Israel - Palestinian militants launch massive attack, 7 Oct 2023 #5

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6m ago

US to announce new sanctions against Hamas leaders this week - report​

The US Treasury Department is preparing to announce new sanctions against several leaders of Palestinian Islamist group Hamas this week after their attack on Israel earlier this month, Axios is reporting, citing US officials.

The Guardian has not confirmed this independently.

19m ago
The US State Department will continue to offer government-sponsored charter flights to Europe from Tel Aviv to help Americans leave Israelthrough at least Sunday, a spokesperson said on Tuesday.

The department said about 1,500 US citizens and family members have departed Israel on the charter flights to Athens and other transport options since Friday after offering more than 5,000 seats.

The State Department has said flights have generally departed at half capacity or less. The department had previously only committed to offering charter flights through Thursday.


Israel is sharing information on blast with US - official​

Mark Regev, a former Israeli ambassador to the UK and now an advisor to Netanyahu, has told CNN that Israel has shared the information they had on the blast with US officials.

Speaking earlier today with the BBC's Radio 4 World Tonight programme, he said Israeli intelligence indicates the blast at the Al Ahli hospital was caused by a rocket from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad group that fell short of its target.

The group, which he described as "Hamas's younger brother", has denied that was the case.

Regev says that Islamic Jihad failed to hit Israeli territory in previous rounds of fighting.

Asked by BBC presenter James Coomarasamy if Israel believes this was an "accident", he said: "Well, yes, they didn't intend to kill their own people quite possibly. But the truth is, if you've got such a high rate of missiles falling short, in your own territory, you could accuse them of being negligent terrorists."

"Though I wouldn’t be flippant about the loss of human life that's been incurred," he continued.

14 min ago

Gaza hospital blast leaves hundreds dead as Israeli blockade cripples medical response. Here's the latest​

From CNN's Jessie Yeung, Tara John and Zahid Mahmood,

Palestinian officials said hundreds were killed by a massive blast at a Gaza hospital on Tuesday, as humanitarian concerns mount over Israel’s deprivation of food, fuel and electricity to the enclave’s population.

Here are key things to know about today's developments:

The blast: Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital was sheltering thousands of displaced people when it was bombed Tuesday, the Palestinian Health Ministry said in a statement. Many victims are still under the rubble, it added.

Hamas, which controls the enclave, said more than 500 people were killed by the bombing. The Palestinian Health Ministry earlier said preliminary estimates indicate that between 200 to 300 people died in the attack.

Palestinian officials blamed ongoing Israeli airstrikes for the lethal incident. But the Israel Defense Forces has “categorically” denied any involvement in the hospital attack, blaming instead a “failed rocket launch” by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad group, a rival Islamist militant group in Gaza.

Impacted hospitals: Gaza has been under siege by Israel for more than a week, in response to the deadly incursion by Hamas, the Islamist militant group that controls the coastal enclave, home to 2.2 million people. Hospitals meanwhile are struggling to tend to the wounded across the territory, operating with shortages of electricity and water.

Israeli bombardment has killed at least 3,000 people, including 1,032 girls and 940 boys, and wounded 12,500 in Gaza, the Palestinian Ministry of Health said Tuesday. Casualties in Gaza over the past 10 days have now surpassed the number of those killed during the 51-day Gaza-Israel conflict in 2014.

While the IDF has said it does not target hospitals, the UN and Doctors Without Borders say Israeli airstrikes have struck medical facilities, including hospitals and ambulances.

Health services within Gaza are on the brink and food and water supplies are running low. Twenty out of 23 hospitals were offering partial services because fuel reserves are “almost totally depleted,” the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) warned on Tuesday.

Closed crossing: Urgent calls for help are growing on both sides of a closed crossing as aid amasses on the Egyptian side of the border. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday said the the United States and Israel “have agreed to develop a plan that will enable humanitarian aid from donor nations and multilateral organizations to reach civilians in Gaza.”

But on the Egyptian side of the Rafah crossing, a miles long convoy of humanitarian assistance awaiting entry into Gaza, Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry told CNN that “until now, there is no safe passage that has been granted” as they do not “have any authorization or clear, secure routes for those convoys to be able to enter safely and without any possibility of their being targeted."

Read more about the conflict.

13 min ago
Islamic Jihad group denies responsibility for hospital blast

The Palestinain Islamic Jihad group denied Israel’s claim that it was behind the deadly blast at Al-Ahli hospital. It accused Israel of “trying hard to evade responsibility for the brutal massacre it committed.”

“The accusations promoted by the enemy are baseless,” Islamic Jihad said, adding that the group “does not use places of worship or public facilities, especially hospitals, as military centers or weapons stores.”

The group said details such as “the angle of the bomb’s fall and the extent of destruction it left behind” confirm it was similar to Israeli strikes.

The Palestinian ambassador to the United Nations, Riyad Mansour, also denied Israel’s claim, calling it “lies.”

