Iraq - "You probably think I'm a monster"

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I think the Iraqi government should have had some say in his and the other guys punishment. I can't believe that some can possibly get parole after ten years. Ten years is not long enough.
I don't think the American military will ever allow any other government to decide on punishment for our soldiers. I hate to say it, but things like this happen more than anyone would want to think...these guys got caught.
It's a terrible situation over there, period.
I do agree that 10 years is not nearly enough for this terrible crime...
I'm confused. I see where the others involved had been convicted with sentences from 27 months to 110 years, depending on their role...but this guy is facing the Death I reading that wrong?
No, Kat, you are reading it correctly. The reason he is facing the DP is cuz he's the one who shot the family, THEN he joined in the rape of the 14 year old girl.

If I read the article correctly, I believe he was tried in federal court in Paducah, Ky. He was not in a military court. This was because he had been discharged from the Army before the crimes were discovered. So he is being tried as a civilian--this is why I believe the Iraqi government should have had a shot at him.
I asked my husband (soldier). He said that TECHNICALLY 3 days after your discharge, the Army can't punish you for anything. SO, this guy must have still been in that 8 year window, still in the IRR. SO he THEORETICALLY could have completely gotten off. Thank goodness that didn't happen.
He was dishonerably discharged wasn't he, so he was fair game for civilian law.

I understand conflict although I have never been a soldier-this was a war crime however. Plain and simple. JHMO.
Ever since I read of this when it first came out, it has totally disgusted me. There is absolutely no excuse for this. And yes, I do think he is a monster and should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. If he was tried in Iraq, not only would he get the death penalty, but it would be carried out VERY quickly.

EmMomma, I totally agree. This stuff happens way more than we know. He just was unlucky enough to get caught.

I understand there are problems and issues while serving in combat, but this? No excuse. He is just another murdering, raping whether he is in Iraq or Main Street, USA.

Kat, I couldn't agree more.
Here is my take on it, and it might differ from what others think but I stand behind my thoughts and conclusions.

He is a rapist and a murderer who happened to be employed as a soldier. He is what he is, and he would have been what he is where ever he was, in his hometown or on the other side of the world.

His crimes are not a reflection on the stress of combat and they aren't a reflection on those who serve in the military.

Simply put...A is a .

Thanks for entertaining my thoughts by reading this...

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