Jamaica - Ontario couple's throat-slashing incident while on vacation, 2010

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Sun Jan 11 2015


"An Ontario Superior Court judge has added another layer of confusion to an Ajax couple’s story of a 2010 throat-slashing incident while on vacation in Jamaica, pushing their legal battle into the Court of Appeal.

With their marriage on the brink of collapse, Paul Martin and Cathy Clayson travelled to Montego Bay in late 2010. The trip was tense, the court heard. Clayson, a bank manager, had wanted out of their marriage; Martin, a schoolteacher, clung to hopes of staying together.

On their last day in Jamaica, the couple followed an isolated road in their rental car to take pictures from a cliff. There, Clayson alleges, Martin slashed her throat with a hooked gutting knife before strangling her and leaving her for dead. Martin, now 47, maintains that Clayson, 38, attacked him first and injured herself in the resulting melee and fled. Clayson was left with a 10-cm gash across her neck."

"Clayson went to court last year to ensure their father is never left alone with them. “I’m walking my kids to the fire,” she testified about dropping them off for visits. “I’m afraid that he is going to kill my children ... I’m walking them into a house with a man who tried to kill me, a man who would try to take the mother away from his own children.”

But in a shocking judgment late last year, Ontario Superior Court Justice Roger Timms practically painted Clayson as a liar — despite the 10-cm scar she will always bear and witnesses who saw her bleeding on the side of the road — and awarded Martin full, unsupervised access to their young children.

Last week the appeal court called it a “miscarriage of justice” and ordered a new trial on custody and access.

“The trial judge’s treatment of the wife’s evidence is particularly troubling when contrasted with his generosity in treating inconsistencies in the husband’s evidence. The husband told two very different versions of what happened in Jamaica on that day,” the court said. “He brought the wife to task for minor inconsistencies while excusing the husband in the face of glaring contradictions. This suggests an uneven treatment of the evidence and amounts to an error of law.”

Reached through his work e-mail as a Grade 7 teacher with the Durham Catholic District School Board, Martin said he was “very disappointed” in their ruling."
Thank you for starting the thread for me, and for the kind welcome. My apologies to sillybilly, dotr was on the ball!

I have heard some not nice stories from a former student. I can't wrap my head around this trial/case. Atleast it seems like things are being re-examined.

edit: as a new member...does this post require insider verification? My understanding is no because I do not know these people. I know someone that was a student of his...please delete if I am wrong. Thank you
I'm trying to understand why this very violent man and teacher in Durham region by the name of Paul Martin who got away with slitting his wife's throat ear to ea is still free! Omg! This guy belongs in prison not free to live his life after those actions! Where is the public outcry! Why are people like this even allowed to remain in our communities. ugh!
Thank you for saying that, I wasn't exactly sure if I was allowed to say that...and being a new user I didn't want to cross any lines.

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