Iran has launched drone attack against Israel - April 13, 2024

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Israel took responsibility for striking the Iranian Consulate ... not the embassy building itself - an important distinction. They struck an Annex Building which was conducting a meeting of 'like-minds' ... military minds (their INT is great).

This article Canadian Embassy Damaged notes the fact that it was an annex to the Iranian Embassy (considered Iranian soil BTW) that was struck.

It's on the main drag in Damascus. Our Canadian embassy suffered some broken windows from the consussion which is not unusual when bombs go off close by (that does NOT make this strike a targetting of the Canadian Embassy nor of the Iranian Embassy itself where the diplomats play). I've been in our Embassy there often (it's shuttered now with a caretaker on staff).

The Iranian Consulate Annex building (considered Iranian soil again ... ) was struck by Israel as they were targetting the 4 Iranian IRGC MILITARY Generals meeting there. Military targets are legitimate targets IAW International Law. Iran and it's proxies (the 3H Club: Houthis, Hezbollah and Hamas) have been conducting strikes against Israel for eons, but especially so since 7th October 2023, when the Iranian-funded and their IRGC-backed Hamas terrorists entered Israel and conducted a massacre of innocent women, men, and children. That action by them was, and is, legally considered "an Act of War".

Israel has the right to self defence. Israel has the right to target those who are conducting and funding and sustaining and advising the 3H-Clubs which are conducting this war on behalf of their State-Sponsor (Iran). Iran can call it an act of aggression yet Israel can legally call it an act of self-defence too. And by any other name, even a "Preemptive Strike" can be claimed.

Israel, thus far, has shown great restraint. As have those nations, including the Arab nations (thank you to the Saudis & Jordan), whose airspace was illegally violated last night by Iran - all of whom successfully engaged last night to destroy the incoming before 99.9% of it was able to strike anything. That illegal violation of their airspaces could also be legally considered by them to be an "Act of War" by Iran. Just saying.

I can tell you this: IMO if my country was taking incoming from 4 different countries in the middle of the night, my EXPECTATION and demand would be that my country act to protect me and to retaliate. That's why governments exist: to protect their citizens. I don't expect Israel to be held to a higher standard.
It's a consulate- it's still protected under the principle of inviolability or incapable of being violated. I'm basing this off of what the EU Commission said:

"In this highly tense regional situation, it is imperative to show utmost restraint," Peter Stano, a spokesperson for the executive European Commission, said in a post on X.
"The principle of the inviolability of diplomatic and consular premises and personnel must be respected in all cases and in all circumstances in accordance with international law."

The generals were inside the consulate- how were they military targets if consulates are considered protected under international law?

Not sure if Israel can claim this as an act of self-defense when this took place in a country (Syria) not participating in this conflict. And without its consent nor approval. That violates Article 2(4) of the United Nations Charter. If Israel didn't do this, Iran wouldn't have brought out its drones. I hope both sides show restraint once again.
It's a consulate- it's still protected under the principle of inviolability or incapable of being violated. I'm basing this off of what the EU Commission said:

"In this highly tense regional situation, it is imperative to show utmost restraint," Peter Stano, a spokesperson for the executive European Commission, said in a post on X.
"The principle of the inviolability of diplomatic and consular premises and personnel must be respected in all cases and in all circumstances in accordance with international law."

The generals were inside the consulate- how were they military targets if consulates are considered protected under international law?

Not sure if Israel can claim this as an act of self-defense when this took place in a country (Syria) not participating in this conflict. And without its consent nor approval. That violates Article 2(4) of the United Nations Charter. If Israel didn't do this, Iran wouldn't have brought out its drones. I hope both sides show restraint once again.
I'm military; I've been to the Canadian Embassy in Damascus on business runs (diplomatic comms - delivering/receiving their messages/mail coming in through Israel on Canadian flights or to/from our embassy in Israel or Lebanon).

One thing the military never does in it's nation's embassy (or another nations embassy) is conduct Military Meetings on Military Matters on their property. IE: Don't conduct Miltary Business within a protected area as that renders it unprotected IAW the Geneva Conventions. That is what keeps that area protected when it is an annex. Likewise hospitals, churches, schools etc.

And again: The Embassy and consular grounds and buildings are considered Iranian soil - not Syrian. It's the same way in your country - it's why they have diplomatic immunity etc.
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<modsnip - quoted post was not an approved source>

"Iran provides money and weapons to Hezbollah, as well as Hamas and other Palestinian militant groups fighting Israel in Gaza. Clashes between Israel and Hezbollah along the Israeli-Lebanese border have increased since the war in Gaza began nearly six months ago.

