is it possible??

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DNA Solves
I really don't think they have found Caylee and I will explain why. I am going to be at the command center in the morning to begin the search with Equusearch.
:clap: bless you for taking your time on a holiday weekend to help... in what IMO might be a very grim task.. Know that you and the others are greatly appreciated.
I think LE and the FBI are covering their bases, I say great job!!
I really don't think they have found Caylee and I will explain why. I am going to be at the command center in the morning to begin the search with Equusearch. They are still expecting us to show up so I really don't think they would continue the search if she had been found already. Also, the reason the fraud charges took so long before the arrest was due to the investigation of those charges having to be complete before doing so. They have her on videotape at Target and a bank I believe cashing Amy's checks.

Thanks for the inside info:)
I have to share this site because it has been bugging me... what this Brian says at the bottom. Scroll almost all the way to the bottom just before the google map image. I have copied the link and my questionable comment below.



Hi Brian,

In case you have not heard yet, TES will be searching the Orlando International Airport tomorrow. :)



Thanks, have been trying to get the word out...have also sent out a newsletter.



breaking live news-we just watched casey lealve the house in handcuffs because of the stealingmoney charges
[8:39:43 PM] Psychic Gale St John says: TES stood outside the door like gaurds.can you believe that?


Yes I can Gale, let me know when I can let everyone know what's really going on.


i saw that too... the other reason i felt there was more to her arrest than they were saying.
:clap: bless you for taking your time on a holiday weekend to help... in what IMO might be a very grim task.. Know that you and the others are greatly appreciated.

I know you are. So many that have come together on this board with sincere hopes and disappointments in defense for this little girl. She needs to go home and be put to rest properly. I have 6 grandchildren and I just don't know what I would do if anything like this ever happened to any of them. They are such a precious gift. If by some miracle, Caylee is alive, it would be one of the best days of my life.
I really don't think they have found Caylee and I will explain why. I am going to be at the command center in the morning to begin the search with Equusearch. They are still expecting us to show up so I really don't think they would continue the search if she had been found already. Also, the reason the fraud charges took so long before the arrest was due to the investigation of those charges having to be complete before doing so. They have her on videotape at Target and a bank I believe cashing Amy's checks.
My prayers will be with you and every searcher tomorrow. Thank you.
i saw that too... the other reason i felt there was more to her arrest than they were saying.

TES was only there to meet with the family and go over where they planned to search tomorrow. They had no idea what was about to happen and I'm sure they were just trying to get out of the way.
She may be in jail tonight and out again tomorrow if they post bail but I think she'll be right back in by Tuesday if I'm reading this news report right.


For the first time, Orange County State Attorney Lawson Lamar weighed in on the evidence in the case Friday. Eyewitness News broke the story Wednesday that DNA evidence reveals Caylee Anthony's body was in her mother's trunk and it shows decomposition that Caylee was dead.

"Law enforcement prosecution throughout all of this has been hoping and praying we find this child a live. That hope has been somewhat diminished by recent forensics," Lamar said.

Despite the evidence, the offer of limited immunity to Casey Anthony remains. An email from prosecutors confirms Anthony's lawyer, Jose Baez, asked for it several weeks ago. The deal means that anything the 22-year-old mother says to investigators would not be used against her in court, only the evidence found.

"The initial thought of offering that level of immunity was that we might gain some information that would lead us to the missing child," Lamar said.

So far, Casey Anthony has not said a word. The State Attorney's Office is waiting for the sheriff's office to send over what's called a "fact package," which includes all the forensic evidence.

Lamar told Eyewitness News he isn't rushing the sheriff's office for that packet. The offer of limited immunity will expire on Tuesday."
It's horrible that we'd look at it as good news for a little 2 year old's body being found but that's the reality here :( that poor baby deserved so much better!!
imo they arrested her to put more pressure on, hoping she'll bite for the immunity deal. Since her body hasn't been found yet, and as much time as there's been, really chances are very slim unless Casey does crack and gives the info up.
I'm wondering also if they wanted her back in jail before something happened there at the Anthony home, it has to be a powder keg there and if and when her parents do understand and accept what she's done, well how could they be in the same home and not have something happen?


