Israel - Palestinian militants launch massive attack, 7 Oct 2023 #12

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Good letter, but good luck with that one. E has sounded pretty clear on where he stands.

Wonder how he would feel if HAMAS decided it take out Turkey? HAMAS not a terrorists organization? So burning people alive, raping them, beheading them, abducting them, and torturing them, is all acceptable actions for a government to inflict on innocent civilians of another group of people? Having a charter that calls for the eradication of Jews (or any other group of people) is A-Okay with him? Again, if someone invaded his borders and tried that, I'd like to hear what he thinks about that and if he's say they were a terrorist organization then.
But it is Mr Blinken who travels to Qatar to talk about the exchange deal, no?
The State Dept, Blinken is representing the US in all negotiations. The hostages, humanitarian aid, weapons, the entire war campaign.

The Red Cross is a bridge... receiving the hostage from Hamas and providing transportation to the border.

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It is when they are holding hostages and then LIE about having knowledge. They lied to the entire world on national news.

No, moo, the medical staff had a MORAL, ETHICAL and HUMANE obligation as human beings. Regardless of any medical degree...
Absolutely AND those lies have stirred up more hate. The reason it was so important is because IDF was trying to evacuate the hospital because they KNEW HAMAS was using it and had weapons, tunnels, and even had hostages there and then the hospital claims no HAMAS here, nothing but innocent civilians and premature babies that IDF wants to die because they won't give us fuel and supplies. This is not true and them lying just kept fueling this narrative that Israel was just trying to take out this hospital for no reason. I kept saying the same thing here.. WHY would Israel care about this hospital if they didn't have proof.. and they did.
It is when they are holding hostages and then LIE about having knowledge. They lied to the entire world on national news.

No, moo, the medical staff had a MORAL, ETHICAL and HUMANE obligation as human beings. Regardless of any medical degree...
Moo..if doctors are expected to act as informants ..there can be no 'doctors without borders'....moo
Wonder how he would feel if HAMAS decided it take out Turkey? HAMAS not a terrorists organization? So burning people alive, raping them, beheading them, abducting them, and torturing them, is all acceptable actions for a government to inflict on innocent civilians of another group of people? Having a charter that calls for the eradication of Jews (or any other group of people) is A-Okay with him? Again, if someone invaded his borders and tried that, I'd like to hear what he thinks about that and if he's say they were a terrorist organization then.

The more I think about the letter hostages’ families wrote to E, and the position E has taken not condemning Hamas or even acknowledging them as a terrorist organization…

The families are right, he is in a unique position to….and look at the choice he is making, to not even acknowledge…

Very disappointed, again it’s ok to express views/concerns about the effect on children and civilians re: the retaliatory strikes, etc., but he could/should be trying to help smooth things out, and not to acknowledge the slaughter or act of terrorism…

I expected better from E, jmo.

I haven’t seen what he’s said lately, anything?
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Apologies, this article does not answer your question wrt what is happening in Gaza now, but does show earlier UN DNA procedures, fwiw

''The U.N. peacekeepers arrive; months later, some leave infants behind. Now the United Nations has quietly started to offer DNA testing to help prove paternity claims and ensure support for the so-called "peacekeeper babies."

It's a delicate step, as countries that contribute U.N. troops might not welcome a practice that could prove not only fatherhood but wrongdoing. Of the dozen paternity claims received last year, four were associated with alleged sexual abuse of a minor.

The new effort comes a decade after a groundbreaking report on sexual abuse and exploitation by peacekeepers suggested that the U.N. secretary-general be authorized to "require DNA and other tests to establish paternity" so peacekeepers would be pressured to support the children they "father and abandon."
OMG, what has happened to the UN? Thank you for bringing this forward.
Moo..if doctors are expected to act as informants ..there can be no 'doctors without borders'....moo
They do not have to act as informants, but they don't have to lie when asked a question. If they can't tell the truth because that would be informing, then they could remain silent. It's my opinion that what they said caused more harm. I don't think that is what their goal as doctors is.
(Is there still a covid threat? No one wears masks where I live. Why are they all covered? If I protest something, I’m proud. )

NOW: Demonstrators have taken to the lobby of the downtown Sacramento Convention Center at the @CA_Dem Convention to demand a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war. One organizer tells me they will be here as long as they can while the CA Democratic Party convention is underway.

So brave…wearing masks.
The more I think about the letter hostages’ families wrote to E, and the position E has taken not condemning Hamas or even acknowledging them as a terrorist organization…

The families are right, he is in a unique position to….and look at the choice he is making, to not even acknowledge…

Very disappointed, again it’s ok to express views/concerns about the effect on children and civilians re: the retaliatory strikes, etc., but he could/should be trying to help smooth things out, and not to acknowledge the slaughter or act of terrorism…

I haven’t seen what he’s said lately, anything?
The poor parents are begging for help.

