Japan: 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Reactor Status #5

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Sorry fishies.........what crap. I'm not an educated person by any means. But I know if we start killing even a "little bit" of our oceans, it's not good. And I know if the "experts" tell us "y" is an acceptable SAFE level of radiation and then some IDIOT changes it to "x", that's not good either. I also know that it is a cumulative effect that we need to worry about. I guess they think we are too stoopid to understand "sustained" levels. pppffftttt.
I can't thank you wonderful folks enough for following this news and keeping us posted. I am away from home caring for a terminally ill relative and have no time to do my usual "leisure reading" here at Websleuths. But I do manage to sneak VERY frequent looks at THIS thread via my phone. You are the best news source ever, beating out CNN, MSNBC, BBC, and a live Japanese channel I also have loaded on my phone. If I only have 30 seconds to peak, its you guys hands down! I honor you faithful posters right along with the Fukishima Valiants ( can't make myself say Fifty since there are so many more).

Unsettling story to tell: last week we took visitors out to breakfast. There was a hole in the wall, funky little retail shop across the street that caught one's eye, so we all meandered over to check it out. We struck up a conversation with the odd little owner and I asked how he came to start his shop. He surprisingly said he had been a nuclear engineer with the Department of Defence in Colorado. He began explaining "criticality" and how he came to feel the use of nuclear energy is insane, so he left his profession for good. I asked him what the worst case scenario in Japan could be and he said that would be if the reactors attained criticality. I asked what, in his opinion, would happen, and his answer was shocking and gutwrenching. We all left his shop pretty traumatized. We considered that HE might be the insane one, mentally disturbed and dismissed from his profession. I kinda want to believe that 'cuz it would be a truth so much easier to live with than what he told us Still not sure what to believe. But I know that if what he told us has any truth in it whatsoever, it explains why the public reports all seem to stop short of spelling it out.

I pray that many are sending powerful prayers/intentions, as I DO absolutely believe that has the ability to affect what happens. Many prayers can uplift and transcend, all of us in unison can be powerful in our thoughts and highest intentions. Our earth needs our focus and best intentions now like never before.

Profound healing is possible with profound love and I am sending my deepest love to you all and to the terrible wound in Japan.

Namaste - - OneLove, OneHeart, Many Paths

Could you share the man's opinion on exactly what would happen if criticality is reached. The worst case scenario. It seems anyone I've seen on TV,stops short of saying exactly what it is that could happen. Its like they don't even want to say it outloud.
Sorry to hear about your relative. Sending comforting thoughts to you and them.
Government Under Fire as Radiation Is Found in Milk, Rain
Federal officials have still not published any official data on nuclear fallout from Japan disaster
John Upton on April 2, 2011

Radiation from Japan rained on Berkeley during recent storms at levels that exceeded drinking water standards by 181 times and has been detected in multiple milk samples, but the U.S. government has still not published any official data on nuclear fallout here from the Fukushima disaster
“The official mantra from a lot of folks in government is, ‘Oh, it’s OK in low levels,’” said Patty Lovera, a Washington-based assistant director at the nonprofit Food and Water Watch.

“But low levels add up. We would like to see a more coherent strategy for monitoring air and water in agricultural areas and then using that data to come up with a plan, if you need one, to go look at the food system.”

Radiation falling with rain can cover grass that is eaten by cows and other animals. It can also fall on food crops or accumulate in reservoirs that are used for irrigation or drinking water. Seafood can also be affected.

more at link-

This makes me furious! We hear this "miniscule level" is actually 181 times above the safety standard!!! ARGGGGGG! :furious:
Could you share the man's opinion on exactly what would happen if criticality is reached. The worst case scenario. It seems anyone I've seen on TV,stops short of saying exactly what it is that could happen. Its like they don't even want to say it outloud.
Sorry to hear about your relative. Sending comforting thoughts to you and them.

I was going to ask the same question and if you don't want to post please let me know by some other method as it seems everyone is mum at work lately. Can't speak against the establishment, etc (my words, not theirs).
Could you share the man's opinion on exactly what would happen if criticality is reached. The worst case scenario. It seems anyone I've seen on TV,stops short of saying exactly what it is that could happen. Its like they don't even want to say it outloud.
Sorry to hear about your relative. Sending comforting thoughts to you and them.

I too would be really interested in your telling us what the man said about the worst case scenario. Thanks in advance. My best wishes to you and your ill relative - remember to take care of you as well during this difficult time.
Scary question here but...

Which one produces less fallout:

1. Allowing these reactors to continue to slowly spit and spill radiation and chemicals for an unknown amount of time (that to me sounds like it may be forever,btw)

2. Bomb the whole mess and get it over with?

What I am getting at is, I realizing bombing the plant would produce horrific amounts of radiation and all sorts of bad chemicals that would get into the atmosphere but isn't it possible that allowing this plant to remain on the planet would be allowing it to leak for many generations to come, if they can not control it?

I know I read here somewhere that the fallout from bombs would release different chemicals than what we are seeing now though, right?


NOT that I WANT them to bomb the plant, I am just trying to understand, I guess.
Scary question here but...

Which one produces less fallout:

1. Allowing these reactors to continue to slowly spit and spill radiation and chemicals for an unknown amount of time (that to me sounds like it may be forever,btw)

2. Bomb the whole mess and get it over with?

What I am getting at is, I realizing bombing the plant would produce horrific amounts of radiation and all sorts of bad chemicals that would get into the atmosphere but isn't it possible that allowing this plant to remain on the planet would be allowing it to leak for many generations to come, if they can not control it?

I know I read here somewhere that the fallout from bombs would release different chemicals than what we are seeing now though, right?


