Researcher Victor Cline (University of Utah) has documented in his research how men become addicted to pornographic materials, begin to desire more explicit or deviant material, and end up acting out what they have seen.5

According to Charles Keating of Citizens for Decency Through Law, research reveals that 77 percent of child molesters of boys and 87 percent of child molesters of girls admitted imitating the sexual behavior they had seen modeled in *advertiser censored*.
I agree about the elephant in the room. I am not sure that people realize how pervasive and invasive internet *advertiser censored* can be, especially on computers of young people. Both my kids would show me sick and twisted images that would sometimes just 'show up' on their screens when they were looking up other things.

I remember once when my son was really young, and we just got the internet, and we were working on a report for elementary school. And I looked up ' The White House' and it ended up being a *advertiser censored* site. It came on in front of our eyes abd it took me a bit to figure out how to exit.

But readily available to ALL teens is FREE *advertiser censored* on very sick and even criminal subjects. When I was that age we had to search around for Dad's playboys or National Geographics. That was the extent of it. Now any kid can see pictures of dead bodies and gruesome crime scenes and kiddie *advertiser censored* and S and M and beastiality,and probaly even snuff films if they desire. And they can do so any time of the day or night.
I felt like a massive failure as a parent when this past weekend I realized that my 8 year old daughter had clicked on a *advertiser censored* site and been exposed to photographs that were on the page. We have no tv or internet at home but she was watching a music video on you tube on my phone. There was nothing wrong with the video. I was right in the room. Listening but not watching. Turns out someone on the video said something like go to to see more videos. So, even though she knows she is not supposed to be on Google, she innocently searches "free teen" and clicks on one of the links. She shortly after that tells me that she saw naked women and a penis in 3 pictures. She seemed to feel really bad and ashamed. I have a huge amount of guilt about this. I didn't want my response to scar her even more. I ended up telling her something about how sex is supposed to be a private thing between people who are married and that I wasn't mad at her but the internet can be dangerous and reiterated that she can't go on Google. Changed the password on my phone too but gosh! She can't un-see that crap! Argh!!! I wish I would have done more to prevent it. It seems to be everywhere.

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No parent should have to be petrified that their young child may see goodness-knows-what that is of a pornographic nature on the internet, when they had no intention to see it--in the UK one of the major newspapers had an article online about making it so any household could make it impossible to get any *advertiser censored* on any comuper being used in the home, a simple domicile opt-out feature--you should have seen the uproar that *advertiser censored* users made over this--just because anyone would be actually able to keep this filth out of their own house! They said things like "nanny state', "nazi state", what will they do next to restrict us--every single one of them sounded completely paranoid.

*advertiser censored* addicts very quickly become anti-social morons who think *advertiser censored* is wholesome and that anyone who could ever possibly stand in their way of viewing it, no matter how remote or non-threatening, is out to completely ruin their lives.

They also almost universally hate those who believe in God, too, and act like those who belive in God will send the whole society back to the Middle Ages if there is the least thing done to control the rediculous amount of degrading *advertiser censored* that's available on the internet. They seem to lose all sense of humanity and sound like they are all truly crazy.
I was wondering the same thing, it seems like although we all know sex and curious teens is natural, what they see on the internet is so unnatural. Partners in *advertiser censored* are usually glorified scenarios between people that would normally be taboo in real life, like parent/child's friend, schoolgirl (even 18+ the girls are pretending to be younger), doctor/nurse/patient, you get the picture. Those things are illegal and immoral in real life, and countless teens are watching it behind their parents backs and of course are not discussing it with their parents. Somehow I'm sure this is influencing them and maybe have them thinking that it's ok. Kids don't realize that *advertiser censored* is just a fantasy world made up by producers and *advertiser censored* actors.

Even worse as katydid23 mentioned is the child *advertiser censored* and gruesome websites that kids can see that they think is "cool". Well it's not cool and it just really desensitizes kids/teens to the reality of death and sex. It's just so horrible! It's nearly impossible to get this stuff banned from the internet.

Myanna, don't feel bad and don't blame yourself! Accidents happen, and be happy you were there when it happened so you could explain it to her. It's not like you expected her to google "free teen". It's something that could easily happen to anyone with kids in minutes.

Anyway, I just don't know how as a society we're going to be able to stop *advertiser censored* from being on the internet. It sucks but I wouldn't even know where to start. I only have control over what's in my own home and no one else's. Maybe work on parent awareness? I'm a member of several moms groups and I have talked to them about using and also how to watch out for predators. But I don't know what else to do. The fact of the matter is, a lot of parents really don't know what their kids are up to because their kids hide it so well.


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