"Since the Oct. 7 outbreak of the Gaza war, Iran’s proxies have stepped up attacks, with near-daily cross-border exchanges between Hezbollah and Israel, and frequent attacks on Red Sea shipping by Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi rebels."

I'd say it is self defense.

Iran is supplying Hezbollah and other militants with weapons and those weapons are being directly used to fire at Israel DAILY. These weapons are also being used to interfere with shipping in the area and they have even been used to attack US forces in the area.

Iran is a problem for everyone. So if they were trying to hold some military meeting to discuss weapons being brought into Syria to be used against Israel as well as civilian shipping interests in the region, then I'd say this was self defense.
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Iran's Operation may have been a calculated attempt to both save face and contain escalation,
rather than an all-out attack intended to deal a decisive blow to Israel.

War with Iran
would probably mean war with Russia and China.

What happened to skilled diplomats? :oops:


"President Biden warns PM Netanyahu

US will NOT support Israel's counterattack on Iran

amid fears of all-out war:

President tells PM

in late-night call

'you got a win, take the win'

after IDF shot down 'nearly all' incoming drones and missiles."

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Iran's Operation may have been a calculated attempt to both save face and contain escalation,
rather than an all-out attack intended to deal a decisive blow to Israel.

War with Iran
would probably mean war with Russia and China.

What happened to skilled diplomats? :oops:


"President Biden warns PM Netanyahu

US will NOT support Israel's counterattack on Iran

amid fears of all-out war:

President tells PM

in late-night call

'you got a win, take the win'

after IDF shot down 'nearly all' incoming drones and missiles."

That’s some win. If it happens here I would hope and pray we wouldn’t take that so called “win”.
That’s some win. If it happens here I would hope and pray we wouldn’t take that so called “win”.

Iran did not activate Hezbollah or ask them to join the attack, although it could have done so.

Many of the drones the Iranians sent were simply "ducks".

Iran also fired far fewer ballistic missiles than it could have.

And let's not forget about Strait of Hormuz which is still open.


Iranian general whose assassination triggered weekend attack on Israel helped plan Oct. 7: report​

“The Coalition Council of Islamic Revolution Forces, an organization with close links to Iranian leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, praised Gen. Mohammad Reza Zahedi after his death for his “strategic role in forming and strengthening the resistance front as well as in planning and executing the Al-Aqsa Storm,” a k a the October massacre, according to the Jerusalem Post.

The group’s description of the slain officer April 3, two days after his death, marked the “clearest admission of Iran’s involvement in the atrocities which saw 1,200 mostly civilians murdered and over 250 taken hostage, since terror group Hamas invaded Israel on October 7,” said dissident news organization Iran International.”


“Iran — which hosted celebratory street rallies with banners supporting Hamas’ invasion on the same day of Oct. 7 massacre — was the site of similar scenes Sunday after Iran’s unsuccessful retaliatory barrage.”

Former Israeli PM Naftali Bennett tweeted this in regards to the Iranian strikes-

“Some points regarding the overnight Iranian missile attack on Israel:

1. Contrary to what pundits are saying, this wasn’t designed merely as “bells and whistles” with no damage. When you shoot 350 flying objects timed to hit Israel at the same moment, when you use three fundamentally different weapon types—cruise missiles, ballistic missiles and UAVs, you’re looking to penetrate Israel’s defenses and kill Israelis.

2. The US administration is telling us: “This is a victory, you’ve already won by thwarting the missiles. No need for any further action.”No, it’s NOT a victory. Yes, it’s a remarkable success of Israel’s air defense systems, but it’s not a victory. When a bully tries to hit you 350 times and only succeeds seven time, you’ve NOT won. You don’t win wars just by intercepting your enemy’s hits, nor do you deter it. Your enemy will just try harder with more and better weapons and methods next time. How DO you deter? By exacting a deeply painful price.

3. It’s incorrect to say “nobody got hurt”. There’s a 7 year-old Israeli-Arab girl called Amina Elhasuny fighting for her life. That’s who coward Khamenei hit.

4. The Islamic Republic of Iran made a big mistake. For the past 30 years it’s been wreaking havoc on the region—through its proxies. A terror-octopus whose head is Tehran, and its tentacles are in Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, Syria and Gaza. How convenient. The Mullahs send others to conduct horrendous terror attacks, and die for them. Other people’s blood. Israel’s strategic mistake for the past 30 years was to play along this strategy. We always fought the Octopus’ arms, but hardly exacted a price from its Iranian head. This should change now:Hezbollah or Hamas shoots a rocket at Israel? Tehran pays a price.

