Is Casey the real Zenaida?

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If she is not prepared to announce to the world that the Myspace proves the existence of ZFG, and if she is not prepared to delete the site...why log in? :waitasec:

If you sign into your account on MySpace and then go to My Account and manage to find the Cancel Account option, that takes a few minutes, but (IIRC, and sorry if this has been discussed before) cancellation takes an email confirmation. So.. (oh god, pure speculation) is it possible she could have tried to cancel it, knowing the login email and password, but did not have enough time to log back into that (false) email address and confirm it?

Hmm, I don't know.. all I know is if this really is just a pure coincidence with this sign-up and last login then I just will not know what to believe in anymore.
Hey, does this help at all?

I think it's the same audio that Bond posted, but starts ~7 minutes earlier, before she gets in... Starts with: "Date is 10/14/08 4:05 pm. Eric Edwards, Dorothy ....., approaching the traffic stop where CK is in custody by our felony unit, we will have her in the car momentarily." (Then ~6-7 minutes pass until she gets in.) It's hard to say whether they have a visual of KC waiting for them at the beginning of the recording.

ETA: Just giving credit where it's due... I missed it before, but I just noticed that [ame=""]sarah7855[/ame] posted the above link a page or two ago. :)
Hey, does this help at all?

I think it's the same audio that Bond posted, but starts ~7 minutes earlier, before she gets in... Starts with: "Date is 10/14/08 4:05 pm. Eric Edwards, Dorothy ....., approaching the traffic stop where CK is in custody by our felony unit, we will have her in the car momentarily." (Then ~6-7 minutes pass until she gets in.) It's hard to say whether they have a visual of KC waiting for them at the beginning of the recording.

That's even better, Panama.

4:22PM - 10mins = 4:12PM Start of the Youtube audio

4:05PM WFTV Traffic stop audio begins as LE is enroute to the stop site.

The WFTV audio synchs up perfectly w/ the Youtube audio @ the 7 minute mark and is 17 minutes long. So...Casey was stopped by the felony unit @ 4:05PM.

That starts backing things up further a few minutes and making it perhaps a little tighter for a last-minute MS jaunt before exiting JB's. Given JWG's comment above it would be worth another check of the drive time from JB's office to the overpass. Could also factor in that the evasive/wreckless driving prolly included exceeding the speed limit too...which would push things out a few minutes again...maybe a wash.

IMHO, the time analysis doesn't rule it (MS activity) out OR rule it in. It may seem like alot of effort w/o a payoff...but...NOT rulling it out is about as good as you could get under the circumstances...and I think that's where you are. Nice work! :thumb:
Hey, this is 10 minute KC we are talking about.
She may have been planning on checking the site, but never got around to it until the last minute.
For what purpose dont know, other than some half baked idea of using this as a Zenaida alibi.
since we don't have defense documents yet, for all we know they plan on using this as proof of her existence still (at least until they google Casey, zenaida myspace).
Certainly even JB will probably figure out that this won't work for reasonable doubt? Nah
Bond, love having you here looking over our shoulders. :clap:

The drive time I gave above was from the Anthony home. Silly me ... looks like it was from Baez's office. :bang:

I assume it was from his Kissimmee office? :waitasec: It could have been a 17 minute drive, but we would need to know the route they took. :waitasec:

This gives KC possibly another two minutes flexibility in signing into the zenaida myspace, but I still need to ask ... why? She's about to leave for prison. If she is not prepared to announce to the world that the Myspace proves the existence of ZFG, and if she is not prepared to delete the site...why log in? :waitasec:

Not sure if this is a dumb question as I don't have myspace, but could she have been checking the page to see if anyone else on myspace had visited that profile?

Some sites allow you to see who has accessed your profile.
Not sure if this is a dumb question as I don't have myspace, but could she have been checking the page to see if anyone else on myspace had visited that profile?

Some sites allow you to see who has accessed your profile.
I wish somebody knew which website Lee had referenced and recently visited (in relation to the time of his SA interview) according to his depo. I personally think the "Lee knows what he's done" definitely has something to do with the computer. Just my gut talking...
If this is KC's Zenaida page - maybe this last 10/14 check was to lead LE to the page?
Perhaps the whole idea was for LE to ask why this was so important that it was the last thing she did before being taken into custody. Like with Sawgrass and Universal, I think its possible KC was dropping "clues" for LE, but they weren't playing along.
If you sign into your account on MySpace and then go to My Account and manage to find the Cancel Account option, that takes a few minutes, but (IIRC, and sorry if this has been discussed before) cancellation takes an email confirmation. So.. (oh god, pure speculation) is it possible she could have tried to cancel it, knowing the login email and password, but did not have enough time to log back into that (false) email address and confirm it?

Hmm, I don't know.. all I know is if this really is just a pure coincidence with this sign-up and last login then I just will not know what to believe in anymore.

