Israel - Palestinian militants launch massive attack, 7 Oct 2023 #11

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@PapillonVert this has just been posted.


Ceasefire demands will grow without proof of Hamas HQ at Al-Shifa​

Jeremy Bowen
International editor

View attachment 461742
Israel Defense ForcesCopyright: Israel Defense Forces

It is now days since Israeli forces entered Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, and what appears to be happening on Friday is that they are continuing their search for evidence of this being a key Hamas command centre.

We have to remember that there is no independent scrutiny inside the hospital; journalists cannot move freely into Gaza, and any who are reporting from the site are working under the aegis of the Israeli military.

If there was a nerve centre there - and there has been speculation about that possibility since 2014 - then the Israelis have not yet revealed definitive evidence of its existence to the outside world.

It is also possible that the Israelis have found something, and for their own reasons - military or security perhaps - have decided not to reveal it yet.

Why that would be the case is unclear - Israel has a lot riding on Al-Shifa.
Read more here.

Yup, alot riding on a Command Center. I don't think John Kirby would put his entire career on the line, plus public humiliation, unless he has a winning hand.
I'm betting he's got all ACES.

Our military has much unknown surveillance and weaponry that only top security clearance personnel are privy to.

I am amazed at the arterial surveillance being released. I mean we can see the guns in their hands. The precision of the rockets being fired. It's like a video game, but in real life.

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Nerve center really needs only be a room with WIFi access & electrics for communications. They’ve had at least a week to clear out have Evaculation plans and tunnel blockages. Doubt they’ve got mainframes, star-trek consoles and a cafeteria. Likely laptops, phones, suicide vests, AKs etc.
Tunnel warfare ugly.
Isn’t it enough that there are rooms and tunnels and weapons?
It would be enough for me if there were weapons caches in the basement if my local hospital.
Every 'pause' ... means time for Hamas to regroup.
Trauma is trauma and the brain is a parking lot, when however many parking spaces one has in there are full - they are full. It's different for everyone, but I still believe in holding individuals accountable for their actions and words.

Advocating genocide can never be acceptable. On either side.

Ergo, just as I have zero sympathy for this doctor (who may very well have had a relative massacred on 7 October for all I know about him), I have zero sympathy for those advocating for genocide of the Jewish peoples with their "from the river to the sea" chants. Just as the Uni Prof who supported and advocated those chants is suspended (and some students too), I hope every laywer, doctor, teacher and other 'professenional' who did/does same suffers same ... and if some of them are deemed 'never fit to work in their environment again' - so should none of them be deemed so IMO.

Advocating genocide is advocating genocide.

Agree, including a member of the United States Congress who was censured for leading demonstrators with those chants. Shameful.
Credit to @Vern for

It’s terrible isn’t it when innocent people need emergency medical treatment and they cant get it.
It certainly is.

Also, it is evil to bring unprovoked violence, such as murders of adults (sometimes in front of their children), children and babies, rapes, burnings, and captures, to innocent citizens because of their beliefs.

It is important not to lose the context within the violence.

Just my thoughts.


Tensions in the occupied West Bank​

ReutersCopyright: Reuters
Since 7 October, a number of protests have taken place in the occupied West Bank

Although the bulk of Israel’s military action since 7 October has focused on Gaza, the occupied West Bank has also seen an uptick in violence.

This has come from increased tensions, and violence, between Israeli settlers and Palestinians, as well as Israeli military raids.

Almost 200 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank since the Hamas attacks, the UN says, mainly by Israeli forces.

The US has urged Israel to take “urgent” action to “de-escalate tensions” on the West Bank, but the hostilities show little sign of abating.

On Friday, Israel’s military said it killed two “terrorists” who had opened fire on them near Hebron, in the West Bank.

The West Bank, which is separate to Gaza and sits on the west bank of the River Jordan, has been occupied by Israel for decades.

More than 2 million Palestinian Arabs live there, alongside about 430,000 Jews living in Israeli-built settlements.

The vast majority of the international community consider the settlements to be illegal under international law.

Sounds like the Thai hostages are part of the Thai Muslim minority and that some internal political leaders in Thailand are in direct contact with Iran and have been able to negotiate with Iran and Hamas. Friends in Tehran, friends in Hamas.

I naively thought that US is conducting these talks on behalf of ALL hostages.

But it seems some countries have separate talks concerning only their citizens.

8m ago

The Reuters news agency reports that talks on opening a humanitarian aid corridor into north Gaza could soon yield results.

The claim comes from Greece’s foreign minister George Gerapetritis after his meeting with Israeli and Palestinian counterparts.

He said:

I am in constant communication with both parties and I am relatively optimistic that we could have some positive results soon.
With world powers anxious to coordinate help for Palestinians in Gaza during Israel’s bombardment and siege, Gerapetritis said he believed Israel was considering allowing increased aid and was keen to hear all possible options.

Cyprus has made a proposal, which Greece endorses, to open a maritime corridor to expand capacity for relief into the Palestinian enclave beyond the Rafah crossing from Egypt.

Another alternative is via a port in Israel then a northern entry point into Gaza, Gerapetritis said.


More than a month later, the volunteer first responder remains visibly shaken as he recounts his rush to Be'eri in an ambulance and the bodies lying in the streets along the way.

Unlike most emergency workers called out that day, Warraqi is a Muslim Israeli Arab. He found his experience of Oct. 7 profoundly distressing, but says it also strengthened his belief that human beings must "stop hatred" and learn to live together.


