Japan - Miyazawa family of 4 murdered, Setagaya, Tokyo, 30 Dec 2000 #3

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
I don’t need a medical background to dismiss that out of hand.
Even if you had any degree of medical background, you can’t dismiss anything without knowing the specifics of the injuries sustained. Your method of deriving decisive judgement, especially concerning a technical subject, without having all the facts at hand, seems to indicate a fault in your methodology of critical thinking. You can only proffer an opinion, although that would most likely be erroneous given your lack of any foundational knowledge in this regard, and its ok. You don’t need to be good at this.

I note you didn’t clarify your point about my lacking respect for the victims or not from earlier in the thread.
I respect your work on this case. Apart from that, I don’t need to add anything else here. The real victims are the Miyazawa family here, and they should be the focus of discussion.
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For better or for worse, I would say.....

Its unlikely that the Military Exchange carried foreign shoe sizes. The vast majority of merchandise came straight from the US. This would probably go double for clothing articles due to style considerations and the desire to have common US sizes.

The only exceptions that I remember in Germany were a handful of higher end / glass display case German specialty items such as expensive binoculars, cameras, pocket / kitchen knives, and probably some cuckoo clocks.

As a curious side note, the Base Exchange / Rod and Gun club also sold (or more likely brokered) highly sought after German fire arms, including pistols. But.... I also vaguely remember that you needed to have transfer orders to the US before one could actually purchase them.
FWIW, the PD mention both the Japanese and the Korean size. Considering that after the manpower and time that they have thrown around on this ( seems to be considerable according to some folks ) , and yet they have not been more explicit whether the shoe size is indeed Korean or not, leads me to conclude that most likely, the shoe, like the rest of his attire, was sourced locally, unless we have some strong indication Of it being otherwise
Never said his goal was Yasuko or Niina so I dunno who you are disagreeing with here. As for sidelining Mikio, thats a misinterpretation of what I said. He was done with killing Mikio and didn’t exhibit any of the immense ferocity that he showed subsequently to the others. It could be incidental or purposeful. We don’t know that.

What that tells us though is that while killing Mikio was certainly the killer’s intent, killing him in a ferocious manner was not, making it difficult for me to believe that he was the sole target of his hatred.
I can't agree with the assertion that he "didn't exhibit any of the immense ferocity that he showed subsequently to the others" or that killing Mikio in a ferocious manner wasn't intended. From all descriptions I've read, it was a particularly ferocious attack.
If there is a slight difference in "level of ferocity", I would attribute it to likely the overall arc of violence: He starts by the (relatively) mild attack on Rei, silencing him so as to prevent an alert to his presence by the others. His next attack is where the "real" violence starts -where the violence becomes brutal, vicious, and bloody. The start is Mikio, followed by the other two. His adrenaline is rising during the attacks. I guess I'm looking at this as not a series of murders, but a murderous episode, with a start, peak, and finish. That's why I tend to think that the pulling out/emptying of drawers, and other destruction in the house is simply that once the adrenaline and physical energy gets going, it tends to taper. It wouldn't just stop with the last killing.
Anyway, just my two cents.
FWIW, the PD mention both the Japanese and the Korean size. Considering that after the manpower and time that they have thrown around on this ( seems to be considerable according to some folks ) , and yet they have not been more explicit whether the shoe size is indeed Korean or not, leads me to conclude that most likely, the shoe, like the rest of his attire, was sourced locally, unless we have some strong indication Of it being otherwise
In this case wouldn’t we have a list of places the Slazenger tennis shoe was sold, the same as we do for all the other items of clothing?… if the TMPD were unsure about the degree of sizing to a reasonable doubt and it meant it was actually sold in Japan, they would surely list the places it was sold if they were incorrect? At least that’s what I’d hope to see here…

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