It's Getting Old

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I think that some of the problem lately at WS in this Caylee Marie topic is that there is not that much going on in this matter of late of real substance, and a lot of the "real" sleuthing came before the trial. I used to LOVE, LOVE to come here to read the detailed and intense picking-apart of the doc dumps, the emails, the potential PT and DT strategies, the pre-trial hearings, and the concrete evidence that may or may not have been used during the trial, and the differing opinions about that. That stuff was amazing. Then during the trial, it was interesting to post and read about what went on during that day, the good, bad and the ugly, talk about some of the key players, etc. Then right after the trial there was a lot of interesting posts about the verdict, the lawyers, the jury, the felon, the judge, etc., with emotions running REAL high, and it was good to post and read about that after 3 long years of watching this beast unfold.

The recent threads that held the most interest to me were the sighting of the felon in Ohio (lots of sleuthing was done to figure out where she was, although I have become a HUGE conspiracy theorist after dealing with the DT and think that a few of the posters "knew" were the felon was and gave good "hints" about that, lol ), the threads about the Caylee Memorial Walk and that foundation where sleuthers here delve into the administration and set-up of that foundation (amazing what information people here can come up with), etc., those type of things. Also, the lawyer thead really helps with concise questions and answers about probation, court costs, and other legal matters.

Now, however, (and I am not saying I am completely innocent of this), there is just not much going on, interest here has waned, so it has come down to OUR OWN OPINION about the PEOPLE THEMSELVES (the felon, JA, JB, CA, GA) in this saga, and people have strong opinions in that regard. I don't mind at all reading differing opinions. I don't, however, enjoy seeing the same poster say the exact same thing 20 times in one thread, posting every few minutes, or one poster commenting on just about every post in a thread saying the exact same thing, or the "drive by" posters who come in and post one sentence every few minutes to obviously derail the thread, those are the posts I would call "baiting". If someone gives an opinion and states exactly "why" that is their opinion, I would can read that and either agree or disagree. I think some of the threads will run their course, but we keep posting the same things (myself included) over and over and over.

I used to come here and spend a few hours reading the "new" threads and posts, now I can the same in about 15 minutes.....

IMO, those who come here solely to disrupt "win" when a thread is closed, or moved to the parking lot, or taken away by the mods and "cleaned up", they have achieved their purpose and I feel they are gloating, they have succeeded in why they come here, so they keep coming back for more. I am going to try not to feed into that from here on out and keep my posts to a minimum.

I am glad for the opportunity to share here on this as I have become totally frushtrated with the recent thread closings, or the thread moved to the parking lot, or the threads taken away and "cleaned-up" by the mods, etc. Again, I know I have participated in some of the problem......but I would like to thank the mods for acknowledging the problem and letting us comment here about it!

Thank you so very much for this post. You have said this in a great way and you have said what has been in my mind about WS since the verdict in this case. I have found myself responding when I shouldn't and so I have been trying to stay away. Trouble is I have come to know many of the posters on here and respect what they have to say (even if we don't totally agree) so I come back to read... and yes, I have tried the write the post but don't post it trick several times lately. It is difficult though when I see locked or missing threads on the subject I want to read or discuss. The mods have been great and I absolutely understand why this has been necessary. It saddens me though. I feel like justice for Caylee was lost and then was beginning to feel like I was losing WS as well.

Thank you mods for starting this thread. This is one of the very best boards and I know you work hard to keep it that way. Tricia is the best and I hope she is proud of all the mods for all the hours and work you put in here. I do hope things will settle down here so we can all get back to serious discussion for the things that are left in this case such as the civil cases.
Woohoo! I'll be on the next plane!!! Kindly hold the parsnips but beyond that - I'll eat anything!.. :woot: Thank you!

OK, guys, back OT!! j/k

I've been thinking about this very same topic. I too have been very busy with moving, closing a business, etc. but a few weeks after the trial I stopped posting because it WAS different on WS! I keep going back to the same thing....we haven't had closure & it's making people so angry they don't know what else to do with it! It seems that everything we all had hoped for or expected, happened just the opposite...and we didn't get justice! But, just like the jurors didn't give the verdict we expected, doesn't mean that we have to disagree over every little aspect of the bad as it nauseates me to say it, they had their opinion & exercised their, do we have to act like a lynch mod because of it? No!

