Jason Young to get new trial #3

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There is a photo of her ultrasound on the fridge door, but how do we know what those photos are? Did this come in at trial?

After being pregnant twice I know what U/S pics look like. Just because there is one on the fridge doesn't mean those aren't on the counter. You get different u/s pics at different visits. The one on the fridge could be from her very first visit to dtermine she is pregnant, you know when the baby looks like a peanut. Then when you go back for the sex of the baby they will take numerous ones and when the tech prints them that is how they print out. I have several like those from both pregnancies. Who know she may have been showing them to SS that night.
I know that, but you can still see where the photos were, not to mention that there is something else closer to the toaster oven that is missing.

As stated before the pics are WRAL are not all the crime scene pics. Just because they are in a particular order on WRAL doesn't mean that is how they were really taken. They can't release all the pics to the public. I'm sure alot were taken. But what would help is seeing the video from the walk through of the house.
As stated before the pics are WRAL are not all the crime scene pics. Just because they are in a particular order on WRAL doesn't mean that is how they were really taken. They can't release all the pics to the public. I'm sure alot were taken. But what would help is seeing the video from the walk through of the house.

They showed it at the trial. If you would have watched it, you would have known:)


PS, not kidding about the video. They did show it at the trial.
Who knows. Perhaps he tried and then gave up when nothing changed. He did seem sincere about how thankful he was that MF would be a mediator for them and that MF would try to convince her sister that he had valid concerns. JY was a huge PITA, but it sounds like MY was as well. Marriage is hard and way harder when you put two bull-headed people together.

I disagree. IMO, he doesn't have a sincere bone in his body. He used his SIL to get to his wife? Anyone married knows that marriage is hard, as you say but where is the evidence that SHE was a PITA? IMO she assuaged him for the most part.
The more I see the photos the more confusing it is. Look at Photo 9, a photo of the exterior, where the state says the hose was left on from 3-4am until 1:30 the next afternoon...Are you kidding me? That would have left a larger puddle than that! There would have been water all the way down the path, not just a small spot like that.
And, MF said she could hear the hose running when she got there.

Unless someone gave Mr. G a drink of water from that hose,,,,,but, wait, Mr. G had to be in the house , it was freezing cold out that night! Temps dropped to freezing, and I doubt he was in the garage either.
I learned a long, long time ago that you never know about the inner workings of anyone's marriage except your own.

Very true. Until a crime is committed. I think we got a pretty good look at the Young's marriage after the fact.
I disagree. IMO, he doesn't have a sincere bone in his body. He used his SIL to get to his wife? Anyone married knows that marriage is hard, as you say but where is the evidence that SHE was a PITA? IMO she assuaged him for the most part.

Apparently JY and MF felt like having MF act as a go-between was a good thing to do. It is weird to me, but lots of people do weird things.

For one, MM said that she was an impatient person and taking that along with hearing the testimony of all the people who knew her, plus reading her emails, I got my opinion she could be a PITA.
A BIG dog with a BIG bladder staying in for 10-12 is not hard to accept. It happens all the time....with the dogs in our family anyway. People with jobs leave them inside for long days ALL the time and at night they hold it, even when you sleep late.

Why keep him contained? What would the dog have done while someone was murdering Michelle? That's why I believe he was put up......so he wouldn't be in the way.

Meredith had just seen her dead/murdered sister, was carrying/attending to Cassidy. I can only imagine her state of mind. The dog, I'm sure, was her LAST concern. Saying she should have put him in the back yard is unbelievable to me and absolutely no big deal at all.

I agree that MF was overwhelmed and the dog was her last concern. Everything happened so quickly. I appreciate her honesty in being fuzzy on this.
On a lighter note....back in the day....there was a poster who claimed to be an expert on how much urine a dog's bladder could hold. The discussion went on ad nauseum.:floorlaugh: MOO.
I know that, but you can still see where the photos were, not to mention that there is something else closer to the toaster oven that is missing.

I think some of the photos are before and after cops placed something there. There is one of up the stairs both before and after they dusted the right wall for prints.

It looks like cops took instant shots and placed them on the counter to dry.
Is that a Polaroid camera otto?

I don't know. I thought that polaroid cameras were obselete, and I also thought that SLR cameras offer much higher resolution photos. It would be very odd if photos were done with a polaroid ... but at the same time, it looks like there are polaroid photos laid out on the kitchen counter.
The more I see the photos the more confusing it is. Look at Photo 9, a photo of the exterior, where the state says the hose was left on from 3-4am until 1:30 the next afternoon...Are you kidding me? That would have left a larger puddle than that! There would have been water all the way down the path, not just a small spot like that.
And, MF said she could hear the hose running when she got there.

Unless someone gave Mr. G a drink of water from that hose,,,,,but, wait, Mr. G had to be in the house , it was freezing cold out that night! Temps dropped to freezing, and I doubt he was in the garage either.

The hose was simply dripping. It looks like it wasn't completely shut off at the valve on the house. Still, police apparently checked the soil for blood ... perhaps unaware of the fact that iron is in soil, and iron is what is detected in blood. I believe the police theory was that if there was blood, it was too diluted to detect.

Meredith said that she heard the hose running even though she was upstairs and traumatized? That doesn't make any sense.

I think the temperature was around 40F, or slightly above freezing.
I don't know. I thought that polaroid cameras were obselete, and I also thought that SLR cameras offer much higher resolution photos. It would be very odd if photos were done with a polaroid ... but at the same time, it looks like there are polaroid photos laid out on the kitchen counter.

Law enforcement might have turned to using their phones now but in 2006, I think Polaroids were still being used.

Amazon.com: Polaroid Spectra AF Law Enforcement Camera Kit with Close Up Stand: Everything Else@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51wJH67ojfL.@@AMEPARAM@@51wJH67ojfL
I don't know. I thought that polaroid cameras were obselete, and I also thought that SLR cameras offer much higher resolution photos. It would be very odd if photos were done with a polaroid ... but at the same time, it looks like there are polaroid photos laid out on the kitchen counter.

Otto, do the kitchen windows over the sink look into the garage?
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