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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Hi everyone, my name is tammy. I came here after reading about another case and i stumbled upon this...I grew up in San Mateo, went to Hillsdale high school and know the area very well...I actually had a very bad experience very near Anna's house when i was 17, that was in 1976, I have only been back to that area once since then and I do remember some things about anna's case...I remember my mother talking about it and i also remember being at a house nearby where the kids in the house were talking about it..I know that the area was very popular with kids my age, they used to talk about going there all the time for party's and stuff...

I would very much like to help annasmom in any way i can to search for anna. I don't live in san mateo anymore, but i go there 4 or 5 times a year and have lots of friends that live there. I need to do some more reading to get caught up here but i hope i can be of some help...

I am going to contact a friend of mine who was with me at that house and see if she remembers what they were saying..I just remember them talking about a little girl that was missing from nearby..i will see what i can find out.
Hello everyone,

I'm Firefly75 and I have no manners, hence this very late introduction. I should, of course, have introduced myself before my first Anna-post.

I'm a couple of years younger than Anna, I'm not American, and I'm currently studying in the UK. When I was little, a girl only a year older than me was abducted from the building I passed nearly every day on the way to the library. She went to the same school as me, she was a year ahead of me. She has never been found, and her abduction marked me forever. Not in terms of all the horror stories that children made up about her afterwards, but in terms of realizing that children were not as safe as I thought, that abductions did not happen only in my mother's imagination (she had once before had to reason with me why she refused to let me wait for her in front of the supermarket, saying that sometimes a child could be snatched while waiting and she did not want to risk losing me), and, later, that it is my duty and responsibility to not close my eyes to such things and pretend they don't happen (or that they happen to other people, not me) but to be informed, keep my eyes open, try to help and support where I can. There was one family abduction (international) at my primary school, and two that I knew of at a school where I worked later in life. What got me most is that most people around me at that time seemed to forget missing people very quickly, or never even noticed when someone went missing.

I first read about Anna on doenetwork. It just broke my heart, and I really hoped she had been found and they just forgot to update the site. Sadly she had not, but I have great hopes that Anna is out there somewhere and will be reunited with her family one day. It took me a long time before I got Annasmom's book, and even longer before I gathered the courage to post here at WS. I'm far away geographically, so I'm probably useless in terms of practical research, but I'll try and contribute some thoughts where possible.
Hi Tammy!

Welcome to Anna's forum. It's nice to meet someone near Half Moon Bay or at least San Mateo County!! Sorry to hear your bad experience near Anna's old house.

If you hear anything do let us know, we need new ideas to come up with in the search for Anna. She sure touches alot of hearts, that is for sure ;-).


Hi everyone, my name is tammy. I came here after reading about another case and i stumbled upon this...I grew up in San Mateo, went to Hillsdale high school and know the area very well...I actually had a very bad experience very near Anna's house when i was 17, that was in 1976, I have only been back to that area once since then and I do remember some things about anna's case...I remember my mother talking about it and i also remember being at a house nearby where the kids in the house were talking about it..I know that the area was very popular with kids my age, they used to talk about going there all the time for party's and stuff...

I would very much like to help annasmom in any way i can to search for anna. I don't live in san mateo anymore, but i go there 4 or 5 times a year and have lots of friends that live there. I need to do some more reading to get caught up here but i hope i can be of some help...

I am going to contact a friend of mine who was with me at that house and see if she remembers what they were saying..I just remember them talking about a little girl that was missing from nearby..i will see what i can find out.
Hi Firefly and welcome to Anna's forum!!

Alot of us are from all over the world, nice of you to join in from the UK! Anna could be anywhere actually. We haven't a clue at all, tho we hope she is adopted and isn't aware of it. It only takes one person to recognize her or something may click for Anna and she'll delve into it more and find her family. Again, great to see you here!


Hello everyone,

I'm Firefly75 and I have no manners, hence this very late introduction. I should, of course, have introduced myself before my first Anna-post.