The reason I enjoyed coming to WS's is because if I was wrong or misinformed, one of you that KNEW the truth would politely point it out to me with a link to back it up. So, I stepped back for a while, still coming on every now & then to check but, I'm so glad the mods started this thread & maybe it can go back to the way it was. Thanks guys!
I hadn't really followed the case the way most people here had and watched the trial from a different place (POV) as more of a "juror". And while many people at the time the trial was going on wanted to hear from people who didn't know all of the details, most people only seemed to really want to hear if the "new person" agreed with everything the majority of the board believes to be true. Personally, I do not think the case was proved, regardless of what I think actually happened. But I no longer feel comfortable posting on this forum because of the way the jurors have been bashed; if they are such imbeciles, then I must also be one.
(sidenote: link to good article that sums up reasonable doubt. JB's OS & how much time and effort Jury put into the trial
Adam H. Kurland - The National Law Journal - July 26, 2011

Our criminal justice system will survive this unpopular verdict. The defense counsel's tactics are far more troubling and need to be reviewed carefully. Casey's defense counsel delivered an opening statement which now, in retrospect, has been characterized by many of the commentators who closely followed the trial as "game changing." However, the opening statement was at best, ignoble, and at worst, ethically troubling.

This is a very good article by a professional about the verdict. It was very well done and may answer some of your questions because there does seem to be some confusion as to whether or not the State proved their case.
You hit the nail on the head,NavySubMom.

IIRC,shortly after the verdict one of the mods suggested we help out on the cold cases ( I think :waitasec: Y'all know I have a bad memory :crazy: ) .
That's an excellent way to put good sleuthing skills to use.
I'm not good at sleuthing ,not fast enough,so I consider myself a commentator and cheerleader ,LOL.


Caylee brought many of us here and we can honor her by trying to help others . JMO

Very respectfully snipped for space and bolded for focus by me, MissJames. Please know that my post below is not directed toward you, but is using your post as a jumping-off point.

There are so many cases here at WS that need attention, and I can't think of a single victim's family who would not welcome another commenter bringing fresh eyes to things, or a cheerleader to keep sleuthers going at times when it seems no new info is available.

Then there are the cases where for whatever reason, the victim's family is not or cannot be very involved. Those victims/survivors deserve the same hard work and dedication that many posters first came to understand & practice through Caylee's case. Doesn't matter whether the case is 30 days old, or 30+ years old. You can help.

For the many many folks who got involved with WS because of Caylee... maybe look around this site for other cases, cold and hot, in your own vicinity. Use the best of what you learned on Caylee's forum to help other victims and their families/loved ones find justice.

And please take good care of yourselves, one another, and your loved ones.
Well.....I guess I've got to throw my 2 cents worth into this discussion. I've also noticed subtle changes in the tone and nature of comments here in the Caylee forum. The end result for me? I basically don't care what any opposing viewpoint may say.

My opinions and positions are formed through MY thought process not by someone else, no matter how many times their opposing view is repeated. I couldn't help but notice in a recent thread, which is now closed, the tenacity with which some "minority" opinions are presented. One member posted FORTY TWO times in a thread whose pages numbered half that total. The majority of those posts contained a quote from another member's comment along with a critique of what they viewed as wrong with it.

I don't normally use that style of posting. When I have an opinion or thought on a subject, I simply lay it out there. I'm not saying I've never posted a disagreement with a post, but it is not the norm for me.

The fact that I feel we should all remember is that each member with an opposing viewpoint has exactly the same right to express their thoughts as you.

I've been really good of late! I know that I can become very passionate about certain things and once the verdict came down that chapter was over for me. I moved on very fast.

I have maybe posted 3 to 5 times since the verdict in any thread regarding the topic of FCA. I cannot wait until everyone moves on.

I rather see post about positive things going on for Caylee and not FCA or her DT or anything.

I thank you for your post and agree. Been trying to keep up with other threads about other topics because frankly when I log in that is all I see is a lot of post about FCA and that alone makes me click out of WS.

I do however miss fellow posters that I enjoyed posting with leading up to the trial and during the trial. If any of you are reading this, I MISS YOU!

I hadn't really followed the case the way most people here had and watched the trial from a different place (POV) as more of a "juror". And while many people at the time the trial was going on wanted to hear from people who didn't know all of the details, most people only seemed to really want to hear if the "new person" agreed with everything the majority of the board believes to be true. Personally, I do not think the case was proved, regardless of what I think actually happened. But I no longer feel comfortable posting on this forum because of the way the jurors have been bashed; if they are such imbeciles, then I must also be one.

