Italy’s Highest Appeals Court to Decide Amanda Knox’s Fate

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Wow, the tone of this thread has done a complete 180 in the last 5 hours!
Wow, the tone of this thread has done a complete 180 in the last 5 hours!

No more talk about extradition? Should the US honour extradition treaties when someone is convicted of murder in a foreign country?
IMO Read the deranged ramblings of Prosecutor Giuliano Mignini in the Dr.Francesco Narducci case. Add in the convictions and then overturnings of several people in the Monster of Florence case. Mignini is mad with power. I don't see how he ever held such a position of power for so long.

This article pretty much sums up my exact feelings about this case.

I find the posts insinuating that people who think she's guilty out of only hate to be very insulting. Ive been respectful of others opinions of innocence and would appreciate the same. Again I'll say just because you look at the evidence and can't understand how anyone would disagree with you doesn't make them a "hater" and you you more intelligent.

That is a ridiculous mindset to have considering the divide in opinion on this case. It has always been apparent that 2 people could look at this case and view it differently.

I guess I could say that people who want to ignore the evidence I see must be infactuated with Amanda Knox to be so blind but I won't because that is just as ridiculous to say.
Just because the verdict went your way this time doesn't change the way others see this verdict as an injustice.
No more talk about extradition? Should the US honour extradition treaties when someone is convicted of murder in a foreign country?

Not when the conviction is an obvious miscarriage of justice. JMO

This article pretty much sums up my exact feelings about this case.

I find the posts insinuating that people who think she's guilty out of only hate to be very insulting. Ive been respectful of others opinions of innocence and would appreciate the same. Again I'll say just because you look at the evidence and can't understand how anyone would disagree with you doesn't make them a "hater" and you you more intelligent.

That is a ridiculous mindset to have considering the divide in opinion on this case. It has always been apparent that 2 people could look at this case and view it differently.

I guess I could say that people who want to ignore the evidence I see must be infactuated with Amanda Knox to be so blind but I won't because that is just as ridiculous to say.
Just because the verdict went your way this time doesn't change the way others see this verdict as an injustice.

Check the comments after the article for the real story.
Omg you guys. Ok, today I am officially jumping on the bandwagon of the people who kept saying Italian system is a joke. I AGREE.

This article pretty much sums up my exact feelings about this case.

I find the posts insinuating that people who think she's guilty out of only hate to be very insulting. Ive been respectful of others opinions of innocence and would appreciate the same. Again I'll say just because you look at the evidence and can't understand how anyone would disagree with you doesn't make them a "hater" and you you more intelligent.

That is a ridiculous mindset to have considering the divide in opinion on this case. It has always been apparent that 2 people could look at this case and view it differently.

I guess I could say that people who want to ignore the evidence I see must be infactuated with Amanda Knox to be so blind but I won't because that is just as ridiculous to say.
Just because the verdict went your way this time doesn't change the way others see this verdict as an injustice.

That's all true. Just about every thread on this site has folks who sees things differently. Such is life. It is human nature. We are all looking through a different lens. It has nothing to do with intelligence.
Omg you guys. Ok, today I am officially jumping on the bandwagon of the people who kept saying Italian system is a joke. I AGREE.

I'm not so sure the Italian system is a joke. All justice systems have their downfalls. But this particular case was filled with corruption and lies.
Well, well, well. It's finally over. To be honest, I think Meredith's family must have some sense of relief even if the verdict didn't go as planned. Now they have finality. Now they don't have to stop their lives every time there is a court proceeding or something happening with the case. Now they can finally move on. I have a feeling that they are going to be relieved even with this verdict.
So now, Amanda, now that there is no chance you can be tried again for any of this - will you please tell us what happened? The truth. Thanks.
She (Amanda) is going to be haunted by what she (I believe) did for the rest of her life. Also she has psychological problems which are going to plague her for the rest of her life. I don't think she'll ever be normal. Raf on the other hand, I think he can live a normal and even happy life after this.
She has. Some people just refuse to believe her.

Oh come on, excuse me. It's over, you don't have to worry about her going to prison. Come on, Im sorry but one cannot honestly say that what she has said doesn't have a lot of holes and at times really doesn't even make sense. It's over, people don't have to put on an act for her anymore.
Also, she's just weird. I don't know why so hard for people to admit that. Especially now when she can't go to prison.
RG opted for a fast track trial which gives an automatic reduced sentence. It is a right afforded to everyone, as there are no plea deals in Italy.

this is incorrect as i've previously posted. but for some reason this myth keeps going and going... ??

two recent examples:

"But deals were approved for the five other defendants":

"Davide Vannoni requested a plea deal of one year and 10 months. Prosecutor Raffaele Guariniello backed the request, saying the withdrawal by Vannoni of an appeal to the Lazio administrative court against a provision rejecting the controversial therapy eliminated all doubt concerning the possible reiteration of the crime":
IMO Read the deranged ramblings of Prosecutor Giuliano Mignini in the Dr.Francesco Narducci case. Add in the convictions and then overturnings of several people in the Monster of Florence case. Mignini is mad with power. I don't see how he ever held such a position of power for so long.

It's very simple. Because it is Italy.
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