Israel - Palestinian militants launch massive attack, 7 Oct 2023

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39sec ago

Hamas says 413 Palestinians killed in Gaza Strip so far

The Hamas-run health ministry in the Gaza Strip says 413 Palestinians have been killed and another 2,300 have been wounded in the Gaza Strip.

Most of those were apparently killed in the Gaza Strip as a result of Israel’s retaliatory strikes.

The IDF said it has killed at least 400 Palestinian terrorists both in Israel and in strikes in Gaza.
“Please stop the attacks and the weapons,” Pope Francis pleaded on Sunday, “and understand that terrorism and war do not lead to any solution, but only to the death and suffering of so many innocent people.”

“War is always a defeat! Every war is a defeat!” he insisted.

Speaking after the Angelus prayer on Sunday, the Holy Father said he is following “with apprehension and sorrow,” the latest news from Israel, “where violence has erupted even more ferociously, causing hundreds of deaths and injuries.”

“Let the attacks and weapons cease, please, because it must be understood that terrorism and war bring no solutions, but only to the death and suffering of many innocent lives," the Pope said.

I think it is right that the Pope, as a world-wide religious leader, should pray for both Israel and the Palestine territories, as well as both Ukraine and Russia and call for the end of war. I hope and pray that at some point in our lifetimes that this will be a reality.
Hamas is likely holding the Israelis hostage to use them as trade for the Palestinian prisoners held by Israel.
Yes. They've said as much. And according to this article there are currently 5,200 Palestinians in Israeli prisons.

In golf carts, vans and on motorbikes, Hamas fighters have taken dozens of Israeli civilians and soldiers back to the Gaza Strip after their attack on Israel on Saturday.

As Israel’s fighter jets bomb the Gaza Strip in retaliation against the surprise Hamas assault, the Palestinian group has said that it plans to use the captured Israelis to strike a deal for the release of Palestinians in Israel’s prisons.

I can't believe this many humans are capable of such disturbing behavior. To harm innocent women and children and to parade their bodies in the streets and to kill the elderly and post death photos on their FB page.. to kidnap women, children and babies is NOT acts of war. These are not warriors fighting for their cause, this is just plain terrorism. Everyone no matter what side you are on should be disgusted I can't even begin to understand the long complicated relationship between Israel and Gaza I don't need to in order to see what is going on. Terrorism. None of them are fighting for a just cause and Iran supporting it isn't the least bit concerned with Gaza.. they are only thinking of their gain in this.
It is so hard for us to believe because we live in peaceful nations, we have our differences but we still respect humanity. The middle east countries live in countries that have centuries of wars and they absolutely loathe their enemy - regardless of attempts to appease or help them. You are right they don't fight for a cause, they fight because it's all they know. I totally believe that there are "warriors" that move from one hate group to another just to battle and kill whatever their perceived enemy is, usually Israel. I also think that many are paid to do this.

My mother shared this with me today from her Sunday School teacher, I found it comforting, if it offends you please just scroll and roll.

King James Version - Ezekiel 28:24-26
24 “‘No longer will the people of Israel have malicious neighbors who are painful briers and sharp thorns. Then they will know that I am the Sovereign Lord.

25 “‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: When I gather the people of Israel from the nations where they have been scattered, I will be proved holy through them in the sight of the nations. Then they will live in their own land, which I gave to my servant Jacob.

26 They will live there in safety and will build houses and plant vineyards; they will live in safety when I inflict punishment on all their neighbors who maligned them. Then they will know that I am the Lord their God.’”
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Says the one who’s people are dancing in the streets in celebration.
Watching this unfold while our family is celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving (weekend) has just been unthinkably horrifying.
There really is only one word to describe the kind of folks that can celebrate the brutal deaths of innocent women and children. That word is "demonic". These people are genuine savages.

Someone on X commented yesterday about retaliation being brutal, to the point of going full Old Testament on these folks. I almost never advocate such a thing but in this case, it's the only logical, judicious response.