I may not always agree with you ,but I love your ever-changing cat avatars :seeya:

Since coming to this forum I have cared for and lost my father and my father-in- law. I have been diagnosed with RA . I feel like I went through so much with my WS peeps.

I believe that a lot of our anger comes from grief,or avoiding grief. It just feels better sometimes to stay angry instead of allowing the grief to wash over us.
It's easy to get caught up in an argument and hold on to anger instead of coming to grips with the loss of a beautiful little girl named Caylee, our own family members or friends ,a job, or ones health.

Ever notice how many posters have lost children? Casey took her daughter's life and we would give anything to have our children back.
I love a good debate and glad that we have differing points of view. I have seen some anger and hurt in posts on the board. I hope that we can always come here and post our point of view in a thoughtful manner. I have never followed a case before Caylee and it grabbed my heart and that is what makes it hard. My heart is quicker than my head when it comes to posting. What I have missed most since the verdict is the posters that were here before and have left or feel like all the time researching and putting their all into something didn't matter in the long run. I hope that in time that all posters will be back and that everyone knows that they are missed.
They eventually ended up closing then archiving the Lacy Peterson forums because it just went out of control after the trial.. people bickering all the time etc.
I am one of those folks, and new posters, who is in the minority when it comes to the verdict. I don't typically post very often on any site that I visit, and when I do, it's generally because I feel strongly about something that I've read.

I am grateful for this thread, but I have not felt very welcome at WS because of my point of view about the Casey Anthony trial. I've also been insulted on many occasions because of that point of view (and I expect I've insulted others).

Although I understand there are emotions involved, I am confounded by the degree of hate and personalized judgments that have been directed towards the jury. I am sorry if that offends anyone here. I tend to be someone who fights for the underdog and I have taken great exception to the level of venom that has been directed at the jurors. I see them as a group of human beings, just like the rest of us,who had an exceptionally difficult job to do. I believe they did what was asked of them to the best of their ability and based on the information that was presented to them. I know many posters here disagree with me on that one, and that's quite okay, but I just wanted to express my thoughts on the matter.

I am not a person who has difficulty understanding circumstantial evidence. There are legal experts out there who have taken both sides of the verdict and made excellent arguments for why the think the verdict was right or wrong. It isn't the evidence itself that always tells the compelling story, but how the prosecution puts that evidence together to tell that story. I personally feel this is where the prosecution fell short (and where the DT excelled because of the doubt/holes they put in that story). I have enjoyed reading a lot of the threads and have found both sides of the equation very insightful and the analysis of evidence very interesting indeed. So, thank you many of you for your passion in writing about this very difficult case.

In the end, I guess the biggest question I have is why we can't be as compassionate towards the jury as we are saying we should be towards one another?
8 Simple Rules for Dating my Teenage Daughter.... OOPs wrong forum

8 Simple Rules for Derailing a Thread

1. Call someone a troll, baiter or some derogatory name.
2. Totally disagree in a condescending manner with any and all posts that contain an opinion that is not in agreement with the majority, or the minority.
3. Question the intelligence of a poster.
4. Type your entire post in CAPS to emphasize how right your opinion is.
5. Make a grand production of the benefits of using of the ignore button.
6. Ask a poster what rock were they born under, or what planet they come from.
7. Belittle a post for any reason.
8. If all else fails, SNARK, SNARK, SNARK, SNARK.

Obviously, I am joking, and since I do believe we have a wonderful opportunity to improve the quality of my favorite forum, which is the Caylee forum, I will post my personal rules, that I try to abide by

8 Simple Rules for Spirited Debate (and avoiding the ray-gun)
1. Avoid the use of numbers 1 through 8 above.
2. Be nice, polite, and respectful, even when you feel a poster is not being nice, polite, or respectful in return. Keep you nose clean, and let the mods deal with unruly posters.
3. If you state something as fact, be prepared to prove it, or just refrain from posting something as fact.
4. Try to understand opposing opinions. We are all different, and we all have opinions, and not everyone is going to agree with our opinion.
5. When a certain thread is hot, and emotionally charged, give the thread a little time to cool.
6. Respectfully agree to disagree when the debate becomes circular.
7. Occasionally, when a thread becomes, volatile, a joke can break the tension (provided one doesn't use a poster as the butt of that joke).
8. If the blood pressure is rising, that may a good time to log off, have a cup of something calming, and watch a rerun of Friends.

