Is there any possibility of a Plea Deal on the Murder Charges?

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Do you think this case will end in a plea agreement?

  • Yes

    Votes: 81 44.8%
  • no

    Votes: 100 55.2%

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I just listened to the JB interview outside the courthouse yesterday, he states NO WAY is she pleading in the murder case.

It really seems as though he feels it is a benefit to the defense that they entered a plea on the fraud case..... 'she wanted to plead guilty to what she did, but not to the things she did not do' (paraphrase). He really tries to get that point across in that does not make if he believes a convicted felon has more credibility because she admitted guilt???
I think in his mind her guilty plea has shown she is willing to take responsibility for her crimes so the reason why she isn't taking responsibility for the murder is because she didn't do it. Of course no one is stupid enough to believe that.

If you know that your guilty, why wouldn't you take a plea deal?
Does KC just like that she has "visitors" where she is the center of attention?
Does KC just like to go to court for "a day out" type of thing?
Does KC even think far enough ahead to realize that she could be put to death?
Does KC realize that when the trial is over she will just fade away from the public eye?
Does KC realize that a LWOP means that she will be in GP and she wont be the center of attention after the novelty wears off?
If I were KC I'd be begging for the DP ASAP b-cuz I would be scared to death to be in GP.
Just my rambling thoughts. Do you wonder about these things too?

In terms of why she wouldn't take a plea deal, the prisons in this country are riddled with guilty people who refuse to own up to their actions and rather take their chance at trial in hopes they can beat the system instead of admitting what they did. She is no different than the rest of them. Most of them will claim their innocence until the day they die even if there is iron clad evidence against them. I am not sure why exactly that is other than maybe they are all delusional enough to think someone will eventually believe their lies and some day they will be set free.
I think this would be an interesting thread for a poll. Not sure how one can be added though.
1. Casey will accept a plea deal if offered.

2. The defense will ask for a plea deal.

3. The state will offer a plea deal at this point.

4. The state will accept a plea deal if the defense asks for one.

5. 3 & 1

6. 2 & 4

7. No plea deal will take place.

8. A plea will take place and the DP will be taken off the table as a result of the plea agreement.

Some thing like that. If anyone has better ideas for a poll? I just kinda pulled these out of my hat.
I totally agree. I think the state has so much evidence against her that she could be put away for life.

I thought I heard Mr. Ashton say that LKB was working on trying to get more evidence released for the defense from the FBI. I thought I heard him tell JB to have her contact him and that he would try to work with her in getting the discovery evidence released to both of them. To my understanding, LKB is still working with the defense.

I hope there is more evidence that has not been released... and even if there isn't, I'm hoping that if there is a plea deal going on, that JB realizes that with the evidence against her now that she would be better off asking for life (instead of the needle), and not putting the state through a trial. Just get it over with, and get ready to make Lowell her new home.

What I recall hearing is that Ashton stated something to the effect that "it was his understanding" that LBK was working on the forensics of the case and suggested that perhaps SHE should contact him directly instead of Baez playing the role of middle man.

I took Ashton's comments to insinuate that he isn't even sure LBK is still involved in the case....

(and for the record, I don't think she is.)
1. Casey will accept a plea deal if offered.

2. The defense will ask for a plea deal.

3. The state will offer a plea deal at this point.

4. The state will accept a plea deal if the defense asks for one.

5. 3 & 1

6. 2 & 4

7. No plea deal will take place.

8. A plea will take place and the DP will be taken off the table as a result of the plea agreement.

Some thing like that. If anyone has better ideas for a poll? I just kinda pulled these out of my hat.

LOL I was thinking more along the lines of will there actually be a plea agreement yes or no.
IMO, JB isn't going to let her take a plea. I think this could've been over long ago if it weren't for him. Remember that time in the car with LE - when they said they could either go somewhere and she would give them info or she could go to jail? She chose to talk but said she should ask JB first. He, of course, put the nix on that and told LE to just take her to jail. He's not going to let her take a plea. This high profile trial is his time to shine (or so he thinks). This is exactly why the bar investigated him for having a hidden agenda. IMO, he definitely does.

