It Can't Happen Here - 2nd Edition - Answers In The Sand

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DNA Solves
I may be misreading some of the recent posts, but they are sounding to me more like threats. If we cannot discuss all the individuals involved in a case (within WS rules), including the LE named POI's, there is not much use in having this type of media forum.
Working out a crime by systematically discussing each and every point of evidence, discussing the LE NAMED POI to rule him in or out (in our minds) along with a host of other potential POI's is NOT attempting to paint DR as the perpetrator. It is investigative technique. So far we have NO CONCRETE EVIDENCE that rules anyone in or out as the perpetrator. At this juncture DR is at the bottom of the list, and until LE takes him off, they have not ruled him out. We have a much better POI to work with, and even though I have evaluated all the foot and tire print evidence I have been able to find and have been supplied with by others here, it is not CONCRETE EVIDENCE. LE will not share their photographs and plaster casts with me (I asked). I am a print forensics expert with over 50 years experience, so if they will not share, there is not much more I can do to help nail this down.

I'm thankful for what you have been able to do here as a certified professional. We need a bigger picture and with that I call today "just another day gone".
I'm thankful for what you have been able to do here as a certified professional. We need a bigger picture and with that I call today "just another day gone".

Yep LE blew any chance of saving Jacob many years ago
An excerpt from 'Answers In The Sand'...

In 2012, Rassier made headlines again when he told the Associated Press that he had written and mailed a five-page letter to fourteen different investigative and state agencies. In the letter, Rassier complained about how he had been treated by law enforcement for the past two years. He claimed that his civil rights had been violated and that authorities had abused their power in naming him as a person of interest in Jacob Wetterling's kidnapping.

In the letter, Rassier wrote: “Is it considered legal for law enforcement to give the public the perception I am guilty of something when I'm not? To destroy our family's name the way they did because they had a 'hunch' is, in itself, a serious crime. Nothing can make it right now. The damage has been done. But to leave the whole thing open to speculation and open to the public's imagination is just wrong!”

In his letter, Rassier reiterated that investigators refused to listen to details he offered regarding what he had witnessed on October 22, 1989. He also complained that the property that investigators had taken from his family farm in June 2010 had not been returned to him.

Rassier singled out several Stearns County officials for their role in the case. He accused Stearns County Attorney Janelle Kendall of ignoring his pleas to investigate wrongdoings he alleged were committed against he and his family at the hand of the Sheriff’s Department. He said she took his complaints and took them straight to the Sheriff.

He criticized Judge Vicki Landwehr for placing “100% trust in law enforcement,” claiming that she made no attempt to sort out the out of context information presented by the Stearns County Sheriff’s department in their warrant application.

Rassier claimed in his letter that Sheriff Sanner leaked information about him to the press in 2004, as investigators were changing their theory of Jacob’s abductor from using a vehicle to being on foot. He further claimed that during the July 1, 2010 search of his family’s property, that Sanner twice chided Rassier, saying, “This is what happens when you talk.”

Regarding Stearns County Captain Pam Jensen, Rassier cited examples of why he didn’t trust her. His letter listed several concerns that happened under Jensen’s watch, including the physical assault of his mother and allowing Dan to handle weapons during the search of his farm.
Rassier’s harshest words were for Minnesota BCA Agent Ken McDonald. He said that McDonald twisted Rassier’s comments out of context and used “select ideas” to solve the crime. He said that McDonald pulled his elderly mother off her chair and dragged her to the floor before finally pushing her out of the house. Rassier claimed that his mother’s left arm was severely bruised for a week.

FBI Agent Shane Ball was the lone investigator that Rassier had kind things to say about. He said that Ball was the only investigator that give him his card and talked with him. Ball’s apparent willingness to listen to Rassier may have foreshadowed things to come in the future of the investigation
An excerpt from 'Answers In The Sand'...

In 2012, Rassier made headlines again when he told the Associated Press that he had written and mailed a five-page letter to fourteen different investigative and state agencies. In the letter, Rassier complained about how he had been treated by law enforcement for the past two years. He claimed that his civil rights had been violated and that authorities had abused their power in naming him as a person of interest in Jacob Wetterling's kidnapping.

In the letter, Rassier wrote: “Is it considered legal for law enforcement to give the public the perception I am guilty of something when I'm not? To destroy our family's name the way they did because they had a 'hunch' is, in itself, a serious crime. Nothing can make it right now. The damage has been done. But to leave the whole thing open to speculation and open to the public's imagination is just wrong!”

In his letter, Rassier reiterated that investigators refused to listen to details he offered regarding what he had witnessed on October 22, 1989. He also complained that the property that investigators had taken from his family farm in June 2010 had not been returned to him.

Rassier singled out several Stearns County officials for their role in the case. He accused Stearns County Attorney Janelle Kendall of ignoring his pleas to investigate wrongdoings he alleged were committed against he and his family at the hand of the Sheriff’s Department. He said she took his complaints and took them straight to the Sheriff.