I'm a couple of years younger than Anna, I'm not American, and I'm currently studying in the UK. When I was little, a girl only a year older than me was abducted from the building I passed nearly every day on the way to the library. She went to the same school as me, she was a year ahead of me. She has never been found, and her abduction marked me forever. Not in terms of all the horror stories that children made up about her afterwards, but in terms of realizing that children were not as safe as I thought, that abductions did not happen only in my mother's imagination (she had once before had to reason with me why she refused to let me wait for her in front of the supermarket, saying that sometimes a child could be snatched while waiting and she did not want to risk losing me), and, later, that it is my duty and responsibility to not close my eyes to such things and pretend they don't happen (or that they happen to other people, not me) but to be informed, keep my eyes open, try to help and support where I can. There was one family abduction (international) at my primary school, and two that I knew of at a school where I worked later in life. What got me most is that most people around me at that time seemed to forget missing people very quickly, or never even noticed when someone went missing.

I first read about Anna on doenetwork. It just broke my heart, and I really hoped she had been found and they just forgot to update the site. Sadly she had not, but I have great hopes that Anna is out there somewhere and will be reunited with her family one day. It took me a long time before I got Annasmom's book, and even longer before I gathered the courage to post here at WS. I'm far away geographically, so I'm probably useless in terms of practical research, but I'll try and contribute some thoughts where possible.
Hey TechWriter, nice to see you here. Glad to hear to read 'Searching for Anna'. Great book isn't it? Sorry it took so long to welcome you, life is busy but always thinking of Anna! ;-)


I'm Mary Jo (aka TechWriter797), a technical writer living in Rochester, NY. I just finished reading "Searching for Anna." I am trying to read all of the information posted here on this case, but that will take quite a while longer! I have a membership to (US only). I don't know how much help I'll be, but I'll continue reading and thinking about it.

My name is Bobbie. I have been reading Anna's forum/thread for quite awhile. I am very glad to be here. Please let me know if there is anything I can do. I am a freelance writer and good with research.

Praying for peace for Anna's friends, family and searchers . . .
Welcome to WS, BobbieA and thank you for your interest in Anna's case!

Happy New Year to all,
I am very new here, this is only my 2nd post on WS. I have spent too many sleepness nights reading various threads, especially this one about Anna. I am finally taking the plunge, I hope that I can help somehow.

About me - I grew up in SiskiYou county CA, and also lived in Humboldt county for a few years before moving to France where I run a small translation business. I have been in France since 1997. I am hoping that my translation skills can somehow come in handy somewhere on WS. I have yet to find the right place to post my general introduction to the whole community, so I'm starting here!

I have really good Internet search skills, I'm completely bilingual in French and I can also read some Spanish.

It seems like it's been pretty quiet recently around Anna's forum so I thought I'd ask a question, in hopes of generating some new discussion - I read somewhere on here that there was some kind of potential international aspect in Anna's case, perhaps some connection with Greece but I didn't understand what the connection was with Greece, something to do with one of GB's acquaintances? Why Greece in particular?
Hi, I am new to this site. My name is Barbara and I am a mother of four and grandmother of four. I have custody of my oldest two grandchildren. Xavier is 13 and Hailey will be 12 in a week. I live on Long Island in New York. I am disabled so I devoted many hours a day trying to solve unidentified cases!
I'm not new to this forum, but I haven't logged on in years. I was writing an article for a client this morning about management and came across an interesting article from 1973. I wanted to remind the readers of events that were current in 1973. However, I was three that year, so I found this Wikipedia page -

I was so floored when I got to January 16th and saw Anna Christian Waters' disappearance mentioned between references to the war in Vietnam and Ferdinand Marcos. I had to share this. I wasn't sure where to put it.

Even though my life has changed since those years, I was so wrapped up in this case. I write full-time now and own my own business. Anna has remained on my mind, though, in unexpected ways. I have so much ancillary knowledge about places like Belgrade and Purisima Canyon; topics like esoteric spiritualism, secret teachings, and the Akashic records, numerology, and pugilists of the 1940s. They all represent countless rabbit holes I went down searching for that sweet girl with whom I could have been lifelong best friends with, in a different world. I don't ever go long without thinking of Anna. I have listened to several podcasts lately that reference the case. I even found myself scrutinizing the faces of all the little blond girls in the 48 Hours documentary on The Family cult out of Austrailia, who may have illegally kidnapped children during this timeframe. I think of Anna when my daughter Emma, now 8, puts on her mud boots, and I worry when she wanders off. No matter the fact that each of us will move on with our lives, Anna has made a mark. Not the way she should have or that she deserved but nonetheless. So, I just wanted to say, Hi. I am not going to hang around, but I wanted y'all to know that I still think of Anna and everyone here. You can reach me via email (modsnip) let me know if I can ever help in any way. Love to you all. Pam
Checking in!!! I've not been able to log in for some time. Seems like the case has slowed down a bit.

