Is MJD Tawni Lee?

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I am in shock over all of this. I just can't believe it!! I have been posting on this thread for a few years. I thought about Tawni every day and prayed we'd find out who she really was. I knew somebody had to be missing her some where. I am happy we finally know who she is but also grieving for the family. It makes me sick knowing that the police didn't file a missing persons report on her. She would have had her name long ago. ~~God Bless Tawni & Her Family~~
To Christine, Believe 09, and to all who loved this beautiful girl so much to spend your time helping her,

This is a sad/joyous day. Sad because a young life was destroyed and joyous in that she can now be reunited with her family.

Do you all realize that were not for your hard work this young woman would have been unidentified forever? Her mother, father, and loved ones would have gone to their graves never knowing? Do you know how important your work has been and continues to be?

Proud of you is too weak a saying of how I feel about you all now. I'm sitting here crying for everyone.

God bless you. How fortunate we are to have you here with us.
And thank you too Tricia. If it weren't for you, we would not have WS and have this opportunity to work with so many fantastic sleuthers. :blowkiss:
I am so impressed with all of you who never gave up and worked so hard. I echo Tricia's sentiments wholeheartedly. I'm so proud to be a member here. So much love and dedication to helping others in need. Most message boards just discuss things, but members here make a real difference. Fantastic work!

:rose: :blowkiss: :rose: :blowkiss: :rose:
You did it!!

I cannot tell you how many times I have started to read these threads and gotten lost in what was already known and researched and done. I never posted, not knowing how to jump in, but always watching and wondering if MJD would ever have her name back.

I am so proud to "know" all of you sleuthers. For a perfect stranger you never gave up.

My sympathies to Tawni's family. I cannot imagine how devastating this news must be. I only hope that giving Tawni a resting place with her family and knowing that there are people out there who care this much will bring you some sense of peace.

My eyes are tearing up at this thread. I have followed this one for some time now, I was just drawn to it. I really am hoping that this is Tawni and that her family and friends as well as herself can be put to rest and at ease. My prayers are with this family in this tough time and I am just very touched by all the love that is here on websleuths. All of us really do bring something to websleuths and I am SO thankful to have Tricia and all the mods here to keep things running! Thankyou all for bringing websleuths to us and to all the posters for being here and working as hard as we all do to help with the cases! God bless

My prayers are with you all!
I am an Aunt of Tawni who has been missing since early 1999.. I just want all of you who loved her and kept her in your hearts to know how much we appreciate it... I can not tell you how much this has helped my family to know that there was so many people who loved her . I want to keep this blog short until she has been identified as our Tawni.... But wanted to send this message to thank you all.. Especially Chrsitne and believe, with whom I have been in contact with since late lastnight. If it wasnt for you all, I am not sure we would ever be able to have found her... Thank you again and I will write again when it has been confirmed....
I am an Aunt of Tawni who has been missing since early 1999.. I just want all of you who loved her and kept her in your hearts to know how much we appreciate it... I can not tell you how much this has helped my family to know that there was so many people who loved her . I want to keep this blog short until she has been identified as our Tawni.... But wanted to send this message to thank you all.. Especially Chrsitne and believe, with whom I have been in contact with since late lastnight. If it wasnt for you all, I am not sure we would ever be able to have found her... Thank you again and I will write again when it has been confirmed....

Prayers for you and your family and may you find peace in your hearts. Tawni led everyone here to look for her and to bring you the opportunity to know. She is with our Lord and has been happy for a long time and this is her final gift to you and your family. Bless all of you!
Hi Everyone:

I am the fellow who wrote the in-depth story on Suzy Dodt and her work on behalf of the unidentifieds a month or two ago. As most of you probably know, I spent quite a bit of time discussing the case of 99-305, who apparently is FINALLY going to have a name, an identity. This is fantastic news, and I look forward to telling our 500,000 readers (plus the on-line readership) about what happened as soon as things work themselves out. Thank you to all you folks!
I kind of stumbled upon this case while browsing through the threads and was hooked from day one. She seemed around the same age as me back in 1999 (I was 18, going on 19) and she seemed to have a similar past as mine (troubled family life, runaway, hanging with the wrong type of crowd, etc. minus the alleged prostitution, of course).

I "found" Tawni after I was reading the thread about the Iraqi girl whose picture was found at a gas station here in the US and it was determined to have been emailed by one of our soldiers to a relative or something. The thread was old and I started reading it from the beginning. I knew she was Iranian or Iraqi halfway through the thread, but being old it was already solved and there wasn't anything I could add. So I started looking through other UID threads and ended up here. I'm so happy that here is one UID who might/probably has a name! Our hugs and prayers are with you Imor and please pass them along to the rest of the family. If you have read these threads, surely you know she was very much loved.
I am an Aunt of Tawni who has been missing since early 1999.. I just want all of you who loved her and kept her in your hearts to know how much we appreciate it... I can not tell you how much this has helped my family to know that there was so many people who loved her . I want to keep this blog short until she has been identified as our Tawni.... But wanted to send this message to thank you all.. Especially Chrsitne and believe, with whom I have been in contact with since late lastnight. If it wasnt for you all, I am not sure we would ever be able to have found her... Thank you again and I will write again when it has been confirmed....