And guess what?

What if E. succeeds?
Very good PR for Turkey.
Success when nobody else can achieve it.

My heart breaks,
because hostages seem to be pawns :(

JMO defense of the doctors and hospital staff. Do no harm, protect those in need, confidentiality...these are the principles they work by.
I would think that doctors, with their vow to “first, do no harm” and also to protect those in need, ought NOT to have colluded with terrorists by using “confidentiality” to protect Hamas rather than the broken hostages.

They literally lied to the world and helped to cover up the location of the hostages.

The vow to do no harm is, as you know, meant for the patients.

Do you truly believe that it was in the hostages’ best medical interests to keep them concealed from those who would rescue them? How is that “protecting those in need?” Physically, emotionally and mentally?

I guess the medical staff have no idea where the hostages are kept.

Their task, IMO, was to give some medical support
(both to terrorists and hostages)
and that is all.

The places where the hostages are kept are known - again IMO - ONLY to FEW, the most loyal terrorists.

Anyone in that hospital/terrorist strong hold could have call IDF. They dropped flyers in many languages offering monetary rewards and protection.

Just says something to the ethical values for fellow humans.
NOT ONE notified IDF, not even a housekeeper.
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I guess the medical staff have no idea where the hostages are kept.

Their task, IMO, was to give some medical support
(both to terrorists and hostages)
and that is all.

The places where the hostages are kept are known - again IMO - ONLY to FEW, the most loyal terrorists.

Of course the medical staff would have no idea where hostages were kept. Israel is lying about the tunnels because they are trying to justify their attacks on the hospital. In reality, those attacks are an international war crime.


  • Mounir el-Boursh, the Gaza health ministry director, has dismissed Israel’s claim that it had found a Hamas tunnel at the al-Shifa Hospital, describing it as a “pure lie”.
"This is how Israel attacks Hamas:
F-35, 'sponge bombs' and robots with night vision goggles


The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have at their disposal weapons that are among the most modern in the world.

In addition to conventional tools, it uses a number of technical innovations designed specifically for fighting in cities and tunnels drilled under the Gaza Strip.

The IDF is also equipped with Merkava tanks and Eitan and Namer armored vehicles, designed especially for this army.

Soldiers training at the special Urban Warfare Training Center, commonly known as 'Mini Gaza',
make extensive use of drones and other technologies to support street fighting.

One of the new weapons
in the IDF's equipment are the so-called sponge bombs - 'chemical grenades'
without explosives.

The contents of the 'bomb'
are two liquids separated in a plastic container by a metal partition.

After its removal, the compounds mix, leading to a sudden explosion of rapidly hardening foam.

The 'sponge bomb' can be especially effective in fights in tight tunnels.

However, some complications arose during its development - as a result of improper handling of chemical compounds, several Israeli soldiers lost their sight.

The army has not yet officially confirmed the use of these weapons in the current phase of fighting in the Gaza Strip.

Another technical innovation that could potentially increase the effectiveness of the Israeli ground invasion in the Hamas-controlled enclave is
IRIS robot -
a small and light, remotely controlled robot.

'Throwbot' is equipped with a 360-degree spherical camera with built-in night vision.

It can provide real-time intelligence information about traps or ambushes set up in Hamas' many kilometers of tunnels.


Another 'micro-tactical land robot' from Israel is the stair-climbing MTGR -
particularly beneficial in urban or underground combat environments.

Explosives can be attached to these robots and activated when an enemy approaches.

Hyperspectral sensors may also be necessary for fighting in tunnels,
using the spectrum of electromagnetic waves to analyze and identify objects buried underground or under water.

The sensors use the principle of all materials leaving a unique trace in the electromagnetic spectrum, thanks to which
they are able to detect the presence of people, weapons or explosives.

The technology - outside the military sphere - is already used by geologists searching for oil fields and minerals, farmers tracking the development of crops, and ecologists searching for plastics underground.

A limitation in the use of sensors by Israeli troops is their inability to penetrate tunnels reinforced with metal or concrete."

From my country's MSM
28min ago

Iran’s former IRGC chief: New war fronts could open against Israel

The former head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps has warned that “new war fronts” could open if Israel continues its offensive in Gaza.

Mohsen Rezaee, now the head of the Supreme Council for Economic Coordination, told the Hezbollah-affiliated Al Mayadeen: “The axis of resistance will play a bigger role in the future and the Zionist regime will definitely lose in this war.”

He said he believed the war will cause the downfall of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and “in the coming years we will witness the downfall of the Zionist regime.”

Rezaee argued that the deeper Israel goes into Gaza, the deeper it will sink into a quagmire.
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