Interview with Casey - Is it finally happening this time?

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CA never testified, hopefully this is the tell all.

It wouldn't be a "tell all" --- it would be a "tell lie"----ca never tells the truth--they indeed are strangers
What can you expect from such a liar but more lies. I won't be watching. I know all I need to know about her.
I think she is setting herself up for a whole new onslaught of public outcry if she goes foward with an interview. She will have to go back to hiding again. Is it really worth it? How about just getting a job?

Casey will never work another day in her life. And not because no would hire her someone eventually would. Casey will always feel entitled and that she deserves to have someone take care of and provide for her. It's a shame because she's very driven but just not in the right way. If only she channeled her energies in a more positive direction she could have been very successful.
Wouldn't be surprised at all. TMZ has always been Baez et al's rag of choice for trying to make money off of her/for her.

I'm guessing now it wasn't accidental that she popped up and was photographed at a charity event. Sounds like a PR strategy. Testing the waters to see what the public response would be, and to figure out where and how best to pitch her.

It seems clear Mason is determined to recoup some of his investment in her, and she's no doubt arrogant enough to think everyone's been eagerly waiting to hear from her. I think they're both going to be disappointed.

I don't believe they've landed a big and well paid interview. Looks more like they're shopping for one, but I can't imagine why any major outlet would be the slightest bit interested.

Even if she does get interviewed, there's no way she's going to discuss Caylee or Caylee's death, beyond some outrageous lie about missing her or being grateful to Mason for giving her the time and space to finally be able to grieve.

I bet the majority of folks who wanted justice for Caylee back then still care- I know I do- but the Pinella travesty was a long time ago in American-time.

Don't see the media interest, and don't think that enough folks will be interested enough to allow lingering curiosity to trump the reflexive shudder of repulsion that she's still trying to profit from killing her baby.

Ironically, late last night there was an Aphrodite Jones show on about Casey and her trial. She interviewed Baez and Judge Strickland. I only gave it half an ear.
It wasn't anyone else. The only doubt is whether it was an accident. If it WERE though she took it very well, went on her merry way, and partied, lied and stole afterwards.
It was no accident. I have NO doubt. Caylee never drowned in the pool. That was another lie of Casey/her defense team. It was never even proved Caylee could open the back door- only a photo, which could've been posed! I'm sure Casey chloroformed Caylee, then duct taped her to suffocate her. If Caylee's body was wet, it was because Casey stuck her in the pool while she tried to figure out what to do with the body.
Casey will never work another day in her life. And not because no would hire her someone eventually would. Casey will always feel entitled and that she deserves to have someone take care of and provide for her. It's a shame because she's very driven but just not in the right way. If only she channeled her energies in a more positive direction she could have been very successful.

She has actually worked very few days in her life... Someone who can scam her best friend into baby-sitting full time for a newborn Caylee, for months, to go to a 'job' that never existed - who can then scam her fiancé's parents into baby sitting full time for another 'job' that didn't exist- that person has no work ethic, no scruples, and will never do an honest day's work for pay. She is always looking for the easy way, and another sucker to swindle. That is her MO ....
I really hope she doesn't do an interview. It's makes me physically ill to think about her profiting off of sweet Caylee. I have never had this reaction to any other case. It literally breaks my heart to come back here and see that this monster is getting any attention. She is nothing but a lying murderer. Why anyone would be interested in a thing she says, is beyond me.

RIP Caylee. I'm so sorry everyone in your "family" failed you and continue to do so to this day.
I think what upsets me the most about anyone doing a paid interview with her is the dishonesty of it all. IMO they will come out and say they didn't pay her for the interview. Yet there will be be money paid for liscense fees or what not. The will not write a check directly to her, but hide the payment through hidden channels. They knowing will be hiding money for her from the courts in her civil suits. Disgusting journalism IMO.
I think what upsets me the most about anyone doing a paid interview with her is the dishonesty of it all. IMO they will come out and say they didn't pay her for the interview. Yet there will be be money paid for liscense fees or what not. The will not write a check directly to her, but hide the payment through hidden channels. They knowing will be hiding money for her from the courts in her civil suits. Disgusting journalism IMO.

