I'll still watch, no matter who interviews her. I am curious and even though she is my prime suspect, I have no hatred for her - how could I? I have my own children/grandchildren/ my own life and my own troubles. That's enough for me to cope with without hating anyone for things I can do nothing about.
About a luxury suite in Prague, or Salzburg, well I been there, and they ain't that great. Tokyo may be toxic/Fukashima, and Bejing may not be all that - had a friend who came home disillusioned. To each their own, but I marvel at the hatred I see for Casey Anthony. I simply do not have the time for it, and will watch whatever she has to say - with a grain of salt of course.
Some of us just feel very strongly about Caylee's very short, very tragic life, and just because we strongly despise her murderer and feel that under no circumstances should she be walking free, doesn't mean we don't have a life (or children, or grandchildren)... As far as not being able to do anything about it, I have no doubt that Caylee supporters have already made a huge difference, putting up roadblocks for fca every chance they have to do so. And because there's been no resolution in this case, emotions are going to be raw. You can't just flip a switch and say it's done, she's free, move along. I can't speak for what the driving force for others is, but I know I was heavily invested in this case, and looked sooooo forward to seeing Caylee get justice. And I equally looked forward to seeing fca go down. I don't feel bad for saying I hate fca for what she did to Caylee. I don't think that makes me bad, or something to be marveled at, it just makes me human. We feel anger, and sometimes even hatred...
Too many people let this little girl down because they were more consumed with their own lives and didn't have the time to be bothered with what was best for Caylee. To name a few, the jurors, her own family, attorneys, and now add an entire network to that list... And with regards to the interview, everyone benefiting from it will be doing so at Caylee's expense. I will do my small part by not tuning in and supporting whatever causes I can to prevent it from happening...
Bottom line, it's what we do with our hostility that matters, as long as we're doing something productive with it and not just holding onto it... I think this board is a great example, whether we're talking about it, venting, or just reading, we're here doing what we can to support and speak up for Caylee...
All jmo.