I've Changed My Opinion

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DNA Solves
GK, I've been known to "step away" for a while on occasion, too! This case is my one true obsession, right now. I hope the true facts - all of them - come out soon! Politics are involved, no doubt!
I'm not here to discuss the legal aspects of the case, or how the police could have done things differently. What has happened has happened. However, based on what I'd read, and based on the past and current actions of Damien Echols, I believe three murders have been freed, and the crime they committed was beyond redemption. I'm here because I can't believe those who'd read the documents provided could come to any other conclusion.

Just off the top of my head, when interviewed by the police on May 10th, 1993, how did Echols know the boys had likely drowned? How did he know that one of the boys was more cut up then the rest? Why would he make statements about the killing likely being a thrill kill? How would he even know what a thrill kill was, given this wasn't widely known about in 1993? Why would he state the killer was likely pleased with himself, and feel empowered? And if somebody where to take this one single interview and explain it away point by point, please realize there is so much more! I can understand explaining away a *reasonable* amount of evidence since it's all mostly circumstantial, but all of the eye witness accounts of cat skulls and violence against animals and actual eyewitness accounts of Damien admitting to the crime, it all mounts up and indicates his involvement. Why did he also fail the lie detector test? And frankly, I don't care if he wore rainbow colored shirts with peace signs and listened to the Beatles, his psych evaluations pointed to somebody who was extremely disturbed, even in the context of a mental hospital.

Also, it's been said that these folks were arrested due to fear of Satanism/Witchcraft, but I find it ironic that Damien would agree with the townsfolk that the police should look for evidence of witchcraft such as crystals, burned candle wax, etc. Look, I understand that the police were asking him direct questions about possible evidence of witchcraft to look for at the crime scene. They were basically patronizing him, allowing him to assist in a police investigation as so many serial killers enjoy doing. Even in that context, Damien could have said, "Man, I don't know who did these murders, but they must be crazy freaks, and I'd never do anything like that! I hope you get them, and I hope they burn in Hell!" Instead this guy smiled and blew kisses at the victims' parents, lied about his alibi, make statements that fell barely short of incriminating himself, and appeared to enjoy the spotlight.

Why would somebody exhibit all of the signs of being a psychopath and yet not be one?

Hey SpeakForTheDead, welcome to the forum.

I haven't read your other posts, so I'm not really understanding the hostility you've gotten in this thread. I hope it's not just about believing the WM3 guilty. We're all entitled to our opinions.

Echols, to me, remains a decent suspect for many of the reasons you've listed above. I am not a fangirl of his, and I do think he was extremely disturbed back then. If we for a moment remove the issue of corruption, the entire court fiasco and Jerry Driver & co's religious mania, Echols still stands out as someone with little empathy or impulse control and a predilection for violence. There again, I think that could be said for a large number of people surrounding this case - his violence is not exactly on par with holding a shotgun to a kid to encourage a brawl between minors.. Or beating your wife and kids to a pulp. Or raping your own children and bragging about it. But he's for sure somebody I'd want looked at carefully for this horrible crime.

I will not go so far as to say I believe him guilty, because I am not sold on the guilt of any single suspect, and barring some new information, likely will never be 100% sold. But Echols is on my list, and will stay there for the foreseeable future.

Misskelley and Baldwin.. Well, I doubt Jason was involved at all, especially not directly, and I'm still not sure about Misskelley since he was known to beat up smaller, younger kids and had a temper on him. I do think his "confession" was absolute tripe, fully coerced by WMPD and should not be viewed as 'evidence' against him.
Totally agree. It is ridiculous how easy it is to get a false confession. Any decent interrogator can get one. But most decent interrogators don't want a "false" confession. They want a legit confession.

If anyone has time, have a look at this story from a few years ago up here in Canada.
False confessions happen, and they happen much more than one would like to believe.

