James Kolar's New Book Will Blow the Lid off the JonBenet Ramsey Investigation

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Kolar on Reddit. Kolar believes that JR did not know where JBR's body was, but found her at about 11am just as he told Melinda's BF. Why didn't JR scream then? Why didn't he alert anyone that he had found the body? He must have been already thinking that there was no intruder and that PR was keeping something secret from him.
Bingo. I only recently figured out that my theory lines up with Kolar's.. as I was reading that reddit AMA. If BDI-A (all) and PR did all of the cover-up (and of course the RN), then called out to JR and handed him that novel - he would have recognized her handwriting. I've postulated on here before that I think he might have called her out about it, that might be why she called her friends to come to the house, and that is why he distanced himself from her all morning.

James Kolar's AMA on reddit -
Do you think JR discovered the body after the Police arrived but before noon
"Yes, based upon statements of his daughter's fiance, I believe John found JBR's body around 1100 am, when Det. Arndt lost track of his whereabouts for around an hour. He never reported this to the officers on scene..."
So does that mean that his view is BR hit JBR, PR discovered it and did the majority of the staging/cover up? But then how do you explain JR's shirt fibers on the crotch area?
If BDI-A (all) and PR did all of the cover-up (and of course the RN), then called out to JR and handed him that novel - he would have recognized her handwriting.

Exactly!! And I believe the bottom of the note was possibly instructions to him. "Use that good southern common sense John!" (find the body John!)

I wouldn't doubt it one bit if FW and Fernie recognized her handwriting as well.
I still question why John was heard saying "we're not speaking to you" on the 911 tape? It would seem he was speaking to Burke. That piece of evidence tends to make me believe he was informed by Patsy what was going on.
I still question why John was heard saying "we're not speaking to you" on the 911 tape? It would seem he was speaking to Burke. That piece of evidence tends to make me believe he was informed by Patsy what was going on.

Give it a few more listens- try slowing it down. What I hear now is a stern "Can I speak with you." This could be directed at Patsy and not Burke. If John did in fact wake up unawares, a whole lot hit him all at once.
Give it a few more listens- try slowing it down. What I hear now is a stern "Can I speak with you." This could be directed at Patsy and not Burke. If John did in fact wake up unawares, a whole lot hit him all at once.

No. Not even close.

Listen, no disrespect or offense intended at all, but you've posted two completely wrong interpretations of the audio now. That's fine I suppose, but both are misinterpreted in a way that supports your theory. I'm not at all suggesting you are being dishonest in your interpretation or doing it on purpose. But you are, albeit subconsciously, hearing what you need to hear to support your theory. IMHO.
So, if JR moved the RN to better lighting...why in the world wasn't his fingerprints found on the note? Also, he claimed to use the flashlight to put the kids to bed - why wasn't his fingerprints found on the flashlight???
So, if JR moved the RN to better lighting...why in the world wasn't his fingerprints found on the note? Also, he claimed to use the flashlight to put the kids to bed - why wasn't his fingerprints found on the flashlight???

I don't personally believe that he moved it (to the dirty floor? Next to the glass door where it was dark outside for better lighting? To read it on all fours in his tighty-whities? Dude, find a lamp.) But someone pointed out that he had just gotten out of the shower so maybe there wasn't enough oil or whatever on his hands to leave a print.

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If John suspected that Patsy wrote the note, why would he circle the wagons so quickly? He would have no way of knowing that Patsy wouldn't be positively identified as the author of the ransom note nor would he know whether Jonbenet's body contained any smoking gun forensic evidence that would inculpate Burke or Patsy. John's role in this remains a mystery.
I have tried to reply to a quote, only the R's said that he got out of the shower. Too much oil on his hands? Really?
WOW. We can agree to disagree.
If John suspected that Patsy wrote the note, why would he circle the wagons so quickly? He would have no way of knowing that Patsy wouldn't be positively identified as the author of the ransom note nor would he know whether Jonbenet's body contained any smoking gun forensic evidence that would inculpate Burke or Patsy. John's role in this remains a mystery.

He circled the wagons because he knew PR wrote the note, so he went along with whatever happened - ad-libing the whole time. When he found the body, he needed time to think, figured it out and that is why he exclaimed "he didn't mean to kill her, he wrapped her in a blanket" and 'this is an inside job" within seconds of laying her body on the floor at the top of the basement stairs, thirty minutes before he would call for a private jet flight out of Boulder because he had a very important meeting in Atlanta.

Flight is a sign of guilt and he was getting them all out of Boulder before anyone could ask them a single question.

The man is not stupid.

He will lie to protect his family but he is not stupid. Neither was PR and BR is confused. Like he said "what are the chances of that?" when told that JBR was not simply missing but had been kidnapped. As in "someone kidnapped her after I smacked her in the head? Wow. What are the chances of that happening,? I am the luckiest boy in the world. I am no longer the bad guy." Smile.

It is my opinion that JR had nothing to do with anything, except concealing the whereabouts of the body for 2 hours while he tried to figure out what the hell to do. Then he started lying. He was trying to de-code that crazy RN and was seeing 'clues' to use his own word.

He lost everything to protect his family. He didn't need a team of lawyers to defend them because they were innocent. All that was needed are a few polygraphs to be taken - at taxpayer expense no less to take the heat off of them. Submitting to being questioned over and over and over again, if innocent, BPD would have eased up. He chose to pay and pay and pay and not talk, even insisting that friends refuse to cooperate with the investigation.

I have tried to reply to a quote, only the R's said that he got out of the shower. Too much oil on his hands? Really?
WOW. We can agree to disagree.

