ISSUES - JVM Tues., Feb. 3, 2009

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can you type what he said? I thought I heard him say, lee knows casey is lying..did he say that? I didnt DVR it.

I'm interested to see the transcription too. I think Seriously Searching was checking a few minutes ago...
Since when is having a sister who lies a crime?

If he knew she was lying and he somehow supported her lies in his statements to LE, I guess. I'm just throwing that out there, I don't know that he has/has not done this.
I have to hit record here. LOL, I am behind a little since I started the show late, but Luka needs to STHU! Sheesh. He is horrible!
Hasn't the entire family already admitted that Casey lies? I guess I'm missing the big bombshell here.
Smartest thing Luka said, not advisable to use any PR firm, try the case in court. He's mystified.
Knowing that Casey lies and knowing that Caylee is dead are two different things.

Hopefully someone will post you a link to the video soon and you may better understand what we are talking about. It was classic.
I went into the other room and rewound my dvr. This is what Luka said about Lee's alleged knowledge:

"well obviously, it's already been proven that she has not been telling--has not told --the truth.
Lee KNEW..(stuttering) at the ti--aaa--knew--now knows, that she has not been telling the truth. "
Has Luka ever tried any high profile cases before?
Maybe Luka believes that Lee is guilty and isn't seasoned enough to be dirty for his client like JB???
Does anyone think maybe Luka wants out of all this??
Oh-I believe LA has gotten himself exactly the lawyer he DESERVES!!:rolleyes:

I would be very upset if my lawyer went on the airwaves stating that I might be charged with a crime. Think my cheque would bounce sky high!
Good show tonight! and Yes, Lee has the lawyer he deserves, I agree.
Luka says he never heard the name prior to the media saying the name.

"He has never met Ms. Gonzalez, he doesn't know what she looks like, he had never even heard her name prior to this particular ca...prior to the media actually being exposing the name to the public."

ETA: this came before the stuttering about KC's lies.
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