The 8 rules for derailing a thread are a great way to get yourself a timeout, or get yourself banned. There are at least a couple of posters (by their own admission) including myself who have been guilty of breaking rule number 8. We are all human, and occasionally frustration wins out, and a wee little bit of snark slips through :)

I really do try very hard not to allow myself to indulge in 1 - 8 rules for derailing a thread. On the other hand, I do try very hard to follow my 8 rules for a spirited debate.

I hope I am not sounding preachy (if there is such a word), and I am absolutely not trying to tell anyone what to do here, I am simply sharing the rules I personally try to follow, to avoid the ever present ray-gun. One other thing I do, when I believe something is a fact, and someone points me to a link that proves that fact is incorrect, I will admit I am wrong. I freely admitted to being wrong on this forum both times it happened to me............ok, maybe it was a little more than two times LOL. Seriously, though, I am not afraid to admit I am wrong, and I have eaten my share of crow.

It is obvious from the posts in this thread, that many are concerned about the post verdict trend that has caused our wonderful moderators to start this thread. The name of the thread "It's getting old" should be a wake up call to us all.

I hope we can all agree to make an effort to follow the suggestions Beach and Salem made in the first two posts in this thread. I can only speak for myself, but I will be making an effort to follow those suggestions.

This forum is what you guys choose to make it. If y'all insist on the constant back & forth - arguing and baiting each over the same issues on thread after thread (who cares what the topic is? just infect every thread) - then that is what this forum will be .... a petty battleground. *yawn* Except there will be very few discussion threads open if y'all insist on infecting every thread with this crap.

I remember when it was filled with informative, thought provoking posts where posters were able to disagree with respect. It is sad to see people talk to each other without any respect. The not-so-subtle snark and pointed barbs are tiresome and tacky. I am sick of it people and it is going to stop.

I've not been able to be online as much lately but I am still very dedicated to this forum. New job, workload +, new town.... and though I don't post much lately, I check in several times a day. There was a time when posters valued and respected the integrity of this forum. Not sure what happened but I am asking for those of you who remember those times to please try to do your part to make it that way again. If for no other reason, out of respect for the forum where you've held vigil for the past 3+ years.

Sometimes "doing your part" can be as simple as self-restraint, by not responding to a baiting post. Sometimes it means steering things back on topic. It always means talking to a fellow poster respectfully.

Come on folks. Move it in a positive direction.

There is an ignore feature - if you need it, use it.
WE ARE SO MUCH BETTER THAN THIS!!!!!!! Now, if I could just find a way to fit this post in as my siggy line!


(Simple question to ask yourself before replying to posts that are made to incite anger - are you a fish? Do you eat bait or spit it out and wait for steak?) Let's all wait for steak! Steak, btw = insightful post!

Okay ---------> Now I want every post in this thread in my siggy line! I had only read this one, but Salam and Kimster and everyone's posts rock so CROWNS FOR ALL!
I hadn't really followed the case the way most people here had and watched the trial from a different place (POV) as more of a "juror". And while many people at the time the trial was going on wanted to hear from people who didn't know all of the details, most people only seemed to really want to hear if the "new person" agreed with everything the majority of the board believes to be true. Personally, I do not think the case was proved, regardless of what I think actually happened. But I no longer feel comfortable posting on this forum because of the way the jurors have been bashed; if they are such imbeciles, then I must also be one.

That wasn't my experience at all. For example, when I refused to consider the heart shaped sticker residue as credible evidence, I wasn't pounded by anyone over that. Everyone listened to what I had to say on the matter and either acknowledged that they could see my point of view, or simply stated politely that they didn't agree with me.

I'm sorry you didn't have the same experience, Cluciano. :(
I hadn't really followed the case the way most people here had and watched the trial from a different place (POV) as more of a "juror". And while many people at the time the trial was going on wanted to hear from people who didn't know all of the details, most people only seemed to really want to hear if the "new person" agreed with everything the majority of the board believes to be true. Personally, I do not think the case was proved, regardless of what I think actually happened. But I no longer feel comfortable posting on this forum because of the way the jurors have been bashed; if they are such imbeciles, then I must also be one.