52s ago

Protests outside US embassy in Lebanon as Hezbollah calls for 'day of rage'​

Hundreds of demonstrators scuffled with Lebanese security forces outside the US embassy in the village of Awkar on Thursday night, where protesters hurled stones, according to AFP correspondents.

Police fired several rounds of teargas to disperse protesters, with medics rushing in to treat people affected.

The US embassy is a heavily fortified and sprawling compound 20 minutes north of Beirut, in the village of Awkar.

Lebanon’s Iran-backed Hezbollah movement on Tuesday called for a “day of rage” to condemn what it said was an Israeli strike on a hospital in Gaza city. Israel’s army blamed a rocket misfired by Islamic Jihad, another Gaza-based militant group.

Hundreds also gathered at the French embassy in Beirut, raising Hezbollah flags and also hurling stones which piled up at the embassy’s main entrance.

Protests were also staged at Israel’s embassies in Turkey and Jordan. Television footage showed protests in Yemen’s southwestern city of Taz, as well as in the Moroccan and Iraqi capitals.

Former Israeli ambassador to the U.S. on CNN right now. Says that a terrorist rocket alone could absolutely cause the type of destruction that occurred at that hospital. He says that a rocket took down an entire building next door to where he lives. He adds that this could have been exacerbated by any weapons stored in and around the hospital.
'As of Tuesday, five shipments of U.S. weapons and equipment had arrived in Israel.'

''The buildup reflects growing U.S. concern that the deadly fighting between Hamas and Israel will escalate into wider regional conflict. So the key mission for American ships and warplanes is to establish a large and visible presence that will deter Hezbollah, Iran or others from taking advantage of the situation.
A look at what weapons and assistance the U.S. military is providing:
One of the most visible examples of the U.S. response is in the waters surrounding Israel — an array of massive warships are in or moving toward the eastern Mediterranean and the Red Sea''.

Oct 17, 2023 #Israel #HamasAttack #Gaza
As Israel launches new airstrikes, the Israeli military now says a ground offensive into Gaza is not a certainty, though the preparations appear to be intensifying. Lester Holt is inside Israel and speaks to the parents of two people kidnapped by Hamas, including 21-year-old Mia Schem.

Oct 17, 2023 #Israel #Palestine #Jerusalem
For centuries Muslims and Jews have lived, traded and prayed in Jerusalem side by side. NBC News’ Tom Llamas speaks with both Palestinian and Israeli shopkeepers there about the war and heightened tensions in the city.
Posted at 1:241:24

Protests outside US embassy in Beirut​


Protesters enraged by the Gaza hospital blast have gathered outside the US embassy in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, and have set a large fire.

Pictures on social media show that protesters have raised a Palestinian flag on the walls of the US compound in Aukar, a northern suburb of Beirut.

Tear gas has been fired at the crowd in order to get them to disperse, Reuters reported.

Meanwhile, a small crowd has also gathered outside the French embassy and are reportedly throwing rocks at the building.

Earlier, Hezbollah, the militant group that controls southern Lebanon and fought a war with Israel in 2006, released a statement condemning the deaths of civilians at the Al Ahli hospital.

It also called for "a day of unprecedented anger" to be held on Wednesday.

AFP via Getty ImagesCopyright: AFP via Getty Images

Protesters clash with Lebanese security forces on outside the US embassy during a demonstration in solidarity with the people of Gaza

7 min ago

Airstrikes near northern Gaza heard by CNN crew​

From CNN's Nic Robertson

Multiple airstrikes in the direction of northern Gaza were heard in Sderot, Israel, by CNN international diplomatic editor Nic Robertson in the early hours of Wednesday morning local time.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have not yet commented on strikes.

1 min ago

UN Human Rights chief says deaths from Gaza hospital blast are "unacceptable"​

From CNN’s Richard Roth

UN Human Rights chief Volker Tur said the Gaza hospital blast that left at least hundreds of people dead was "unacceptable," according to a statement released on Tuesday from the Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner.

“Words fail me. Tonight, hundreds of people were killed –- horrifically -– in a massive strike ... including patients, healthcare workers and families that had been seeking refuge in and around the hospital. Once again the most vulnerable. This is totally unacceptable,” Turk said.

Hospitals are sacrosanct and the killings and violence must stop, Turk said. He added those responsible for the hospital blast must be held accountable.

Turk urged all states with influence to do everything in their power to stop the current situation.

“Civilians must be protected, and humanitarian aid must be allowed to reach those in need as a matter of urgency. Those found responsible must be held to account,” he said.

53s ago
Meanwhile US president Joe Biden is on Air Force one en route to Tel Aviv.

He will ask “tough questions” during his visit with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli leaders, White House spokesperson John Kirby told reporters travelling on the plane.

Kirby said Biden wanted to get a sense from the Israelis about their objectives in the days ahead.

Kirby said the United States was optimistic that humanitarian aid would make it into Gaza.

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