Irwin Attorney: ‘Jersey’ Bragged About Kidnapping Lisa Irwin

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I am not pointing you out.. but I am using your post to make the following point: posters here are allowed to their opinions.. not everyone agrees. this is understandable. The thing that we must always remember is that you can attack the post respectfully but NOT THE POSTER. There are many opinions in this case and all of them are valuable. Please respect and mind the TOS.

bumping this up for the night.... we are all allowed to have our opinions and all are appreciated.... all of them.. every single one!!!!!! what is not allowed is attacking the poster...... if you are using "you" in your post or going that way that means you may be doing this.. the information can be under attack by all means! But not other's opinions.

What you guys think here COUNTS! But please, please, PLEASE be respectful to one another.
I am shocked that Picerno would make this type of announcement, and surely he had the blessings of JT.

Personally I think it's all just smoke and mirrors. But if this is true and a credible lead, it's infuriating that they would come out and announce it to the public before it's even been followed up on. Is the publics need to know more important than Lisa's safety? If these two attorneys are truly working to try to bring Lisa home what the he77 were they thinking, making that announcement so that the people that the baby was sold to now know the heat is on them, could easily put Lisa in harms way.

Which is what leads me to believe this isn't really a credible lead and they all know it. Even if that's the case, putting it out there is also infuriating as it's just muddying the investigation.


It's almost as credible a lead as the white blob is.

I don't think the couple witness said they saw a bald man carrying a baby to the sprinkler house. When the wife Lisa was interviewed, she said it was a tall thin bald man carrying a baby walking towards a house, but she and her husband later wondered if he only pretended to be walking towards a house (after the Lisa news broke).

AFAIK, she was unable to identify anyone, though I believe LE would have included Jersey in a photo line up. JMO. Plus, Jersey is very short (5'6" or under) and kinda buff from the court video.

BBM The house Lisa was referring to was the "sprinkler house" that JT had been working at earlier that same day. Lisa said the bald man walked up the yard like he was going to that house. The burned dumpster was behind the "sprinkler house". You walk through the back yard of the "sprinkler house" to get to the burned dumpster. All this was shown on HLN.
BBM The house Lisa was referring to was the "sprinkler house" that JT had been working at earlier that same day. Lisa said the bald man walked up the yard like he was going to that house. The burned dumpster was behind the "sprinkler house". You walk through the back yard of the "sprinkler house" to get to the burned dumpster. All this was shown on HLN.

IIRC didn't this Lisa? also say that when asked if she would look at a line up say that she didn't get a good look at the face so a line up wouldn't be of much use? TIA
There appears to be no smoking gun in this case as there usually isn't. This case IMO is being made layer by layer and will be circumstantial unless someone confesses (which doesn't seem likely at this point). I hope there is enough to get someone into court & get a conviction so Lisa receives the justice she so desearves.

As far as no evidence, of course we don't know all LE has for evidence, but we do know there is evidence that a deceased human was on the floor of Mom & Dad's room. I could buy Jersey took $300 to remove & get rid of Lisa from the house. I don't buy he killed her in the home on the floor by their bed & left her there long enough for a HRD dog to detect before taking her to someone else for $300.

Right on, Dee. ITA.

I think if this new story about Jersey being paid to "get Baby Lisa" is true, then I think he may have been paid to dispose of her after she was deceased (if he's involved at all). I posted this same theory either here or in another thread (I can't keep track lol).

ETA: I seriously doubt he was paid $300 to kidnap a live child. It makes more sense to me that he may have been paid to dispose of evidence (and he may not have even known what he was disposing of until after the news of Baby Lisa's disappearance hit the news). If the Irwin/Bradley attorneys know what's good for their clients, they would stuff a sock in it.
I think if anything Jersey got paid $300 dollars to dispose of the phones....and he just couldn't resist trying to call MW. Or should I say maybe he was "promised" the money.......
I think if anything Jersey got paid $300 dollars to dispose of the phones....and he just couldn't resist trying to call MW. Or should I say maybe he was "promised" the money.......

Phones are more easily disposed of than human remains. Anybody could have smashed the phones, thrown them away, etc.

IMO, if Jersey was paid to get rid of anything, it was probably evidence that was more incriminating than phones.

At this point, I'm doubting the whole story that he was paid anything to do anything at all, until I hear from LE and/or the DA.
I think for whatever reason there is a lot of rumors and everyone, media included is grasping for anything.. I totally understand everyone wants baby Lisa found.. I almost think a pause and start over is something to consider.. Lots of info.. Lots of players.. And a missing baby.. Everyone involved in this case on a personal level seems to want some attention.. In the meantime none of it has been helpful because BL Hasn't been found.. IMO they should go back to day one if not earlier and start over...