Hi Rott Mom,

I posted that John might not have had enough oil on his fingertips after showering to create prints on the RN. Latent prints are created when the natural water (sweat) and oil on a person's fingers are deposited on a surface. The less sweat and natural oil on the fingers (and there is less right after bathing), and the more porous the surface, the less likely it is that prints will be left or detected. True, JR may not have just taken a shower at 5:52 A.M., but if he did, that could account for the lack of his prints on the RN.
Hi Rott Mom,

I posted that John might not have had enough oil on his fingertips after showering to create prints on the RN. Latent prints are created when the natural water (sweat) and oil on a person's fingers are deposited on a surface. The less sweat and natural oil on the fingers (and there is less right after bathing), and the more porous the surface, the less likely

it is that prints will be left or detected. True, JR may not have just taken a shower at 5:52 A.M., but if he did, that could

account for the lack of his prints on the RN.

Respectfully, agree - but that is coming from the R's. I don't believe anything they say. IMO
Respectfully, agree - but that is coming from the R's. I don't believe anything they say. IMO

Understood. Saves time, doesn't it? : )

I wasn't saying JR's word proves he took a shower, only noting that just showered/lack of prints is internally consistent (vs. something like grape jelly on hands/no prints, or just showered/clearly defined patent prints). We don't know what the heck actually took place. The best we can do sometimes is weigh some information against other information and ask, Could it be true/Must it be false?
So, if JR moved the RN to better lighting...why in the world wasn't his fingerprints found on the note? Also, he claimed to use the flashlight to put the kids to bed - why wasn't his fingerprints found on the flashlight???

Rott Mom,
BBM: Yes, this question needs an answer. Not only why JR's prints were not on the flashlight but why not anyone's?

As I mentioned already, if the flashlight was used only to traverse the basement in the dark, then simply placing it in a drawer would harm no Ramsey.

JR has now changed his version of events to include the flashlight, in his prior version he never recognized it.

From this we can assume the flashlight is the likely weapon used to whack JonBenet on the head as per Spitz!

All three Ramsey's are involved, the parents admitted BR was awake during the 911 call, thereby contradicting their original version of events.

Kolar and Spitz's speculative version of events seem more incredible than any IDI theory I ever read about!

Particularly at the point Kolar says it all started in the kitchen, well OK, so how did BR move the body down to the basement, when did he redress her in the size-12's, where did the railway track come from that is alleged to injure her?

Then we have the parents forensic evidence all over JonBenet and the various artifacts, how so if its BDI All?

Maybe Kolar and Spitz have engaged in artistic license to avoid contradictions or contravening their previous employers' contract of employment?

No. Not even close.

Listen, no disrespect or offense intended at all, but you've posted two completely wrong interpretations of the audio now. That's fine I suppose, but both are misinterpreted in a way that supports your theory. I'm not at all suggesting you are being dishonest in your interpretation or doing it on purpose. But you are, albeit subconsciously, hearing what you need to hear to support your theory. IMHO.

There must be a smoking gun phrase on the original 911 tapes, which BPD will still have.

One of the R's must have said something incriminating for the 911 calls tapes to not be made public in there original entirety.

So the question is: has this phrase been redacted voiding the published 911 tape?

Thereby nullifying any subsequent 911 tape analysis?

Bingo. I only recently figured out that my theory lines up with Kolar's.. as I was reading that reddit AMA. If BDI-A (all) and PR did all of the cover-up (and of course the RN), then called out to JR and handed him that novel - he would have recognized her handwriting. I've postulated on here before that I think he might have called her out about it, that might be why she called her friends to come to the house, and that is why he distanced himself from her all morning.

James Kolar's AMA on reddit -
Do you think JR discovered the body after the Police arrived but before noon
"Yes, based upon statements of his daughter's fiance, I believe John found JBR's body around 1100 am, when Det. Arndt lost track of his whereabouts for around an hour. He never reported this to the officers on scene..."

BBM: Reality check here. From this it does not follow that JR was not involved.

Note: neither JR or Kolar suggest exactly where JR found JonBenet.

This is why I have suggested JR moved JonBenet to the wine-cellar, with Fleet White to corroborate JonBenet not being located there earlier that morning?

Bingo. I only recently figured out that my theory lines up with Kolar's.. as I was reading that reddit AMA. If BDI-A (all) and PR did all of the cover-up (and of course the RN), then called out to JR and handed him that novel - he would have recognized her handwriting. I've postulated on here before that I think he might have called her out about it, that might be why she called her friends to come to the house, and that is why he distanced himself from her all morning.

James Kolar's AMA on reddit -
Do you think JR discovered the body after the Police arrived but before noon
"Yes, based upon statements of his daughter's fiance, I believe John found JBR's body around 1100 am, when Det. Arndt lost track of his whereabouts for around an hour. He never reported this to the officers on scene..."

kanzz - You're a terrific poster and I normally agree with everything you write..... but are you saying that you don't think Patsy would have run up those stairs immediately and told John what had happened?

Her scream at finding her daughter strangled was most likely the one that the neighbour heard (if indeed the neighbour heard a scream at all).

Finding your child dead isn't the kind of thing that Patsy would be able to keep to herself. She doesn't come across as being a self contained type of person, and certainly would not have been in those circumstances.

I believe John knew what had happened, almost as soon as Patsy did. Patsy would have needed help, emotionally and physically to cope with the situation and the cover-up. She would have been hysterical.

As for the ransom note, by the time John read the nonsense Patsy had written it was probably too late to change it.

The reason the couple sat apart upstairs is anyone's guess. My theory is that they blamed eachother for not keeping a closer eye on their children. Even in subsequent interviews the couple looked detached from one another, John never putting as much as a comforting arm around his wife as she pretended to cry.

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