Ireland Ireland - Sophie Toscan du Plantier, 39, murdered, County Cork, 23 Dec 1996

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DNA Solves
Shades of Neil Maxwell after killing Leah Croucher. While all of our eyes were on another, ultimately innocent, man.
ETA - this is a response to the last comment by altojack only
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'Ian Bailey: His Own Word' is set to be released before the end of February, with the Englishman eager to give his side of the story. Pic: Hells Kitchen/Barbara McCarthy via Sky Studios

Feb 7 2023
''Ian Bailey has revealed he is releasing his 'much anticipated' audio biography, describing it as 'long awaited and keenly anticipated'.

'Ian Bailey: In His Own Words' is set to be released before the end of February, with the former journalist taking to social media to promote it.''

''The notorious case has been the subject of two recent documentaries -- Jim Sheridan’s Murder At The Cottage, which was made for Sky, and Netflix’s Sophie: A Murder in West Cork.

Taking to Twitter to announce the upcoming podcast, Mr Bailey wrote: 'Coming Soon....My long awaited and keenly anticipated audio biography.'
Hullo, @dotr. You might know already, but the film director Jim Sheridan will fairly soon release a new documentary with another suspect at its core. I have no idea who killed Sophie, of course, and I accept it may have been Bailey. But I do think it's perfectly possible it was someone else and it'll be interesting to see what Jim has come up with. Here's a link. Jim Sheridan to make new documentary on murder of Sophie Toscan du Plantier
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'Ian Bailey: His Own Word' is set to be released before the end of February, with the Englishman eager to give his side of the story. Pic: Hells Kitchen/Barbara McCarthy via Sky Studios

Feb 7 2023
''Ian Bailey has revealed he is releasing his 'much anticipated' audio biography, describing it as 'long awaited and keenly anticipated'.

'Ian Bailey: In His Own Words' is set to be released before the end of February, with the former journalist taking to social media to promote it.''

''The notorious case has been the subject of two recent documentaries -- Jim Sheridan’s Murder At The Cottage, which was made for Sky, and Netflix’s Sophie: A Murder in West Cork.

Taking to Twitter to announce the upcoming podcast, Mr Bailey wrote: 'Coming Soon....My long awaited and keenly anticipated audio biography.'
Sorry @dotr, I hadn't scrolled down properly and see now that the documentary has already been mentioned! Apologies.
Sorry @dotr, I hadn't scrolled down properly and see now that the documentary has already been mentioned! Apologies.
Ha ha, did not know what you were referring to at first because i forgot to scroll down my post too!

Aug 15 2023 rbbm.
''Sophie's parents Georges Buoniol, 97 and Marguerite Bouniol, 92, and her son Pierre felt it was sympathetic towards Bailey who they still to this day believe killed their daughter even though the Englishman vehemently denies it.

Jim said: "I met Sophie's family in Paris recently and hopefully they will take part in the movie. As far as I am concerned there is no chance he did. There is no DNA against him, no blood, no evidence.

"The Gardai have his DNA and they have a blood sample found on Sophie's shoe. All they have to do is check Ian Bailey's DNA against it and it will exclude him.

"I would like the Gardai to use this sample to either rule in or eliminate certain possible suspects.

"I am going to start a Petition and ask the public to sign it calling on the Gardai to also do an ethnic breakdown on the blood sample and this will also help find the killer.

"All I want is to identify the real killer and finally get justice for Sophie."

''Sheridan believes the answer to the murder lies in France and that the killer is living there. He also has a name of a possible suspect which he has passed on to the Gardai.''
Sept 10 '23
'Ian Bailey is fighting for his life after suffering two heart attacks in a week.

The suspect in the Sophie Toscan du Plantier murder is being treated at Cork University Hospital and said he doesn’t know if he is going to make it.

Speaking from his hospital bed yesterday he said: "I am very ill and fear I am running out of time.

"The doctors have not been able to operate because of existing health issues I have.

"I have some kind of heart issue but at the moment they can’t put stents in.

"I just want people to know that if I don’t pull through, I am an innocent man and did not kill Sophie."
Some with username PhilMathers did a brilliant point by point demolition of certain evidence against Bailey.

It shows that many of the endlessly repeated assertions that have created a general smell around Bailey (eg he was the first reporter on the scene, or that he wrote that Sophie hadn't been sexually assaulted before that was shared publicly) are completely baseless.

For me an intriguing question is, why didn't anyone hear anything? One neighbouring cottage was unoccupied at the time but Alfie Lyons' house was only 80-100 yards away (albeit he said the glass conservatory covering the front of the house blocks all sound from that direction). So perhaps it's not surprising - it just seems horrific to die so violently that close to a neighbour in such a quiet place.

Sophie was due to leave on the day her body was found (potentially anyway - she bought two tickets, one for 23rd and one for 24th Dec).

In 1997, her husband told a journalist that she'd been pregnant and they'd discussed this in their last phone call (source probably Paul Webster, Guardian's Paris correspondent).

She'd finished a previous affair, with Bruno Carbonnet, very abruptly, just before Christmas a few years prior. He said "My affair with Sophie finished in Christmas 1993, a date on which she finished it without any warning. This end was very difficult for me." It is said when Sophie was ready to drop people, she moved on very quickly.

I wonder if the purpose of this brief holiday was to tidy her affairs (literally). With the mysterious sallow-faced beret man witnessed by Marie Farrell in her original statement perhaps.

She was ready to make a fresh go of her marriage, with a new baby, but the ending came as a shock to her lover who didn't accept it.