Baby Lisa, we have not forgot you :0)
I may be wrong but didn't MW say that Jersey didn't look like the picture anymore and that he had shaved his head? I may be confused. tia
Until I hear from LE (and/or the DA, should charges be filed) that the storage bins & baby bathtub were or were not stacked in the crib upon their arrival, I will remain skeptical as to their location in the nursery.

Until I hear from LE (and/or the DA, should charges be filed) that there were or were not black trash bags that were duct taped over the nursery window upon LE's arrival, I will remain skeptical.

Remember, in the SW return, rolls of tape & a tape dispenser were seized as potential evidence. I can't help but wonder why LE would have seized rolls of tape & a tape dispenser during the collection of potential evidence.

We don't know until LE tells us.
The picture of the crib has bothered me,though. The contents could have been placed in there anytime,but the mattress was too high for a baby almost 11 months old. She would have tipped out every time she pulled up. At 10 months old she would have been doing that for awhile,unless she was developmentally delayed. We've seen the picture of Lisa standing ,holding onto the glass of a sliding glass door,so I don't think that's the case.
So if Lisa was kidnapped it wasn't from that crib,IMO.
That also leaves me highly suspicious of her drinking buddy neighbor who said she saw Lisa in the crib.
If Jersey got paid to do something,I think it was to hide Lisa's body. There's something about this group that gives me the willies . All,just my opinion.
Does anyone know the address of the sprinkler house? Or the address of SB or the address of the couple spotting the bald man with the baby? I am trying to make sense of it all with a map & the addresses would help. TIA!
I think for whatever reason there is a lot of rumors and everyone, media included is grasping for anything.. I totally understand everyone wants baby Lisa found.. I almost think a pause and start over is something to consider.. Lots of info.. Lots of players.. And a missing baby.. Everyone involved in this case on a personal level seems to want some attention.. In the meantime none of it has been helpful because BL Hasn't been found.. IMO they should go back to day one if not earlier and start over...

Baby Lisa, we have not forgot you :0)

It is a hot mess and not knowing what LE has and what they are doing in the investigation leaves a lot of silence to fill.
I hope they are able to build a solid case for whatever happened.

As hard as it was to hear NG in the Anthony case, it's harder to hear nothing in Kyron Hormon's case. And,Adji's and Hassani's,etc............
My understanding is that the latest lawyer spoke to JI this morning and JI told the lawyer that they were getting 100% back to normal. At least that is what the lawyers speak to my brain was LOL.

Just saying, never heard of a family who ever even felt they'd be back 100% to anything faced with such a loss.

Confounding to say the least but IMHO this family has not put forth any effort at all to locate the missing child. Actions speak louder than words. Many opportunity has been missed each and every day that the media has been there for Baby Lisa's photo to be put out on the media vs the lawyer speak and what have you. Even the shirts have outdated photos. Come on, we all know that the family HAD to earn a chunk of change from the media following those kids everywhere so SURELY they could have TShirts made!

That is another problemw with the family not being actively involved, no organizations who could possible do AGE photos or new TShirts, ANYTHING at all vs nothing at all from these 2 parents
I would think the homeless receiver of the JT bragging might be interested in the $100,000 Reward and that he himself would have come forward...not this woman who heard from a girl, who heard from another homeless guy that JT said this.
Brought over from MSM thread, I take those mods seriously. :seeya:

JP: The allegation came to us from the mother of an individual who said that her daughter had knowledge that she was with somebody who claims that Jersey made that statement earlier. It happened the night after the vigil.

Yes, the night after the vigil? Which vigil? There were vigil's every night. I wonder how this 17 year old could overhear a conversation between Jersey, and homeless man, if it was the night after a vigil? Or could it have been the night after THE vigil, when another vigil was taking place? Where was this 17 year old when she overheard these two's conversation?

Again, we don't get all the details. I believe that is on purpose. :waitasec:
Of course the parents are excused from these statements, must have been taken out of context, lawyers must be doing a horrible job etc..everything and anything to exclude or take focus off these parents. Sorry, I am not buying that everything can be excused/explained, then LE is held to the fire with each statement. If it's true and this lawyer misspoke these words, DB/JI would fire them immediately. Heck, the parents could release their own statement at this point to set the record straight.

I wish the defense team would STFU. They are creating this media circus each and every day, not LE. The defense team wants their 15 minutes, at Lisa's expense.

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