It's All About Caylee

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Nope...I could never forget her. There is a reason this sweet little child was brought into our lives and our hearts. I don't know why yet but there is a reason. How could one ever forget?
When all is said and done, Caylee will be remembered, she is an Angel. I have never blogged before or been on a forum, however, before the BOND hearing I began having dreams of this case. I do not know why and I guess I will never know the reason why this has happened to me. I do believe this has happened to so many people as well. I know she is happy and protected with her Guardian Angels.

Aside from all the BS that is surrounding this case, and all the lies from the family, who could have STOPPED this circus from DAY ONE they chose not too. My heart knows she is safe so when all the BS was presented I was able to keep my emotions in check no matter how angry I got. The only time I broke down and cried my eyes out was when they released the video and ggp was singing You Are My Sunshine...................... I lost it.

I believe JUSTICE will prevail................ I did feel sorry for the family at first, but I do not at this time, even when all the evidence is presented at trial I will pray for the family, but I can not forgive them at this time. I am not in their shoes.............. if they would have told the truth at first and put Caylee first, I do feel Caylee would have had a proper burial by now. I do hope all involved are charged properly, if that includes family members, so be it. They chose how to walk in their shoes.................

Caylee is a special little Angel and at the end of this case, I do not believe anyone of us will forget Caylee, she is in our hearts for a reason.
Never! I will always think of Caylee, she has left a huge imprint in my heart, I pray peace and justice for her and all missing/murdered babies and children

It is strange how a person you have never met can become such an intregal part of ones life. Caylee has touched so many lives in a profound way.
When the noise level increases to an unbearable level in my home, courtesy of my 4 grandchildren. I now pause and instead of being irritated, I treasure the ability of being with them. I feel, 'NOT' having them would be akin to a living h*ll. One of my grannies favorite sayings.
The family I don't understand and has many have said I hope we don't have too. Caylee has brought a renewed awareness of what-is really important into my life. I'm just sorry we had to meet this way.
May GOD bless and keep you!
No, but I never forget all the kids that you hear and read about and hope for.
I don't know why this case grabbed me, but it did. The only other criminal case that affected me was the Nicole Brown Simpson case. I don't know these people, but they really have affected me.

For me...I'll never forget Caylee or Lisa Steinberg (20ish years ago in NY, 7 y/o girl beat to death by Joel Steinberg).
I have never been so involved in a case before, this is the first crime case I have ever gotten totally emotionally invested in and to a point of an unhealthy obession. I will never, ever forget Caylee. She will always be in my heart and I will continue to pray for her peace and justice every day and night.
For me...I'll never forget Caylee or Lisa Steinberg (20ish years ago in NY, 7 y/o girl beat to death by Joel Steinberg).

Oh yes...poor little Lisa has stayed in my heart as well.

I understand the monster has been out of jail a few years...:furious: :confused: IMO, one of the worst miscarriages of justice I've ever seen.

The one good thing that came out of that horror is the other "adopted" child (the baby boy that was tied to a playpen:furious:) was saved from a hellish life and death and returned to his bio family.
I will never forget this precious little girl.
I've followed it from the bond hearing, but got more and more into it as time went on, and am not really sure why. I do believe she was brought into all of our lives for a reason. Little things in daily life make me think of her, and I know she's in a better place, but feel so sad that she missed out on so much.

My son is 8 days younger than her. His favorite song to sing is "You Are My Sunshine". The second I saw the video of Caylee singing that song, I totally lost it and broke down sobbing. That's where I knew she'd be a part of my soul forever.

How a person can think of harming something so precious and innocent is the saddest thought in the world. I pray that she is found and given a proper final resting place.
Oh yes...poor little Lisa has stayed in my heart as well.

I understand the monster has been out of jail a few years...:furious: :confused: IMO, one of the worst miscarriages of justice I've ever seen.

The one good thing that came out of that horror is the other "adopted" child (the baby boy that was tied to a playpen:furious:) was saved from a hellish life and death and returned to his bio family.

The whole Joel Steinberg thing scares me in this case too. When he was released, his attorney sent a limo to pick him up from jail. Hedda Nussbaum sold books about her being "victimized", and made money.

I just hope all of the players in this case, don't get out of it as well as the Steinbergs.:furious:
For me...I'll never forget Caylee or Lisa Steinberg (20ish years ago in NY, 7 y/o girl beat to death by Joel Steinberg).

Lisa, is still in my heart, I will never forget her...................
Just as I have never forgotten Adam Walsh, Polly Klaus, Jessica & so many others, I will never forget Caylee. These innocent little lives taken should make all of us stand up & demand the toughest laws in the land for hurting any child. If you rape a child, prison for life the first time. No one who hurts a child deserves a second chance. Usually you have the parents & other family members fighting for justice for the lost little ones. In this case you don't so we all have to be Caylee's voice. We have to send the message we can't & won't be silenced & that we will do what ever it takes on our part to ensure justice for those who no longer have a voice.
Nope not me never! And it has encouraged me to move forward and help sleuth other cases!
Just as I have never forgotten Adam Walsh, Polly Klaus, Jessica & so many others, I will never forget Caylee. These innocent little lives taken should make all of us stand up & demand the toughest laws in the land for hurting any child. If you rape a child, prison for life the first time. No one who hurts a child deserves a second chance. Usually you have the parents & other family members fighting for justice for the lost little ones. In this case you don't so we all have to be Caylee's voice. We have to send the message we can't & won't be silenced & that we will do what ever it takes on our part to ensure justice for those who no longer have a voice.

Even though the other cases you mention here are also heartbreaking, the thing (for me, anyway) that makes Caylee's case truly unique and even more heartbreaking is that she was killed by the ONE person in the world who was supposed to love her and protect her. Her MOMMY.
No, I will not forget little Caylee. This case and this little girl have really touched me. It is so clear who was involved in harming her, I just can't wrap my brain around how a mother could be so cold. Not to mention all the other unbelievable things that have gone on with this case.

This was the first time that I have participated in any kind of seach for anyone and that has left a lasting impression of me for sure. I would love for Caylee to be found so that her GP's will not have to go the rest of their lives wondering where she is. I realize that if she is not found they will always be haunted by who has her and what could be happening to her. You would think that by now even if someone (in their minds) had her that they mean nothing good by it. It would be worse to have to think of all the horrible things that she could have to be enduring in her little life.

Even worse KC holds the key and she herself knows what happened and where she is but, will let her family live the rest of their lives being tortured by all the what ifs.
We will not forget you Caylee, nor let you be forgotten. Back to page 1 sweet girl.
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