I''m sorry you feel that way cluciano63 and I hope you stay and get to know everyone. I can't speak for everyone, but in my case, I do not think that the jurors are imbeciles. I am frustrated that they didn't take longer to review everything. I am sad that after years of reviewing every piece of evidence and watching everything outside of what the jurors saw that in my opinion justice was not served. I am sad that Caylee died and no one will be held accountable for her death. I am sad that people blamed people who had never harmed Caylee. I am sad that the DT continues to blame others for what clearly is KC's fault in not telling the truth and reporting the death of her daughter if nothing else.

You saying you didn't follow the case and agree with the jurors is probably bothersome not because of anything you did, but what we did. We did follow every detail. We did listen to hours of audio tapes, sometimes as a group at night to catch up. We read over and over every detail of this case. We watched the family show more concern for a lying daughter than a dead granddaughter. It saddens me that justice for Caylee will never happen. It has nothing to do with you personally, so please don't take it that way. Hopefully time will heal our hurt and you will get to know us as we have gotten to know each other here. There are a lot of caring and loving people here and we are always happy to have one more.
I hadn't really followed the case the way most people here had and watched the trial from a different place (POV) as more of a "juror". And while many people at the time the trial was going on wanted to hear from people who didn't know all of the details, most people only seemed to really want to hear if the "new person" agreed with everything the majority of the board believes to be true. Personally, I do not think the case was proved, regardless of what I think actually happened. But I no longer feel comfortable posting on this forum because of the way the jurors have been bashed; if they are such imbeciles, then I must also be one.

I''m sorry you feel that way cluciano63 and I hope you stay and get to know everyone. I can't speak for everyone, but in my case, I do not think that the jurors are imbeciles. I am frustrated that they didn't take longer to review everything.........

jandkmom snipped for space

I'm sorry you feel that way too Cluciano, I didn't realize you felt that way. I've enjoyed your posts.
It probably is so hard for many of us who did read, listen and watch everything that happened before, during and after this whole trial. The accusations of the innocent, the blatant disregard for the law and court room procedure and special treatment of the one accused. That part is not the jury's fault. What gets so many riled is to know there are jails and prisons in fl. that are filled with those who are accused and convicted of so much less. How do we become complacent and move on from this if we see the unfairness of all that has occured?
We can pick another case to follow. What case has so much in your face coverage?
What case has family members and defense attorneys keeping it alive?
This is what is so astonishing to me. And those I mentioned that are keeping it alive are saying let it die.
Which way are we supposed to go?
There is still the question "What happened to Caylee Really" ? What makes her Mom so much more special than so many accused mothers ? It is not done yet. Casey was found not guilty but but what happened to Caylee? Who is trying to find out? Her family isn't. I guess in order to not be angry about this we have to accept the fact that children are disposable :(:(:(
I guess I just can't.

What happened to Gabrial
What happened to HaLeigh
What happened to Kryon

and on and on and on.

My point is that where the passion comes from.
Hope I have never been unreasonable. I do try to see it from the other side, what was presented to the jury but then there is everything else that they don't know and I guess not their fault. They were supposed to be a group of uninformed to make sure there was a fair trial. All in all it was a fair trial for the accused in that respect.
But not the Victim. Bless you Little Caylee.
Webslueths is a great website. :)
I''m sorry you feel that way cluciano63 and I hope you stay and get to know everyone. I can't speak for everyone, but in my case, I do not think that the jurors are imbeciles. I am frustrated that they didn't take longer to review everything. I am sad that after years of reviewing every piece of evidence and watching everything outside of what the jurors saw that in my opinion justice was not served. I am sad that Caylee died and no one will be held accountable for her death. I am sad that people blamed people who had never harmed Caylee. I am sad that the DT continues to blame others for what clearly is KC's fault in not telling the truth and reporting the death of her daughter if nothing else.

You saying you didn't follow the case and agree with the jurors is probably bothersome not because of anything you did, but what we did. We did follow every detail. We did listen to hours of audio tapes, sometimes as a group at night to catch up. We read over and over every detail of this case. We watched the family show more concern for a lying daughter than a dead granddaughter. It saddens me that justice for Caylee will never happen. It has nothing to do with you personally, so please don't take it that way. Hopefully time will heal our hurt and you will get to know us as we have gotten to know each other here. There are a lot of caring and loving people here and we are always happy to have one more.

Very well said...the thanks button just wasn't enough.
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