Israel - Palestinian militants launch massive attack, 7 Oct 2023 #14

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"Israel prepares for year-long Gaza war:

200 Palestinians killed in IDF airstrikes after Hamas rocket shatters seven-day ceasefire ending hostage exchange.


  • The conflict could rage on for more than another year, military experts warn
  • The US urged its ally to show restraint as 200 Palestinians were killed Friday "
Libya on Friday released four terrorists belonging to the Palestinian terror group Hamas at the request and mediation of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, local media reported.

A thought: Considering the large population packed into the Gaza Strip, maybe part of Hamas’ plan was also a form of free population control, free up more land and resources for themselves.

They knew Israel would fight back hard and many civilians’ lives would be lost as a result of their actions.

Just as the Israelis were taken by surprise by Hamas I think Hamas was taken by surprise by the Israelis.

The norm is for prisoner swaps to occur when the opportunity arises. Hamas had no personnel in detention with which to strike a deal. They wanted hostages. Which makes the unprecedented death toll another matter entirely as there is no leverage in dead or missing hostages, as we have seen.

Even viewed against the backdrop of the war of attrition which has claimed the lives of many Palestinian farmers over the years, it is unfathomable.

These settler attacks are primarily directed against rural Palestinian families living on small farms or in villages and towns in the occupied West Bank located in close proximity to Israeli settlements. Many of these Palestinians reside in the so-called “Area C” of the West Bank, which is under complete Israeli security and civil control, and where Israel’s de facto annexation stratagem is most evident.

The experts noted that settler violence has taken many forms, including physical violence, shooting with live ammunition, torching of fields and livestock, theft and vandalization of property, trees and crops, stone-throwing and tenacious intimidation of herders and their families. In the autumn, it is often directed towards Palestinians engaged in the olive harvest. Harvested olives are stolen or ruined. Olive trees are destroyed. Harvesters are attacked with rocks and pipes, or threatened with weapons.

On other occasions, settlers have seized private or public Palestinian land and brought sheep and cattle to graze on the land, as an initial step to drive Palestinians away from their land. If Palestinians attempt to keep their land, they are frequently met with violence.

“The ubiquity of these attacks, and the credible reports of the Israeli military’s passivity in combating this violence, has deepened the atmosphere of fear and coercion throughout the West Bank,” said the experts.

“We are very troubled by the failure of Israel, the occupying power, to exercise its substantial obligations under the Fourth Geneva Convention, including Article 27, to protect the population under occupation.”
The thought is surely dark, twisted and malevolent enough for Hamas. I could see it....

No-one in the occupied zone would be able to implement any such initiative as Margarita25's thought that
"Considering the large population packed into the Gaza Strip, maybe part of Hamas’ plan was also a form of free population control, free up more land and resources for themselves."

That just does not reflect life for the Palestinian farmers of the Gaza strip.

“This precipitous rise in settler violence is not simply the result of a few ‘bad apples’ among the settler population,” the experts said. “The deep state support provided by Israel to the illegal settlement enterprise, including to the more than 140 settlement outposts established throughout the West Bank in defiance of even Israel’s own laws, has fuelled this coercive environment and encouraged violence.

“In an atmosphere where the rights of the protected population are ignored, where settler violence is met with complicity and the prevailing political message from the occupying power is that this land belongs to only one people, the international community has a solemn responsibility to impose accountability measures to end this climate of impunity and to insist upon respect for the international rule of law.” Yesh Din, an Israeli human rights organization
''Israel has recalled its team of negotiators from Qatar after reaching a “dead end” in talks, according to a statement released by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office.

“The Hamas terror organization did not fulfill its part in the agreement, which included the return of all women and children held hostage, in accordance with a list sent to Hamas and approved by them,” the statement said.
''The negotiators were from Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency and the statement said it was the head of the agency, David Barnea, who recalled the team.''

''The seven-day Israel-Hamas truce ended on Friday after negotiations reached an impasse and Israel accused the Palestinian militant group of violating the agreement by firing at Israel.
What happens next is unclear. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this week vowed that Israel would fight until the end. His government had informed the United States before the truce ended that it intended eventually to turn its focus on the southern part of the enclave after fighting resumed.
Washington, however, has made it clear to Israel that scale of devastation should not be repeated.
Analysts say the war is bound to continue until Hamas is crushed, and it may be much fiercer this time.
It is unclear if there will be another truce, but with more than 100 hostages still in Hamas captivity, it could theoretically be revived for several days if both parties agree to extend by one day for every 10 hostages released, analysts said.''

"Iranian soldiers

'killed in Israeli attack in Syria'

Two Revolutionary Guards reported dead by Tehran state media.​


  • The deaths would be the first Iranian casualties of the Hamas-Israeli conflict
  • Israel was targeting Hezbollah with strikes earlier today, a war monitor said"
The IDF is beginning to use the evacuation map in the Gaza Strip, calling on Palestinians this morning in northern Gaza's Jalabiya, Shujayya, Zeitoun to evacuate to shelters in the Daraj and Tuffah areas; and in southern Gaza's Khirbat Ikhza'a, Abasan, Bani Suheila, and Ma'an to head for shelters in Rafah.

Two mortars were fired from Lebanon at the northern community of Shomera, both landed in open areas. The IDF says it is shelling the source of fire with artillery.

IDF says troops of the 7037th Reserve Battalion shot and killed a Palestinian suspect who attempted to stab troops at a checkpoint near Nablus in the northern West Bank.

"Gaza plunged back into hell:

Horror and heartbreak in Palestine as Israeli airstrikes leave 200 dead

after Hamas rocket shattered seven-day ceasefire.

  • The US urged its ally to show restraint as 200 Palestinians were killed Friday
  • *** Warning: Graphic Content *** "
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Prof. Itay Pesach, head of children’s hospital in Tel Aviv who treated 12 of the children hostages that were returned to Israel: “They were severely abused, both psychologically and in other ways. When they’ll start telling their stories none of us will be able to sleep at night”. Prof. Pesach told @N12News
that it appears some hostages were treated slightly better than others because Hamas wanted to showcase their condition to the world upon their release.

1hr ago

Troops in Gaza find dozens of rockets under UNRWA boxes

Dozens of rockets found by Israeli troops inside a residential home in northern Gaza, December 2, 2023. (Israel Defense Forces)
Dozens of rockets found by Israeli troops inside a residential home in northern Gaza, December 2, 2023. (Israel Defense Forces)

The Israel Defense Forces says troops operating in the northern Gaza Strip have located dozens of rockets hidden under boxes with UNRWA markings in a residential home, and other weaponry belonging to Hamas.

Troops of the 7007th Reserve Battalion were searching a home in a neighborhood when they found a room full of boxes bearing the logo of the UN agency that supports Palestinian refugees.

Underneath the boxes, dozens of rockets, mortars and other explosives were found, the IDF says.

Separately, troops of the 414th combat intelligence collection unit operating in a home in northern Gaza found grenades, weapon parts and other military equipment inside a child’s bedroom, the IDF says.
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