My deepest sympathies go out to you and your family. I am so glad that you were brought here to Websleuth's, so that Tawni may rest in peace with her name and be brought home to you. You can be rest assured Tawni has been in our hearts and in our thoughts with each passing day. I think you and your family have all been very courageous and it's wonderful to know that she did come from a very loving, caring family. Tawni and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers, always.
I am an Aunt of Tawni who has been missing since early 1999.. I just want all of you who loved her and kept her in your hearts to know how much we appreciate it... I can not tell you how much this has helped my family to know that there was so many people who loved her . I want to keep this blog short until she has been identified as our Tawni.... But wanted to send this message to thank you all.. Especially Chrsitne and believe, with whom I have been in contact with since late lastnight. If it wasnt for you all, I am not sure we would ever be able to have found her... Thank you again and I will write again when it has been confirmed....

May you and your family now have a little bit of peace and less anguish not knowing where your beautiful Tawni is. The folks here who have been trying to identify this poor girl for such a long time have fallen in love with her. Thanks to all of their hard work and determination in giving her name back to her, she can finally go home to her family who has missed her for so long. I am so sorry for your loss. :blowkiss:
I dont know about you guys but I cant Wait to go home and show my MOM My Kids and Husband hey Look we did make a deference...

Pheno! Did you notice my new avatar? I changed early this morning.

We can, and we most definitely are, MAKING A DIFFERENCE. :woohoo:
Me too. I am glad to hear I am not the only one who takes heat from family for spending my time with these type of cases.

Are you kiddin' me????? I am 1/2 way through divorce, signed up here in 05, IIRC....LMAO!
To Christine, Believe 09, and to all who loved this beautiful girl so much to spend your time helping her,

This is a sad/joyous day. Sad because a young life was destroyed and joyous in that she can now be reunited with her family.

Do you all realize that were not for your hard work this young woman would have been unidentified forever? Her mother, father, and loved ones would have gone to their graves never knowing? Do you know how important your work has been and continues to be?

Proud of you is too weak a saying of how I feel about you all now. I'm sitting here crying for everyone.

God bless you. How fortunate we are to have you here with us.

Thank you Tricia...for all you do behind the scenes that no one sees. For the $$ to keep this place running asking nothing from us but love/dedication to the ones that need us. Thank you for the 'platform', NONE of this would be possible without WS, WS Staff, and YOU!!!!!!!:blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss:

I love you man!
Are you kiddin' me????? I am 1/2 way through divorce, signed up here in 05, IIRC....LMAO!

Thats too funny Christine, I noticed your new avatar this morning and that is the first thing that I thought! And what a difference it is! Oh and by the way honey... um.. boy, you must really be tired, but I thought I should point out to you, that you DID sign up in 2005! See if you look in the top right hand corner, it actually says the date when you signed up! Just kidding you! LOL! Teresa must be tired too, she says she's been here for a few years but it's almost two years! Just kidding you guys! Really! I know everyone is tired from having been here all day!
Are you kiddin' me????? I am 1/2 way through divorce, signed up here in 05, IIRC....LMAO!
By the way, I'm taking some heat too! Not going through a divorce (yet! LOL) but DH says I've spent enough time on the computer today!

Oops! O/T again. Sorry. :blushing:
I am an Aunt of Tawni who has been missing since early 1999.. I just want all of you who loved her and kept her in your hearts to know how much we appreciate it... I can not tell you how much this has helped my family to know that there was so many people who loved her . I want to keep this blog short until she has been identified as our Tawni.... But wanted to send this message to thank you all.. Especially Chrsitne and believe, with whom I have been in contact with since late lastnight. If it wasnt for you all, I am not sure we would ever be able to have found her... Thank you again and I will write again when it has been confirmed....

I can't even comprehend what you all are feeling/going through, can't even comprehend.

I am sincerely, sorry, that you had to find out this way.

We are here for you..we will 'walk' with all of you through this.

God is amazing, amazing. You look at the 'set up' here. Believe09 is in MA..most of family is there, I am in GA, mom here, brother in AZ, we have many there ready to assist. God brought so many paths together for this to happen.

I know it is not confirmed......and if this is not Tawni, we will find her....that I know.
Hi Everyone:

I am the fellow who wrote the in-depth story on Suzy Dodt and her work on behalf of the unidentifieds a month or two ago. As most of you probably know, I spent quite a bit of time discussing the case of 99-305, who apparently is FINALLY going to have a name, an identity. This is fantastic news, and I look forward to telling our 500,000 readers (plus the on-line readership) about what happened as soon as things work themselves out. Thank you to all you folks!

Welcome to WS, your article was fantastic. Suzi Dodt is awesome. It's evident she is very devoted to her work, and goes way above and beyond. Looking forward to seeing your future work.

Thanks to Suzi too if she happens to see this. :blowkiss:
Thank you Tricia...for all you do behind the scenes that no one sees. For the $$ to keep this place running asking nothing from us but love/dedication to the ones that need us. Thank you for the 'platform', NONE of this would be possible without WS, WS Staff, and YOU!!!!!!!:blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss:

I love you man!

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