Intruder theories only - RDI theories not allowed! *READ FIRST POST* #2

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I've been asking for actual evidence for weeks now and instead of just linking and showing it, no one does so then it's ignored and people are free to make up what they think the information shows.

I also agree that it's possible that she was molested by her father and it has nothing to do with the crime.

We don't have the actual information. I've also asked several times for people to just explain step by step how they arrived at their conclusion based on the evidence and that doesn't seem to happen either. It's either one giant leap in theory to another and holes are skipped over and ignored.

I posted my theory about how I thought Patsy could have done it in the Patsy thread. I still don't know what happened but I think my theory is more plausible that the "DID" theory or the "She peed the bed theory."

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Patsy Ramsey

Or whatever the popular book says..

I don't believe there as chronic abuse. I don't think this child showed any signs of child abuse sexual or not. I believe she was assaulted that night she was killed. But I see no proof of any more than that.

I don't believe for a moment that on christmas night your child pees the bed and you kill her in this most horrific and dramatic way.

It just does not fit. It is why experts all agree that the R's are not suspects.

I think that people have to stop going back to the information from a decade ago, And start looking at the case with 2014 eyes.
I think this is true as well. Like the idea that Patsy was some evil vicious person because she put her daughter in a pageant. Meanwhile the same people are giggling over Honey Boo Boo and her family.

I also don't understand the deranged attitude towards John one second, and then "cover up an accident' in another and I don't know the theories just spin out of control after a while.

Modern eyes are important. So is Modern forensics, which is why people who were convicted of crimes in the 90s are being released as innocent with a frightening regularity in the last few years because the DNA shows they didn't do it.

Many of these "criminals" were convicted on the bias and judgement of the jury and not true evidence. For example the Ryan Ferguson case, the jury stated that they couldn't believe that Charles Erickson would admit it, and that they felt he was pleading in the court with Ryan to come clean.

Ryan was also convicted with no evidence based on his demeanor in the court room. He repeatedly denied involvement. There are others who are coerced into confession because of police tactics.

Knowing now what I know, I would absolutely never cooperate with the police if I knew they viewed me as a suspect. This baloney about "clearing your name by cooperating" is a bunch of nonsense. The more you open your mouth the more they have your words to twist and use against you.

A Louisiana man has been released from death row, becoming the 300th prisoner nationwide to be freed after DNA evidence showed he was innocent.

Of those 300 prisoners, 18 had been on death row, according to lawyers from the New York-based Innocence Project.

We can only wonder about the number of executed prisoners who were actually innocent. Convictions should be based on evidence, not biased interpretations or theories made to "fit the crime."

I guess the word evidence is too broad. I need to see a "smoking gun" that beyond a reasonable doubt proves the Ramseys did it. Otherwise the IDI theory makes more sense.
As I have said before, I was molested by a close family friend from 8 to 12 years old, at 43 years old my parents still do not nor will they ever know. Only one other person besides the perp and this board knows. So it can and does happen.
If we look at the signed and stamped document , Coroner J.B. Meyer JonBenet`s autopsy report N 96A-155, page 7, we see that stomach contained fragmented pieces of yellow to light green apparent vegetable or fruit, material which may represent fragments of pineapple.

The coroner put vegetables first; fruits (any) second and may represent pineapple in the very end of sentence. Det. Arndt `s suggestion??

I `ve looked definition of “may”—indicates possibility.
Just one possibility, among the others. Miraculously, the vegetables and fruits from coroner`s original report disappeared from the consideration.

I wish that the White`s Christmas party menu was available for public. It`s not, for an unknown reason. I`m pretty sure it was not cheap menu, rich family catering party for the rich people and relatives. Any grilled vegetable for appetizers? (Light- green, yellow and tan). What kind of dessert, pastries?
RDI believers envision JonBenet ate pineapple at her kitchen that night, but how, without her hands `d been involved. I can see only one ridiculous scenario- Burke holds the bowl and Patsy puts spoon of pineapple in Jonbenet`s mouth, like baby feeding. I, personally, do not believe in a “pineapple at the kitchen after White`s party “theory.
That is certainly possible, but I just find it hard to believe that the person who had done it repeatedly was never narrowed down. Probably could not prove it, but surely the Ramseys would know who had access to her and think about it in hindsight.

I think the true and unbiased answer to the question of prior abuse is that the evidence is not definitive and there is no corroborating evidence; plus, there are a number of “innocent” explanations for what was recorded in the AR.

Of course, many people are convinced beyond all doubt that prior abuse did occur, but there is no consensus in that group as to what form that abuse took. Some say it was innocent play between jbr and Burke, some think it was dastardly deed being performed by dad, and some say it was corporal punishment administered by mom. A few think maybe JAR had something to do with it. Or, someone connected with the pageants. Some have blamed White, and on it goes. But, no one has been able to connect that abuse to the crime.

As for the Ramseys, I think that they simply did not believe that Jonbenet had been a victim of prior abuse. So, there was no narrowing to be done.

As I have said before, I was molested by a close family friend from 8 to 12 years old, at 43 years old my parents still do not nor will they ever know. Only one other person besides the perp and this board knows. So it can and does happen.

I didn't mean to imply that parents usually know when their kids are being molested - obviously that's not the case, which is why so many are victimized by people they know.