I wonder if the first stone was thrown from a distance, in anger and almost petulantly, to stop her walking away from him, and stunned her to the extent that she never cried out. The rest of the attack, including the final breezeblock, was to ensure she was dead. All complete speculation of course, but the apparent lack of commotion in the silence of the night bothers me.

I'm looking forward to the results of the cold case review by the Serious Crime Review Team, although sounds like it will take a few years. The original crime scene, and the house, appear to be have been so compromised, it would be great if advances in DNA technology might throw new light on the case.
4 October 2023 rbbm
''A detective who was involved in solving the 1981 murder of Cork woman Nora Sheehan is now working on the Sophie Toscan du Plantier investigation.

The Irish Independent says Detective Inspector Eamon Brady's full involvement in the investigation into the murder of the French filmmaker in Toormore near Schull in December 1996 comes as a new focus on DNA gets underway which is expected to focus on preserved exhibits.

Scientific advances mean it may now be possible to identify tiny particles of genetic information separate from Ms Toscan du Plantier's own tissue.''

Ian Bailey, suspect for Sophie Toscan du Plantier’s murder, dies in Cork​

Former journalist, originally from England, understood to have had a heart attack in Bantry on Sunday​

Ian Bailey, who became the prime suspect for the 1996 murder of Sophie Toscan du Plantier, has died in west Co Cork.

Mr Bailey – who would have celebrated his 67th birthday on January 27th – collapsed on Sunday afternoon on Barrack Street in Bantry, where he was staying in a rented flat.

The former journalist, orginally from England, is suspected to have had a heart attack.

The emergency services were called and paramedics performed CPR on Mr Bailey for more than 20 minutes without success. It is understood that he was pronounced dead at the scene. His body has since been removed to the morgue at Bantry General Hospital.


''A Garda cold case review of the investigation into the murder of film producer Sophie Toscan du Plantier is to continue, gardaí said, despite the death of chief suspect Ian Bailey on Sunday.

Mr Bailey, who died from a suspected heart attack, was twice arrested for questioning about the murder of Ms Toscan du Plantier at her holiday home at Toormore near Schull on December 23rd, 1996 but he was never charged after the Director of Public Prosecutions reviewed the Garda file and concluded there was insufficient evidence to prosecute.''

'Ms Toscan du Plantier’s family were “not at all happy” at the news of Mr Bailey’s death, her uncle, Jean Pierre Gazeau, said: “First because a human being has died but also because we fear the cold case review team may now not conclude its work.'

Gardaí seize files from Ian Bailey's flat in west Cork​

Gardaí investigating the murder of Sophie Toscan du Plantier have conducted a search under warrant at the flat in Bantry, Co Cork, where chief suspect Ian Bailey had been living up to the time of his death last Sunday.

A large quantity of items were seized, including a laptop, memory sticks and personal notebooks, along with personal items from which a DNA profile could be built.

The search was carried out by local detectives involved in the Sophie Toscan du Plantier murder investigation, along with detectives from the Serious Crime Review Team, who are conducting a cold case review of the original investigation.

The items taken will now be further examined to establish if they can be of evidential value to the garda investigation.

In a statement to RTÉ News tonight, a Garda spokesman said: "As part of the ongoing investigation into the murder of Sophie Toscan du Plantier in 1996, Gardaí conducted a search under warrant of a residential property in Bantry, County Cork, earlier today.

"As this is an ongoing investigation, An Garda Síochána will not be commenting further at this time."

Gardaí spent several hours searching the rented flat at Barrack Street in Bantry.

Mr Bailey's solicitor, Frank Buttimer, confirmed to RTÉ News that he had heard earlier today of the search at the flat.

"Nothing ceases to continue to surprise me about this case," Mr Buttimer said.

"Ian Bailey always said that this case would follow him to his grave. Even he could never have imagined that it would continue to be pursued against him after his death.

"We now seem to have entered a parallel legal universe." Mr Buttimer said.


It could certainly explain Marie Farrell’s obsession with Sophie! How likely was it that she saw Sophie in the Shop on Saturday and then is the person who puts IB at Kealfadda Bridge? Her husband has a history of violence… was she protecting him & inventing the ‘affair’? People who were in her ‘circle’ when she was in the relationship with the ex could easily have identified him!
Just a theory but I’ve wondered if she was actually out that night doing something else and was seen. She invented the affair scenario because the truth was more incriminating. Is it possible the Gardaí knew and used her to their advantage?
Feb 12, 2024
''When Ian Bailey died, there were very few voices publicly challenging the perceived wisdom that he killed Sophie Toscan du Plantier.But one woman who believes there has been too much focus on Bailey is retired UK forensic officer Bridget Chappuis.Bridget was in communication with Bailey right up to the day before he died – not with the aim of proving his innocence, but with the hope of finding the truth about one of Ireland’s most notorious unsolved murder mysteries.Kevin Doyle is joined on the Indo Daily by Bridget Chappuis, retired UK senior forensic investigator with the Met Police and the West Mercia Police. Bridget will talk about how she got to know Ian Bailey and the possible avenues of investigation she thinks weren’t given enough attention.Host: Kevin Doyle. Guest: Bridget Chappuis.''
Jan 23, 2024
''The death of Ian Bailey leaves many unanswered questions in the murder of Sophie Toscan du Plantier. Irish Independent journalists Senan Molony and Ralph Riegel share their meetings and stories with Ian Bailey over the past 27 years.Host: Fionnán Sheahan Guests: Senan Molony & Ralph Riegel''

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