Is the state's case effective so far?

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The defense cut to the chase without telling the story of what led to said chase. The prosecution is telling the entire story, filling in the details from start to finish. While it might seem like they're slowly plodding along, there is definite purpose in their slow pace to the finish line. jmo

I agree with you about the pros, they ae telling the whole story and taking their time to do the end, they will prevail and caylee will have her

the way the pros is taking their time is what made me think of the story of the tortoise and the hare..
He picked his wife, it isnt her fault he doesnt want to sleep with her. Plus that is impling like GA is perfect and needed compassion more so then Cindy.

Job hoping gambling, affairs .

He is LuKy Cindy is his wife and not me.

So where does Cindy go for compassion?

She didnt have time to fake a job and work the real one too, unllike the rest of her house mates. She should of moved in with Amy. And left Casey and george to their own devices and deceptions.

Dominic Casey:crazy:

I'm not down playing his behavior..but I can understand. He's not perfect by any means and to be honest, I've never heard anything about he not wanting to sleep with his wife or any other woman for that matter.

I try to put myself in his shoes. I could be way off base but do think that George has believed his daughter did something to Caylee the whole time, yet he was forced to play the role for Cindy. If that was the case, I don't blame him for searching for compassion elsewhere. I couldn't imagine having a daughter who "could have" done something to her child, and couldn't imagine living with a woman who 100% proclaimed her child's innocent without ever thinking it could be true. That household was hell for George.
With all due respect, adjust their case because of Baez's lies and fantasy in his opening statement?That would not be a good thing to do. They state needs to prove their case, so they are sticking with what they laid out in the opening statement for the jury. There is no need to adjust the case because Baez's horsepucky opening statements. It's Baez that is lost and bumbling along, asking stupid questions and making himself look like an idiot. He hasn't even established his opening "story" as fact yet. Not ONE iota of what he said is a fact in evidence! Why should the state adjust on lies and stories? They shouldn't.

To adjust to Baez is to give him power. All the state needs to do is prove their case to the letter, which is what they are doing, not react and adjust to the defense. For the state to go along with what the state laid out is to take that power away from Baez, which is needed. The state is methodically laying out their case against Casey. They don't need to grandstand or be flamboyant like Baez. I think they're doing a great job of just sticking with the facts. The jury definitely was happier with the state today than they were Baez.

I do wish we could see more of LDB and Ashton in action, though. But I do think FG is doing a good job. The reality is that this case will be more boring and dry because the prosecution is doing it's everyday job, which is not like television or the movies. It doesn't mean that Casey won't get convicted, though.

This is very well put. I still think one of the reasons the State lost in the O.J. Simpson murder trial was that the ADAs were so afraid of the "Dream Team" defense that rather than prove the State's case, they continually made "adjustments" in defensive response to what they imagined the DT might do. (FWIW, Vincent Bugliosi writes something similar in his book on that trial.)

And while I'm posting, I want to add that I'm not watching the trial live and have no opinion on the State's strategy. But as for the State being "boring", that comes with the territory. In the trials I have attended or viewed, the State's case was always slow, especially at first, because the DAs have to prove every little detail of their case.

The Defense is inherently more "dramatic" because it ignores what it doesn't need to address and focuses only on the points where there is conflict.

But in my jury experience, jurors usually figure this out and don't penalize the State for doing its job.
I think the State is saving CA for several reasons and it's a great strategy,if so.

They want her to hear the other witnesses.She will hear one after another ,saying much the same thing. No way could she then get on the stand and try to lie. Too much has been established.

She will hear the BS the DT is spewing . She will have to decide if she can trust them.They may have an agreement to throw GA and LA under the bus,but can she really trust JB? ICA?
CA can also read and listen to what the public is saying about the DT's case. Does she want to go down with the losing side?
This time,waiting to be called to testify,is giving CA a lot to think about.

I was puzzled when the SA's did not object to the A's being in the courtroom .Now I think it was part of their plan.
CA has a good lawyer. Hopefully she will listen to him.

If it all falls into place,CA will be the SA's best witness.
I'll admit, I've worries about the SA not addressing the drowning issue, up until this afternoon when I realized what I feel they are doing.

They will continue on course, showing lie, after lie, after lie...until they have the lies embedded into the jury. They will then show how there is no way this was an accident due to the duct tape and the cover up from Casey.

In the end, the jury will realize exactly why Casey is blaming her father for all this mess, because she created a bigger lie to cover the rest of the lies she has told all along.
I've read a few posts about worry regarding why the SA didn't ask this, or didn't ask that.

They aren't done with these witnesses yet, folks. You can bet your farm that the cell phone texts and such WILL come in....

I didn't feel like painting my fence anyways this year. lol
I am not worried but like a previous poster, I am amazed that others thing the DT has a single leg to stand on.

I think of the SA as laying a foundation brick by brick. They have to introduce all the people who witnessed her living the bella vita and then they will get to the nittier grittier stuff. My only worry is that they mention the kidnapping a lot. But they do have to lay it out for the jury that this chick did originally say all of she's saying all of that....what do you believe? This overwhelming pile of evidence or that...latest lie?