I think it is possible that Caylee has already been found. The arrest tonight may just be a forerunner for what is to come and I believe LE may have wanted her back in custody prior to making any announcement. TES may have a hint of what is going on but can't say anything as yet nor act like anything is out of the ordinary. Nothing in this case would surprise me but I have a gut feeling it is about to bust wide open very soon.
This is all IMOO.
Thank you to all who have been and are involved in the searching - it restores my faith in basic human decency that there are people who truly want to help and bring Caylee to a peaceful rest. You are admired for the work you are doing - thank you.
It's horrible that we'd look at it as good news for a little 2 year old's body being found but that's the reality here :( that poor baby deserved so much better!!
imo they arrested her to put more pressure on, hoping she'll bite for the immunity deal. Since her body hasn't been found yet, and as much time as there's been, really chances are very slim unless Casey does crack and gives the info up.
I'm wondering also if they wanted her back in jail before something happened there at the Anthony home, it has to be a powder keg there and if and when her parents do understand and accept what she's done, well how could they be in the same home and not have something happen?



Every word you've said is "so true". I guess if you don't FEEL anything for anyone it's easy......."Casey". Mom and Dad are just trying to stay sane. From what I saw of George today, I thought he was going to blow, have a heart attack or worse. This little twit from Christmas, Florida (podunk redneck) that just wanted to get a picture of Casey when she got arrested is worse than having a vagrant camped out in your yard. I didn't blame George for doing what he did. I would have grabbed him by the back of the shirt, his belt and tossed him out into the street. What's the worst that could have happened in comparison to what they're going through right now?
I think it is possible that Caylee has already been found. The arrest tonight may just be a forerunner for what is to come and I believe LE may have wanted her back in custody prior to making any announcement. TES may have a hint of what is going on but can't say anything as yet nor act like anything is out of the ordinary. Nothing in this case would surprise me but I have a gut feeling it is about to bust wide open very soon.
This is all IMOO.
Thank you to all who have been and are involved in the searching - it restores my faith in basic human decency that there are people who truly want to help and bring Caylee to a peaceful rest. You are admired for the work you are doing - thank you.

She has not been found. There would be no reason to go searching tomorrow if that were true.
Good Luck Tomorrow Baznme! Thank you so much for taking time to do this hard job.

We will all be thinking about you tomorrow and hoping for the best.
It wouldn't surprise me one bit.
As much as I resent the lack of info being given to the public by LE at this point, I respect their position.

Hiya, Cagney! :) I'm dissuaded from the theory they have her body since I don't believe they would allow Tim from TES and all the others to invest so much time, energy and money looking for a body that may already be in the ME's office.

I fully agree about the public release of LE info. I would love to have the whole dang case file fed-exed to me...but I certainly understand that there is a legal process for release of info as well as a strategic process and, like you, totally respect that since it's in the best interests of the investigation and justice for Caylee.

ETA: I see after reading through the whole thread (always a good idea to do prior to posting) that others have already mentioned the same reasoning why LE wouldn't hold back having discovered Caylee's remains with Tim and crew ready to get down to business. Sorry for the redundancy, Cagney. The blonde is brain-deep....can't help it! ;)
I really don't think they have found Caylee and I will explain why. I am going to be at the command center in the morning to begin the search with Equusearch. They are still expecting us to show up so I really don't think they would continue the search if she had been found already. Also, the reason the fraud charges took so long before the arrest was due to the investigation of those charges having to be complete before doing so. They have her on videotape at Target and a bank I believe cashing Amy's checks.

Target and the bank. Well Target kind of put the brakes on her statement that she was stealing so that she could find Caylee (not the exact statement).

What was she going to do, buy the kidnappers some small appliances in exchange for Caylee?
I have to share this site because it has been bugging me... what this Brian says at the bottom. Scroll almost all the way to the bottom just before the google map image. I have copied the link and my questionable comment below.

Yes I can Gale, let me know when I can let everyone know what's really going on.


Oh, brother. Guess they're gearing up to claim it is/was some "revelation" on their part that guides LE to Caylee's remains. I've never paid attention to that site, but I have seen it mentioned here and on the (former) CourtTV boards that he has been proven a fraud (something about being caught altering dates on a prediction or revelation to make it appear as if it were pre-discovery instead of post-fact). So I would take anything from that site with a big grain of salt.
Good Luck Tomorrow Baznme! Thank you so much for taking time to do this hard job.

We will all be thinking about you tomorrow and hoping for the best.

I agree. I wish that I could be there with you but I will be there in spirit and will be thinking of you. Good Luck and take care!
She has not been found. There would be no reason to go searching tomorrow if that were true.

i have been thinking about that... if they called off the search, right after arresting her, then it would be painfully obvious what happened...

so in order to make the arrest smooth and unsuspicious as possible, maybe they are delaying cancelling the search until she is processed and everything is in place...

just a theory of course...
please dont think i am being disrespectful - i am thankful for every bit of manpower, blood, sweat, tears and financial assistance that has been put forth in an effort to find this baby...

and since i am only speculating i could very well be wrong...i wish i was wrong about alot of the speculations i have had...

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