It's All About Caylee

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Caylee, I want to thank you for reminding me just how precious children like you are, and how important to our future you are. I was reminded of this yesterday as my daughter and I took a walk down to the pond to see the ducks, and I thought of you while we were there.
Those Irish Eyes of yours are smilin', Caylee.
And sure you've stolen our hearts away!
happy saint pattys day sweetpea. those irish eyes are a smilin. thinking of you today, tomorrow and always. dance and sing with the angels sweetone!
O, Blessed Mother and St Joseph,
you searched when your Son Jesus
disappeared when he was twelve.
You would not give up
until he was found.
You know the pain of having someone missing,
and the joy of finding them,
as you found your son.
Help those who are searching now,
to find the answers to their questions,
and an end to their searching.
Inspire people to be vigilant,
so that their eyes and ears
may see and hear news that will bring hope.
Comfort those who feel lonely and sad
because the one they love has vanished.
Be with them in the storm
and guide them in their efforts.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen

Caylee, I want to thank you for reminding me just how precious children like you are, and how important to our future you are. I was reminded of this yesterday as my daughter and I took a walk down to the pond to see the ducks, and I thought of you while we were there.

JWG, what a beautiful picture in my mind. I could see Caylee walking along with you and your daughter watching the ducks.
Thinking of you today and always. Zoe's daddy gave her a tea party set for her 1st Birthday - and as I sat out back on the lawn today having a "tea party" with her... I thought of you. The sun was shining and it was beautiful for March in NY. How I wish you could sit on the lawn, in the sun and have a tea party with us.

Your sunshine was taken away all too soon sweet Caylee.
Hello, precious little baby. I have not written to you in awhile, but I still think of you many times a day.

You forever have changed the way I think of all children, especially my own.

I loved them before, yes. But now I love them with everything I have, including my love for you, little one.

Are you blowing lots of bubbles today?

Are you swimming in a big blue pool?

Are you charming everyone around you with your beautiful smile and laugh?

I hope so, baby girl. I hope you laugh a million times a day. *kisses and big hugs*
What a sweet and innocent package God made when he gave us Caylee. Cheer, charm, deep dancing eyes that sometimes appear as though they already held too much wisdom . . . but maybe that's what I see because of what we know now.

Sweet Caylee, of the tippy-toes dancing and sunshiny singing, you will remain as a perfect babe in our hearts forever. I pray that we will carry your heavy lesson with us, also, forever.
Little Caylee....I think of you so often. Not a single day goes by that you aren't in my thoughts. My little girl is only a few months younger than you and everytime I hear her laughter, I think of you laughing and playing in that video we have recently seen. Such sweet little laughter!!

This spring, we will plant a tree in your memory and watch it grow as you should have been allowed to do.

You will forever be a precious little angel-faced baby girl and you will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart.

May you rest in peace sweet little angel. :blowkiss:
Hi baby girl!!

I am thinking about you a lot today, and so wishing that you were my little girl. I would have loved you so very much, and you would never have been lonely or frightened or sad.

I know millions of other mommies also feel the same way.

Take our love and wrap yourself tightly in it. You were dealt a very bad hand in this life, but your reward is that you are now free, and playing with all of God's angels.

You will never be cold, or sick, or sad, or hungry... you will ALWAYS be loved. Forever and ever.
:angel: I often think about Caylee Marie, when all is quiet in our house, after I have tucked my little ones into their nursery for the night. It breaks my heart into a million pieces that no one loved Caylee enough to tuck her in safely every night, so I do. I always say this prayer with my babies
"Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the lord our souls to keep,
May Angels watch us through the night, until we wake in morning light" There has not been a night when I don't include Caylee, and all the other missing children in that prayer. I love nothing more than tucking my babies in, its a big deal to me everynight, and I believe that Caylee deserved that kind of love too.
:angel: I often think about Caylee Marie, when all is quiet in our house, after I have tucked my little ones into their nursery for the night. It breaks my heart into a million pieces that no one loved Caylee enough to tuck her in safely every night, so I do. I always say this prayer with my babies
"Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the lord our souls to keep,
May Angels watch us through the night, until we wake in morning light" There has not been a night when I don't include Caylee, and all the other missing children in that prayer. I love nothing more than tucking my babies in, its a big deal to me everynight, and I believe that Caylee deserved that kind of love too.
I cried so hard when I read this, mimi. And I am at work, so I had to run to the restroom. Caylee angel, you are so loved. So loved. By so many.
Good morning, my sweet baby angel.

I am thinking about you right now, and wanted to say hello and tell you how much we love you.

I picture you so far removed from what is happening down here, go play with the angels little one.

There are larger forces working on your behalf, and that is the wrath of God himself.

So you are not troubled by anything, and most likely are having such a wonderful time. That thought comforts me. It is the only thought that comforts me about your story.

I love you, baby girl.

See you soon.
Hi Sweet Girl....

Your grandpa wore your picture in court today. He loves you so....
I put effort into solving the puzzle of this case, and even joke around at times, but I never lose sight of the tragedy at the heart of the case.
It is about Caylee. I have tried to put my feelings in a slide show for her and her memory.

Slide Show – 5 minutes
(May take a minute to download)

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