Intruder theories only. No posts from rdi members allowed

DNA Solves
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I never knew that closets were taped to look for the source of animal hair. So, was the animal hair found on the back of or in the palm of the hand? Apparently expensive fur doesn't shed if they found no hairs in the adult's closets.
I'm pretty sure the investigators were going off of way more than hunches.
I never knew that closets were taped to look for the source of animal hair. So, was the animal hair found on the back of or in the palm of the hand? Apparently expensive fur doesn't shed if they found no hairs in the adult's closets.

Do you know if they had expensive fur coats? Or is this just YOO?
I'm pretty sure the investigators were going off of way more than hunches.

I am not sure.. LA said she "knew" when she looked at John... That was a hunch..
However I think that was more to cover her huge blunder in letting him search the house.

I see lots of people post that they FEEL, This or that happened. That just does not make it so. There has to be evidence.
I'm pretty sure the investigators were going off of way more than hunches.
I'd say 1 investigator going on a hunch is one too many, but from day one we had Arndt who just knew JR was the murderer the moment JB was brought up stairs, & believed Patsy was innocent. Then came along ST who was convinced of Patsy's guilt before he began shopping experts (see ST depo W v. R), but believed JR was innocent.
Do you know if they had expensive fur coats? Or is this just YOO?

I believe it was reported that John had a fur lined jacket, and pretty sure that Patsy admitted to having fur coats or at least a hat with scarf. It was in interviews somewhere.
I see lots of people post that they FEEL, This or that happened. That just does not make it so. There has to be evidence.

Respectfully, you have said that quite often yourself, that you FEEL it is this or that and that that is all you need. We all have our opinions, based on what we've read AND what we feel.
Respectfully, you have said that quite often yourself, that you FEEL it is this or that and that that is all you need. We all have our opinions, based on what we've read AND what we feel.

Im not an investigator. Their job is not to feel but to find evidence and form conclusions based on that. And I don't feel my way into theories and stories about what happened. I just listen to the evidence and what that actually shows me.
I believe it was reported that John had a fur lined jacket, and pretty sure that Patsy admitted to having fur coats or at least a hat with scarf. It was in interviews somewhere.
Was it beaver fur?
I don't know what was proven as fact, but Patsy said she had a black mink coat and a muffler, and leopard like fur after-ski boots.
Im not an investigator. Their job is not to feel but to find evidence and form conclusions based on that. And I don't feel my way into theories and stories about what happened. I just listen to the evidence and what that actually shows me.

With all due respect, you didn't really address the point that was made.
You made a massive assumption earlier about some rope and glossed over my pointing it out to you as if it was no big deal that you made up a story that the intruder brought it with the intent to use it, then didn't use it and then had no opportunity to go back and get it.

Do you not see any of that as being your own 'hunch'?

Sure, you're not an investigator, but can't we please have some equivalence in our expectations of others and what we apply to ourselves.

Seriously, I don't care if anyone believes RDI, IDI or a little green man from mars did it, dismissing the instinct of a police officer and then presenting one's own theory is massively unhelpful to both solving the case and furthering one's credibility as an open-minded observer.
Oh, NO??! There's plenty of proof of it. If my thread on it hadn't been pulled...

I thought I read that thread...

Scarlett, for God's sake! The man HADN'T brought a single case to trial in ten years before this case! He had a history of NOT pushing for trials. He just plea-bargained every damn thing.

And the last case he brought to trial, he LOST.

Because he had no CHOICE. If he didn't, the governor would have taken the case from his office.

Which should have been what happened. The governor knew Hunter and his office were in waaay over their heads. Instead he took Hunter at his word, when he said he'd get help from his "trusted advisers." Yes, he listened to them and then threw their advice away.

He deserves vilification for more than THAT, Tawny. Trouble is, every time I try to demonstrate it, I get accused of "well-poisoning" or some other damn thing.

He deserves to be hung in the public square for all of the things he did while as the District Attorney of Boulder County.

Do I sense a condescending tone? Arrogant much? How charming...

You know what? Your tone is condescending. Did you spend years and your own money investigating this case, and then write a book about it? I think not. SuperDave and I are tired of all the falsehoods spread around by the IDIs.

