James Kolar's New Book Will Blow the Lid off the JonBenet Ramsey Investigation

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DNA Solves
He can't be named because, according to Colorado law on underage persons, he cannot be associated with the crime on any level. None. He cannot be arrested, indicted, or even named a suspect because he is forever "legally" not guilty, even though he may have committed the crime. His guilt (if he was guilty) is forever "sealed" from public knowledge.
It is as if he doesn't exist, in a legal sense. And you can't name a non-existent person as the perp.

Let's assume BDI, and after JR departs this world, BR confesses in an attempt to clear his conscience, what could he possibly be charged with?
Let's assume BDI, and after JR departs this world, BR confesses in an attempt to clear his conscience, what could he possibly be charged with?

I would think nothing- he was under the legal age to be charged at the time. Maybe a lawyer would know.
He can't be named because, according to Colorado law on underage persons, he cannot be associated with the crime on any level. None. He cannot be arrested, indicted, or even named a suspect because he is forever "legally" not guilty, even though he may have committed the crime. His guilt (if he was guilty) is forever "sealed" from public knowledge.
It is as if he doesn't exist, in a legal sense. And you can't name a non-existent person as the perp.

Thank you for replying :)

Someone in another thread also posted the link to the "did the GJ solve the case," thread. So many enlightening comments!
Why can't I edit my précis post to add an ETA?

Anyway, just picked up the book from the library :)
Good question. I can see BR being responsible for whatever happened to JBR (intentional or accident) and PR/JR basically get involved after the fact.

Either they know he did it on purpose or they think that no one will believe it was an accident based on the circumstances (maybe there's a sexual element they are concerned about being public?) and so they decide to try and protect their son by staging a charade.

If they are unaware of the fact that BR couldn't be charged, or believe he will be branded 'crazy' and locked up in an institution/sent away, I can definitely see them panicking and trying to protect him.

I absolutely believe, based on all the evidence, and on previous cases involving boys of his age, that Burke did it after sexually assaulting her, and that sexual abuse from him was routine. However I don't believe that he intended to kill her (or nearly kill her - I think the parents finished her off in panic when she was already in the final minutes of her life), I think he just wanted to hit her hard over the head. I doubt that he believed that he was capable of killing her, since he'd hit her round the head with a golf club before and nothing serious happened. He probably did it regularly, but this time he went too far.

I never believed that Patsy would collude with John to cover up his sexual abuse - she would have hated him if she suspected him of that. However, she would have wanted to protect her only remaining child. They would have worried that he would have been removed by social services and taken into a secure mental health facility, since he was too young to be legally punished. They would have also worried that they could have been charged with child neglect or child endangerment or something like that, for not dealing with Burke's problems and allowing their daughter to be hurt for the sake of saving their own humiliation.

Therefore, they decided to stage the scene without having enough time or experience to thoroughly plan it. They ended up digging themselves into a deeper and deeper hole with their lies. However, knowing what they know, the authorities were willing to turn a blind eye because the real perpetrator was too young to be charged. Because of all the media attention, everyone knew Burke's name, and if the Ramsey's had decided to tell the truth that BDI, the authorities would have had to move the family and change their identities to avoid vigilante actions against Burke. This would have cost the authorities (and probably the Ramsey's) a huge amount of time, effort and money, which is another reason why the authorities were so keen to avoid the truth.
Originally Posted by Chrishope

>respectfully snipped>

If the Ramseys were lax in locking doors, why did JR tell the police all the doors and windows were locked?

BBM Good point! JR went out of his way that morning to convince LE there was no way someone got in the house. He said that he broke the window the summer before, and that all doors and windows were locked, that he'd checked on them the night before.

I've never understood why he did that. It's almost like he was pointing to the family by claiming no one else could have gotten in.

