Japan - Miyazawa family of 4 murdered, Setagaya, Tokyo, 30 Dec 2000 #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I think that food and defecating - yes

He had to wash off blood before falling asleep so, probably, more than 2 hours

He had to be somewhat organized with sleep though

He still had his knife so if anyone entered the house, he was fully prepared to kill self/others so I don’t think he was in a rush…

If there were no bloodied footprints on the ground, means he probably walked on earth/not concrete/not paved road

But he had to leave the house before dawn so whenever the sunrise was in Dec 29-30-31 of 2000, he was gone before that

I don’t think he was on meth, probably high with inner dopamine and has a sweet tooth. This doesn’t change; I would have preferred salty chips, for example, but he likes sweets
I haven’t read anything about bloody footprints outside anywhere, but there were his footprints under the bathroom window.
The park behind the house and river walk are both dirt, but the front of the house and road to the side are pavement.

I don’t really know if average sunrise and sunset times can change each year or not, but looking at my weather app for where I live In Setagaya the average sunrise for December is 6:43am and sunset is 4:31pm.
So let’s say it’s 6:43am. When would you guess it would start getting light outside? Let’s also remember the house’s surroundings: tennis courts, parks, river walks, etc. Almost certainly there will be people up to walk the dog, jog along the river walk, start an early game of tennis maybe? Basically, people will be up and about in this area around daylight before total sunrise I think. So perhaps not too long after 1:30am and he was gone.

In my head I’ve always had the computer use as his final activity because I feel like it would be the time he was calmest. An ice cream cup was found next to the computer that he used, so I think by this time he was wound down and almost ready to leave and was eating and checking out the PC.
Do you think of it that way too or another way?
Do you guys think two hours is more than enough time to do what he did in the house with room for other things, or do you think it sounds about right given his state?

I think if you were uninjured and actively trying to be as quick as possible, you could probably do most of the things the killer did in less than 30 minutes--plus however long it took to kill the family. Ransacking a house doesn't necessarily take very long.

In the killer's condition after he injured himself? Who knows. It depends how severe his injury really was, and how much blood he actually lost.
I haven’t read anything about bloody footprints outside anywhere, but there were his footprints under the bathroom window.
The park behind the house and river walk are both dirt, but the front of the house and road to the side are pavement.

I don’t really know if average sunrise and sunset times can change each year or not, but looking at my weather app for where I live In Setagaya the average sunrise for December is 6:43am and sunset is 4:31pm.
So let’s say it’s 6:43am. When would you guess it would start getting light outside? Let’s also remember the house’s surroundings: tennis courts, parks, river walks, etc. Almost certainly there will be people up to walk the dog, jog along the river walk, start an early game of tennis maybe? Basically, people will be up and about in this area around daylight before total sunrise I think. So perhaps not too long after 1:30am and he was gone.

In my head I’ve always had the computer use as his final activity because I feel like it would be the time he was calmest. An ice cream cup was found next to the computer that he used, so I think by this time he was wound down and almost ready to leave and was eating and checking out the PC.
Do you think of it that way too or another way?
On December 31, 2000, sunrise in Setagaya was at 6:51am and sunset was 4:38pm. MOO.
Good points.

1) Re: statue - The letter 6 was inscribed in Kanji. Its a 20 kg statue. I have seen some similar stuff online and they don’t seem to be inscribed at the base as a norm. Could it be a good Samaritan? Sure. But the placing a heavy statue at night is certainly odd. They also don’t seem to be very cheap, atleast according to this site, and this one is quite small and less elaborate.

2) Re: Rei’s plane interest - Ofcourse we shouldn’t ignore stuff, but I do feel like the killer smh was first made aware of the family in the market. Ofcourse we can’t discount the fact that he might have seen the family earlier.

3) Re: killer’s mental state

A lot of disorders have been thrown around here, and why I am not a psychiatric expert, I don’t think the killer fits the mold of any one of them, except maybe some conduct/ rule breaking disorder.

I would reiterate the fact that while the killer was a novice killer, he wasnt amateurish in his entry and exit. He didn’t leave a lot of clues behind, except for during and immediately after the murders. The murders don’t seem to have been planned in rage, there is an element of good bit of planning here imo.

4) Re:cell phones - I don’t know how verified this is. I think I will wait for some better researched sources before venturing into this.

5) Re: killer’s activities.

Kill 4 people, patch yourself up, eat ice cream, drink tea, poop, use the computer, disturb the drawers, empty stuff in the bathroom. I think all of it can be done in a short time frame.

What he does after that is up for speculation. Personally I don’t think the killer napped, but simply waited/rested and went out some time before first light, to avoid folks like newspaper guys and grocery guys who might be up early morning.