5. The enemy is the Iranian REGIME, not the wonderful Iranian people. The Iranian regime reminds me of the Soviet regime in 1985: corrupt to the core, old, incompetent, despised by its own people, and destined to collapse. The sooner the better. The West can accelerate the regime’s inevitable collapse with a set of soft and clever actions, short of military force. Remember, USSR collapsed without any need for a direct American attack. Let’s do this.

6. Israel is fighting everybody’s war. In Gaza, Lebanon and Tehran. We’re considered “the small satan” by radical Islam. America is the big one. I’ll be clear: if these crazy fanatic Islamic terrorists get away with murder by hiding among civilians, this method will be adopted by terrorists worldwide. We’re not asking anyone to fight for us. We’ll do the job. But we do expect our allies to have our back, especially when it’s tough—and now it’s tough. Be on the right side and help us defeat these horrible and savage regimes.”

They hit the Canadian embassy while they were about it
Although the Canadian embassy "ceased operations in 2012", there is a "locally engaged staff member", fortunately not on the premises at the time. Had he or she been there, then that would have just been too bad? Collateral damage? Or would you say there were "bad guys" operating from the old Canadian embassy too?

btw I live in Western Europe and I'm certainly not the only one worried about WW3 starting off in that region.
Well as more info has come to light, turns out, they didn't bomb any embassy. It was the IGRC HEADQUARTERS located in an old butcher shop between the Iranian and Canadian embassies.
It blew some windows out of the Canadian embassy. It was a precise hit, masterfully done. Killed the orchestrator of 10/7.
Former Israeli PM Naftali Bennett tweeted this in regards to the Iranian strikes-

“Some points regarding the overnight Iranian missile attack on Israel:

1. Contrary to what pundits are saying, this wasn’t designed merely as “bells and whistles” with no damage. When you shoot 350 flying objects timed to hit Israel at the same moment, when you use three fundamentally different weapon types—cruise missiles, ballistic missiles and UAVs, you’re looking to penetrate Israel’s defenses and kill Israelis.

2. The US administration is telling us: “This is a victory, you’ve already won by thwarting the missiles. No need for any further action.”No, it’s NOT a victory. Yes, it’s a remarkable success of Israel’s air defense systems, but it’s not a victory. When a bully tries to hit you 350 times and only succeeds seven time, you’ve NOT won. You don’t win wars just by intercepting your enemy’s hits, nor do you deter it. Your enemy will just try harder with more and better weapons and methods next time. How DO you deter? By exacting a deeply painful price.

3. It’s incorrect to say “nobody got hurt”. There’s a 7 year-old Israeli-Arab girl called Amina Elhasuny fighting for her life. That’s who coward Khamenei hit.

4. The Islamic Republic of Iran made a big mistake. For the past 30 years it’s been wreaking havoc on the region—through its proxies. A terror-octopus whose head is Tehran, and its tentacles are in Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, Syria and Gaza. How convenient. The Mullahs send others to conduct horrendous terror attacks, and die for them. Other people’s blood. Israel’s strategic mistake for the past 30 years was to play along this strategy. We always fought the Octopus’ arms, but hardly exacted a price from its Iranian head. This should change now:Hezbollah or Hamas shoots a rocket at Israel? Tehran pays a price.

5. The enemy is the Iranian REGIME, not the wonderful Iranian people. The Iranian regime reminds me of the Soviet regime in 1985: corrupt to the core, old, incompetent, despised by its own people, and destined to collapse. The sooner the better. The West can accelerate the regime’s inevitable collapse with a set of soft and clever actions, short of military force. Remember, USSR collapsed without any need for a direct American attack. Let’s do this.

6. Israel is fighting everybody’s war. In Gaza, Lebanon and Tehran. We’re considered “the small satan” by radical Islam. America is the big one. I’ll be clear: if these crazy fanatic Islamic terrorists get away with murder by hiding among civilians, this method will be adopted by terrorists worldwide. We’re not asking anyone to fight for us. We’ll do the job. But we do expect our allies to have our back, especially when it’s tough—and now it’s tough. Be on the right side and help us defeat these horrible and savage regimes.”

That gave me chills!
Well as more info has come to light, turns out, they didn't bomb any embassy. It was the IGRC HEADQUARTERS located in an old butcher shop between the Iranian and Canadian embassies.
It blew some windows out of the Canadian embassy. It was a precise hit, masterfully done. Killed the orchestrator of 10/7.
Where's the source for this?
He told reporters that the Israeli government will “decide on the steps forward” in the coming days.

“Just because we were successful in intercepting, we shouldn’t underestimate what Iran did,” Lerner added.

Israel’s War Cabinet on Sunday recommended retaliating to the first-ever direct Iranian attack on the Jewish state, although they were divided on the scope and timing of the response, Reuters reported on Monday, citing Israeli officials.