Warraqi is a volunteer for Zaka, a non-governmental rescue and recovery service. Founded in 1995, Zaka is comprised mostly of ultra-religious Jews committed to ensuring that as much of the human body of every victim is buried in accordance with Jewish law. It also has Christian, Druze and Muslim volunteers.

"I saw families, they were slaughtered, a lot of families," Warraqi told Reuters, standing next to his ambulance.

"I saw a father and mom with three kids, they were tied hands up, hands back ... as they were put on their knees in front of each other, then they got shot in the head."


Warraqi said many Muslims were also killed in the assault, recalling how he took care of two Arab women wearing hijab, shot by the attackers, and three Arab bus drivers from east Jerusalem who got shot in the head.

Nov. 17, 2023, 10:59 AM EST

  • Israel-Hamas war live updates: IDF ‘close to dismantling the military system’ in northern Gaza
  • Israel is “close to dismantling the military system in the northern Gaza Strip,” the IDF's chief of staff said. Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi added that more of the enclave’s regions will be targeted after the IDF urged residents of several neighborhoods in Khan Younis in southern Gaza to evacuate.
  • Israeli forces searched several hospitals in northern Gaza, saying they had found tunnels, weapons and at least one vehicle. The IDF has so far not provided definitive evidence that Hamas command centers exist beneath Al-Shifa and other hospitals, a claim that Israeli and American officials have repeatedly made and Hamas and doctors have forcefully denied.
  • The IDF said it had found the body of Yehudit Weiss, a hostage abducted by Hamas during the Oct. 7 attack, and that of Noa Marciano, a 19-year-old soldier taken hostage by Hamas. The military describe both as being found "adjacent" to Al-Shifa Hospital.
  • Civilians in Gaza are at immediate risk of starvation given that "food and water are practically non-existent there," according to the United Nations World Food Programme.''
7m ago / 7:59 AM PST

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators enter Fox News building in NYC​

A group of protesters supporting Palestinians entered the News Corp building, which houses Fox News headquarters, today in New York City.

The protesters could be seen in the lobby clapping and chanting "Fox News, Fox News, you can't hide, your lies cover up genocide." Some were carrying a large sign that read "Fox News' lies cover up genocide," as well as a Palestinian flag.

As many as 16 people were taken into custody, according to the New York City Police Department.

30min ago

Hanegbi dodges question about post-war strategy, says IDF focused on destroying Hamas


“The plan for the war is to eliminate Hamas. It’s the only way we can ensure that after[ward], we will not be threatened from Gaza, which is the number one goal that the cabinet has instructed the army to achieve,” Hanegbi says in English.

“The second goal, which is as sacred as the first one, is to release the hostages,” Hanegbi continues, saying he can’t go into detail but insists, “We’re determined to release all hostages, and we’re not going to be quiet until we reach this goal.”


A source familiar with the matter told The Times of Israel this week that Israel has officials privately working on “day after” plans and has reached out to the US to launch a joint dialogue on the matter.
IDF says troops of the 7th Armored Brigade and Golani's 12th Battalion identified a group of Hamas operatives in Gaza City, and attempted to chase after them. As the gunmen fled, the troops called in a drone strike to kill them.

IDF says there were several missile and mortar attacks on northern Israel today, against areas near Shomera, Shtula, and Menara. It says troops responded with artillery shelling at the sources of the fire, and fighter jets struck Hezbollah sites.

Earlier, the IDF says soldiers downed a drone, suspected of being explosive laden, after it crossed the border from Lebanon into Israel near Metula.

Rocket fire on central Israel, Tel Aviv for the first time since Tuesday
Are the protesters simply bored, too lazy to read, restless, and looking for excitement - so off they march to shout about something and get agitated?
I watched one very large protest on the Brooklyn Bridge for an hour or more. I would say that about 20% of the participants were "professional" protesters willing to turn out of any leftist cause.

One enthusiast had a sign: Israel out of Palestine / US out of Mexico and Panama. Ok, I get the first part- its on theme. But... the second part? US is not in Mexico and has been out of Panama for what 35 years or more?

As you stated, excitement maybe a key motivator. Likewise, some people want to be part of something bigger than themselves- if only for a moment.

This guy maybe a prime example of the: "Chaos and destruction excite me" type protestor: Known BLM protestor who shows up at the January 06 pro Trump riots and repeatedly incites people to "Burn it down":

Then there are these terrorists: Bounced from leftist protests of Free / "Free" health care and student debt forgiveness to supporting right wing rancher stand off. Then murdering police officers for garbled reasons. Thinking they had violent "Need to be part of something bigger than me- and violent" aspirations.

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8m ago

The Reuters news agency reports that talks on opening a humanitarian aid corridor into north Gaza could soon yield results.

The claim comes from Greece’s foreign minister George Gerapetritis after his meeting with Israeli and Palestinian counterparts.

He said:

With world powers anxious to coordinate help for Palestinians in Gaza during Israel’s bombardment and siege, Gerapetritis said he believed Israel was considering allowing increased aid and was keen to hear all possible options.

Cyprus has made a proposal, which Greece endorses, to open a maritime corridor to expand capacity for relief into the Palestinian enclave beyond the Rafah crossing from Egypt.

Another alternative is via a port in Israel then a northern entry point into Gaza, Gerapetritis said.

Glad to hear that Greece is proposing to Israel that a maritime corridor be opened for humanitarian and other aid to Gaza - and Israel if needed.

But I take exception with this heavily-biased MSM statement that Greece's foreign minister met with his Israeli and Palestinian "counterparts." The Palestinian "counterpart" would be the governing authority of Gaza, which would be Hamas terrorists. Did he really have a conversation with Hamas on this?

Very srange language/description used by this MSM, IMSO.
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