He criticized Judge Vicki Landwehr for placing “100% trust in law enforcement,” claiming that she made no attempt to sort out the out of context information presented by the Stearns County Sheriff’s department in their warrant application.

Rassier claimed in his letter that Sheriff Sanner leaked information about him to the press in 2004, as investigators were changing their theory of Jacob’s abductor from using a vehicle to being on foot. He further claimed that during the July 1, 2010 search of his family’s property, that Sanner twice chided Rassier, saying, “This is what happens when you talk.”

Regarding Stearns County Captain Pam Jensen, Rassier cited examples of why he didn’t trust her. His letter listed several concerns that happened under Jensen’s watch, including the physical assault of his mother and allowing Dan to handle weapons during the search of his farm.
Rassier’s harshest words were for Minnesota BCA Agent Ken McDonald. He said that McDonald twisted Rassier’s comments out of context and used “select ideas” to solve the crime. He said that McDonald pulled his elderly mother off her chair and dragged her to the floor before finally pushing her out of the house. Rassier claimed that his mother’s left arm was severely bruised for a week.

FBI Agent Shane Ball was the lone investigator that Rassier had kind things to say about. He said that Ball was the only investigator that give him his card and talked with him. Ball’s apparent willingness to listen to Rassier may have foreshadowed things to come in the future of the investigation

DR should have went to Europe with his parents. But then there would have been zero helpful witnesses to a vehicle. This guy has been through the wringer

He further claimed that during the July 1, 2010 search of his family’s property, that Sanner twice chided Rassier, saying, “This is what happens when you talk.”

I wonder what made Sanner say that. What had DR talked about?
An excerpt from 'Answers In The Sand'...

In 2012, Rassier made headlines again when he told the Associated Press that he had written and mailed a five-page letter to fourteen different investigative and state agencies. In the letter, Rassier complained about how he had been treated by law enforcement for the past two years. He claimed that his civil rights had been violated and that authorities had abused their power in naming him as a person of interest in Jacob Wetterling's kidnapping.

In the letter, Rassier wrote: “Is it considered legal for law enforcement to give the public the perception I am guilty of something when I'm not? To destroy our family's name the way they did because they had a 'hunch' is, in itself, a serious crime. Nothing can make it right now. The damage has been done. But to leave the whole thing open to speculation and open to the public's imagination is just wrong!”

In his letter, Rassier reiterated that investigators refused to listen to details he offered regarding what he had witnessed on October 22, 1989. He also complained that the property that investigators had taken from his family farm in June 2010 had not been returned to him.

Rassier singled out several Stearns County officials for their role in the case. He accused Stearns County Attorney Janelle Kendall of ignoring his pleas to investigate wrongdoings he alleged were committed against he and his family at the hand of the Sheriff’s Department. He said she took his complaints and took them straight to the Sheriff.

He criticized Judge Vicki Landwehr for placing “100% trust in law enforcement,” claiming that she made no attempt to sort out the out of context information presented by the Stearns County Sheriff’s department in their warrant application.

Rassier claimed in his letter that Sheriff Sanner leaked information about him to the press in 2004, as investigators were changing their theory of Jacob’s abductor from using a vehicle to being on foot. He further claimed that during the July 1, 2010 search of his family’s property, that Sanner twice chided Rassier, saying, “This is what happens when you talk.”

Regarding Stearns County Captain Pam Jensen, Rassier cited examples of why he didn’t trust her. His letter listed several concerns that happened under Jensen’s watch, including the physical assault of his mother and allowing Dan to handle weapons during the search of his farm.
Rassier’s harshest words were for Minnesota BCA Agent Ken McDonald. He said that McDonald twisted Rassier’s comments out of context and used “select ideas” to solve the crime. He said that McDonald pulled his elderly mother off her chair and dragged her to the floor before finally pushing her out of the house. Rassier claimed that his mother’s left arm was severely bruised for a week.

FBI Agent Shane Ball was the lone investigator that Rassier had kind things to say about. He said that Ball was the only investigator that give him his card and talked with him. Ball’s apparent willingness to listen to Rassier may have foreshadowed things to come in the future of the investigation

Absolutely abhorrent treatment of the entire Rassier family.

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Do you mean the information from the letter? I read the letter...

No, all the things that happened to the Rassiers that are quoted from the several things you have posted recently
No, all the things that happened to the Rassiers that are quoted from the several things you have posted recently

Yes, that's part of what was in the letter than Dan Rassier sent to 14 state agencies in 2012
In the Appendix of "Answers In The Sand," I made a section listing key points made in the original edition of "It Can't Happen Here," that turned out to be quite foretelling and accurate. Here are a few examples:

8. The arrest of a man in Jared's case as described in Al Garber's book, Striving To Be The Best, was a central point in the 1st edition of the book. It was probably the single most significant catalyst that resulted in It Can’t Happen Here. Fibers from Jared's snowmobile pants were consistent with fibers found in the back seat of the car the man had owned at the time. It turned out that this long-forgotten piece of information was possibly the most unknown and overlooked piece of information in the case.