I just mean that if the cops said we found evidence of chronic sexual abuse on your daughter, that would seem to be a huge red flag in this murder case, and it's not like Jonbenet was in an uncontrolled environment. They would have known it was someone close and probably have been able to narrow it down in hindsight.

I don't know enough about this stuff, but it does seem like evidence of molestation is somewhat questionable. I just don't know. I can't picture a case happening like this today where a physical examination was used to reveal prior molestation and it leaking out to the tabloids. It's just a strange thing to me.
The Ramseys were damned if they did and damned if they didn't. They gave lists of names of people to the cops because they were pressured to come up with an answer. Then people accused them of being horrible people for accusing their friends.
In your opinion Scarlett, do you believe the murderer was someone who was organized in his daily activities or disorganized? A slob? or a neat freak?
It should be pointed out that not all abuse is sexual or even physical. You can also abuse a child by forcing them to do activities they do not want. Activities such as beauty pageants. You can also commit verbal abuse against a child. Grey areas, but abuse none the less.
It should be pointed out that not all abuse is sexual or even physical. You can also abuse a child by forcing them to do activities they do not want. Activities such as beauty pageants. You can also commit verbal abuse against a child. Grey areas, but abuse none the less.

LOL.. Then there are a lot of kids that would be claiming abuse for being forced into piano lessons.
Originally Posted by THE BUNK View Post
It should be pointed out that not all abuse is sexual or even physical. You can also abuse a child by forcing them to do activities they do not want. Activities such as beauty pageants. You can also commit verbal abuse against a child. Grey areas, but abuse none the less.
LOL.. Then there are a lot of kids that would be claiming abuse for being forced into piano lessons.

So, you disagree that is abuse? Have you yourself forced your children to hobby or game they have voice an objective to?

You didn't mention your take on verbal abuse.
Have you ever had your own children do a hobby or activity they said no to?
It should be pointed out that not all abuse is sexual or even physical. You can also abuse a child by forcing them to do activities they do not want. Activities such as beauty pageants. You can also commit verbal abuse against a child. Grey areas, but abuse none the less.

If forcing kids to do "activities' they do not want, is child abuse, then every good parent on the planet is a child abuser.

Including all those kids in my swimming class who wanted to stay home and play play station when their corrupt and abusive parents forced them to come to learn how to swim.

I need to get Nancy Grace on the phone, PRONTO!!! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Here's an interview from Jonbenet's friend who participated the same time she did. The poor abused pageant girl. Read how she reveals how stressed and traumatized Jonbenet as evil Pasty stormed back stage and forced her to participate as Jonbenet quivered in the life altering fear that only the child of a parent who didn't use clothes hampers can understand.......

Oh wait

If JonBenet were alive today, Gosney said, she too would be getting ready for her junior year of high school and old enough to compete in the National Junior Miss America competition. Both girls once dreamed of becoming Miss America. She also thinks they would still be friends.

"I think we would have remained friends forever," she said.

Dammit!!! (((Shakes fist at the sky!!!))) Those dastardly Ramsey's got to Gosney as well! No wonder they went broke, they paid off everyone on the planet!

Gosney still remembers private moments with JonBenet just before stepping into the spotlight.

"She always talked to me backstage and she didn't have to worry about Mom saying 'Don't talk to her, you are going to get unfocused,' " Gosney said.

Obviously Gosney was unaware of Patsy's evil glare of doom. Only Jonbenet saw that, and the creepy guy who approached her at a pageant.
Reading through archived newspaper articles, I came upon this bit of info:

"Sources close to the investigation also told The Denver Post that authorities have been unable to match a metal fragment found beneath one of her fingernails to anything. One possible theory is the fragment may have come from fingernail clippers. Fingernail clippers are believed to have been collected as evidence."

News to me...

Dammit!!! (((Shakes fist at the sky!!!))) Those dastardly Ramsey's got to Gosney as well! No wonder they went broke, they paid off everyone on the planet!

Gosney still remembers private moments with JonBenet just before stepping into the spotlight.

"She always talked to me backstage and she didn't have to worry about Mom saying 'Don't talk to her, you are going to get unfocused,' " Gosney said.

Obviously Gosney was unaware of Patsy's evil glare of doom. Only Jonbenet saw that, and the creepy guy who approached her at a pageant.

Snipped by me. First of all, the girl was five at the time. Second, she was backstage with JBR in a public place, not at home with PR behind closed doors. PR was all about putting up the perfect front, she wouldn't lose it at a pageant in front of a bunch of five year olds and their parents.
I`ve posted my concern about green-yellow-tan and light green colored “pineapple” from coroner Meyer `s report while ago. Green colored pineapple really bothers me, because I never saw it in green color personally. Tan color could be when it`s spoiled, frozen. But green? We know that in the bowl on the kitchen table it was high quality ripe yellow pineapple, described by detectives. How come that for decades pineapple had been evidence against Ramsey. In my opinion pineapple in the bowl did not match contents in the stomach by physical characteristic, the color, yet only pineapple has been ever discussed and nothing else, for example grilled zuccunni, which is green-yellow-tan.

But today I want to ask different question. If broken paintbrush has been investigated as possible source for scratches on JonBenet`s cheek and neck? I mean diameter of the brush`s end (all ends), and pattern of impression. The same for the low back scratches. I could not find reference that it was considered and checked.
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