I just fear the COD issue. Pool is very easy to believe
IMO when looking at the bigger picture (all witnesses so far)....the state is little by little destroying the defenses opening statement. GA was the first on the stand and addressed the issue of molestion (which on cross JB never mentioned). The witnesses today have testified to ICA's demeanor, attitude, mind frame, actions, and "lies" during those 31 days...doesn't sound like someone who covered up the accidental drowning of her daughter. Nor does she exhibit any kind of emotion or behavior consistent with someone in fear of her molesting father/brother. I think once the state has destroyed the defenses theory as to what happened....they'll bring in the experts and present their case with evidence showing what really happened.
I look at it this way: if I want entertainment I'll watch anything but a trial. I haven't seen a trial (or participated in one) that wasn't boring as all get out. Facts are boring.
I look at it this way: if I want entertainment I'll watch anything but a trial. I haven't seen a trial (or participated in one) that wasn't boring as all get out. Facts are boring.

I agree to some extent, yet believe delivery is very important. They could have all the facts on their side, but if they lose their audience, they're in trouble. With a better delivery they could make even the mundane more interesting, and, thus, the jury will attend to & retain the info better.
The state is making a fine case so far, IMO. And I think the defense is helping them along far more than the state could have imagined.
I Do think they needed to bring in the fact that her current 'friend' at the time TL didn't want Caylee staying overnight and if they don't that is a mistake - as ICA lived in such brief 'moments' of time that is an important motive.

I snipped this sentence out of your excellent post, because I agree and I think this is an important point. ICA's desire to move in with Tony and apparent obsession with him, the knowledge she couldn't keep Caylee at Tony's, the knowledge Tony wanted "boys" when and if he had children, all strongly play to motive in my opinion. Just think about Susan Smith killing her children when she thought they were interfering with her likewise-delusional relationship with her own lover. It does happen.

Casey had motives both to get out of CA and GA's home (competition with a controlling CA, Caylee's increasing ability to speak up and "out" KC's lies) and also to get herself into Tony's, where she intended to live her "good life." Was she ever going to give Caylee to Cindy? No way! As KC said herself, she's a spiteful b*tch. That poor darling baby girl was just a pawn to her. Pampered pet/accessory when it suited KC, discarded roadblock when it didn't.

I am very concerned about the States case. They seem to be plodding along very slow and are very boring. They need to pick it up and make it more interesting. They are also making a big mistake by ignoring Baez' contention that Caylee was already dead. They need to somehow address this throughout the trial. Ignoring the defense's position and pretending it doesn't exist is a mistake. There may be 1 or 2 jurors or more that believe his contention. And if Caylee was dead and they admitte there was no zanny then all that they are trying to prove is moot. They need to adjust their case.

Wasn't there a guy that stated that he saw Caylee and ICA at a Casselberry Walmart on the 16th? James Thompson at about 4pm.

In his statement he said lunchtime.
Wasn't there a guy that stated that he saw Caylee and ICA at a Casselberry Walmart on the 16th? James Thompson at about 4pm.

In his statement he said lunchtime.

I thnk there were descrpanciesin his statement (from memory). There was something said about Caylee trailing behind KC and having trouble opemning a door or something. BUT now I have to go find his statement lol
Look we can't expect a bombshell every day. The state is establishing a time line that they set out in their opening statements. Not everyday is going to be exciting. They don't need to counter JB's lies with anything. The state will get there and when they out!!!
The State is screwing the pooch big time, they are continuing to paint her as a mother who is out having a good time while her daughter is missing, seemingly showing no concern for the missing daughter. But that is no longer the case, the child was dead on the 16th, we know that now, so all they can call in to question now is she didnt MOURN THE DEATH OF HER CHILD PROPERLY, but then again everyone mourns differently, no one mourns the same, so really, as the defense is saying she had a break from reality, sort of lost her way when the child died and started acting in a very strange and bizarre way yet the state continues to ask where was Cayleee while she Casey was out partying etc. HELLO thats yesterday's news!

IMO the defense really threw a wrench in to this whole thing and a hung jury is all but assured at this point and the state wasting millions more to retry her will not be a politically popular move in these tough economic times.
I like the way the State is controlling the timing of what goes on in that courtroom.
The State is screwing the pooch big time, they are continuing to paint her as a mother who is out having a good time while her daughter is missing, seemingly showing no concern for the missing daughter. But that is no longer the case, the child was dead on the 16th, we know that now, so all they can call in to question now is she didnt MOURN THE DEATH OF HER CHILD PROPERLY, but then again everyone mourns differently, no one mourns the same, so really, as the defense is saying she had a break from reality, sort of lost her way when the child died and started acting in a very strange and bizarre way yet the state continues to ask where was Cayleee while she Casey was out partying etc. HELLO thats yesterday's news!

IMO the defense really threw a wrench in to this whole thing and a hung jury is all but assured at this point and the state wasting millions more to retry her will not be a politically popular move in these tough economic times.

That is only if you believe the DT that she died the way they said. Personally I don't believe that.

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