It is said he entered at 11pm and the killing was done by 11:30pm as the ladder to the loft went back up.
So this gives us at least two hours for all the things we know happened.
He may have stayed later than 1:30am before leaving.
Part of me wonders why didn’t he just stay the night considering his injuries, the access to the computer and food and a possible adrenaline crash.

Did he have a curfew? Did the base or did the trains stopped working at a certain time?

Or was he worried about someone, like another family member or resident, walking in?

Also, though random or possibly out of scope, a part of me also wonders what if this crime for him was not a one-off thing? For example, perhaps he commits some heinous act every time he moves to a new country or region if the impulse was there? Even if he was possibly young when he horrendously murdered the poor Miyazawa family perhaps as he got older and more independent the pattern and impulse escalated and repeated themselves?
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I can’t forget the sound of the ring/intercom that a neighbor heard. Does anyone remember the timing?

I was thinking, mysterious Japanese people are humans like everyone else. And assuming that the killer is one of their own, which I think he is, what would some young person, not an addict, not a psychopath, not a SK, kill the whole family for?

For knowing his secret, or a family secret, maybe? An adult man would, for example, kill for the knowledge about his shameful relationship. An older teenager…maybe, because his big secret (girlfriend’s pregnancy, or falling in love with a much younger girl) got known?

So I remember the timing: the New Year, the time of nengajo. All You Need To Know About Japan's 'Nengajo' New Year's Cards - Savvy Tokyo

Yes, usually they are supposed to arrive by January 1, but is it still possible that with the high card volume being sent in 2000, one arrived on the morning of December 30? Or could it be so that a student in Yasuko’s school accidentally left a written nengajo (meant for someone else) in their house? Or did a young mailman accidentally deliver something not meant for them? I read that young kids, of 15-16, get temp holiday work delivering postcards.

So this is a scenario in my head: the killer rings. The Miyazawas open the door. For whatever reason, they invite him in, maybe indeed he is a local, and he, as a polite guest, puts on the slippers. Hence, DNA on them. Then they start a discussion in the lobby/entrance area, and this is when people in the Irie’s house hear two voices, the woman’s one (Yasuko) and the male one (the guest.)

I think the argument is about possession, he wants his stuff back, and Yasuko says, no (will let the girlfriend’s mother know? Or was the card meant for Niina, a child, totally inappropriate?)

An argument leads to nothing, and the man leaves. Through the front door. No blood yet, there is only his DNA in the slippers at that moment. However, he is angry. Then, he waits in the darkness till everyone is asleep, walks from the back, gets into the bathroom window and the mayhem begins.

This scenario could explain why he knew the family (a local!) enough to plan but the planning was done rapidly. He clearly is “Japanese enough”; “comfort food” in his stomach somehow rules out a US army brat, sorry. He actually, doesn’t need to travel far. Maybe he does use a bike, but more likely, in the evening he comes on foot.

I mean, with good luck, he could get back home, wash himself and even ride a bike to deliver the cards. Or ask his brother to do it.

I remember the havoc related to that lost postcard from the Miyazawas’ house. Then, the police said that one of their policemen took it. I remember asking myself, how did the police know about that card in general? It could have been An or Haruko who walked into the house in the morning and saw the card lying on the table. Later, they noticed its absence from the house. And maybe, it is still absent but is one of the secrets the police doesn’t want to disclose.

So, could the young man be a BF of Yasuko’s female cram school student? Maybe waiting for her in the park, maybe skateboarding, even, but not a part of that “main group”? He probably was local enough to not stand out and he was less smart and more impulsive in general.

Or maybe, he, indeed, moonlighted as a mailman but “sent own” nengajo to Niina and it was figured out by Yasuko? I wonder if it was someone very local, very casually known in the neighborhood but never paid attention to?

Why wasn’t he found? Maybe killed himself soon enough, or was sent by parents to grandparents (another island) and eventually, did the same later?

To me, he doesn’t come across as a psychopath but maybe, he is a tad delayed and shooting from the hip?

Yasuko’s purse being searched gave me this idea. Also, I would like to know if a box of matches disappeared from the Miyazawas’ house? I think he found his “item” and burned it, maybe next to the pond.
Charlot123: "To me, he doesn’t come across as a psychopath but maybe, he is a tad delayed and shooting from the hip?"

To murder four people in cold blood including two young children and then descretate their home like he did is not only utterly twisted, but Psychopathic - even Sociopathic. Maybe more Sociopathic, but definitely not normal behaviour under any circumstances.

Highly unlikely this was the only bad thing he ever did in his life, but it may have been the most shocking and extreme.

Who knows?!

He could have actually gone on to committing further murders, but until he is found we will never truly know.
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