Is it possible that someone acted alone? *Poll added*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

If someone acted alone, who was the most likely in your opinion?

  • Misty

    Votes: 20 22.0%
  • Ron

    Votes: 39 42.9%
  • Tommy

    Votes: 13 14.3%
  • Joe

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • Timmy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Snodgrass

    Votes: 3 3.3%
  • A stranger

    Votes: 6 6.6%
  • Teresa

    Votes: 5 5.5%
  • One person but unsure which one.

    Votes: 3 3.3%
  • Sapp

    Votes: 1 1.1%

  • Total voters
If Ron picked up Haleigh from the bus and was alone with her, something could have happened to her and he could have disposed of her somewhere before work.
Occam's Razor

A theory that when weighing the merits of one theory over another that the theory with the LEAST Number of assumptions is the one with the most merit (most likely to be true).

If you are applying Occam's Razor the most likely candidate to act alone is Misty. No assumptions made. Haleigh was in her care, she was by her admission and all current provable evidence current at the scene of the incident.

Again using the same methodology, the second most probable person is Tommy. The only person to place himself at the location by his own admission (albeit several admissions and changing) at the MH home that night. However he couldn't have acted alone - as his sister was present. Unless we want to start assuming she wasn't home, and the minute we start assuming things regardless of facts we lessen the likelihood of ourselves being correct.

Clear as mud?

My theory. It was not someone acting alone. Occam's Razor leads me to believe then knowing what I know has been proved factually and assuming as little as possible that Tommy and Misty are both involved somehow and lie to protect themselves and each other.
I voted Ron because I interpreted your question as to Haleigh's death and did not consider the cover-up part of the crime. I can see where Ron may have struck Haleigh while in a rage over his and Misty's feud after Haleigh got off of the school bus. However, Ron had to show up at work in order to establish an alibi so the coverup had to be the combined efforts of other people.
Misty gets my vote. If she's responsible, I don't think it was deliberate. It's more likely that Haleigh was either a little too rambunctious that night, or a little too fussy. Misty was tired, hungover and stressed, and she lost it.

I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but I cannot believe that Misty was out that night and no one has come forward to vouch for her. There's been a rumor here and there, but nothing that panned out. Otherwise, Fields would have taken out a full page newspaper ad and hired a skywriter to let the world know.

We've all heard Misty lie. IMO, she could've told one convoluted story to Ron and TN, a different version to Tommy, and yet another variation to Timmy and Chelsey. Same story, but with a different twist for each of them to elicit a response that would best work to her advantage.

If anyone else was involved it was after the fact, to move Haleigh's body and stage the MH. But if Misty had access to a vehicle, I think she could've handled the whole incident on her own.
IMO, if anyone acted alone, it would be Ron.

However, I believe this was a group effort.
It's hard to theorize about one of the players acting alone when they all act like they have something major to hide.

Most likely Haleigh died of an overdose of an illegal substance that could be traced back to Ron. If that happened, Ron would grieve for Haleigh but be powerless to do anything to expose Misty because he would be charged as well. So, Ronald Cummings clenched his jaw and tried to play the part of the father of a missing child. He married Misty because too many people were pointing fingers at him as a creepy dude with a teenybop girlfriend; also I think before long he came to realize he could have been charged and labeled a sex offender. Ron was able to divorce Misty against her wishes because once her parents signed the papers for her to marry, Ron was off the hook for any type of sexual predator charge and he knew Misty could not blow the whistle on him about the drugs that killed Haleigh because she would go down too.

This is the closest I can come to considering a lone perp: Haleigh died in Misty's care and she fed Ron a story about a drug overdose--and he could not refute that.

I do not think Tommy could be the lone perp here, mainly because Misty was just so far off course during the 911 call. She clearly had been told what to say, which Ron would feel compelled to do if she told him Haleigh had died from his pills. Ron had to cover for his own culpability and in the process covered for Misty's.