You know, I would love to agree with you. Right now Casey is feeling very confident and she has both Andrea and Baez saying we will win this, you are innocent. However, given Baez's huge ego, when he sees that he is going to lose this case, not by a squeak, but overwhelmingly, I think he will convince Casey she had better plea rather than risk the DP. And Andrea needs something other than the DP to warrant that next notch on her belt.

I don't think Jose could stand to have such a big messy loss on his blotter.
Just watched this video for the first time...

Lots of telling comments by Baez (and just love that freeze-frame shot of Baez and Lyon before video starts!!)

And "Casey is extremely regrets..."

But interesting that Baez states, "Casey will plea to what she is guilty of...nothing more." (approx 1:11)
I believe that the only reason she plead guilty to anything was that she was convinced she was going to be sentenced to time served, and maybe probation. She knew she was caught on film and there was no beating the case. She dragged it out as long as she could, but deep down inside, she knew she had no chance of winning.

On the murder case, I think she feels like she's NOT caught on tape, she's not in a corner, and she just might get off. I think she's got a case of wishful thinking, but time will tell. I don't see her pleading to anything unless they knocked it down to something minimal where she didn't have to admit to anything except not knowing where her child was. Since that's not likely to happen, she'll probably take this to the bitter end.

I could be wrong, but that's how I see it!
I think there will be no plea deal. The defense is very confident about their case. LkB has not left the team. She would have to file papers with the court to leave the team. If Sa would finish up with the discovery, then the defense would provide the witness list. If there is a doc dump coming, it is going to be small and prolly have nothing of value in it. Hl will prolly be on that witness list. The defense is in full force and very confident. Moo
I think there will be no plea deal. The defense is very confident about their case. LkB has not left the team. She would have to file papers with the court to leave the team. If Sa would finish up with the discovery, then the defense would provide the witness list. If there is a doc dump coming, it is going to be small and prolly have nothing of value in it. Hl will prolly be on that witness list. The defense is in full force and very confident. Moo

Actually......LKB has been brought on as an expert to refute forensic evidence. She does not serve as KC's primary counsel. Does anyone have first hand knowledge as to her status with the team?? If so....I would like to see it. I don't know what discovery the SA needs to finish........I consider all doc dumps to have some value and in light of a glaring absence of anything to support KC's contention that SODDI....I would consider any info to have value. The defense may be in full force......but in what respect.......they are filing motions according to standard DP case protocol and adding few extraneous and laughable ones as well. If the defense was confident.....AL would not have declared otherwise on the same National Media platform that she disparaged this morning.
I believe that the only reason she plead guilty to anything was that she was convinced she was going to be sentenced to time served, and maybe probation. She knew she was caught on film and there was no beating the case. She dragged it out as long as she could, but deep down inside, she knew she had no chance of winning.

On the murder case, I think she feels like she's NOT caught on tape, she's not in a corner, and she just might get off. I think she's got a case of wishful thinking, but time will tell. I don't see her pleading to anything unless they knocked it down to something minimal where she didn't have to admit to anything except not knowing where her child was. Since that's not likely to happen, she'll probably take this to the bitter end.

I could be wrong, but that's how I see it!

I am so torn by this. I agree NOW with what you are saying, but at trial, how will she react after piece after piece of evidence pointing to her guilt? Jose can't keep telling her "No worries, we're going to win". Andrea will say "Quit being such a damn fool Baez - we need a plea or she is facing the DP"
How confident and smiley/flirty will Casey be feeling then? She is pretty good at feeling sorry for herself.
Just watched this video for the first time...

Lots of telling comments by Baez (and just love that freeze-frame shot of Baez and Lyon before video starts!!

