Japan - Miyazawa family of 4 murdered, Setagaya, Tokyo, 30 Dec 2000 #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
(She had seizures and was off her meds during the shooting)
Or a Texas shooter
RSBM. OMG. She has quite a few conditions. What I noticed in the article: "At her first hearing, in 1993, Spencer said she had hoped police would shoot her, and that she had been a user of alcohol and drugs at the time of the crime, although the results of drug tests done when she was taken into custody were negative." This suggests that the Setagaya killer might have been on drugs in general but had been off them for some time due to financial strain. This could potentially explain his brutality and the negative blood tests.

Re: Texas shooter, "he did not have a criminal record or any documented mental health issues. However, he had searched the term "sociopath" and received an email about possible treatment. He had also previously posted violent threats online. School officials at Uvalde High School withdrew him from the school on October 28, 2021, due to his frequent absences. Ramos' social media acquaintances said he openly abused and killed animals such as cats and would livestream the abuse on Yubo." ( Uvalde school shooting ) How could this slip through the police? He could have a record for animal abuse, so why wasn't it documented as a mental health issue? This was in 2022, just recently.

In the DSM-4, the American Psychiatric Association lists animal cruelty as one of the behaviours signalling conduct disorder.
Today, a person like Miyazawa would keep his money, probably, in cryptocurrency.
But in 2000, what would he invest into? How do they keep money in Japan?
RSBM. Japanese government bonds: these can be held electronically or in paper form, taking up minimal physical space. Another way to keep the money would be Savings accounts and time deposits. If the killer thought Mikio had JGBs, this could explain why he turned everything upside down. Although, JGBs typically require personal identification to redeem. So he would need to get Mikio's passport or resident card as well.
RSBM. Japanese government bonds: these can be held electronically or in paper form, taking up minimal physical space. Another way to keep the money would be Savings accounts and time deposits. If the killer thought Mikio had JGBs, this could explain why he turned everything upside down. Although, JGBs typically require personal identification to redeem. So he would need to get Mikio's passport or resident card as well.

Maybe even just a Hanko - those hold a lot of weight. I had a few made and still have them.

When it came to business or financial transactions I found the Hanko was more than enough without others forms of ID - when I did use it. Not that I was applying for massive loans or sealing major business deals - nothing of the kind.
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Long story short. I believe antiseizure drugs could offer some prevention
There is a growing trend to treat epilepsy in dogs with CBD oil diluted in hemp oil and/or herbal tinctures. This treatment relaxes dogs and has some positive behavioural impacts as well. While it is not a complete cure, the seizures become less severe and less frequent. For cases of mild to moderate epilepsy, it looks like a good alternative to traditional drugs.
I think that is plausible. IIRC none of the skaters by the house could help LE identify the suspect but maybe the perp uses the skate park during off hours. For example, if he was a Night Owl, insomniac or just really not getting along with someone at home he goes to the park long after dark when he could be alone. Under the cover of darkness and skateboarding alone chances are he wouldn’t cause a noise disturbance, let alone be a bother to anyone in anyone in the homes. Perhaps he did it for weeks or months, during late nights to early morning, without anyone knowing. The habit could have also led to him first targeting the Miyazawa home as he observed their late night habits, recognized them one by one and either started to stalk or follow them before committing their murders.
I had similar thoughts with a slight twist.

We know Mikio complained to a bunch of skaters. We know Yasuko had noticed a car parked very close to the house.

Lets assume the killer is a young student attending some vocational course in one of the nearby universities. But maybe he is bunking classes or has free tine during general office/school hours He is athletic, so maybe he is into some kinda sports, it could be skating or something else. He uses the park, maybe at times he parks his car too close to the house. Yasuko is irritated by this, recounts this to Mikio in the evenings, and maybe after a point he decides to confront the skater group believing that one of them is probably the guy thats using the parks in the morning.

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