In my humble opinion, the events JR awoke to on Dec 26 caught him completely offguard. IMO, JR was stunned after his shower early on the morning of Dec 26 when he finds PR, a RN and his little girl missing. Next thing, he knows, PR has dialed 911. Police arrive. Friends begin arriving. BR is ushered out. JR goes snooping in the basement in an attempt to comprehend what is going on in his own Boulder, CO home.
JR discovers his beautiful daughter and his suspicions re: PR and the RN are confirmed. A few hours later, after being indifferent toward PR, he carries his daughter upstairs to show PR what she had done.
Nothing new here. It's basically PMPT.

Eagerly anticipating Tricia's radio show tonight with James Kolar!!!
Wow....just listened to the replay with Chief Kolar.

Sounds like the theory is...

They arrived home, JBR was woken up to go to the toilet before bed, she was a bit peckish and trotted down to where BR had some pineapple out (his prints are on the bowl).

JBR has somehow annoyed BR, perhaps run away from him, he's smacked her on the head, she's fallen, peed herself while lying on her front, then as they say, the you know what hit the fan. This would explain why the 45-120min time fits in, the digestion process was in the very early stages when she's been plonked on the head.

Thought she was dead and the "staging" began.

Perhaps John really DIDN'T know what was going on as he was up in bed with his sleeping tablet.

This is so much more believable for mine.
In my humble opinion, the events JR awoke to on Dec 26 caught him completely offguard. IMO, JR was stunned after his shower early on the morning of Dec 26 when he finds PR, a RN and his little girl missing. Next thing, he knows, PR has dialed 911. Police arrive. Friends begin arriving. BR is ushered out. JR goes snooping in the basement in an attempt to comprehend what is going on in his own Boulder, CO home.
JR discovers his beautiful daughter and his suspicions re: PR and the RN are confirmed. A few hours later, after being indifferent toward PR, he carries his daughter upstairs to show PR what she had done.
Nothing new here. It's basically PMPT.

Eagerly anticipating Tricia's radio show tonight with James Kolar!!!


What is "a RN"??
Wow....just listened to the replay with Chief Kolar.

Sounds like the theory is...

They arrived home, JBR was woken up to go to the toilet before bed, she was a bit peckish and trotted down to where BR had some pineapple out (his prints are on the bowl).

JBR has somehow annoyed BR, perhaps run away from him, he's smacked her on the head, she's fallen, peed herself while lying on her front, then as they say, the you know what hit the fan. This would explain why the 45-120min time fits in, the digestion process was in the very early stages when she's been plonked on the head.

Thought she was dead and the "staging" began.

Perhaps John really DIDN'T know what was going on as he was up in bed with his sleeping tablet.

This is so much more believable for mine.

Well it might have happened like that but I doubt it. James Kolar's version of events lack coherence, they appear as a series of ad hoc explanations for particular forensic evidence, e.g. flashlight.

So where does the Sexual Contact cited by Coroner Meyer and Kolar fit in here. According to Kolar she was whacked on the head then removed to the basement?

In my theory the Sexual Contact arises first followed by the head injury and asphyxiation.

Kolar is suggesting a sleepy JonBenet wandered downstairs annoying BR who whacked her on the head, duh.

Sorry I do not buy it.

Well it might have happened like that but I doubt it. James Kolar's version of events lack coherence, they appear as a series of ad hoc explanations for particular forensic evidence, e.g. flashlight.

So where does the Sexual Contact cited by Coroner Meyer and Kolar fit in here. According to Kolar she was whacked on the head then removed to the basement?

In my theory the Sexual Contact arises first followed by the head injury and asphyxiation.

Kolar is suggesting a sleepy JonBenet wandered downstairs annoying BR who whacked her on the head, duh.

Sorry I do not buy it.


I didn't listen to the show yet but I agree that his BDI theory doesn't explain away all the evidence.But at the same time he studied absolutely everything,things that we don't know of,so,who knows?maybe there is evidence pointing to BDI that he's not allowed to discuss?
I didn't listen to the show yet but I agree that his BDI theory doesn't explain away all the evidence.But at the same time he studied absolutely everything,things that we don't know of,so,who knows?maybe there is evidence pointing to BDI that he's not allowed to discuss?

