Can you give us some examples? Because IMO there is no filmmaker who approaches Michael Moore's level of political vitriol, with the possible exception of Bill Maher (speaking of nasty little men, LOL) with "religulous".
I didn't mean to ignore your question. I just now saw it.
What is the basic story of THE PASSION but how those nasty Jews killed God Himself? In the nastiest possible manner.
What is the basic story of BRAVEHEART but how the virile, heterosexual Scotsman, Wallace, intervened with Princess Isabel and sired the English monarchy when gay, fey Prince Edward couldn't get the job done? NONE OF THAT HAS ANY BASIS in historical accounts; it's all an invention of Gibson and the screenwriters he hired. (There are historical reports that Edward II had a male lover, but nothing indicates he didn't also father his own child.)
Moreover, Gibson has Edward I throw his son's boyfriend out a window and PLAYS IT FOR LAUGHS! If that isn't "political", I don't know what is.
It's true that Michael Moore gets carried away by his own righteous indignation sometimes and you don't have to watch his films, but at least in his own mind, Moore is defending the little guy against the corruption of the powerful.
Bill Maher may mock religious beliefs and perhaps that hurts your feelings. But he doesn't play into centuries-old stereotypes about conniving, homicidal Jews.
Gibson, on the other hand, gives interview after interview bragging about the "realism" of his films without every acknowledging that the verisimilitude is entirely related to surface matters, such as the type of weapons employed. He has no interest whatsoever in historical accuracy concerning matters of gender, race, sexuality, ethnicity or religion, preferring instead to sell the same old blather about white Christian men being victimized by the rest of the world.
And THAT is political, just not as honest as Moore and Maher, who at least admit their points of view (even if you disagree with their conclusions).