But interesting that Baez states, "Casey will plea to what she is guilty of...nothing more."
That was an interesting comment.
That female reporter made me laugh when she asked if they were going to appeal a plea agreement LOL.
I think the defense is already balking at the idea of working through the discovery they`ve received so far- 90% of it. They seem to be balking at costs too. The cost of trial, the cost of deposing this one or that. KC seems to be bordering on indigence and the dream team is likely losing interest.
I truly do expect a plea after the defense has failed on all attempts at adhering to a discovery schedule and have a trial looming in front of them.
I think the defense is already balking at the idea of working through the discovery they`ve received so far- 90% of it. They seem to be balking at costs too. The cost of trial, the cost of deposing this one or that. KC seems to be bordering on indigence and the dream team is likely losing interest.
I truly do expect a plea after the defense has failed on all attempts at adhering to a discovery schedule and have a trial looming in front of them.

I agree......I anticipate certain counsel "bowing" out prior to the actual sinking of the get out before it hits the bottom will make their "story" more valuable.
Actually......LKB has been brought on as an expert to refute forensic evidence. She does not serve as KC's primary counsel. Does anyone have first hand knowledge as to her status with the team?? If so....I would like to see it. I don't know what discovery the SA needs to finish........I consider all doc dumps to have some value and in light of a glaring absence of anything to support KC's contention that SODDI....I would consider any info to have value. The defense may be in full force......but in what respect.......they are filing motions according to standard DP case protocol and adding few extraneous and laughable ones as well. If the defense was confident.....AL would not have declared otherwise on the same National Media platform that she disparaged this morning.

Infer what you will....

LBK has not seen KC since May 27, 2009......almost exactly 8 months ago and is no longer attending hearings

The mitigating specialist, Jeanne Barrett and AL's investigator, Mort Smith, have spent the most significant amount of time with KC in the last six months, clear up to the date of January 24, 2010.
After today's acceptance of adjudication of guilt, she realizes how quickly 5 years turned into time-served. She will be convinced by Lyon that she will get a lesser sentence with admitting guilt before the judge rather than a jury trial. There have been no depositions by her attorneys and Baden is absent. The way Lyon can avoid the death penalty sentence and get another notch on her belt is by convincing her client that pleading guilty before the judge is beneficial to her. She'll get 25-40 years and not death. Sort of a win-win?

I think you are on to something here, BUT, I'm thinking back to the December 11 hearing when Judge Strickland indicated that he wouldn't "tee-off" on Casey's sentencing in the fraud case, but he specifically mentioned that it probably wouldn't happen in the murder case. The "tee-off" part is the Judge's phrase. The explanation is in my own words.

I took that to mean that he would treat Casey as a first offender this time, but that he wouldn't go easy with her again.

He's also the man who said at the bond hearing that "The truth and Ms. Anthony are strangers".

I wouldn't count on pleaing to the judge again.
I agree......I anticipate certain counsel "bowing" out prior to the actual sinking of the get out before it hits the bottom will make their "story" more valuable.
ITA staying will tarnish her record. It won`t happen IMO.
I really didn`t understand why the judge explained the appeal process including granting her a public defender if she was indigent, while she stood there with her Dream Team. It struck me as a little strange. SS knows exactly where the defense funding is coming from and I assume how much they hadéhave to work with. Caylee was only 2 so there`s a limited supply of photographs to peddle. Certainly not enough to keep this charade going on. Even AL`s students will only be available until April or May and then she`ll have to do her own leg work. I just don`t see too much passion for the KC cause left there.
ITA and tarnish her record. It won`t happen IMO.
I really didn`t understand why the judge explained the appeal process including granting her a public defender if she was indigent, while she stood there with her Dream Team. It struck me as a little strange. SS knows exactly where the defense funding is coming from and I assume how much they hadéhave to work with. Caylee was only 2 so there`s a limited supply of photographs to peddle. Certainly not enough to keep this charade going on. Even AL`s students will only be available until April or May and then she`ll have to do her own leg work. I just don`t see too much passion for the KC cause left there.

But I don't see it that way. If some type of plea deal is worked out between the prosecution and KC, I would assume that it would involve removing the which case, it would not be a "loss" to would simply become a NON death penalty case which would no longer apply to her "specialty"
I voted there will be a plea (Tks for adding the poll!) I believe AL will broker it if she isn`t attempting to now.
I expect the State will have their discovery schedule on SS`s desk by next week and we`ll spend the next six months waiting for a response from the defense and things to unravel after that. MOO

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