Kolar did have everything at hand, plus being privy to the GJ as well. And that info he doesn't give away b/c he can't. One thing I found interesting from his book, was when he had a conversation about the case with with Smit, he learns that Smit formed his IDI conclusions after a week of "investigating" the murder. This shocks Kolar as up to that point he had studied the evidence for 5 months and still felt he didn't have a complete handle on the case.

Also, in this case it's nearly impossible to make all the evidence fit neatly into any theory b/c between the abuse, the murder, the staging, the undoing, and the crime scene contamination it's beyond difficult to discern what is most relevant to the crime itself!

Well it might have happened like that but I doubt it. James Kolar's version of events lack coherence, they appear as a series of ad hoc explanations for particular forensic evidence, e.g. flashlight.

So where does the Sexual Contact cited by Coroner Meyer and Kolar fit in here. According to Kolar she was whacked on the head then removed to the basement?

In my theory the Sexual Contact arises first followed by the head injury and asphyxiation.

Kolar is suggesting a sleepy JonBenet wandered downstairs annoying BR who whacked her on the head, duh.

Sorry I do not buy it.


A comment I couldn't connect that Kolar made was that when JB got up to use the toilet, the red sweater was taken off, etc.........

But then, what did she change into?

And if the red sweater came off then, was she put to bed in it as Patsy first told the police the morning of Dec. 26, which she later recanted? And if she could put the red sweater on over her head, she probably could have also done the two ponytails at that time - both actions indicated JB would not have been asleep when Patsy readied her for bed. Another contradiction to the Ramsey story.

But IIRC, Kolar also thought it possible JB was carried upstairs asleep. If so, she should have been wearing the white Gap shirt, as verified from the White party photos. Then, when would the white shirt have come off to put on the red sweater? Something doesn't jive about Patsy waking her up to use the toilet but taking off the red sweater at that time? :scared:

Could it then be: carried upstairs asleep wearing white shirt, left to sleep until a while later when Patsy made her go to the bathroom, put on the red sweater, put in the ponytails. JB complied, but after Patsy left the room, she got up on her own, took off the red sweater (she didn't want to wear it earlier that day either), maybe put on her Barbie nightgown, with the longjohn's still underneath. Then JB went about pestering Burke and they started the pineapple thing? Barbie nightgown and longjohns made way for the obvious?
A comment I couldn't connect that Kolar made was that when JB got up to use the toilet, the red sweater was taken off, etc.........

But then, what did she change into?

And if the red sweater came off then, was she put to bed in it as Patsy first told the police the morning of Dec. 26, which she later recanted? And if she could put the red sweater on over her head, she probably could have also done the two ponytails at that time - both actions indicated JB would not have been asleep when Patsy readied her for bed. Another contradiction to the Ramsey story.

But IIRC, Kolar also thought it possible JB was carried upstairs asleep. If so, she should have been wearing the white Gap shirt, as verified from the White party photos. Then, when would the white shirt have come off to put on the red sweater? Something doesn't jive about Patsy waking her up to use the toilet but taking off the red sweater at that time? :scared:

Could it then be: carried upstairs asleep wearing white shirt, left to sleep until a while later when Patsy made her go to the bathroom, put on the red sweater, put in the ponytails. JB complied, but after Patsy left the room, she got up on her own, took off the red sweater (she didn't want to wear it earlier that day either), maybe put on her Barbie nightgown, with the longjohn's still underneath. Then JB went about pestering Burke and they started the pineapple thing? Barbie nightgown and longjohns made way for the obvious?

midwest mama,
I agree. Seemed to me like Kolar was simply speculating on the forensic evidence, then as questions became more structured he began to theorise similarly offering a narrative, one which I found confusing in parts.

Kolar sounded tired at points through the program, he forgot Coroner Meyer's name but remembered Wechts, maybe he has a heavy work schedule?

If you listen closely one thing he confirmed, almost as an afterthought, was the use of the paintbrush handle to assault JonBenet, I have never heard anyone else connected with the case state such a thing.

On the red sweater I thought Kolar was going to launch into a PDI, but he reverted to a BDI, one which makes no sense to me, especially all that stuff about Patsy using the flashlight upstairs.