Ron and Misty both clearly have withheld information from the beginning, IMO. This tells me they know exactly what happened to Haleigh on February 9, 2009. They are in cahoots in a cover-up, so my answer is that neither Ron nor Misty acted alone. If Tommy acted alone, Misty would have covered for him to an extent, but I doubt she would be continuing to cover for Tommy to this day. And I cannot think of any reason why Ron would do any of what he has done if he thought Tommy was responsible for Haleigh's demise.

I have considered Amber as having a motive (or her mom on her behalf)...but that would not explain the behavior of the others. There is just no reason for the players to continue their charade if they were not involved, so I never really went too far in developing a theory with Amber as the perp. I had thought about Amber from time to time but never could make her fit solely because of the behaviors of the players.

Anyway, here I go again with one of my ridiculously long, drawn-out posts. I'll end with saying that while anything is possible in this case, I do not believe that this was the work of someone acting alone. If the players could point at any person, they would have done so, and they would have fully cooperated with LE all along the way. The players do not, IMO, appear to want Haleigh's disappearance solved, and that points the finger of guilt at them, IMO. One caused Haleigh's demise and the others became conspirators in the cover-up, maybe willingly but perhaps by circumstance.
Hi - I've been lurking but not posting on this case, but I have to wonder if Misty drugged Haleigh to make her sleep and something went terribly wrong. And if Ron had also used drugs to "control" the children, he would have been freaked out, but also complicit/sympathetic in a sense. As I recall, Haleigh had Turner Syndrome, and I read that this condition can cause heart and kidney problems. Diphenhydramine (benedryl) overdose can cause seizures and arrhythmia.

She said whe went to sleep early. . . could she woken up to find Haleigh dead from an OD?
It's hard to theorize about one of the players acting alone when they all act like they have something major to hide.

Most likely Haleigh died of an overdose of an illegal substance that could be traced back to Ron. If that happened, Ron would grieve for Haleigh but be powerless to do anything to expose Misty because he would be charged as well. So, Ronald Cummings clenched his jaw and tried to play the part of the father of a missing child. He married Misty because too many people were pointing fingers at him as a creepy dude with a teenybop girlfriend; also I think before long he came to realize he could have been charged and labeled a sex offender. Ron was able to divorce Misty against her wishes because once her parents signed the papers for her to marry, Ron was off the hook for any type of sexual predator charge and he knew Misty could not blow the whistle on him about the drugs that killed Haleigh because she would go down too.

This is the closest I can come to considering a lone perp: Haleigh died in Misty's care and she fed Ron a story about a drug overdose--and he could not refute that.

I do not think Tommy could be the lone perp here, mainly because Misty was just so far off course during the 911 call. She clearly had been told what to say, which Ron would feel compelled to do if she told him Haleigh had died from his pills. Ron had to cover for his own culpability and in the process covered for Misty's.

Ron and Misty both clearly have withheld information from the beginning, IMO. This tells me they know exactly what happened to Haleigh on February 9, 2009. They are in cahoots in a cover-up, so my answer is that neither Ron nor Misty acted alone. If Tommy acted alone, Misty would have covered for him to an extent, but I doubt she would be continuing to cover for Tommy to this day. And I cannot think of any reason why Ron would do any of what he has done if he thought Tommy was responsible for Haleigh's demise.

I have considered Amber as having a motive (or her mom on her behalf)...but that would not explain the behavior of the others. There is just no reason for the players to continue their charade if they were not involved, so I never really went too far in developing a theory with Amber as the perp. I had thought about Amber from time to time but never could make her fit solely because of the behaviors of the players.

Anyway, here I go again with one of my ridiculously long, drawn-out posts. I'll end with saying that while anything is possible in this case, I do not believe that this was the work of someone acting alone. If the players could point at any person, they would have done so, and they would have fully cooperated with LE all along the way. The players do not, IMO, appear to want Haleigh's disappearance solved, and that points the finger of guilt at them, IMO. One caused Haleigh's demise and the others became conspirators in the cover-up, maybe willingly but perhaps by circumstance.

Your theory is well thought out and one can tell you put a lot of thought and time into well as considering many angles to it....

good work!!....

Perhaps you have a theory on this as well....Why is Ron now admitting there was a fight over a gun??