NOT that I WANT them to bomb the plant, I am just trying to understand, I guess.

Seems like it's gonna be a question of "how do you want your radiation? Do you want it in your water, or your food, or do you want to inhale it?"
I found this site looking at information about neutrons and their effects in humans. This has a wealth of information and seems to be recognizing the Fukushima disaster. I am just beginning to look around, but I thought I'd share:

Seems like it's gonna be a question of "how do you want your radiation? Do you want it in your water, or your food, or do you want to inhale it?"

Or, in the case of neutrons (I believe)-- become it. :(

For our Canadian friends,why wouldn't your government do testing? That would really Pi** me off.

Also I have googled for an explaination on what would happen in the worst case scenario and can't find anything on the net. Is it a conspiracy? Maybe I'm not wording it properly. I get the scientific explaination,but not info on what the results to the world would be.
Hazards of neutron radiation for those working there--

Quote: Another, sometimes more severe hazard of neutron radiation, is neutron activation, the ability of neutron radiation to induce radioactivity in most substances it encounters, including the body tissues of the workers themselves.

Here's a good Q & A type article. I notice that TEPCO isn't even sure where the highly radioactive water is leaking from?!


Today, TEPCO engineers unsuccessfully attempted to show that the radioactive water reaching the sea came from a flooded trench beneath reactor 2 which houses electrical cabling for the unit. They poured 13 kilograms of a white powder into the trench, expecting it to emerge at the outlet into the sea. But it didn't, suggesting that the water from the trench is finding its way to the sea by a different route, possibly via groundwater.
I like the way they only cite the iodine radiation in the sea-- completely omitting the long lasting cesium contamination. :cool:
Don't recall seeing this story, maybe I've missed it. The video clip shows the dogs excitement

Rescued drifting dog reunited with owner

A dog rescued while drifting off the tsunami-stricken coast of Miyagi has been reunited with its owner more than 3 weeks after the disaster.

Radiation Experts Determine 200,000 Cancers Likely from Fukushima
The health outcome of the Fukushima catastropheInitial analysis from risk model of theEuropean Committee on Radiation Risk ECRRChris Busby
Conclusions and recommendations
1. The ECRR risk model has been applied to the 3 million people living in the100km radius of the Fukushima catastrophe. Assuming these people remainliving there for one year the number of excess cancers predicted by the method isapproximately 200,000 in the next 50 years with 100,000 being diagnosed in thenext 10 years. If they are evacuated immediately, the number will fall by asignificant amount. For those 7 million living between 100km and 200km fromthe site, the predicted number of cancers is slightly greater with 220,000 extracancers in the next 50 years and about 100,000 being expressed in the next tenyears. These predictions are based on the ECRR risk model and also the findingsof cancer risk on Sweden after the Chernobyl accident.
2. The ICRP model predicts 2838 extra cancers in the 100km population. Theeventual yield will therefore be another test of the two risk models.
3. Calculations based on official gamma dose rates published by the JapaneseMinistry MEXT can be used to back calculate surface contamination at thepositions of the measurements using accepted scientific methods. The resultsshow that the IAEA reports have significantly under reported the contaminationlevels
4. It is recommended that urgent attention is given to making isotope specificground contamination measurements.
5. It is recommended that populations living within the 100km zone to the NorthWest of the site are immediately evacuated and the zone is made an exclusionzone.
6. The ICRP risk model should be abandoned and all political decisions shouldbe made on the basis of the recommendations of the European Committee onRadiation Riskhttp://www.euradcom.org/This is the conclusion of the eminentradiation risk experts who signed the 2009 Lesvos Declaration
7. Investigation and legal sanctions should be brought against those whoknowingly held back data from the public
8. Investigation and legal sanctions should be brought against those minimisingthe health effects of this event in the media.

Full meltdown in full swing? Japan maximum nuclear alert-Chris Busby March 30,2011
Don't recall seeing this story, maybe I've missed it. The video clip shows the dogs excitement

Rescued drifting dog reunited with owner

A dog rescued while drifting off the tsunami-stricken coast of Miyagi has been reunited with its owner more than 3 weeks after the disaster.


Too sweet! Made me tear up, darn it! Thanks, Peli. :)
What's with Gunderson's Fairewinds website being offline????

Sorry, just a 30 sec. flyby. Will be back later. Xxo
What's with Gunderson's Fairewinds website being offline????

Sorry, just a 30 sec. flyby. Will be back later. Xxo

This is what I got on their multimedia link:

Due to extremely high web traffic we are currently experiencing technical problems. We are aware of these problems and will have them resolved shortly. Thank your for your patience.


(good, I was fearing censorship, seriously)
TEPCO to drop plan to add 2 reactors at Fukushima nuclear plant

Quote: ''We now think it is impossible to add reactors,'' Takashi Fujimoto told a television program in reference to the plan to add two more reactors to the six-reactor plant.


Ya think? :waitasec:
Inhaled radiation is always the worst kind,from what I've been reading. Not that eating it is good...but breathing it is worse.

If they don't know where the water is leaking from, how in the holy blue blazes are they making all these plans to control it's leakage? Especially if it is coming from groundwater. If it is coming from groundwater, why are we still fighting this? Don't get me wrong, but the risks are already there, people will get cancer and many more people will die from this. Instead of letting it go on for months, at least, spitting out more and more uncontrolled doses of radiation, let's just get it over with, pull everyone out of the plant, move every living being that is willing and able to go as far away from the plant as possible, heat up the reactors, and get it over with.
I'm not one to say "Cut your losses" where the massive loss of human life if concerned, but it's all leading there anyway. IMO.
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