Well it's not as if Jose or the other Anthonys couldn't have deleted it.
If this is KC's Zenaida page - maybe this last 10/14 check was to lead LE to the page?
Perhaps the whole idea was for LE to ask why this was so important that it was the last thing she did before being taken into custody. Like with Sawgrass and Universal, I think its possible KC was dropping "clues" for LE, but they weren't playing along.

I think this is entirely possible too. Remember when she was first arrested she kept complaining that the police had not listened to what she was saying. I think she had told them all those "clues" about Zenaida having ties to NewYork (TonE connection), PuertoRico(Ricardo, Amy, Troy connection), and Miami (possible ZG facebook connection) and she was getting aggravated that all of those "clues" weren't getting her out of LE's sights. Maybe she checked one more time right before she was arrested for murder to see if it looked like maybe they had finally found her ZG page.
Hello everyone,

Longtime reader, first time poster. Just wanted to add in a thought about when Casey could have last checked her myspace.We are all going under the assumption that it was on a computer, right? Whats to say she didn't use a cell phone?:twocents:
Hello WS :)

Okay. If we are going with the "zanny" kidnapped Caylee story, we know that one of the excuses for why Casey(to this day)did not co-operate with LE and why she claims she was "ugly coping" was because she could not let anyone know what happened to Caylee as it was a part of the instructions.

I agree with WSers' who say this was Cindy's brainchild. It was in the jailhouse conversations, when Casey was not forthcoming with any information(that made any sense or would help find Caylee) that Cindy came up with this idea: that the only reason Casey would be acting like that was if the family, or Caylee was in danger. We understand, at that point there still was really no reason not to give whatever information she had, but Casey insisted there was nothing she could do from jail and says that she needs to be out of jail to help. Both Cindy and George say there is not anything they can do about that, but George suggests that he can get LE to listen to her she just needs to say the word.

Obviously Casey knows she has nothing to say, and the Anthony's are beginning their trip to denials-ville. We know Casey never speaks to LE again. This theory depends on the idea that Casey could not give up the information she knew or the family/Caylee would be in danger. WSers have already pointed out that Casey sent many text messages to many of her friends re: Caylee missing. That is one strike against this story. If danger was her worry, why did Casey send those emails? And for my own information can someone tell me when those emails were sent? Was it after Cindy confronted her and brought her home? I am assuming that but I have not read about that myself, I have only seen reference to this while reading the threads.

Here is what I have read myself, that shows the idea that Casey was following what Zanny told her to do is bunk re: not telling anyone that Caylee was "missing." Here we can see more of Cindy's inconsistencies(outright lies) because this information was given in the same visitation that Cindy decides Casey can't talk because of "danger."

E-mail from Lee Anthony
Subject: info that Casey provided to my parents and I during our visitation

Casey had said to me on July 15th that these were the people that were aware that Caylee was missing and were helping her to look for them(Jeff was doing so in Jacksonville, but Juliette was in Orlando up until a few days prior to July 15th, then she moved out of state somewhere). Casey says she was introduced to Zanny by Jeff as he has a son named Zachary(sp?)that Zanny was also a nanny for. I'm sure this may be old info but this is what came out of my parents convo w/Casey yesterday:

26 years old
5'6 5'7, brown hair/eyes(wear's her hair straight but it is naturally curly) tan conplexion, 140lbs, no tattoos visible from a 2-piece bathing suit, Zanny's car seat is pink with a floral design.
Drives a 2008 silver Ford Focus purchased by Victor Fernandez(Zanny's step-father)Zanny's biological mother is Gloria Gonzalez, 55 yrs. old.
Zanny has a sister 1-2 years older than her named Samantha(not sure if last name is different).
Zanny's roommates up until a few months ago were Raquel Farrell that was a hostess at Fridays, and Jennifer Rosa that worked for ABC Distribution catalog here in Orlando. I believe this company just has a warehouse here in Orlando but headquarters in elsewhere in(Miami)?

Lee Anthony

Boy, that is alot of information for someone who was "afraid" to give information about the whereabouts of her daughter for fear of her family's safety. For fear of Caylee's safety. Also, we know that this story Cindy made up in her (sic) mind does not make sense in the light of Casey saying she spoke to Caylee on the 15th of July and she was fine and happy. It is Casey herself that goes back on this lie when in the jailhouse visitation she says she is worried about (paraphrased) "what Caylee might be going through."