If true...does this fit anywhere in your theory???...thanks
Your theory is well thought out and one can tell you put a lot of thought and time into well as considering many angles to it....

good work!!....

Perhaps you have a theory on this as well....Why is Ron now admitting there was a fight over a gun??

If true...does this fit anywhere in your theory???...thanks

I think Ron is now admitting to the fight over the gun to set the stage for him jumping on the "Joe did it" bandwagon.
It's hard to theorize about one of the players acting alone when they all act like they have something major to hide.

Most likely Haleigh died of an overdose of an illegal substance that could be traced back to Ron. If that happened, Ron would grieve for Haleigh but be powerless to do anything to expose Misty because he would be charged as well. So, Ronald Cummings clenched his jaw and tried to play the part of the father of a missing child. He married Misty because too many people were pointing fingers at him as a creepy dude with a teenybop girlfriend; also I think before long he came to realize he could have been charged and labeled a sex offender. Ron was able to divorce Misty against her wishes because once her parents signed the papers for her to marry, Ron was off the hook for any type of sexual predator charge and he knew Misty could not blow the whistle on him about the drugs that killed Haleigh because she would go down too.

This is the closest I can come to considering a lone perp: Haleigh died in Misty's care and she fed Ron a story about a drug overdose--and he could not refute that.

I do not think Tommy could be the lone perp here, mainly because Misty was just so far off course during the 911 call. She clearly had been told what to say, which Ron would feel compelled to do if she told him Haleigh had died from his pills. Ron had to cover for his own culpability and in the process covered for Misty's.

Ron and Misty both clearly have withheld information from the beginning, IMO. This tells me they know exactly what happened to Haleigh on February 9, 2009. They are in cahoots in a cover-up, so my answer is that neither Ron nor Misty acted alone. If Tommy acted alone, Misty would have covered for him to an extent, but I doubt she would be continuing to cover for Tommy to this day. And I cannot think of any reason why Ron would do any of what he has done if he thought Tommy was responsible for Haleigh's demise.

I have considered Amber as having a motive (or her mom on her behalf)...but that would not explain the behavior of the others. There is just no reason for the players to continue their charade if they were not involved, so I never really went too far in developing a theory with Amber as the perp. I had thought about Amber from time to time but never could make her fit solely because of the behaviors of the players.

Anyway, here I go again with one of my ridiculously long, drawn-out posts. I'll end with saying that while anything is possible in this case, I do not believe that this was the work of someone acting alone. If the players could point at any person, they would have done so, and they would have fully cooperated with LE all along the way. The players do not, IMO, appear to want Haleigh's disappearance solved, and that points the finger of guilt at them, IMO. One caused Haleigh's demise and the others became conspirators in the cover-up, maybe willingly but perhaps by circumstance.

bolded by me...

Do you have a theory where this took place? Green lane or Magnolia?
again...thanks for your opinion
bolded by me...

Do you have a theory where this took place? Green lane or Magnolia?
again...thanks for your opinion

It could be either place. Or it could be neither place. I do believe the Green Lane MH was staged as an abduction scene...any staging would have to be done there for the claim that Haleigh was taken from her bed.

What I find difficult to swallow is that Haleigh was in dire straits (or had died) before Ron left for work and he left the clean-up to Misty and crew. When I think of myself in the position of perp of a hideous crime, I conclude that I would never feel safe leaving such important tasks to someone else. Especially someone like Misty.

I would feel a lot better about this case if I knew Magnolia MH had been processed by LE, inside and out, at the start. But I am not convinced it was.
And if there was no evidence at Green Lane, where is the evidence? There has to be something, somewhere. Was there evidence at Magnolia that is now gone for good? Could be.

I used to have a theory about drug runners having been crossed by Ron and them coming to his MH that night to teach him a lesson. I dropped that recently because I think if that were the case, they would all be spilling it by now. JMO.
I can't drop any of my theories still. It's like one big ole game of Clue. It depends on who you think is telling the truth. That's the players, any news outlets or pro out there etc...