However, no final decision was made, per reports, and ministers were to reconvene at 2 p.m. Monday to continue deliberations.


Riyadh subtly admits it played a part in defense against Iran​

“Jordan has been public about its involvement, while the closest Saudi Arabia has come to acknowledging it was the story it posted on its website summarizing what a source from the Saudi royal family had told KAN.

“The individual subtly acknowledges Saudi Arabia’s supposed involvement in thwarting Iranian attack drones bound for Israel the previous evening, citing that Saudi Arabian airspace automatically intercepts “any suspicious entity"", the report on the royal family’s website stated.

“The same figure takes a swing at Iran, accusing them of instigating a conflict in Gaza. This, they suggest, is a deliberate attempt to unravel the progress established towards normalizing relations with Israel, as per KAN’s report,” it added.

“In the words of the official, as put forth by KAN, “Iran is a nation that endorses terrorism, and the world should have curtailed it much earlier,” it said.”

It's a consulate- it's still protected under the principle of inviolability or incapable of being violated. I'm basing this off of what the EU Commission said:

"In this highly tense regional situation, it is imperative to show utmost restraint," Peter Stano, a spokesperson for the executive European Commission, said in a post on X.
"The principle of the inviolability of diplomatic and consular premises and personnel must be respected in all cases and in all circumstances in accordance with international law."

The generals were inside the consulate- how were they military targets if consulates are considered protected under international law?

Not sure if Israel can claim this as an act of self-defense when this took place in a country (Syria) not participating in this conflict. And without its consent nor approval. That violates Article 2(4) of the United Nations Charter. If Israel didn't do this, Iran wouldn't have brought out its drones. I hope both sides show restraint once again.
Israel did not hit the Iranian Embassy.
And Iran has no "Consulate" in Damascus.
It was a former butcher shop that the IRGC was using as headquarters. It had no diplomatic protections whatsoever.
Where's the source for this?

Also here is picture from Reuters. You can see the Embassy is fully intact. (Circled in red)

Notice the caption.
"A building CLOSE TO the embassy." Was hit.


  • Screenshot_20240415-002623_Chrome.jpg
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Israel took responsibility for striking the Iranian Consulate ... not the embassy building itself - an important distinction. They struck an Annex Building which was conducting a meeting of 'like-minds' ... military minds (their INT is great).

This article Canadian Embassy Damaged notes the fact that it was an annex to the Iranian Embassy (considered Iranian soil BTW) that was struck.

It's on the main drag in Damascus. Our Canadian embassy suffered some broken windows from the consussion which is not unusual when bombs go off close by (that does NOT make this strike a targetting of the Canadian Embassy nor of the Iranian Embassy itself where the diplomats play). I've been in our Embassy there often (it's shuttered now with a caretaker on staff).

The Iranian Consulate Annex building (considered Iranian soil again ... ) was struck by Israel as they were targetting the 4 Iranian IRGC MILITARY Generals meeting there. Military targets are legitimate targets IAW International Law. Iran and it's proxies (the 3H Club: Houthis, Hezbollah and Hamas) have been conducting strikes against Israel for eons, but especially so since 7th October 2023, when the Iranian-funded and their IRGC-backed Hamas terrorists entered Israel and conducted a massacre of innocent women, men, and children. That action by them was, and is, legally considered "an Act of War".

Israel has the right to self defence. Israel has the right to target those who are conducting and funding and sustaining and advising the 3H-Clubs which are conducting this war on behalf of their State-Sponsor (Iran). Iran can call it an act of aggression yet Israel can legally call it an act of self-defence too. And by any other name, even a "Preemptive Strike" can be claimed.

Israel, thus far, has shown great restraint. As have those nations, including the Arab nations (thank you to the Saudis & Jordan), whose airspace was illegally violated last night by Iran - all of whom successfully engaged last night to destroy the incoming before 99.9% of it was able to strike anything. That illegal violation of their airspaces could also be legally considered by them to be an "Act of War" by Iran. Just saying.

I can tell you this: IMO if my country was taking incoming from 4 different countries in the middle of the night, my EXPECTATION and demand would be that my country act to protect me and to retaliate. That's why governments exist: to protect their citizens. I don't expect Israel to be held to a higher standard.
I can find no verification that an annex even existed prior to 4/1.

I think that's propaganda/lie to make it look like Israel hit the embassy.
Consular "sections" of an embassy are part of all then and located inside the embassy itself.
But even IF that were the case that it was simply an "annex", it loses diplomatic protections as soon as a war room is set up with military leaders. Especially designated terrorists.

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