yes it has.... wish we could get a bunch of us again to brainstorm

i think annasmom is on one of the dna sites but what about getting her to test on other sites
Hi everyone, my name is tammy. I came here after reading about another case and i stumbled upon this...I grew up in San Mateo, went to Hillsdale high school and know the area very well...I actually had a very bad experience very near Anna's house when i was 17, that was in 1976, I have only been back to that area once since then and I do remember some things about anna's case...I remember my mother talking about it and i also remember being at a house nearby where the kids in the house were talking about it..I know that the area was very popular with kids my age, they used to talk about going there all the time for party's and stuff...

I would very much like to help annasmom in any way i can to search for anna. I don't live in san mateo anymore, but i go there 4 or 5 times a year and have lots of friends that live there. I need to do some more reading to get caught up here but i hope i can be of some help...

I am going to contact a friend of mine who was with me at that house and see if she remembers what they were saying..I just remember them talking about a little girl that was missing from nearby..i will see what i can find out.
Hi tambo
Any update with your friends that went to that house?
Checking in!!! I've not been able to log in for some time. Seems like the case has slowed down a bit.
Unfortunately it’s been slow for quite awhile.
Brainstorming the creek area and public area’s nearby, remember the ‘noise’ in the bush?
i remember when these threads were hot like every day there were people posting, the other day hear comes the son came on the radio and i felt that was a sign that this year could be the year anna comes home
Hello, everyone. I have been absent from the search for far too long. I must admit that our previous efforts took a lot out of me and needed time away to process what we had accomplished and what we need to do in the future. I really have no new ideas but would like to get back involved though probably at a slower pace than before. What is obvious to me is that there likely isn't an "easy" solution out there short of someone who was involved confessing. I think putting the DNA info into as many places as possible makes sense though, to be honest, it will likely payoff very slowly - probably years. That being said, I will continue to follow any leads that look promising. Glad to be back.
Hello, everyone. I have been absent from the search for far too long. I must admit that our previous efforts took a lot out of me and needed time away to process what we had accomplished and what we need to do in the future. I really have no new ideas but would like to get back involved though probably at a slower pace than before. What is obvious to me is that there likely isn't an "easy" solution out there short of someone who was involved confessing. I think putting the DNA info into as many places as possible makes sense though, to be honest, it will likely payoff very slowly - probably years. That being said, I will continue to follow any leads that look promising. Glad to be back.

Glad to see you back I am not
As active as I was on websluths as I used to be I check in from time to time

Getting dna on all of the ancestry type sites would be good lots of them are having sales right now because of the holidays wondering is Anna’s moms dna on file with the national center for missing children?

Another thought it listing on as many adoption sites as possible with very vague info as not to attract scammers who are looking for ten minutes of fame like looking for my missing child who was probably adopted around this time with sketchy info as they grew up has ties to the west coast

I am willing to help list any info on adoption sites to help but would want to make sure any info posted was approved first ex working together to draft up a small paragraph to post to all the sites
with someone’s contact info set up ex an email set up just for this purpose

if that’s not something anyone is comfortable with I respect that. I pray answers come soon rather than later it’s been way to long and it’s time to bring Anna home
I'm a retired accountant living in Ohio. I've followed Anna's thread from the first post on Websleuths. I haven't commented before because I was unable to register due to my Yahoo email address. Recently, I decided to try again and was successful. Cases with missing small children tend to get to me. My youngest sister died suddenly from the flu in 1962 when she was ten months old. Our family "moved on" but we were never the same. My father especially suffered from losing her. I have little memory of her; however, there were times growing up that I felt like there was an empty place at the table, etc.

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