Maybe tomorrow I'll vote. But facts speak for themselves usually.
Your theory is well thought out and one can tell you put a lot of thought and time into well as considering many angles to it....

good work!!....

Perhaps you have a theory on this as well....Why is Ron now admitting there was a fight over a gun??

If true...does this fit anywhere in your theory???...thanks
I've been working on a theory that Misty called Ron as soon as she found Haleigh missing, & he either sneaked out of work or got off early, & helped with the clean up, & then did the drive thing & the ciggy run, to establish his alibi. Why? because he had a lot of criminal stuff to cover, before he called 911. clean the house of drugs & guns, maybe stolen property, who knows. & yes, I do think Ron would be capable of this. If he did this, then there's something else he would need to cover. I do believe these people made a bad situation worse. I know a lady whose son's gf died of an OD, in their home & they cleaned that house, from 1 end to another...not because they didn't care about the girl, because they did. It's been 4 years, & they still grieve, & the son will never be the same. But, they did clean that house. That's what dealers do. & I don't think Misty would've dared calling the cops without Ron's help. on a side note...2 years after that OD, the mom found some meth, still stashed in a tree, & a purse filled with the girl's pills. & the cops, who turned that house upside down, just missed them.
IMO, if Misty really didn't now anything, she would have stuck with, "I don't know."

IMO, If Ron was not involved, he would not have acted the way he did.

What would either of them have to lose now by admitting they had crossed someone in the drug world and that Haleigh's demise was the result? If something like that really happened, would either or both be in danger even in prison? Does that happen for real or only in the movies?

If it happens in prison for real, I think they would be placed in PC.

So...I dropped that theory because I believe they would spill if that's what happened.
I think they're all liars so it's really hard to wrap my head around anybody acting alone but I suppose Misty would be my guess since she was the last to admit being with Haleigh. Maybe Tommy because he put himself there too. If it was Ronald I think he'd have needed some cooperation from those who said they were there.

It could have been a sexual predator if Misty was out (of it) but I wouldn't put my money on a stranger but someone from the family circle with access to the players before and after the fact, knowledge about their intoxicated ways and possibly able to influence them and feed them ideas for various lies to tell.
I think they're all liars so it's really hard to wrap my head around anybody acting alone but I suppose Misty would be my guess since she was the last to admit being with Haleigh. Maybe Tommy because he put himself there too. If it was Ronald I think he'd have needed some cooperation from those who said they were there.

It could have been a sexual predator if Misty was out (of it) but I wouldn't put my money on a stranger but someone from the family circle with access to the players before and after the fact, knowledge about their intoxicated ways and possibly able to influence them and feed them ideas for various lies to tell.
I agree & I think Tommy fed Misty the lies...starting with a stranger must've kidnapped her. I can't figure out why the not guilty don't rat out the guilty...unless that's what Ron is doing, right now.
I've thought Misty was at fault from Day One. Her story just did not add up from the get-go, and I do not think she was being coached. I don't think she set out to hurt Haleigh, but I do believe she caused whatever happened, and then Tommy was called in to help her cover it up. I don't know if she was resentful of being "dragged in" to babysit and let her anger rule or if she gave Haleigh "something" to keep her asleep while Misty went out and partied or what, but I've always felt the girl had more lie-ability and street smarts than a lot of folks give her credit for. She is not the innocent, easily-manipulated young girl that many think. She's had to grow up fast in a den of liars. Lying and covering up are second nature to that family, and by now she at least has an associates degree in it.
IMO, if anyone acted alone, i think it would be Ron. I think he would keep it quiet and to himself, b/c it is no ones business. (in his mind) I really don't think anyone person acted alone in this tragedy. They are all in this up to their eyeballs. They know the pressure is being applied to the weakest link.

I once thought that maybe Ron got off from work early snuck in the house while Misty was sleeping, removed HaLeigh, to kinda teach Misty a lesson, for stepping out of the relationship while she went on her weekend binge. Misty awakes to find HaLeigh gone, and see's Ron and asks "Do you have HaLeigh?" (i always thought that statement was odd) Ron tells her no, you better call the police. Of course this isn't what i think now, as we know just a little bit more.


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