There are things that are known facts about Alex Hunter and we get told they are not true. We get told he was the most honorable District Attorney ever. Yeah, right, maybe do some real research into how is office was run in the 1980s and 1990s, and you'll get a whole different view. I know, I lived through some of his mistakes. The real reason Steve Thomas resigned is because of the way Alex Hunter ran his office. Not because he wanted Patsy to be tried for the murder of JonBenet. I have sat back for the last four months and read this carp, and frankly I am sick of it. I am sick of watching one poster after another get "alerted" on because they stand up to one of the IDIs. It's beyond anything I have ever seen in my life.

Meanwhile, the IDIs get to name people as suspects who have been cleared. Karr, Santa Bill, and the list goes on and on. The only problem with that is, those cleared suspects weren't named in either of the indictments, the Ramseys were. Santa Bill is dead now, probably because of all the stress that knowing this family caused him. He can't defend himself. Put yourself in his wife's shoes. How would you feel?

I've seen a good friend of John Ramsey named in a blog (he was named as the writer of the ransom "book" and maybe even as JB's murderer), that was linked to this website. A friend who was in Mississippi at the time of the murder, but yet, he was still maimed because of the someone being irresponsible. It just sickens me.

But, what sickens me more, is to watch one poster after another just shake their heads and leave the debate because of one or two posters. There are those of us who personally know some of the people that have been maimed by the IDIs, but we can't say anything about our relationship with these people because that would be considered "baiting." But yet, the IDIs can bait. It's not fair, and it's not fair that the RDIs are held to a different standard of evidence than the IDIs.

If you wanted a speculative "likelihood" based on assumptions made by anonymous sources in 1999, then you shouldn't have asked.



ETA: My answers are in red.
With all due respect, you didn't really address the point that was made.
You made a massive assumption earlier about some rope and glossed over my pointing it out to you as if it was no big deal that you made up a story that the intruder brought it with the intent to use it, then didn't use it and then had no opportunity to go back and get it.

Do you not see any of that as being your own 'hunch'?

Sure, you're not an investigator, but can't we please have some equivalence in our expectations of others and what we apply to ourselves.

Seriously, I don't care if anyone believes RDI, IDI or a little green man from mars did it, dismissing the instinct of a police officer and then presenting one's own theory is massively unhelpful to both solving the case and furthering one's credibility as an open-minded observer.

I did address it. It is not a massive assumption if there is a rope in a bag found in the house that did not belong to the R's, Was never sourced to the R's. That is called following evidence.
If the bag was out in the street with a rope, That may be a leap but that the rope was found in the house, no link to the R's, And those fibers from the bag ended up on JBR that means to me the killer handled it. I don't think that is a hard stretch.

I don't do hunches.. That is attributed to another poster here. Not me.

Being this is the IDI thread it is not hard to fathom that we would discuss things with that being the main drive. We look for things that support it.

The rope in the bag, the fibers that were left support that.
Which should have been what happened. The governor knew Hunter and his office were in waaay over their heads. Instead he took Hunter at his word, when he said he'd get help from his "trusted advisers." Yes, he listened to them and then threw their advice away.

He deserves to be hung in the public square for all of the things he did while as the District Attorney of Boulder County.


Hung? Really....

The man had a job to do. Now that we know the indictment was nothing more than a placating decision and no real decision as to who killed JBR, he did the right thing.

We know know that the R's were cleared with DNA evidence.
Ok, I'm just going to put my :twocents: in here. All JMO
About "condescending" tones, I see it a lot from IDI's which I choose to just ignore.
Just because the R's say something isn't from the house doesn't mean it is true and honest. I've seen plenty of misstruths and story changes in their stories.
The dna- isn't it just tdna? Not from blood, semen. And it took years to get a big enough sample to get a profile from it. The dna from her fingernails has already been discredited as contaminated by the nail clippers.
Take what you will from this post. I know this is the IDI thread and that is why I don't post in here, but after reading some of the posts I had to share my opinion.
Ok, I'm just going to put my :twocents: in here. All JMO
About "condescending" tones, I see it a lot from IDI's which I choose to just ignore.
Just because the R's say something isn't from the house doesn't mean it is true and honest. I've seen plenty of misstruths and story changes in their stories.
The dna- isn't it just tdna? Not from blood, semen. And it took years to get a big enough sample to get a profile from it. The dna from her fingernails has already been discredited as contaminated by the nail clippers.
Take what you will from this post. I know this is the IDI thread and that is why I don't post in here, but after reading some of the posts I had to share my opinion.