Hello everyone,

Longtime reader, first time poster. Just wanted to add in a thought about when Casey could have last checked her myspace.We are all going under the assumption that it was on a computer, right? Whats to say she didn't use a cell phone?:twocents:

I agree!! But, I wonder who did it (let's not assume it was necessarily KC) and whose phone may have been used(lets not assume it was necessarily KC's)!!:waitasec:
If this is KC's Zenaida page - maybe this last 10/14 check was to lead LE to the page?
Perhaps the whole idea was for LE to ask why this was so important that it was the last thing she did before being taken into custody. Like with Sawgrass and Universal, I think its possible KC was dropping "clues" for LE, but they weren't playing along.
Well, it's in line with her asserting she was giving them info but they just weren't "listening". I've read the early doesn't seem to me that she gave them much of anything. Could there be more somewhere? As she wasn't under arrest yet, would LE still have been able to tape the conversations in the car when they were driving around (like they did after picking her up on the day of her arrest for murder) searching for Zanny?
I think this is entirely possible too. Remember when she was first arrested she kept complaining that the police had not listened to what she was saying. I think she had told them all those "clues" about Zenaida having ties to NewYork (TonE connection), PuertoRico(Ricardo, Amy, Troy connection), and Miami (possible ZG facebook connection) and she was getting aggravated that all of those "clues" weren't getting her out of LE's sights. Maybe she checked one more time right before she was arrested for murder to see if it looked like maybe they had finally found her ZG page.
Oops...sorry Tally...didn't see your post.
Hello WS :)

Cindy Anthony's interview with FBI

CA: Um, so...(sigh)Zanny to me can be referred to as the person watching Caylee.
CA: Casey said from the beginning that Zanny was from New York. She then had a Fort Lauderdale connection, she has a Ft. Lauderdale phone number at one. Um, that there was New Jersey connections, there's New Jersey um, people by this name. So, I'm just saying there are people out there. Just because they didn't find someone right now with this. And Casey had told me over the last three years that Zanny had moved at least three different times that I was aware of.
LE: Okay
CA: Okay. I was actually the one that gave the police um, the last known number that, address in case I ever needed to go pick Caylee up, out of my address book.
CA: And I walked it out and said, I just go this out of my address book, try this one.
CA: Bottom line is the tie with that three...two three two Glenwood Ave. That's the address of the person that I think has something to do with...that's all part of this.
CA: So, again if Casey couldn't...did not want to take them directly and they knew that she had them right then and there or something. I don't know, I don't know all of Casey's reasoning all I know is what I'm piecing together and I think could be some excellent leads to go on 'cause its making sense. And if you guys, if it doesn't pan out that's fine. I just want to help in anyway guys may start thinking about when I start going into this, it makes a heck of a lot of sense.

I wonder what address/phone number Cindy had for Zanny? And, can anyone tell me who is at the Glenwood address that Cindy was throwing under the bus? TIA.

ETA: BTW what you are sleuthing re: the myspace page is very interesting to me and I am just following along with that one, thank you.

In her latest depo for SA CA stated she had given a telephone number on a sticky she had taken out of her address book and given it to a black police officer who was at the house the night they reported Caylee missing, I believe. Never said she gave him an address. The Glenwood address is for RM.

Every once in a while I get is rare I get lucky twice in one day.

#1 Found the audio of Casey being placed under arrest 10/14 YouTube- Casey Anthony Arrest Audio October 14 2008

I never knew this existed and found it to be an interesting listen.

#2 At the close of the arrest LE gives the audible time of 4:22PM :)

4:22PM - 10 minutes time of arrest recording until time given = 4:12PM
4:12PM - 19 minutes time of driving per JWG's info above = 3:53PM

Allowing some +/- for getting out of Baez's office and into the car, etc. this means Casey left Baez's office sometime < 3:53PM 10/14.

im catching up here again.....thanks for the link to the video....i just wanted to say.....everytime i see a heart now...i cringe......there is a big fat red heart on the drivers side window......uggg

KC is also looking down .....maybe using her phone? the pic on the video
Assuming that Casey was the one accessing this page, I'm wondering if the "why?" question can be answered in the simplest way possible. Perhaps she had just received word that the GJ had indicted, and she freaked, knowing she'd be going to jail w/o the possibility of bond, and logged in to try and delete the page, but just didn't have the time. Cindy showed up to Baez's office and she had to leave. :waitasec:

Dear Santa-I think we've all been very, very good this year. May we please have the IP info for this darned Myspace? pretty please? :angel:
So...we might be headed back up on this roller coaster?


I don't know what to think anymore. Another part of me says they would have this in the ISP logs and therefore it is a quick - yes/no which didn't depend on any subpoena of myspace, etc. as far as the creation date. I mean, the URL of the myspace should be in the ISP logs, correct?

I think I fell off the rollercoaster at the bottom - I'm still thinking this has been a tremendous wild goose chase I put you people through.


*poopie pants dance*
I am sure with all of the hard work here, this has been attempted: KC can be searched out by looking her up by e-mail address in MySpace. Although it looks like it might not work out if she deleted her e-mail addresses, is it possible that the ZG space can be linked to any of KC's e-mail adresses that we know of? Or Thomas Franke's e-mail address?

ETA-I will try and see if I can find anything, but please someone stop me if this has already been tried!

I have tried for many hours to hit against an email account associated with the zenaida myspace. No luck so far.
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