13. It was noted that the Paynesville assailant left behind a cap, and was the sole piece of physical evidence in those cases. That cap was tested for DNA and was determined to be very like-ly worn by Daniel Heinrich.

14. The book noted that investigators seemed to be focused on the rear tires of cars, which was an indication that the abductor drove forward out of the Rassier driveway, rather than backed out from it. The law student from Tennessee that request-ed copies of St. Cloud Times articles about Jacob and who was subsequently questioned by the FBI, had his rear tires removed and photographed. After Heinrich's 2015 arrest it was revealed that investigators had done the same with Daniel Heinrich's car in January 1990.

19. The book noted that there was one man in particular that Duane Allen Hart was pointing to in February 1990 as the likely suspect in Jared's abduction and assault. The man that Hart singled out was Daniel Heinrich. Heinrich’s name was not pub-lished in the 1st edition because it had never been mentioned in mainstream media accounts of the investigation.

20. It was suggested in the book that the Paynesville cases and Jared's case would likely never be prosecuted due to statutes of limitations. Prosecutors confirmed that following Daniel Heinrich’s October 2015 arrest.

21. In the review of Duane Allen Hart it was suggested that Jacob’s abductor might have been someone whom Hart was associated with, and specifically someone whom Hart had abused. The premise was that the abductor’s fixation on young boys may have derived from “learned” behavior. The theory is based on the cycle of abuse that often typifies child molesters. Multiple media reports in 2015 indicated that Duane Hart did abuse Danny Heinrich.
Lazy on my part. I read it long ago and did not realize he praised Ball. I did not remember him saying that a out his mother in the letter.

I wonder how much is true in the letter.

Assaulting an elderly woman sounds suspect to me. I wonde why they did not go to the doctor to document this assault?
Yay! ELOC!

I do not care if other people want to claim credit for solving this. It is clear that you were a catalyst!
14. The book noted that investigators seemed to be focused on the rear tires of cars, which was an indication that the abductor drove forward out of the Rassier driveway, rather than backed out from it. The law student from Tennessee that request-ed copies of St. Cloud Times articles about Jacob and who was subsequently questioned by the FBI, had his rear tires removed and photographed. After Heinrich's 2015 arrest it was revealed that investigators had done the same with Daniel Heinrich's car in January 1990.

They weren't a match. Pay attention to the timeline, in 2004 kevin came in and accounted for the last unknown tracks on the driveway, all tire tracks accounted for and it doesn't involve heinrich. Hello CNN.

Sheriff Sanner did not say Hello CNN to declare a local on foot in 2004 if there was any inclination left of a vehicle having been used. He is a burden of proof kind of guy.
14. The book noted that investigators seemed to be focused on the rear tires of cars, which was an indication that the abductor drove forward out of the Rassier driveway, rather than backed out from it. The law student from Tennessee that request-ed copies of St. Cloud Times articles about Jacob and who was subsequently questioned by the FBI, had his rear tires removed and photographed. After Heinrich's 2015 arrest it was revealed that investigators had done the same with Daniel Heinrich's car in January 1990.

They weren't a match. Pay attention to the timeline, in 2004 kevin came in and accounted for the last unknown tracks on the driveway, all tire tracks accounted for and it doesn't involve heinrich. Hello CNN.

Sheriff Sanner did not say Hello CNN to declare a local on foot in 2004 if there was any inclination left of a vehicle having been used. He is a burden of proof kind of guy.

Very confusing.
DR should have went to Europe with his parents. But then there would have been zero helpful witnesses to a vehicle. This guy has been through the wringer

He further claimed that during the July 1, 2010 search of his family’s property, that Sanner twice chided Rassier, saying, “This is what happens when you talk.”

I wonder what made Sanner say that. What had DR talked about?

I would imagine Sanner was referring to when DR talked with Patty and told her someone might have put a body in his gravel pit. IMO, that was what set in motion the whole 2010 farm dig and not "some hunch" as media reported. So Sanner was basically saying if DR hadn't told patty that, they wouldn't have been there digging up his pit.
14. The book noted that investigators seemed to be focused on the rear tires of cars, which was an indication that the abductor drove forward out of the Rassier driveway, rather than backed out from it. The law student from Tennessee that request-ed copies of St. Cloud Times articles about Jacob and who was subsequently questioned by the FBI, had his rear tires removed and photographed. After Heinrich's 2015 arrest it was revealed that investigators had done the same with Daniel Heinrich's car in January 1990.

They weren't a match. Pay attention to the timeline, in 2004 kevin came in and accounted for the last unknown tracks on the driveway, all tire tracks accounted for and it doesn't involve heinrich. Hello CNN.

Sheriff Sanner did not say Hello CNN to declare a local on foot in 2004 if there was any inclination left of a vehicle having been used. He is a burden of proof kind of guy.

You keep saying that Heinrich's tires were not a match. But official records show LE saying they were "consistent". There were no specific flaws in the tread that they could pick out that would make it a 100% match, but they were still consistent. Saying "they were not a match" is misleading, IMO.

I'm not following the rest of your "hello CNN" comment, care to expand on that?

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