One item requiring a fact check is condensed milk being present/absent from the bowl?

Why did Kolar not tell us if BR's fingerprints/touch-dna were on the spoon or bowl?

In my basic RDI theory I assume JonBenet walks into the house, as per BR's account, also that JonBenet is dressed for bed and has her hair put up by Patsy.

The clothing issue is complicated with the likelyhood of staging which was subsequently revoked?

What theory you propose will be decided by whether you think the parents knew that JonBenet had a pineapple snack?

Occam and it not being factored into the parents version of events has me thinking, on balance, they were both ignorant?

The clothing that JonBenet is found wearing in the wine-cellar I consider to be staged. She is dressed partially to conform with the parents version of events, and to stage a homicide.

Personally I reckon the case is straight forward, a no brainer as to what took place. Remove the staged evidence, analyse the remaining elements and I reckon its either BDI or JDI?

Well it might have happened like that but I doubt it. James Kolar's version of events lack coherence, they appear as a series of ad hoc explanations for particular forensic evidence, e.g. flashlight.

So where does the Sexual Contact cited by Coroner Meyer and Kolar fit in here. According to Kolar she was whacked on the head then removed to the basement?

In my theory the Sexual Contact arises first followed by the head injury and asphyxiation.

Kolar is suggesting a sleepy JonBenet wandered downstairs annoying BR who whacked her on the head, duh.

Sorry I do not buy it.

Did he say that?
I didn't think he did. He simply said (on the show at least) that the "contact point" took place in the kitchen. From that, I took it that he meant the beginning of the "incident" or events which lead to JBR's death.

Whether that resulted in the crime taking place in the kitchen or in the basement wasn't really covered. It was just that the contact point he's claiming took place in the kitchen and presumably involved the pineapple given it seems to be the last thing she did while she was alive if we look at timing of when it had to have been consumed and the timing of death which came some time after the head bash.

The sexual contact, in my mind, is a bit confusing, especially when taking into consideration the 'prior contact' stated in the medical report.

But given it said that it was most likely in the previous 48 hours (?), I have always wondered how accurate that assumption was. I only wonder because a wound in a delicate area can take longer to heal that in the tougher areas of your body and 48 hours seems like a reasonably short time period.

Within 48 hours may also include the night before, or the party the family was at.

I'm not one for speculating on speculation, so I find it difficult to draw conclusions from things we're guessing about, so I sort of follow the Kolar line of looking at bits and trying to narrow in on when things must have occurred and not actually what they were.

GAHHH...no wonder I have no hair ;)
Did he say that?
I didn't think he did. He simply said (on the show at least) that the "contact point" took place in the kitchen. From that, I took it that he meant the beginning of the "incident" or events which lead to JBR's death.

Whether that resulted in the crime taking place in the kitchen or in the basement wasn't really covered. It was just that the contact point he's claiming took place in the kitchen and presumably involved the pineapple given it seems to be the last thing she did while she was alive if we look at timing of when it had to have been consumed and the timing of death which came some time after the head bash.


Yes he did more than once, even that BR moved JonBenet down to the basement.

Kolar was simply entertaining us with his thoughts, legally he cannot offer true speculation.

The sexual contact, in my mind, is a bit confusing, especially when taking into consideration the 'prior contact' stated in the medical report.

But given it said that it was most likely in the previous 48 hours (?), I have always wondered how accurate that assumption was. I only wonder because a wound in a delicate area can take longer to heal that in the tougher areas of your body and 48 hours seems like a reasonably short time period.

Within 48 hours may also include the night before, or the party the family was at.

I'm not one for speculating on speculation, so I find it difficult to draw conclusions from things we're guessing about, so I sort of follow the Kolar line of looking at bits and trying to narrow in on when things must have occurred and not actually what they were.

GAHHH...no wonder I have no hair ;)

Coroner Meyer stated that there had been Sexual Contact that night prior to her death.

Kolar avoided this subject since it conflicted with his pineapple scenario!


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