No. It is not that they did not say it was theirs alone. There is no proof it was there. A rope in a bag in a bed room?? Someone put it there, Those fibers were found on JBR and in her room. That person at some point touched her and killed her IMO.
That is consistent with the facts. The R's say the bag is not theirs. There is no proof it is theirs. Not hard to get if it was theirs.

And it just does not fit the RDI great clean up/ staging scenario. If they had staged it they would not have left ropes around..

That rope was not theirs and yet the fibers were found on JBR. Who ever had that bag killed her.
Tezi: You know what? Your tone is condescending. Did you spend years and your own money investigating this case, and then write a book about it? I think not. SuperDave and I are tired of all the falsehoods spread around by the IDIs.

Tezi: There are things that are known facts about Alex Hunter and we get told they are not true. We get told he was the most honorable District Attorney ever.
And you're addressing me because?...

Tezi: Yeah, right, maybe do some real research into how is office was run in the 1980s and 1990s, and you'll get a whole different view. I know, I lived through some of his mistakes. The real reason Steve Thomas resigned is because of the way Alex Hunter ran his office. Not because he wanted Patsy to be tried for the murder of JonBenet. I have sat back for the last four months and read this carp, and frankly I am sick of it. I am sick of watching one poster after another get "alerted" on because they stand up to one of the IDIs. It's beyond anything I have ever seen in my life.
I'm not interested in defending Hunter, nor do I wish to engage in a peripherally related blame game. ...& FYI: I haven't "alerted" (reported?) any poster @ WS, EVER. I'm not even sure how to report posts. This hasn't concerned me as the climate here is actually better than I expected...

Tezi: Meanwhile, the IDIs get to name people as suspects who have been cleared. Karr, Santa Bill, and the list goes on and on.
Tezi: The only problem with that is, those cleared suspects weren't named in either of the indictments, the Ramseys were.
Burke wasn't named either?...
Tezi: Santa Bill is dead now, probably because of all the stress that knowing this family caused him. He can't defend himself. Put yourself in his wife's shoes. How would you feel?
IDIs didn't bring his name into any conversation since I've been posting.
Tezi: I've seen a good friend of John Ramsey named in a blog (he was named as the writer of the ransom "book" and maybe even as JB's murderer), that was linked to this website. A friend who was in Mississippi at the time of the murder, but yet, he was still maimed because of the someone being irresponsible. It just sickens me.

But, what sickens me more, is to watch one poster after another just shake their heads and leave the debate because of one or two posters. There are those of us who personally know some of the people that have been maimed by the IDIs, but we can't say anything about our relationship with these people because that would be considered "baiting." But yet, the IDIs can bait. It's not fair, and it's not fair that the RDIs are held to a different standard of evidence than the IDIs.
I have no idea why you've addressed these issues to me. You might arrive at some resolution if you would voice your frustrations to:

a) the individual poster(s) with which you take issue.


b) a moderator.
Ok, I'm just going to put my :twocents: in here. All JMO
About "condescending" tones, I see it a lot from IDI's which I choose to just ignore.
Just because the R's say something isn't from the house doesn't mean it is true and honest. I've seen plenty of misstruths and story changes in their stories.
The dna- isn't it just tdna? Not from blood, semen. And it took years to get a big enough sample to get a profile from it. The dna from her fingernails has already been discredited as contaminated by the nail clippers.
This was a suggestion made by ST. It's hardly been proven to be a fact. (Kolar EVEN refutes it.)

Besides that, if one takes a step back and analyzes the "contaminated clippers suggestion", one should wonder how it came to be that the unknown, consistent, male DNA profiles isolated from each hand revealed a differing # of detected loci.
Take what you will from this post. I know this is the IDI thread and that is why I don't post in here, but after reading some of the posts I had to share my opinion.
Thank you. I welcome your thoughts regarding my opinions.
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