CoolJ, thank you for this link. I apologize it took me so long to get to this, but I am glad that I finally had some time to play more catch up on reading and watching. This is despicable to say the least and criminal to say the most. But unfortunately, the detectives are protected from just about everything... they can lie, they can distort facts until they no longer resemble anything near the truth, and they can browbeat, intimidate, coerce, cajole, and do almost whatever they please in order to get a confession or a witness statement that they want. And you are right, it happens more often that we would like or even want to believe. And in JLM Jr.'s case, it wasn't too hard to get to that at all... just ask our resident guru, Compassionate Reader. She is a former teacher who has dealt with many individuals that are challenged, and knows better than I how easy it is to have them say what you want them to say just by promising them something, or by mere repetition until they believe what they are saying is true. Thanks again for this post, it was an eye-opener for me.
Yes, those with IQ's in Jessie's range will say whatever they think the questioner wants to hear just to make the questioning stop. It's a defense mechanism in order to hide their disability. To get the truth from someone with this particular disability the questioner must be either someone trained in questioning one with a mental disability or one the interviewee trusts implicitly - like a parent. That's why Jessie refused to testify against Damien and Jason - he was finally allowed to talk with his father who told him to tell the truth. Since then, Jessie has maintained his innocence. Interesting, right?

BTW, I think everyone knows about the Reid Technique, which is widely used by police. Unfortunately, using this technique on minors or the mentally challenged often leads to false information.
My Northerner rear just had a mind flip. I drove down and viewed the crime area, as well as the area where the WM3 lived for myself. It really is different from what I thought, using what I know.
My Northerner rear just had a mind flip. I drove down and viewed the crime area, as well as the area where the WM3 lived for myself. It really is different from what I thought, using what I know.

I used to drive a truck while I was going to school, and was based out of West Memphis, although I lived in New England. As a consequence, I saw the crime scene up close and personal while it was still a crime scene, almost six months after it happened. Since that time, I've visited the crime scene(s), the neighborhoods, and most of West Memphis where there are/were sites that were important to the case one way or another. Definitely an eye-opener, and definitely something to make you think and be thankful for what you have.

And welcome aboard, Mintgiver. Interesting moniker, by the way.
You are more than welcome, CR and Tulessa! In reading the original post, I had an inkling of what may be described as indignation that someone would denigrate an entire section of the country because of a relatively small number of miscreants. (Besides, my mother was from Tifton, GA, and I have cousins that live all over GA, AR, and MO. I am rather proud of them, and enjoy visiting as often as possible.) After my flare-up subsided, I gathered my wits and my research materials on this case and began my response. I am afraid, however, that I may have let a bit of my upset creep into several of my statements. For that I apologize; it was not my intent. But I am glad to number such proud Southerners as you two among my acquaintances/friends! Bless your hearts.... :blushing:
I too am from the South and yes, I had a "flare-up" over the obvious bias and hate displayed by the poster. In fact, it truly made me furious and it was very hard to continue on and read his/her entire post without thinking about the mindset of the individual. Good observances were made and points considered. However, such a blatant display of stereotyping people of the South gets in the way of taking the points seriously.
Hey there lonetraveler,
I'd love to hear your thoughts on the facts of this case!
Ohmigosh I just read my prior message and it sounds like a pick-up line. I'm sorry it was not meant that way :blushing:
Oh, zencompass... and I thought we had something special!!!! :tantrum:

Sorry, I just couldn't help myself, that was just too funny... almost expected to hear it "said" in a "hey sailor, come here often" type of voice... bad GK, BAD!!!

I'll go sit in my corner and giggle for a little bit...
(still love ya, zen!!!)
LOL!! :lurk:GK shame on you!! The extent of Zens willingness to bring light into this case is exemplary. My future posts can be found under the name of "Justpassingthrough". :innocent:
GoblinKeeper and CherLockhomes - you are too funny! I promise to watch what I post in future.
LOL!! :lurk:GK shame on you!! The extent of Zens willingness to bring light into this case is exemplary. My future posts can be found under the name of "Justpassingthrough". :innocent:

Heeheehee... I know, Cher... but I just couldn't resist it... zencompass is a wonderful researcher and brings not only light, but fresh eyes and intelligence. I will be looking for "Justpassingthrough"... "come here often, or new in town???" :laughing:
GoblinKeeper and CherLockhomes - you are too funny! I promise to watch what I post in future.

Oh zen... we love you, and like CR said, levity is always welcome... besides, that was priceless, I've needed a laugh, and that couldn't have come at a better time!!! Thank you so much, you're a Godsend...
Zen, GK, and CR, Wonderful stuff, smiles all around, wonderful people, wonderful sound :drumroll:
One opinion I will NEVER change:

Cher Lockholmes, Compassionate Reader, and zencompass, you are wonderful friends, and I could never ask for better! Should we ever get this solved, I would never want to lose touch with any of you... who knows, maybe we could work on another case together...

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