Not yet confirmed by news agency.
Friend in Ashdod has posted that hundreds of Israeli civilians, both those that were in the rave festival, locals and people that were in the area by chance, were found alive, hiding without cell service in a rainwater canal near the border.
Currently being escorted to safety by IDF forces.
He posted a video of the rescue.
I really hope and pray this is accurate!

This is a bit about the USS Ford strike group.

The Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group consists of Carrier Strike Group 12, Carrier Air Wing 8, Destroyer Squadron 2, USS Normandy (CG 60), USS Ramage (DDG 61), USS McFaul (DDG 74), and USS Thomas Hudner (DDG 116).

Plenty of power in this group.

Edited to add for those not versed in military things. The air craft carrier is a massive vessel with a runway and plenty of planes.. not sure what type of planes, but definitely plenty and likely helicopters also. Traveling with the air craft carrier is several destroyers. Those ships can neutralize plenty of threats. I believe one even is a guided missal destroyer.
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9:09 pm

Terror infiltration suspected in Sderot, residents ordered to stay home

There is a suspected terrorist infiltration into the southern city of Sderot, the municipality says.

“Due to the fear of terrorists infiltrating Sderot, [residents] should continue to lock themselves in their homes and stay near protected spaces, and not go out for any purpose. Please lock doors and windows and continue to obey instructions,” Sderot says in a statement to residents.

Live television footage shows Israeli forces standing guard, awaiting possible Hamas terrorists.

Earlier, the Israel Defense Forces ordered residents of Sderot and the nearby Kibbutz Mefalsim to remain in their homes until further notice.
By sabotaging imminent peace, Hamas sadly derails the transformation of the region which had started with the Abraham Accords shepherded by Jared Kushner.

Exactly 50 years ago, two authors of this commentary raced out of Yom Kippur prayer services to cover the last surprise attack on Israel for news radio. Now we see Israel taken by surprise once again. The radical Palestinians of Hamas, governing the Gaza Strip since Israel’s withdrawal in 2005, managed to carry out an unprecedented and unprovoked attack by land, sea, and air—and the results that prompted Israel to declare all-out war included massacres of hundreds of innocent civilians of all ages in their homes, at children’s parties, and at concerts. Scores more were taken hostage. President Biden and leading U.S. Republican voices alike are vowing to stand strongly behind Israel.

History again echoes, as the predicate for Hamas’ attack had less to do with anything that the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may have done—now is not the moment to blame the victim. Rather, the trigger to the attack was likely that the prospect of a wider Mideast peace was almost at hand through an impending deal between Israel and Saudi Arabia. Hamas’ sabotage parallels the disruption of the prospective Israeli-Palestinian peace plan in 2000 on the heels of a Camp David Summit when the devastation of the Second Intifada ruined any dreams of normalization and resulted in the deaths of thousands of civilians.
Praying for Israel. The news coming from the war makes me sick and my heart aches for all the families torn apart by this act of terrorism by Hamas. Still trying to catch up on the thread but wanted to post my support for Israel.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said that his country is at war, and told global leaders that a "long, difficult" campaign against Hamas will take place. “The Israel Defense Forces will act immediately to destroy Hamas’ capabilities,” said Netanyahu on Sunday. “We will cripple them mercilessly and avenge this black day they have brought upon Israel and its citizens.”

How the World Leaders Have Reacted

Each leader is listed with most having an accompanying tweet from X. Attaching Saudi's

Square profile picture

Foreign Ministry

#Statement | The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is closely following the developments of the unprecedented situation between a number of Palestinian factions and the Israeli occupation forces, which has resulted in a high level of violence on several fronts there

2min ago

Woman desperate for news on missing cousin, her two young children, spotted in Gaza

Yifat Zailer, 37, says she was horrified to see online video footage from Gaza showing her female cousin and the woman’s children, aged 9 months and 3 years, respectively.

“That’s the only confirmation we have,” she tells AFP, her voicing breaking with emotion, and adding there was no information on her cousin’s husband and her elderly parents.

“After the army took control of the kibbutz, they weren’t at home,” she says. “We assume they were kidnapped… We want to know what their condition is, we want them to return safe. They’re innocent civilians.”
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