So NBC may have flown her first class to NYC and had her picked up by limo? OK, that sounds like more than a shopping around.

I still have a difficult time imagining anyone's interested in giving her a big interview. About what? How it feels to still be considered one of America's most hated women?
That was so her in the TMZ video. When they tried to get a shot of her she'd turn around so they couldn't get her face.
So she flew first class in a plane and no one recognized her on the plane or in either of the airports until TMZ just happened to have appeared on the scene? They must have been awfully desperate to tip off TMZ.
People are gonna watch this interview. They just can't help themselves lol
I saw this on another site- fits perfectly.

First Brian Williams.
Now Casey Anthony...
The Anthony's set the standard. Child killing as a money maker.
I am done with NBC and it's sponsors- I will complain to all of my friends and family too.

I am sick of the idea that there just wasn't enough evidence to convict her. Give me a break. One or two or three or five pieces of the puzzle, alone, okay- but the totality of the circumstantial evidence and the puzzle becomes very clear. IMO. If George molested her- does that then give her a pass on murder? She DID murder that baby and I don't need to be a rocket scientist, Phd or forensic investigator for the FBI to come to that conclusion.

The Anthony's are a family of liars, grifters, con artists and secret keepers. I have a very similar family- there was incest in mine too- but no child ever came up missing or murdered. The majority of the public at large saw this case with clarity- for those that didn't- you are in the minority. I take that, in and of itself, as a very good sign.

The Anthony's will all face the music someday. I have no doubt that Caylee loved them and has forgiven them. I don't and I haven't. God speed NBC, I WILL revel in the backlash and downfall for you and your sponsors.
I really hope this is just wishful thinking on fca's (and her people's) part, and not a legit deal in the works... Regardless, I knew this day would eventually come, and I knew it would make me sick... I just didn't realize how sick it would make me. :sick: Ugh...It's hard for me to even articulate the emotions this has stirred up... I'm angry at the jury all over again, I'm angry at everyone who helped her get off, I'm angry at everyone who's helping her now, I'm angry at the judicial system for letting her cheat and lie her way through, and I'm especially angry at anyone who would wine and dine a killer and consider offering her a very large sum of money just to hear her tell us what is sure to be nothing but more lies.... I'll go one step further and say, what is guaranteed to be more lies... I'm so far past being angry at fca, it borders on hatred... I can't help it... Everything that's been done to Caylee has just been one gigantic injustice after another....

P.S.... She looked ridiculous with that briefcase. Who's she kidding?

All jmo.

You have said it all for me and better than I ever could. I feel my blood pressure rising as I relive all of this again.
I am done with NBC and it's sponsors- I will complain to all of my friends and family too.

I am sick of the idea that there just wasn't enough evidence to convict her. Give me a break. One or two or three or five pieces of the puzzle, alone, okay- but the totality of the circumstantial evidence and the puzzle becomes very clear. IMO. If George molested her- does that then give her a pass on murder? She DID murder that baby and I don't need to be a rocket scientist, Phd or forensic investigator for the FBI to come to that conclusion.

The Anthony's are a family of liars, grifters, con artists and secret keepers. I have a very similar family- there was incest in mine too- but no child ever came up missing or murdered. The majority of the public at large saw this case with clarity- for those that didn't- you are in the minority. I take that, in and of itself, as a very good sign.

The Anthony's will all face the music someday. I have no doubt that Caylee loved them and has forgiven them. I don't and I haven't. God speed NBC, I WILL revel in the backlash and downfall for you and your sponsors.

I'm glad it was NBC. If it had been ID, I would have lost my favorite channel. I never watch NBC.
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